U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
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- Aerial reconnaissance x
- 3> 240-inch camera
- 1> 40 Committee
- 1> AEC
- 9> AEDS
- 8> Aerial incident
- 1> Aerial incidents
- 11> AFTAC
- 5> Agreement reached
- 1> Aiefields
- 1> Airborne intelligence package
- 1> Air campaign
- 4> Air corridors
- 1> Aircraft carriers
- 1> Aircraft communications
- 1> Aircraft replacement
- 1> Aircraft types
- 4> Air sampling
- 4> Air sampling mission
- 1> Air sampling missions
- 7> Airspace violations
- 1> Air strikes
- 7> Air Weather Service
- 16> Akrotiri
- 4> Akrotiri air base
- 4> Albania
- 1> Algeria
- 1> Algerian cease-fire
- 1> Algerian rebels
- 1> Analyzing data form nuclear explosions
- 4> Archbishop Makarios
- 10> Argentina
- 1> Army Security Agency
- 1> Ascension Island
- 1> Ast Germany
- 1> Athens Air Base
- 4> Atomic Energy Commission
- 1> Atomic Energy Detection System
- 8> Atomic energy detection system
- 1> Atomic strike plans
- 8> Attack on US aircraft
- 1> Attack warning information
- 4> Austria
- 1> Avoid all publicity
- 1> Azores
- 2> Bad weather
- 1> Ballistic missiles
- 2> Baltic Sea
- 11> Ban on SIGINT flights over Black Sea
- 1> Base rights negotiations
- 2> Bear heavy bombers
- 12> Berlin
- 2> Berlin air corridors
- 2> Big Fan project
- 2> Black Sea
- 1> Black Sea Fleet
- 1> Bodo airport
- 1> Bosnia
- 1> Bosnian Serb air defense system
- 1> Bosnian Serb military
- 4> Briefing
- 1> Briefing on incident
- 1> British are shits
- 1> British government
- 6> British government authorization
- 1> British military
- 1> Bulgaria
- 3> C-130 reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> C-54 aircraft flights
- 1> Cameras
- 3> Cessation of flights
- 3> Charles De Gaulle
- 1> Chile
- 1> Chipmunk aircraft
- 3> Coordination of effort
- 1> Coordination of reconnaissance programs
- 1> Costs
- 1> Cover story
- 1> Creek Field imagery
- 1> Cut-off information
- 1> Cypriot government hostility to flights
- 3> Cypriot press reporting
- 22> Cyprus
- 4> Czechoslovakia
- 6> Daily intelligence summary
- 1> Danish government
- 1> Danish intelligence services
- 1> Defense Nuclear Agency
- 3> Denials
- 4> Denmark
- 2> Diplomatic embarrassment
- 4> Diplomatic protests
- 2> Eastern Europe
- 3> East German air force
- 1> East German shift to microwave communications
- 1> East German troop deployments
- 4> East Germany
- 1> Egypt
- 1> Egyptian government
- 1> Egyptian-Israeli ceasefire
- 1> Electronic warfare training
- 35> ELINT
- 1> ELINT training
- 1> End of arms embargo
- 3> Equipment lease agreement
- 1> Eric Timm
- 1> Espionage trial
- 1> European behavior disgraceful
- 1> Expand Turkish SIGINT service
- 1> Fear that Greece will cancel future flights
- 8> Ferret aircraft
- 1> Ferret flights
- 1> Ferret missions cancelled
- 1> Field Station Berlin
- 1> Fighter escort
- 3> Fiji
- 1> Finland
- 1> Flight routes
- 2> Flight schedule
- 1> Forced landing on Tahiti
- 1> Forces in West Germany
- 1> Foreign Office
- 11> Formal agreement
- 2> FPS-95
- 24> France
- 1> Francis Gary Powers
- 1> French Foreign office
- 2> French intelligence services
- 1> French-NATO relations
- 5> French nuclear weapons testing
- 8> French Polynesia
- 1> Funding for Greek airborne SIGINT program
- 1> Future reconnaissance flights involving Norway
- 1> General Pehacek
- 1> General Sunay
- 9> Germany
- 1> GNAT unmanned drone
- 27> Great Britain
- 12> Greece
- 5> Greek air force
- 4> Greek government concern about incident
- 1> Greek government demand for consultation on future flights
