U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
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- Intelligence estimate x
- 1> 1965 national election
- 1> Adenauer’s successor
- 1> Aftermath of the military revolt
- 1> Agriculture
- 1> Air bases
- 1> Aircraft
- 7> Albania
- 1> Albania economic liability to USSR
- 1> Albanian military
- 2> Algeria
- 1> Algerian independence
- 1> American bases in Turkey
- 1> Assessment of Soviet activities
- 1> Assistance from other countries
- 1> Attempted coup
- 2> Ballistic missiles
- 5> Berlin
- 2> Berlin situation
- 1> Berlin Wall
- 1> Bombers
- 1> Budget crisis
- 2> Burden to French economy
- 1> Cannot meet all requirements
- 1> Chancellor Kiesinger
- 4> Charles De Gaulle
- 1> China
- 1> Civil unrest
- 1> Coalition government
- 1> Commitment to NATO
- 1> Communist groups
- 1> Contingency planning
- 1> Continuing source of friction with Turkish government
- 1> Contractual agreement
- 3> Costs
- 1> Covert action
- 1> Current situation
- 1> Current status
- 1> Cyprus
- 1> Cyprus dispute
- 1> De facto Greek Cypriot state
- 1> Defense and nuclear policies
- 2> Delivery systems
- 1> Denial of access
- 1> Disgruntled European expatriates
- 2> Dissatisfaction with regime
- 7> Eastern Europe
- 1> Eastern European armed forces
- 1> Eastern European military spending
- 2> East German government
- 1> East German government subservience
- 1> East German military capabilities
- 1> East German security forces
- 1> East German troops
- 4> East Germany
- 1> East-West trade outlook
- 1> Economic considerations
- 1> Economic effects
- 1> Economic embargo
- 1> Economic grievances
- 2> Economic plans
- 1> Economic problems
- 2> Economic prosperity
- 1> Economic relationships
- 1> Effect of Allied military action
- 1> Emergency powers
- 1> Emigre groups
- 1> Emigre organizations
- 1> Enosis
- 1> Enriched uranium
- 3> Enver Hoxha
- 1> Equipment
- 1> European Common Market
- 1> European integration
- 1> European nuclear diffusion
- 1> European policy
- 1> European support
- 2> Export market
- 1> Factionalism
- 1> Fanfani
- 1> Finland
- 1> Fissionable materials
- 1> Fission weapons
- 3> Force de Frappe
- 1> Foreign policy
- 12> France
- 1> France is over-extended
- 1> French developing IRBMs
- 1> French foreign policy
- 1> French military strategy
- 1> French nuclear weapons program
- 1> French security forces
- 1> Future trends
- 2> Geographic position
- 2> German foreign policy
- 7> Germany
- 1> Great Britain
- 1> Greater assertiveness
- 1> Greater focus on domestic issues
- 1> Greater stability within communist regimes
- 1> History of Warsaw Pact
- 1> Hungary
- 1> Implications of Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
- 1> Improving Franco-German relations
- 1> Increasing resistance activity
- 1> Industrial capacity
- 1> Industrial development
- 1> Insurgency
- 1> Intellectual dissidents
- 1> Internal political situation
- 1> Internal resistance
- 1> Internal situation
- 1> Internal situation in Albania
- 1> Isolation from Soviet Bloc
- 1> Israel
- 1> Italian Communist Party
- 1> Italian foreign policy
- 1> Italian government
- 3> Italy
- 1> John F. Kennedy
- 1> Kennedy highly popular
- 4> Konrad Adenauer
- 2> Labor shortages
- 1> Long-range prospects
- 1> Major revolt unlikely
- 1> Military confrontation
- 1> Missiles
- 1> Morocco
- 1> Most troublesome of Soviet allies
- 1> National elections
- 1> National policies and preoccupations
- 1> Naval forces
- 1> Negligible organized resistance
- 2> Negotiations
- 3> Neutrality policy
- 1> New German government
- 1> No firing on aircraft
- 2> No general war over Berlin
- 1> No likelihood of general uprising in East Germany
- 1> No organized opposition
- 1> No real threat to president
- 1> No reliable evidence
- 1> Norway
- 1> Nuclear delivery systems
- 1> Nuclear proliferation
- 1> Nuclear testing
- 7> Nuclear weapons
- 2> Nuclear weapons testing
- 1> OAS
- 1> Office of Policy Coordination
- 1> Ongoing negotiations
- 1> Opening to the left
- 1> Organized hostile activities
- 1> Ostpolitik
- 1> Panic
- 1> Parachute drop of agents
- 1> Paramilitary capabilities
- 1> Personnel
- 1> Police controls
- 1> Policy towards Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
- 1> Policy towards U.S.
