U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
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- East Germany x
- 1> 100-inch camera
- 1> 7821st Composite Group
- 1> Access controls
- 1> Access limitations
- 1> Access to Berlin
- 1> Aerial incident
- 1> Aerial incidents
- 4> Aerial reconnaissance
- 1> Agent networks
- 1> Agent radio communications
- 1> Air access
- 1> Air activity
- 1> Airborne radar
- 1> Air corridors
- 1> Aircraft
- 1> Aircraft movements
- 1> Air defense
- 1> Airfield observation
- 7> Airfields
- 1> Airspace violation
- 1> Air support
- 4> Albania
- 1> Alert Police
- 1> Algeria
- 1> Algerian problem
- 1> Algerian rebels
- 1> Alias Ackermann
- 1> Alienation
- 1> Amphibious exercises
- 1> Anti-communist resistance organizations
- 1> Anti-communist underground organization
- 1> Anti-communist underground organizations
- 1> Archbishop Makarios
- 1> Armed clashes on Cyprus
- 1> Arms sales
- 2> Arrests
- 1> Arrival of Soviet units in East Germany
- 1> Artillery firing range
- 1> Attaches
- 1> Austria-Hungary border incident
- 1> Ballistic missiles
- 1> Balloons
- 1> Bankrupt politically
- 1> Barge traffic to West Berlin
- 1> Belgium
- 11> Berlin
- 1> Berlin air sdafety center
- 1> Berlin corridors
- 1> Berlin crisis
- 1> Berlin garrison
- 1> Berlin Operations Base
- 1> Berlin Task Force
- 2> Berlin Wall
- 2> BND
- 1> BOB
- 1> Bolster West Berlin morale
- 1> Border controls
- 1> British intelligence services
- 1> British naval intelligence
- 5> Bulgaria
- 2> Bundesnachrichtendienst
- 1> Cambodia
- 1> Captured spies
- 1> Center-left coalition win parliamentary elections
- 1> Changes since Berlin Wall
- 2> Charles De Gaulle
- 2> CIA
- 1> CIA financial subsidies
- 1> Civic Forum
- 1> Civilian population
- 1> Civil unrest
- 1> Civil unrest in France
- 1> Clandestine radio station
- 1> Combat alerts
- 1> Combat and reinforcement capabilities
- 1> Combat readiness
- 1> Combat readiness levels
- 2> Communications network
- 1> Communist regime
- 1> Constitutional referendum
- 1> Consumer good shortages
- 1> Contingency planning
- 1> Counterintelligence
- 1> Courier lines
- 7> Covert action
- 1> Covert action programs
- 1> Covert air operations
- 1> Covert intelligence
- 1> Creek Field imagery
- 1> Currency conversion
- 2> Cyprus
- 3> Czech border
- 3> Czech Communist Party
- 1> Czech Community Party
- 1> Czech media
- 1> Czech military
- 1> Czechoslovak border
- 20> Czechoslovakia
- 1> Czechoslovakian crisis
- 1> Czechoslovakian developments
- 1> Czech situation
- 24> Daily intelligence summary
- 1> David Murphy
- 1> Defection inducement
- 1> Defections
- 1> Demand for free elections
- 1> Demonstration
- 1> Denial of transit visas
- 1> Denied area
- 1> Dessau
- 1> Differences between USSR and Romania
- 2> Diplomatic relations
- 1> Disappearance of aircraft
- 2> Disappearance of Soviet aircraft
- 1> Disguised as cargo-type aircraft
- 1> Dismantling Stalinist controls
- 1> Dispositions
- 1> Dispute between Gaulllist political parties
- 1> Dr. Friedenau
- 1> Drop in collection
- 1> Dubcek
- 1> Dustbin
- 1> Early warning capabilities
- 6> Eastern Europe
- 1> Eastern European communist parties
- 1> Eastern European news media
- 1> East German air force
- 3> East German army
- 2> East German border police
- 3> East German communist party
- 5> East German Communist Party
- 1> East German diplomatic recognition
- 11> East German government
- 1> East German government subservience
- 1> East German military
- 1> East German police
- 1> East German railways
- 3> East German security forces
- 1> East German travel ban
- 1> East German uprising
- 2> East-West German political treaty
- 1> Economic credits
- 1> Economic grievances
- 1> Economic intelligence
- 1> Economic sanctions
- 1> Egypt
- 1> Electronic emissions
- 1> ELINT
- 1> End of one-party rule
- 3> Erich Honecker
- 1> Erick Honecker
- 1> Espionage trials
- 1> Establishment of armed forces
- 1> Exploitation of captured German officers
- 1> Fighter aircraft
- 1> Fighter jets
- 1> Fighter regiments
- 1> Fighting continues
- 1> First test flight of Concorde
- 3> Flight activity
- 1> Flying activity
- 1> Foot shortages
- 1> Foreign ministers conference
- 1> Fort Hunt
- 1> Fragmentary raw information
- 7> France
- 2> Free Jurists
- 1> French army
- 1> French-NATO relations
- 1> Frequent unit inspections
- 1> Garrisoned peoples police
- 2> Gehlen Org
- 1> Gehlen Organization
- 1> General strike
- 2> German foreign policy
- 4> German intelligence services
