U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
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- Czechoslovakia x
- 1> 2 Soviet divisions in Prague
- 1> 30,000 Soviet troops in Prague
- 1> Activate additional border observation posts
- 4> Aerial reconnaissance
- 1> Agent networks
- 1> Agents
- 1> Agents arrested
- 1> Air access
- 1> Airborne forces
- 1> Airborne reconnaissance
- 1> Aircraft
- 2> Airfields
- 1> Airspace violation
- 1> Alarm in Moscow
- 5> Albania
- 17> Alexander Dubcek
- 1> Antagonism between Czechs and Slovaks
- 1> Anti-communist resistance organizations
- 1> Anti-Soviet developments
- 1> Antonin Novotny
- 1> Armed forces
- 1> Arms sales
- 1> Arrests of Czech political leaders
- 1> Artillery
- 1> Augmentation of US forces stationed on Czech border
- 7> Austria
- 1> Austrian radio broadcast
- 1> Ballistic missiles
- 3> Berlin
- 3> Board of National Estimates
- 1> Breakdown of negotiations
- 1> Brezhnev
- 1> British intelligence
- 2> British intelligence services
- 2> Buildup of Soviet troops in Prague
- 5> Bulgaria
- 1> Bulgarian coup
- 1> Bulgarian unrest
- 1> Cannot be confirmed
- 1> Captured documents
- 3> Car reconnaissance
- 3> Car reconnaissance of Prague
- 1> Center-left coalition win parliamentary elections
- 1> Chaff drops
- 1> Change in foreign policy
- 1> Check of Ruzyne military air base
- 1> Choking off political reforms in Eastern Europe
- 1> CIA
- 1> CIA Clandestine Service
- 1> CIA intelligence analysis
- 1> CIA military intelligence reporting
- 1> CIC
- 1> Cierna talks
- 1> Civic Forum
- 1> Civil unrest in France
- 1> Clandestine intelligence
- 1> Clandestine operation
- 1> Clandestine radio broadcasts
- 1> Clandestine radio traffic
- 1> Clandestine SIGINT
- 1> Closer alignment between Romania and Yugoslavia
- 1> Combat divisions
- 1> Commando units
- 1> Command structure
- 1> Committed suicide
- 1> Communications jamming
- 1> Constitutional referendum
- 1> Continuation of Soviet military threat
- 2> Counterintelligence
- 1> Counterintelligence Corps
- 1> Crisis deepening
- 1> CRITIC followup message
- 1> CRITIC message
- 1> Cuba
- 1> Cuban military forces
- 1> Czech air defense system
- 1> Czech air force officer
- 1> Czech armed forces
- 2> Czech border
- 1> Czech communist party
- 10> Czech Communist Party
- 1> Czech Communist Party Central Committee
- 1> Czech Communist Party congress
- 1> Czech Community Party
- 2> Czech crisis
- 1> Czech experiment
- 4> Czech government
- 1> Czech government’s dilemma
- 1> Czech liberalization policies could spread to other Warsaw Pact countries
- 1> Czech liberalization unacceptable to Moscow
- 1> Czech media
- 1> Czech military
- 1> Czech military forces
- 1> Czechoslovakian air force
- 1> Czechoslovakian army
- 1> Czech party congress
- 1> Czech-Slovak animosity
- 1> Czech-Soviet relations deteriorating
- 1> Czech-Soviet relations now fragile
- 15> Daily intelligence summary
- 1> Declining role of Czech Communist Party
- 1> Defection to West Germany
- 1> Defector
- 1> Defector Reception Center
- 1> Delays in ICBM program
- 1> Demand for free elections
- 2> Democratization process
- 1> Demotion
- 1> Denmark
- 1> Deteriorating relations with Soviet Union
- 1> Difficult problems
- 1> Diplomatic codes
- 1> Diplomatic flap
- 1> Diplomatic relations
- 1> Dismantling Stalinist controls
- 1> Dresden meeting
- 1> Drilling machines
- 1> Drought in Yugoslavia
- 1> Dubcek
- 1> Dubcek supporters being replaced
- 1> Dubcek visit to Hungary
- 1> Dubcek’s liberal manifesto
- 1> Dubcek’s manifesto
