Russian Military Intelligence on Asia Online Secret Prints, 1883-1914

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Table of contents

Page: 6

Note by army sergeant major Rubinov on his journey along the Songhua river to the city of San Sing and back again, in August of 1888

Page: 39

Combined manoeuvre with different types of old Chinese weapons / by colonel Putiata of the General Staff

Page: 43

An article by a certain Wang Qing, civil servant of Heilongjiang province, Chan-tu district, on the state of this region

Page: 45

The Port Arthur arsenal (Newspaper "Temps", letter from Tianjin, July 6, 1890)

Page: 46

The Persian army (From "Times", February 11, 1890, translated from English by N.P. Garin)

Page: 53

The Great Central Asian Trade Route from Peking to Kashgaria / By colonel Mark S. Bell ; translated from English by lieutenant colonel Smagin of the General Staff

Page: 78

The Chinese budget / by colonel Putiata of the General Staff

Page: 85

Prohibition for Chinese people to settle on Manchurian land; Tianjin-Tongzhouand Manchurian railways / by colonel Putiata of the General Staff

Page: 88

Maps and plates