- 1> Political and economic stability
- 1> Political consequences
- 1> Political considerations
- 1> Political disharmony
- 1> Political-economic problems
- 1> Political relationship with th US
- 4> Political stability
- 2> Popular discontent
- 1> Popular unrest
- 1> Potential nuclear countries
- 1> Reappraisal of Indochina policy
- 1> Regime alienation
- 1> Relations with communist world
- 1> Relations with Western allies
- 1> Reliability of security forces
- 1> Resistance activity no threat
- 1> Resolution of Algerian problem
- 1> Resolving the conflict
- 2> Resurgence of West Germany
- 1> Right-wing terrorists
- 1> Role in NATO
- 1> Saar issue
- 1> Secret Army Organization
- 1> Security relationships
- 1> Settlement
- 1> Soviet air force
- 4> Soviet control
- 1> Soviet economic support
- 3> Soviet foreign policy
- 1> Soviet grip on satellites
- 1> Soviet interests in Albania
- 1> Sovietization of economy
- 1> Soviet military
- 2> Soviet military forces
- 1> Soviet reaction to German integration
- 1> Soviet support
- 4> Soviet Union
- 1> Spitsbergen
- 1> Stability
- 1> Stability of regime
- 1> Status of Force Agreement
- 1> Status quo in Eastern Europe
- 1> Strained relations
- 2> Strategic importance
- 1> Strengthen internal position
- 1> Student dissidents
- 1> Submarine-launched missiles
- 1> Support within the French army
- 4> Sweden
- 1> Swedish air force
- 1> Swedish military
- 1> Theoretical weapons research
- 1> Thermonuclear weapons
- 1> Third World
- 1> Threat of assassination
- 1> Trade with West falling
- 1> Tunisia
- 2> Turkey
- 1> U.S. military presence
- 1> Union with Greece
- 1> Uprising
- 1> Vietnam
- 1> Warime capabilities
- 1> War in Indochina
- 1> Warsaw Pact as Soviet instrument
- 2> Weakened Soviet control over Eastern Europe
- 3> West Berlin
- 1> Western alliance and NATO
- 1> Western Europe
- 1> West German forces
- 7> West Germany
- 1> Widespread dissidence
- 3> Yugoslavia
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- U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 x
Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Subject: Intelligence estimate, Collection Id: us-intelligence-on-europe]' returned
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CIA, Estimate, NIE 11-6-66 ::Anti-Communist Resistance Potential in the USSR and Eastern Europe, January 27, 1966, Secret, CIA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Memorandum, Suggested Approach to "U.S. Presence" for NIE - Turkey, December 8, 1965, Secret/NOFORN, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Estimate, NIE 12-54 ::Probable Developments in the European Satellites Through Mid-1956, August 24, 1954, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Memorandum, Howe to Luce, July 8, 1954, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
U.S. Navy, Report, ONI Contribution to NIE-33 - The European Satellite Power Complex, November 7, 1951, Top Secret, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
U.S. Navy
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Estimate, NIE 12-65 ::Eastern Europe and the Warsaw Pact, August 26, 1965, Secret, CIA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Estimate, NIE 22-65 ::French Foreign Policy, June 2, 1965, Secret, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Estimate, NIE 23-65 ::Prospects for West German Foreign Policy, April 22, 1965, Secret, LBJL.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Estimate, NIE 12.5-55 ::Current Situation and Probable Developments in Hungary, March 29, 1955, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Estimate, NIE 12-56 ::Probable Developments in the European Satellites Through 1960, January 10, 1956, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)