- 2> German reunification
- 9> Germany
- 1> Gomulka
- 1> Grassroots peace movement
- 1> Great Britain-France
- 1> Greece
- 1> Growing peace movement
- 15> GSFG
- 1> Guerrilla warfare operations
- 1> Hampering access to Berlin
- 1> Harass East German regime
- 2> Harassment
- 2> Harsh internal policies
- 1> Heightened alert status
- 1> History of project
- 1> Human intelligence
- 1> Human sources
- 1> HUMINT collection
- 1> Hungarian army
- 1> Hungarian Community Party
- 11> Hungary
- 1> Ideological orientation
- 1> Illicit trade
- 1> Impact of dissent in Eastern Europe
- 1> Improved coordination of intelligence effort
- 1> Imre Nagy
- 1> Incidents involving Allied aircraft
- 1> Increased rail activity
- 1> Increase in fighter strength
- 1> Increasing delinquency rates
- 1> Indications of hostile intentions
- 2> Intelligence collection
- 4> Intelligence estimate
- 2> Intelligence failure
- 1> Intelligence flap
- 1> Intelligence indicators
- 1> Intelligence liaison
- 1> Intelligence scene
- 2> Intercepts
- 1> Internal security capabilities
- 1> International standing
- 1> Iraq
- 1> Israel
- 1> Italy
- 1> Jamming of Czech radio broadcasts
- 1> JCS
- 1> Jet bombers
- 1> Jet fighters
- 1> Jewish emigration to Israel
- 1> Job dissatisfaction
- 1> Joint Chiefs of Staff
- 1> Joint Intelligence Committee
- 1> K-30
- 1> Konrad Adenauer
- 1> Kothen airfield
- 1> Labor strikes
- 1> Lack of consumer goods
- 1> Leaflet operations
- 1> League of Free Jurists
- 1> Legal travelers
- 2> Limits on access to West Berlin
- 1> Logistics
- 1> London conference
- 1> Lyndon B. Johnson
- 1> Major revolt unlikely
- 1> Manpower dilemma
- 1> Mazowiecki government
- 2> Microwave
- 2> MiG-15 jet fighters
- 1> Migration
- 1> Military exercise
- 12> Military exercises
- 1> Military mission
- 1> Minor repercussions
- 1> Monetary reforms
- 1> Mounting economic problems
- 1> Move to market economy
- 1> National elections
- 1> Naval exercise
- 1> Naval intelligence
- 1> Naval visits to USSR cancelled
- 1> Negotiations
- 1> New armed clashes on Cyprus
- 1> New East German travel restrictions
- 1> New radar systems
- 1> New sources of information
- 1> Newspaper reporting
- 1> New temporary restricted area in East Germany
- 1> New temporary restricted areas along Czech border
- 1> New temporary travel restrictions
- 1> New wave of dissidence
- 1> No effects in West Germany
- 1> Nonconformist individuals
- 1> No organized opposition
- 1> Normal flight activity
- 1> Normal state of readiness
- 1> Normal training activities
- 2> Northern Group of Forces
- 1> No Soviet troop withdrawals
- 1> NTS
- 1> OAS
- 1> Office of National Estimates
- 1> Office of Policy Coordination
- 1> Open-source intelligence
- 1> Operation terminated
- 1> Order of battle
- 1> Organization
- 1> Organization and functions
- 2> Ostpolitik
- 1> Overflights
- 1> Paramilitary network
- 1> Paramilitary operations
- 2> Paramilitary resistance organization
- 1> Party congress
- 1> Party congress delayed
- 1> Passive resistance
- 1> Peace talks
- 1> Peenemunde
- 1> Period of increasing ferment
- 1> Personalities
- 1> Pervasive Stasi security apparatus
- 4> Photographic intelligence
- 5> Photo intelligence
- 13> Poland
- 1> Police controls
- 1> Polish ambassador to US in trouble
- 1> Polish crisis
- 1> Polish-Danish security talks
- 1> Polish government protest
- 1> Polish-U.S. relations
- 1> Political dissent
- 1> Political socialization
- 3> Popular discontent
- 1> Popular unrest
- 7> Popular uprising
- 1> Portugal
- 1> Possibilities of change
- 1> Post-mortem
- 1> Preliminary agreement
- 1> President’s Intelligence Checklist
- 1> Problems with youths
- 1> Propaganda
- 1> Propaganda leaflet operations
- 1> Propaganda leaflets
- 1> Propaganda operations
- 3> Psychological warfare
- 1> Public demonstrations
- 1> Public discontent
- 1> Pullach
- 1> RB-66
- 1> Recruiting
- 1> Referendum on constitution
- 1> Refugee flow
- 2> Refugees
- 1> Regime trying to improve living standards
- 2> Reinhard Gehlen
- 1> Relocation of units
- 1> Reported Soviet troop buildup on Yugoslav border
- 2> Repression of political opponents
- 2> Resignation
- 1> Resort to use of nuclear weapons
- 1> Restrictions on cargo shipments
- 1> Reunification
- 1> Reunification of Germany
- 6> Revolt
- 1> Rigid controls
- 6> Riots
- 6> Romania
- 1> Roots of dissidence
- 1> Routine flying
- 1> Routine training activity
- 1> Russian emigre groups
- 1> Russian emigre organizations
- 1> SA-3 SAM missile deployment in Eastern Europe
