U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
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- Albania x
- 1> "Non-violent" interference with communist merchant shipping traffic to Albania
- 1> 1951 operations were disappointing
- 2> Accomplishments
- 1> Acts of terror or violence
- 1> Advanced intelligence vase
- 4> Aerial reconnaissance
- 1> agent infiltration
- 39> Agent infiltration
- 9> Agent infiltration operations
- 1> Agent infiltration plans
- 1> Agent infiltration schedule
- 4> Agent losses
- 3> Agent networks
- 4> Agent operations
- 1> Agent recruitment
- 1> Agent recruitment in Italy
- 1> Agents captured
- 2> Agents executed
- 1> Agents forced to flee to Yugoslavia
- 2> Agents killed
- 3> Agent teams
- 1> Agent training
- 1> Agreement with British
- 1> Agricultural production
- 2> Aircraft
- 1> Aircraft carriers
- 1> Aircrew
- 1> Air defense forces
- 1> Airdrops
- 1> Air drops
- 4> Airfields
- 4> Air operations
- 1> Albania economic liability to USSR
- 1> Albanian agent networks
- 2> Albanian agents
- 1> Albanian agents recruited in Italy
- 1> Albanian agent teams
- 2> Albanian air force
- 2> Albanian armed forces
- 1> Albanian army
- 1> Albanian Committee of Prizren
- 1> Albanian Communist Party
- 1> Albanian emigre group
- 1> Albanian emigre groups
- 1> Albanian foreign policy
- 5> Albanian government
- 1> Albanian government countermeasures
- 1> Albanian Guard Company
- 1> Albanian intelligence service
- 1> Albanian internal security
- 3> Albanian military
- 1> Albanian military capabilities
- 1> Albanian naval bases
- 1> Albanian politburo
- 1> Albanian refugees
- 1> Albanian resistance leaders
- 3> Albanian royal family
- 1> Albanian Security Division Police
- 2> Albanian security forces
- 1> Albanian security services
- 1> Albanians in Italy and Yugoslavia
- 1> Albanian spies inside CIA facilities
- 1> Albanian Task Force
- 1> Albanian Workers Party
- 1> Albania ripe for revolution
- 1> Albania threat to Yugoslavia
- 1> Albania’s connections with Japan and Third World
- 1> All details of operations known to Greeks and Italians.
- 1> All operations and training suspended
- 1> Amnesty for political prisoners
- 2> Annual report
- 1> Anti-communist radio transmitter
- 4> Anti-communist resistance groups
- 1> Anti-communist resistance organizations
- 2> Anti-communist resistence groups
- 4> Anti-communist underground groups
- 1> Anti-communist underground organizations
- 1> Anti-government plots uncovered
- 1> Anti-Hoxha government in exile
- 1> Antique Stalinist system
- 4> Apple Team
- 1> Arrest of Surinamese official
- 1> Arrests and executions
- 1> Assassinations
- 2> Assessment
- 1> Assets available
- 3> Assistance to CIA operations
- 3> Asylum
- 1> Attacks on Albanian military and police
- 1> Austria
- 3> Balli Kombetar
- 1> Bank accounts
- 1> Barracks
- 1> Bases in Italy or Greece
- 1> Belgian intelligence services
- 1> Belgian Security Service
- 2> Belgium
- 1> Berat
- 1> Black propaganda
- 1> Bomb damage
- 1> Break of diplomatic relations with China
- 1> British agent
- 1> British agent landings in Albania
- 7> British Foreign Office
- 1> British infiltration operations
- 25> British intelligence
- 2> British intelligence service
- 32> British intelligence services
- 1> British objections to OPC positions
- 1> British objectives in Albania
- 1> British operational goals now different from U.S.
