Russian Military Intelligence on Asia Online Secret Prints, 1883-1914

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Page: 6

The exploration of the route from Tsesarevich bay (Mertvyi Kultuk bay) across the Ustiurt to Kungrad, made in 1884 / by colonel Beliavskii of the General Staff

Page: 51

Description of the route from Kyzyl-Arvat via Igdy to Petro-Aleksandrovsk / by captain Gedeonov of the General Staff, 1884

Page: 57

Essay on the Transcaspian region / by major general Meier of the General Staff, 1885

Page: 76

A note on the river Atrek / by captain 1st rank and aide-de-camp Makarov, October 1881

Page: 80

Account by the collegiate counsellor Andreev, special task official of the Turkestan district quartermaster service, who accompanied in 1884 the 17th Turkestan line battalion from Petro-Aleksandrovsk to Merv

Page: 88

Description of the river Amu Darya from the Petro-Aleksandrovsk fortress to the ford at Chardzhou

Page: 97

Note on local link roads that are liable to improvement in the interests of the development of Russian trade in the Bukharan possessions / by N. Charykov. Tashkent, December, 1884

Page: 102

Afghanistan: from the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 7th edition, 1878

Page: 138

The khanate of Kunduz

Page: 144

Note on the north-western border strip of Afghanistan