- 1> SA-3 SAM missiles
- 1> Sealing border
- 1> Secret Army Organization
- 1> Security situation tense
- 4> SED
- 1> Ship visits
- 1> Shootdown
- 1> Shootdowns
- 1> SIGINTSchloss Kranzberg
- 1> Situation tense
- 1> Slansky trials
- 1> Sleepers
- 1> Smuggling
- 1> South Yemen
- 3> Soviet air defense forces
- 1> Soviet airfields
- 21> Soviet air force
- 1> Soviet air force flight activities
- 2> Soviet air force flight activity
- 1> Soviet annual troop rotation
- 4> Soviet army
- 1> Soviet AWACS aircraft
- 1> Soviet control
- 1> Soviet control mechanisms
- 1> Soviet grip on satellites
- 1> Soviet interests
- 1> Soviet intrusions into Greek territorial waters
- 1> Sovietization of economy
- 18> Soviet military
- 1> Soviet military activity
- 2> Soviet military force
- 11> Soviet military forces
- 1> Soviet navy harasses US Navy submarine
- 2> Soviet navy visit to Malta
- 1> Soviet SA-3 missile deployment in East Germany
- 1> Soviet satellite launches
- 1> Soviets ready to invade Czechoslovakia
- 1> Soviets upgrading communications at air defense sites
- 1> Soviet support
- 1> Soviet troop concentrations along Czech border
- 1> Soviet troop convoys
- 1> Soviet troop dispositions
- 2> Soviet troop movements
- 1> Soviet troops entering Czechoslovakia
- 1> Soviet troops returning from Czechoslovakia
- 1> Soviet Zone
- 1> Special forces
- 1> Stalinism
- 2> Stay-behind
- 1> Strategic commodities
- 2> Strengthening of border guards
- 1> Student demonstrations
- 1> Student riots
- 1> Studies in Intelligence
- 1> Support for De Gaulle government from French armed forces
- 1> Support of uprisings
- 1> Surprise attack
- 1> Surveillance
- 1> Surveillance of Soviet military activities
- 1> Syria
- 2> Targets
- 2> Temporary restricted area
- 2> Temporary restricted areas
- 2> Tighter security controls
- 3> Training activities
- 2> Travel restrictions
- 1> Troop buildup in East Germany
- 6> Troop dispositions
- 15> Troop movements
- 1> Troop strength
- 2> TU-16 bomber deployments to Algeria
- 1> U.S. Army
- 1> U.S. military reaction
- 1> U.S. prisoners of war
- 1> U-2
- 2> UFJ
- 3> Ulbricht
- 1> Union Carbide
- 1> Unpopularity of Soviet forces
- 1> Unprecedented political reforms
- 2> Uprising
- 1> Uprising unlikely
- 1> Use of conventional forces
- 1> US Military Liaison Mission
- 2> USMLM
- 1> USSR
- 1> Velvet Revolution
- 1> Vietnam
- 1> Violent showdown
- 1> Visa and passport requirements
- 2> VOPO
- 2> Wage cuts
- 1> Wage increases
- 5> Walter Ulbricht
- 1> War in Vietnam
- 1> Warning intelligence collection
- 1> Warsaw Pact maneuvers
- 1> Weaken Western position in Berlin
- 1> Weekly intelligence summary
- 1> Werneuchen airfield
- 2> West Berlin
- 1> Western European reactions
- 3> West Germany
- 1> What do they want
- 1> Who are the dissidents
- 1> Widespread dissatisfaction
- 2> Willy Brandt
- 1> Youth crime
- 1> Youth problem
- 4> Yugoslavia
- 1> Yugoslavia-Hungary talks
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- U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 x
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CIA, Article, American Intelligence and the Gehlen Organization, 1945-49 ::A Controversial Liaison Relationship, 1997, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, The East German Military ::School to the Nation, April 1984, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Cable, C/E/OPS to deleted, June 8, 1983, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Central Intelligence Bulletin, November 14, 1972, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Central Intelligence Bulletin, November 20, 1972, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Current Intelligence Bulletin, September 17, 1954, Top Secret [codeword not declassified], CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
U.S. Air Force, Memorandum, Photographic Coverage of Germany With K-30 100-Inch Camera, March 12, 1951, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
U.S. Air Force
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, East Germany ::A Political Prognosis, May 1983, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
U.S. Air Force, Report, Albania ::Military Strengths and Weaknesses, June 29, 1951, Secret, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
U.S. Air Force
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, NSC Briefing, Situation in East Germany, December 3, 1957, Top Secret [codeword not declassified], CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)