- 1> Greek military
- 1> GSFG
- 4> Helicopter flights
- 1> Hellenikon Air Base
- 1> Hungary
- 2> Iceland
- 2> Improvements in treaty verification capabilities
- 1> Inadvertent
- 1> Inform NATO
- 1> Inspected by French authorities
- 5> Intelligence collection
- 17> Intelligence facilities
- 1> Intelligence missions
- 1> Intercepts
- 1> Israeli government
- 1> Israeli raid on Beirut
- 1> Karelo-Finnish border
- 1> Keflavik
- 1> Kothen airfield
- 1> L-19 aircraft
- 1> Land request
- 1> Lark Spur
- 1> Legitimacy
- 13> Libya
- 1> Libyan airspace claims
- 1> Libyan internal situation
- 1> Listening posts
- 2> London Signals Intelligence Board
- 4> Lord Hood
- 2> LSIB
- 1> Lunding
- 8> Malta
- 1> Mapping activities
- 1> Mendoza
- 2> Mendoza airfield
- 1> Middle East crisis
- 1> Middle East developments
- 5> Military exercises
- 1> Military surveillance in East Berlin
- 1> Mirage fighters
- 2> Mission aborted
- 2> Monitoring French nuclear weapons tests
- 1> Morch
- 1> More support for France
- 12> Mururoa
- 10> National Security Agency
- 1> Naval exercise
- 3> NC-135A reconnaissance aircraft
- 2> Negative press reporting
- 13> Negotiations
- 1> New type of Soviet aircraft
- 1> New York Times
- 1> No disclosure to Norwegian government
- 1> No intelligence sharing with Israel
- 10> Norway
- 1> Norway willing to "cover up for its friends"
- 4> Norwegian government
- 1> Norwegian involvement
- 1> Noumea
- 1> No US air operations
- 3> Nuclear air sampling
- 1> Nuclear intelligence
- 1> Nuclear sampling operations
- 1> Nuclear targeting
- 2> Nuclear test detection
- 9> Nuclear weapons
- 7> Nuclear weapons test detection
- 7> Nuclear weapons testing
- 3> Nuclear weapons tests
- 1> Oblique photography
- 4> Ocean surveillance flights
- 1> Operation DENY FLIGHT
- 1> Operation DICE GAME
- 1> Operation FISH HAWK
- 1> Operation HULA HOOP
- 1> Overflight of Mururoa
- 1> Overflight privileges
- 22> Overflights
- 2> Overflights of Turkish airspace
- 2> Over-the-horizon radar
- 1> Pago Pago
- 1> Papeete
- 1> Patrick Dean
- 1> Patrolling
- 1> Patrol planes
- 1> Paul
- 2> Peru
- 25> Photographic intelligence
- 11> Photo intelligence
- 4> Pierrelatte incident
- 1> Pincus
- 2> Plane missing
- 1> Planning conference
- 1> Poland
- 1> Political clearances
- 1> PREDATOR unmanned drone
- 5> Press leaks
- 1> Press reporting
- 2> Prime Minister Ecevit
- 1> Problems with British government
- 3> Project Airstream
- 2> Project Cold Skin
- 1> Project CROWFLIGHT
- 2> Project QUICK DIP
- 3> Project SKIN DIVER
- 1> Public disclosure
- 2> Radar intelligence
- 2> Radar tracking
- 1> RAF bases
- 1> RAF Luqa
- 1> Railway traffic
- 1> RB-47
- 1> RB-47 incident
- 1> RB-50G
- 2> RB-57 reconnaissance aircraft
- 2> RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> RC-135 RIVET JOINT reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> RC-54
- 3> Reconnaissance aircraft
- 10> Reconnaissance flights
- 2> Reconnaissance satellites
- 1> Reconsider British policy
- 1> Relocation of personnel
- 1> Replacement for aircraft
- 2> Request for delay in reconnaissance flights
- 1> Reserve call-ups
- 1> Resolution of crisis
- 3> Restrictions on photographic reconnaissance flights
- 1> RG-8 LOFTY VIEW reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> Risk assessment
- 9> Royal Air Force
- 2> SALT II treaty
- 2> Sampling operations
- 15> Scientific flights
- 2> Secrecy of operations
- 2> Shootdown
- 32> SIGINT
- 1> Singapore
- 1> Skaggerak
- 1> Sola
- 1> Sola airfield
- 4> Sovereign Base Areas