- 1> Dutch intelligence services
- 1> Eastern bloc slowly thawing
- 6> Eastern Europe
- 1> East German army
- 1> East German travel ban
- 1> East German uncertainty
- 20> East Germany
- 1> East-West trade
- 1> Economic background
- 1> Economic sanctions
- 1> Economy
- 1> Electronic warfare
- 2> ELINT
- 1> ELINT satellite
- 1> End of one-party rule
- 1> Erosion of Soviet power
- 1> European government positions
- 1> European press reporting
- 1> Exchange of views of Czech crisis
- 1> Factional infighting
- 1> Father Leiber
- 1> Felipe Gonzalez
- 1> Ferret aircraft
- 1> Fighter jets
- 1> Fighter regiments
- 1> Finland
- 2> Flight activity
- 1> Forced landing
- 1> Foreign and domestic political considerations
- 1> Foreign policy
- 1> Foreign relations
- 3> France
- 1> French foreign policy openings to Eastern Europe
- 1> French intelligence services
- 1> French military attache
- 1> Furth in Wald border crossing point
- 1> Geography
- 1> German border police
- 5> German-Czech border
- 13> Germany
- 1> Grave illness
- 1> Great Britain
- 2> Greece
- 1> Greek communist guerrillas
- 1> Greek General Staff
- 1> Greek intelligence services
- 1> Growing Soviet concern
- 3> GSFG
- 1> Harold Gibson
- 1> Harsh condemnation of Soviet invasion
- 2> Heightened alert status
- 3> Helicopter reconnaissance flights along Czech border
- 1> Helmut Kohl
- 1> High-level visits to Moscow
- 1> High-leve talks
- 12> HUMINT
- 1> Hungarian Community Party
- 10> Hungary
- 1> Hungary-Poland discussions
- 1> Ideology
- 1> Ignorant of intelligence operations
- 2> Illicit trade
- 1> Impact of dissent in Eastern Europe
- 1> Increased border surveillance
- 1> Increased combat readiness
- 1> Increased NATO intelligence effort against Soviets
- 1> Increased recruiting of informers
- 1> Increased Soviet political pressure
- 3> Increased surveillance
- 1> Increased surveillance activities
- 1> Increasing pressure on Czech government
- 3> Intelligence collection
- 1> Intelligence exploitation
- 1> Intelligence mission
- 2> Intelligence reporting
- 1> Intelligence review
- 1> Intensification of Soviet pressure
- 1> Intensified intelligence collection
- 1> Intercepts
- 1> Internal security capabilities
- 1> Interrogation
- 1> Intimidate Czech leadership
- 1> Invasion of Czechoslovakia
- 1> Israel
- 1> Italian Communist Party
- 1> Italian intelligence services
- 1> Italians strengthening security forces
- 4> Italy
- 1> Jamming of Czech radio broadcasts
- 1> Labor strikes
- 1> Lack of strategic warning
- 1> Leadership
- 1> Legal travelers
- 1> Leonid Brezhnev
- 1> Local government
- 1> Logistics
- 1> Loss of Czechoslovakia
- 2> Malta
- 1> Many European leaders on vacation
- 1> Marshal Tito
- 1> Martial law declared
- 1> Mazowiecki government
- 1> Metrans
- 1> MI-1 helicopter
- 2> MI6
- 1> Michael Heseltine
- 1> Michel Debre
- 1> Military alliance
- 1> Military attache reports
- 5> Military attaches
- 1> Military exercise
- 12> Military exercises
- 1> Military forces
- 1> Military installations in Prague
- 1> Military intervention
- 1> Missiles
- 1> Monetary reforms
- 1> Moscow meetings
- 1> Moscow opposition to liberalization
- 1> Moscow summit meeting with Dubcek
- 1> Moscow undermining Dubcek
- 1> Move to market economy
- 1> NATO
- 1> NATO military authorities
- 1> NATO ministers’ meeting
- 1> NATO referendum
- 1> Netherlands
- 1> New government acceptable to Kremlin
- 1> New military exercises
- 1> New wave of dissidence
- 1> No change in Czech military posture
- 1> No evidence of military intervention
- 1> No military intervention!