- 1> British opposed to regime change
- 1> British trying to recoup their prestige
- 1> British unwillingness to participate in propaganda program
- 1> British withdrawal from operation
- 1> Budget
- 2> Budget figures
- 1> Budget of operation
- 18> Bulgaria
- 1> Bulgarian operations
- 2> C-47 aircraft
- 1> C-47 transport aircraft
- 1> Camp for 300 Albanian recruits in Germany
- 1> Captured agent
- 17> Captured agents
- 2> Carmel Offie
- 2> Casualties
- 1> Changed international situation
- 1> Change in objectives
- 1> Change in policy towards Yugoslavia
- 1> Changes in domestic and foreign policies
- 1> Changes in international situation
- 1> Charges of incompetence
- 1> Chief of station
- 3> China
- 1> China did not send delegation to Albania
- 1> CIA-MI6 collaboration
- 1> CIA no longer had contacts inside Albania
- 1> CIA radio base
- 1> CIA station
- 1> Civil unrest in France
- 2> Clandestine radio station
- 1> Clandestine radio traffic
- 1> Clashes between Albanian and Yugoslav troops
- 1> Closest advisors
- 1> Coastal defenses
- 1> Col. Frank Rouse
- 1> Collaboration with CIA on Albania
- 1> Colonel William MacLean
- 1> Committee for Free Albania
- 3> Communications
- 1> Communications systems
- 1> Communist doctrine
- 1> Communist guerrillas
- 1> Communist source within Committee for Free Albania
- 1> communization of Albania fait accompli, communists
- 1> Comparison with British operation
- 1> Compromised location of German training facilities
- 1> Compromise of German training facilities
- 1> Concern over status of BGFIEND
- 1> Conditions ripe for revolt in Albania
- 1> Conduct of operations in Albania
- 1> Controlled by Moscow
- 1> Cooperation of Greek intelligence service and military
- 1> Coordination with British intelligence service
- 1> Corfu
- 1> Could OPC use UK base in Cyrenica
- 1> Counterintelligence
- 2> Coup de main operations
- 1> Cover for clandestine activities
- 1> covert action
- 178> Covert action
- 6> Covert aircraft
- 1> Covert economic warfare
- 1> Covert operation would be successful
- 1> Covert propaganda radio station
- 3> Covert transport aircraft
- 1> Current situation
- 1> Curtailment of operation
- 1> Cyprus
- 1> Czech Communist Party
- 5> Czechoslovakia
- 1> Deceased HUMINT effort on Albania
- 1> Deep cover
- 1> Defeat of Greek guerrillas changed mission objectives
- 1> Defector inducement
- 1> Desi Bouterese
- 1> Detaching Albania from USSR
- 1> Deterioration of relations
- 1> Diplomatic isolation
- 1> Directive
- 1> Disappearance
- 1> Discussions with British
- 1> Disillusionment
- 1> Disillusionment of Albanian population
- 1> Displaced persons camps
- 2> Disposal problems
- 2> Dissatisfaction with regime
- 1> Division of labor
- 1> DP camps
- 1> Drug trafficking
- 1> Dubcek
- 2> Durazzo
- 2> Eastern Europe
- 1> Eastern European armed forces
- 1> Eastern European military spending
- 4> East Germany
- 1> Economic impact
- 1> Economic poverty
- 1> Economic situation
- 3> Economic warfare
- 1> Economy
- 1> Edmond Michael Burke
- 1> Education
- 1> Egypt
- 1> Electronics firm
- 1> ELOPE program
- 3> Emigre groups
- 2> Emigre organizations
- 19> Enver Hoxha
- 2> Equipment
- 1> Equipment installation
- 9> Espionage trial
- 4> Espionage trials
- 1> Estimate of internal situation
- 1> Estimates of situation
- 1> EUCOM
- 1> Europe’s poorest country
- 3> Evaluation of operation
- 1> Exchange of information
- 2> Exfiltration
- 1> Exfiltration to Greece
- 1> Existence of OPC at stake
- 1> Expanded recruitment of agents
- 1> Expansion of guerrilla activities in Albania
- 1> Exploiting Albanian intelligence service
- 1> Failed operations
- 1> Failed resupply mission
- 1> Fake defector
- 1> Fighter aircraft
- 1> Fighters
- 3> Finland
- 1> Finnish agents
- 1> Finnish army
- 1> First team parachuted into Albania
- 1> Fleeing to Yugoslavia
- 4> Foreign Office
- 1> Foreign relations
- 14> Frank Wisner
- 1> Free Jurists Committee
- 1> French Indochina