- 1> Soviet agreement to US reconnaissance overflights
- 2> Soviet air activity
- 4> Soviet air force
- 1> Soviet air force flight activity
- 4> Soviet diplomatic protests
- 1> Soviet inspired
- 1> Soviet-Iranian border
- 1> Soviet military
- 1> Soviet military forces
- 1> Soviet missile sites
- 1> Soviet missile test monitoring
- 1> Soviet naval activities
- 8> Soviet navy
- 1> Soviet troop concentrations
- 2> Soviet troops in Czechoslovakia
- 2> Soviet Union
- 3> Special Electronic Search Projects
- 3> SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> Student demonstrations
- 3> Submarine base
- 4> Suez Canal
- 2> Surveillance flights
- 1> Surveillance of French nuclear weapons tests
- 1> Surveillance of Soviet naval activities
- 3> Sweden
- 1> Symington
- 1> Syria
- 1> Target material
- 3> Targets
- 1> Technical discussions
- 2> Terms acceptable to Greek government
- 1> Test flights
- 1> Training activities
- 2> Training flights
- 1> Training requirements
- 1> Transcript
- 3> Troop movements
- 33> Turkey
- 12> Turkish airfields
- 11> Turkish foreign minister
- 20> Turkish General Staff
- 3> Turkish government
- 1> Turkish opium production
- 2> U.S. Air Force
- 1> U.S. Atlantic Fleet
- 1> U.S. intelligence information on RB-47 incident
- 2> U.S. Navy
- 1> U.S. nuclear alert
- 7> U-2
- 1> U-2 and SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft
- 19> U-2 reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> UK Foreign Office
- 1> UK must receive photo intelligence
- 2> Unauthorized overflights
- 1> Unmanned drones
- 1> Unusual U.S. flight activity
- 10> US Air Force
- 2> Use of Nandi airfield
- 1> US-Greek Defense Cooperation negotiations
- 1> US intelligence facilities in Greece
- 1> US intentions re future flights
- 1> US legal rights
- 1> US military bases
- 4> US military flights
- 1> US monitoring of French nuclear testing
- 1> US Navy
- 1> USNS Huntsville
- 1> USNS Richfield
- 4> Vienna
- 1> Visit to Lockheed plant in Ontario California
- 2> Visit to Moscow
- 3> Vlone Bay
- 4> WC-135 reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> Wideawake airfield
- 1> Withdrawal of U-2s
- 3> Yugoslavia
- 1> Yugoslav intelligence services
- 1> Yugoslav observers
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- U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 x
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U.S. Air Force, Report, Deliberate Force ::A Case Study of Effective Air Campaigning, June 1988, Unclassified, DTIC.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
U.S. Air Force
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, Ankara to Secretary of State, January 11, 1966, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, Ankara to Secretary of State, January 15, 1966, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Report, Item for the President’s Weekly Review ::Turkey, January 12, 1966, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, Ankara to Secretary of State, January 15, 1966, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, Ankara to Secretary of State, January 17, 1966, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, Secretary of State to Ankara, January 25, 1966, Secret - LIMDIS, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, Ankara to Secretary of State, January 3, 1966, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, Ankara to Secretary of State, January 7, 1966, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, Ankara to Secretary of State, January 9, 1966, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)