- 1> Nonconformist individuals
- 1> Northern Ireland
- 2> No troop movements
- 2> No unusual activities
- 1> Nuclear power plant
- 1> Nuclear weapons
- 4> Office of National Estimates
- 1> Opposition to Soviet occupation
- 1> Orders for no resistance to invaders
- 1> Organization
- 1> Ostpolitik
- 2> Outlook
- 1> Overflights
- 1> Overwelming popular support
- 1> Pace of domestic reforms
- 1> Partisan warfare
- 1> Party congress
- 1> Party congress delayed
- 4> Photographic intelligence
- 1> Photo intelligence
- 1> Planned mass arrests
- 1> Plea for calm
- 1> Poland.East Germany
- 11> Poland
- 1> Polish ambassador to US in trouble
- 1> Polish government protest
- 1> Polish intelligence
- 1> Polish problems
- 1> Political activities in Czech and Polish armies
- 1> Political dissent
- 1> Political guidance required
- 1> Political purge
- 1> Political reforms
- 1> Political situation and trends
- 1> Popular discontent
- 1> Popular unrest
- 1> Positions hardening
- 1> Positions of European communist parties
- 1> Possibilities of change
- 1> Possible Soviets military intervention in Romania
- 1> Potential for break in diplomatic relations
- 1> Prague
- 2> Prague radio broadcasts
- 1> Prague Spring
- 1> Prague’s concessions
- 1> Preemptive nuclear strike
- 1> President Ludvik Svoboda
- 2> President Svoboda
- 1> Press announcement
- 1> Press reporting
- 1> Pressure campaign against Czechs
- 1> Pressure on Czechoslovak government
- 1> Prime Minister Cernik
- 1> Procurement of consumer goods
- 1> Protracted crisis
- 1> Public demonstrations
- 1> Radar jamming
- 1> Radars
- 1> Radio Free Europe
- 1> Railways
- 1> Reaction to assassination of Robert F. Kennedy
- 1> Readiness posture of US Army forces in Germany
- 1> Recall of ambassador
- 1> Reconnaissance satellites
- 2> Refugees
- 2> Rehabilitation law
- 1> Replace Dubcek
- 1> Reported Soviet troop buildup on Yugoslav border
- 1> Reserve mobilization
- 1> Restrictions on cargo shipments
- 1> Reunification
- 1> Right-wing sentiment in West German armed forces
- 3> Rising tensions
- 8> Romania
- 1> Romanian military mobilized
- 1> Romania’s opposition to the Warsaw Pact
- 1> Roots of dissidence
- 1> Ryzyne air base
- 1> Sale of MiG-29 fighters
- 1> SAM-equipped warships
- 2> Satellite imagery
- 2> Satellite reconnaissance
- 2> Scandinavia
- 1> Secret sources
- 1> September Czech party congress
- 1> Series production
- 1> Seriousness of Soviet warnings
- 1> Show of force
- 1> Situation quiet
- 2> Situation summary
- 1> Situation tense but calm
- 1> Size of invasion force unknown
- 1> Slansky trials
- 1> Small arms fire in Prague
- 2> Smuggling
- 1> Social reforms
- 2> Soviet airborne troops
- 1> Soviet air force flight activity
- 1> Soviet assessment of Dubcek
- 1> Soviet attitude hardening
- 1> Soviet-Bulgarian surveillance of US warships in Black Sea
- 1> Soviet calculations
- 1> Soviet concerns
- 1> Soviet control mechanisms
- 1> Soviet demands
- 1> Soviet disarmament campaign
- 1> Soviet foreign policy
- 1> Soviet intrusions into Greek territorial waters
- 7> Soviet invasion
- 2> Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia
- 2> Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia begins
- 1> Soviet invitation to Dubcek to come to Moscow
- 1> Soviet leaders
- 1> Soviet leadership
- 13> Soviet military
- 1> Soviet military buildup
- 1> Soviet military buildup along Czech border
- 1> Soviet military buildup on Czech border
- 3> Soviet military forces
- 2> Soviet military intervention
- 1> Soviet military pressure
- 1> Soviet mobilization
- 1> Soviet naval visit
- 1> Soviet navy
- 1> Soviet opposition
- 1> Soviet options
- 1> Soviet options narrowing
- 1> Soviet-picked government
- 1> Soviet policy options
- 1> Soviet political intervention
- 1> Soviet politics
- 1> Soviet propaganda
- 1> Soviet relationship with Antonin Novotny
- 1> Soviets costs of inaction
- 1> Soviets forming new Czech government
- 1> Soviets ready to invade Czechoslovakia
- 1> Soviet stake in Czechoslovakia
- 1> Soviets threaten military intervention
- 1> Soviets upgrading communications at air defense sites