- 5> French intelligence
- 5> French intelligence services
- 1> French intelligence should be approached to participate in operation
- 1> Fuel depots
- 1> Fuel storage facilities
- 1> Future course of operation
- 1> Future courses of action
- 1> Future trends
- 2> Gehlen Org
- 1> General Lucian Truscott
- 1> General Van Fleet
- 1> George Kennan
- 1> German covert training facility
- 1> German intelligence services
- 1> German training centers
- 1> German training facilities
- 4> German training facilities compromised
- 4> Germany
- 1> Government friendly to Western powers
- 5> Great Britain
- 1> Great pressure of time
- 19> Greece
- 1> Greek army
- 1> Greek communist party
- 1> Greek Communist Party
- 1> Greek Foreign Ministry
- 1> Greek General Staff
- 1> Greek government
- 1> Greek guerrillas transferred to central and northern Albania
- 3> Greek intelligence
- 2> Greek intelligence service
- 3> Greek intelligence services
- 1> Greek intentions towards Free Albanian Committee
- 1> Greek military invasion of Albania
- 1> Greek operations into Albania
- 1> Greek prime minister
- 1> Greeks and Italians should be approached to support agent infiltration
- 1> Green parties in parliament
- 1> Guatemala
- 2> Guerrilla activities
- 1> Guerrilla groups
- 1> Guerrilla groups active in Mirdite region
- 1> Guerrilla groups active in northern Albania
- 1> Guerrillas
- 2> Guerrilla warfare
- 1> Harassment operations
- 1> Harry Fultz
- 1> Health system
- 1> Heavy losses
- 1> Henry Luce
- 1> Heretics
- 1> HICOG
- 2> Historical review
- 1> History of project
- 1> History of Warsaw Pact
- 1> Holding area for agent recruits
- 1> Hoxha
- 1> Hoxha regime in control
- 17> HUMINT
- 4> Hungary
- 1> Immediate review of Albanian operations
- 1> Impact of loss of Chinese support
- 1> Impoverished Albanians trying to escape to Greece and Yugoslavia
- 1> Increased security measures
- 1> Increasing resistance activity
- 1> Industry
- 2> Infiltration
- 1> Infiltration of agent teams
- 7> Infiltration operations
- 1> Instability of the Albanian government
- 1> Intelligence
- 7> Intelligence estimate
- 1> Intelligence estimates
- 1> Intelligence liaison
- 1> Intelligence reporting
- 1> Intercepted letter from Albanian leader
- 1> Internal political and economic situation
- 1> Internal resistance
- 1> Internal security capabilities
- 3> Internal situation
- 1> Internal situation in Albania
- 1> International communist movement
- 1> Ireland
- 1> Isolation and weakness
- 1> Isolation from outside world
- 1> Isolation from Soviet Bloc
- 1> Italian Combined Intelligence Services
- 1> Italian Foreign Office
- 1> Italian intelligence
- 8> Italian intelligence services
- 5> Italian naval intelligence
- 13> Italy
- 1> Italy’s resumption of diplomatic relations with Albania
- 1> James Angleton
- 1> John Easton
- 1> John Sinclair
- 1> Joint intelligence operations
- 1> Joint planning conference
- 1> Justice
- 1> Kermit Roosevelt
- 1> Kim Philby
- 6> King Zog
- 1> Kosovo conflict spilling into Albania
- 1> Kurt Waldheim
- 1> KYP
- 1> Lack of modern weaponry
- 1> Lack of money
- 1> Land holdings in Egypt
- 1> Leaflet drop
- 7> Leaflet drops
- 1> Lessons learned
- 1> Liaison coverage
- 1> Libya
- 1> Li Mi
- 1> Limited cooperation
- 2> London conference
- 1> Long-range objectives
- 2> Lord Jellicoe
- 1> Making new friends
- 2> Malta
- 1> Mao Tse-tung
- 1> Mario Soares
- 1> Maritime
- 1> Maritime intelligence collection
- 3> Marshal Tito
- 1> Medical treatment
- 2> Mediterranean
- 1> Members of retinue
- 59> MI6
- 1> MI6 agent infiltrations
- 1> Middle East Crisis
- 1> Midhat Frasheri
- 1> Military airfields
- 1> Military exercises along Yugoalav border
- 1> Military situation
- 1> Morale problems
- 1> More flexible foreign policy
- 1> Moscow loses a satellite
- 1> Multitude of security issues
- 1> Murnau
- 4> National Committee for a Free Albania
- 4> National Committee for Free Albania
- 1> National committees