- 1> Soviet support
- 1> Soviet troop convoys
- 5> Soviet troop movements
- 1> Soviet troop movements in Hungary
- 1> Soviet troops crossed into Poland
- 1> Soviet troops entering Czechoslovakia
- 5> Soviet troops in Czechoslovakia
- 1> Soviet troops returning from Czechoslovakia
- 1> Soviet troop strength in Czechoslovakia
- 8> Soviet Union
- 1> Soviet-Yugoslav relations
- 1> Spain
- 1> Special bank account
- 1> Stalinist purges
- 1> Star Wars
- 1> Strategic commodities
- 1> Strategic Defense Initiative
- 1> Strict security controls
- 1> Student unrest
- 1> Subversion
- 1> Surveillance of Czech military
- 4> Sweden
- 1> Switzerland
- 1> Tank production
- 1> Tanks
- 2> Targets
- 1> Technicians in Hungary
- 1> Telephone tapping
- 1> Teletype intercepts
- 2> Temporary restricted area
- 1> The Romanian problem
- 1> Threat of intervention in Romania
- 1> Threat of military action
- 5> Threat of military intervention
- 2> Threat of Soviet military intervention
- 1> Threat to Soviet influence in Czechoslovakia
- 1> Timeline of Czech crisis
- 1> Translation of secret Polish military document
- 1> Travel restrictions
- 1> Trip report
- 2> Trip reports
- 1> Troop buildup in East Germany
- 10> Troop dispositions
- 15> Troop movements
- 1> Troop movements in Hungary
- 1> Troop reductions
- 1> Troops on Czech border
- 1> Two Soviet divisions in Prague
- 1> U.S. Air Force
- 1> U.S. ambassador
- 1> U-2
- 1> UDBA
- 1> Umberto Broccoli
- 1> Uneasy truce with Moscow
- 1> Union Carbide
- 1> Unprecedented political reforms
- 1> USAF aircraft
- 1> US Army Counterintelligence Corps
- 3> US Army observation posts on Czech border
- 1> US interests
- 1> US military presence in Spain
- 1> USMLM
- 1> Vaclav Knotek
- 1> Vatican
- 1> Velvet Revolution
- 1> Visual reconnaissance missions
- 1> Vladimir Knotek
- 2> Walter Ulbricht
- 3> Warsaw Pact
- 1> Warsaw Pact maneuvers
- 1> Warsaw Pact summit meeting
- 1> War warnings
- 1> Weapons production
- 1> Weekly intelligence summary
- 1> Western Europe
- 1> West Germany
- 1> Westland affair
- 1> What do they want
- 1> Who are the dissidents
- 1> Widespread dissatisfaction
- 1> Withdrawal of Soviet military forces
- 1> World Youth Festival in Sofia
- 1> Yugoslav foreign minister visit to Prague
- 8> Yugoslavia
- 1> Yugoslavian intelligence services
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- U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 x
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OSS, Cable, AMZON to Office of Strategic Services, August 26, 1945, Top Secret Control, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
Partial (No exact match found)
U.S. Army, Cable, CG US Forces European Theater to War Department, August 24, 1945, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
U.S. Army
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Reorganization of Czech Army, February 8, 1951, Top Secret Control, CIA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
U.S. Air Force, Memorandum, Photographic Coverage of Germany With K-30 100-Inch Camera, March 12, 1951, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
U.S. Air Force
Partial (No exact match found)
U.S. Air Force, Report, Albania ::Military Strengths and Weaknesses, June 29, 1951, Secret, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
U.S. Air Force
Partial (No exact match found)
U.S. Army, Cable, CINCUSAREUR to DEPTAR WASH DC, November 18, 1957, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
U.S. Army
Partial (No exact match found)
SSU, Letter, Lewis to Helms, September 18, 1946, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Strategic Services Unit (SSU)
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Tantalum and Tantalum-containing Products to European Satellites from West Europe, March 17, 1967, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, The Warsaw Pact Under Internal Strain, September 24, 1965, Secret/NOFORN, CIA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Prospects for Independence in Eastern Europe, February 18, 1965, Secret, LBJL.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)