- 1> Need camp for Albanian recruits in West Germany
- 1> Netherlands
- 1> New plans
- 1> New political party
- 1> New trade agreements with Bulgaria and Romania
- 1> New training center in Germany
- 1> No CIA station in Albania
- 1> Norway
- 1> Not prepared for operation
- 1> Not sufficiently strong to overthrow Hoxha regime
- 1> Nuci Kotta
- 1> Nuclear targeting
- 1> Objective of overthrowing Hoxha regime abandoned
- 2> Objectives
- 10> OBOPUS
- 1> OCB
- 1> Office of National Estimates
- 133> Office of Policy Coordination
- 4> Office of Special Operations
- 1> OPC agents in Albania
- 1> OPC training bases in Germany
- 1> Open foreign policy
- 1> Operational disengagement
- 2> Operational engagement
- 2> Operational history
- 1> Operational intelligence summary
- 1> Operational losses
- 1> Operational record
- 1> Operation Valuable
- 5> Operation VALUABLE
- 2> Organization
- 1> Outside assets
- 5> Overflights
- 1> Overhaul
- 1> Overthrow Albanian regime
- 1> Overthrow of Albanian government
- 1> Overthrow of Albanian regime not feasible
- 1> Overthrow of Hoxha regime a possibility but not likely
- 1> Overthrow of the Hoxha government
- 1> Oxford
- 1> Papagos
- 1> Parachute drop of agents
- 1> Paramilitary activities
- 1> Paramilitary operations
- 1> Partition of Albania
- 1> PEARL intercepts
- 1> Penetration operations
- 1> Personnel
- 1> Photographic intelligence
- 2> Photo intelligence
- 1> PKP
- 1> Planning camp for Albanian recruits in Germany
- 2> Poland
- 1> Policy
- 1> Policy coordination
- 1> Policy decisions regarding future conduct of Albanian operation
- 2> Policy differences
- 1> Policy guidance
- 3> Political
- 1> Political developments
- 1> Political dissent
- 1> Political instability
- 1> Political situation
- 1> Political warfare
- 1> Popular discontent
- 1> Port facilities
- 1> Portugal
- 2> Port visit
- 1> Possibilities of change
- 1> Postwar gold claims
- 2> Present situation
- 1> Presidential election
- 1> Presidential elections
- 2> Prizren Committee
- 1> Problem areas
- 1> Progressive Democratic Party
- 1> Progress report on agent infiltrations
- 1> Project authorization
- 1> Project BGFIEND
- 1> Project objectives
- 1> Project outline plan incomplete
- 3> Project RESUMPTION
- 15> Propaganda
- 1> Propaganda broadcasting
- 1> Propaganda broadcasts aimed at Albania
- 1> Propaganda leaflets
- 1> Provoke retaliation
- 2> PSB
- 2> Psychological Strategy Board
- 5> Psychological warfare
- 1> Purge of Albanian Communist Party
- 1> Purges
- 1> Purpose of operation
- 1> Pursuit of Greek communist guerrillas into Albania
- 1> Pursuit of guerrillas into Albania
- 2> Quality of agents
- 1> Rabid ideological fervor
- 1> Radar systems
- 1> Radio communications
- 2> Radio operators
- 13> Radio Tirana
- 1> Railways
- 1> Recruiting Polish aircrews
- 1> Recruitment
- 1> Recruitment by various foreign intelligence services
- 1> Recruitment of Albanian refugees
- 2> Re-evaluation of Albanian operation
- 1> Re-examination of operations
- 1> Refugee camps
- 1> Refugee groups
- 1> Refugee holding camp in Greece
- 1> Refugees in Italy
- 1> Relations with British
- 2> Relations with other intelligence services
- 1> Reliability of security forces
- 1> Renewed trade ties with China
- 1> Replacement for Midhat Frasheri
- 1> Reports of unrest highly exaggerated
- 1> Requires full-scale military operation
- 1> Requires Yugoslav support
- 3> Resistance activities
- 1> Resistance activity no threat
- 1> Resistance organizations
- 1> Results of Bulgarian leaflet drops
- 1> Results of operations
- 2> Resupply drops
- 1> Return of British agent to Greece
- 1> Ribiere
- 1> Rising discontent
- 1> Rivalry with Yugoslavia
- 5> Romania
- 1> Roman Rudkowski
- 1> Sabotage of shipping
- 1> Safeguard OPC interests
- 1> Schism within Free Albanian Committee
- 3> SDECE
- 1> Secret conferences
- 1> Security
- 1> Security compromise
- 2> Security issues
- 1> Serbian military
- 1> Severe reprisals on civilians
- 1> Ship
- 1> Shipping interdiction
- 1> Ships spotted in Odessa loading weapons for Albania
- 1> Shkoder
- 1> SIFAR
- 1> Sino-Albanian relations
- 1> Soviet-Albanian dispute
- 1> Soviet control mechanisms
- 1> Soviet economic support
- 1> Soviet expanding Albanian airfields
- 1> Soviet food shipments
- 1> Soviet interests in Albania
- 1> Soviet military capabilities
- 1> Soviet military intervention
- 1> Soviet military presence in Albania
- 6> Soviet navy
- 2> Soviet support
- 1> Soviet threat to Yugoslavia
- 1> Soviet Union
- 1> Soviet warships
- 1> Stability of regime
- 1> Stability of regime not threatened
- 1> Staffing
- 1> Staffing figures
- 11> State Department
- 1> State Department approval
- 1> State of OPC-MI6 relations
- 1> Status of aircraft
- 1> Status of operations
- 1> Status report
- 1> Stay-behind network
- 1> Stay-behind operations
- 1> Stepped-up covert action operations
- 1> Strengthened Soviet control
- 1> Stringent restrictive measures
- 1> Submarine activity
- 3> Submarine base
- 5> Supply drops
- 2> Supply missions
- 1> Support of coup not possible
- 1> Surge in trade contracts
- 3> Suspended talks
- 1> Suspension of leaflet drops into Albania
- 2> Sweden
- 2> Swedish intelligence services
- 1> Team loss
- 2> Thede Palm
- 1> Thomas Lanphier
- 1> Ties to China
- 1> Tight controls on Yugoslavs and Kosovars
- 1> Tirana
- 2> Tito
- 2> Training
- 3> Training activities
- 1> Training activities in Italy
- 1> Training actvities for Albanian agents
- 1> Training camps in Germany
- 1> Training facilities
- 1> Training facilities in Germany
- 1> Transport aircraft
- 1> Trieste
- 2> Troop dispositions
- 1> Trying to split Socialists from Italian communist party
- 1> Turkey
- 1> U.S. Army intelligence
- 1> U.S. objectives
- 3> U-2
- 2> UDB
- 4> UK Foreign Office
- 1> Ukraine
- 1> UK wants no collaboration with French
- 1> Uncoordinated efforts
- 1> Use of Malta as training base
- 1> USSR
- 1> USSR reported moving submarines and aircraft to Albania
- 1> Valona naval base
- 4> VALUABLE operations
- 1> Very limited cooperation at operational level
- 1> Visit to Pullach
- 3> Vlone Bay
- 1> Walter Ulbricht
- 1> Want French to train recruits in North Africa
- 1> Warime capabilities
- 1> Warsaw Pact as Soviet instrument
- 1> Weakened Albanian resistance movement
- 3> Weaknesses of Albanian regime
- 1> Weapons shipments
- 1> Wehwi Frasheri
- 1> William Hayter
- 1> Worsening economic situation
- 1> Xenophobia
- 1> Yugoslav bases
- 20> Yugoslavia
- 1> Yugoslavia preparing to defend its borders
- 2> Yugoslav intelligence service
- 4> Yugoslav intelligence services
- 2> Yugoslav military intervention
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- U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 x
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CIA, Cable, CIA Director to deleted, December 17, 1996, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Project OBDURATE (Approval), August 20, 1954, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, CE Review of APPLE Trial, May 18, 1954, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Tirana Trials of CIA Agents, April 20, 1954, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS), Report, Text of Albanian Spy Trial Verdict, April 21, 1954, Official Use Only, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS)
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Security Review of FIG Team Operations, April 12, 1954, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Albanian Country Plan, May 3, 1954, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Re-evaluation and Revision of OPC Plans Relating to Albania, February 14, 1951, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Current Albanian Resistance Activities, July 24, 1951, Top Secret, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Status of Operations Against Albania, July 1951, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)