U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
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- Italy x
- 1> $2 million a month in subsidies from the USSR
- 1> 17-Nov
- 1> 1973 national elections
- 2> 303 Committee
- 5> 40 Committee
- 1> 440L
- 1> A.Q. Khan Network
- 1> Abandon historic compromise strategy
- 1> Abu Nidal
- 1> Advanced intelligence vase
- 1> AEDS
- 1> Aegean dispute
- 1> Afghanistan
- 1> Afghanistan invasion and the Soviet threat
- 1> AFTAC
- 2> Agent networks
- 1> Agent recruitment
- 1> Agent recruitment in Italy
- 1> Agnelli family
- 1> Agreement between Reagan and Thatcher
- 1> Agreement with Basques on autonomy
- 1> Air strikes
- 13> Albania
- 1> Albanian emigre group
- 1> Albanian emigre groups
- 1> Albanians in Italy and Yugoslavia
- 1> Albanian situation
- 1> Alcide de Gasperi
- 1> Aldo Moro
- 1> Alert memorandum
- 1> Alliance with Italian Socialists
- 1> Alternatives
- 3> Ambassador Graham A. Martin
- 2> Amintore Fanfani
- 1> Anatomy of the decline of terrorism in Italy
- 2> Andreotti
- 2> Andreotti government
- 1> Annual budget
- 1> Anti-church newspaper articles
- 1> Anti-communist forces
- 1> Anti-nuclear activities
- 1> Anti-nuclear protesters
- 1> Anti-nuclear protest groups
- 1> Antiquated educational systems
- 1> Anti-terrorist legislation
- 1> Anti-Tito groups
- 1> Armenia
- 1> Arms control negotiations with USSR
- 1> Arms sales to Nicaragua
- 4> Army Security Agency
- 1> Arrest growing power of Italian Communist Party
- 1> Arthur Scargill
- 1> ASALA
- 1> Assassination of Aldo Moro
- 1> Atomic energy detection system
- 1> Attacks on U.S. government facilities
- 1> Attempts to form new government
- 5> Austria
- 1> Aviano
- 1> Aviano air base
- 1> Baader-Meinhof-Gang
- 3> Baader-Meinhof Gang
- 1> Base closures
- 2> Base rights
- 1> Basque autonomy
- 1> Basque autonomy issue
- 1> Basque terrorist groups
- 2> Basque terrorists
- 1> Belgians
- 4> Belgium
- 1> Berlin
- 1> Billy Graham
- 3> Bitter rivalry
- 1> Brindisi
- 1> Bringing French Communist Party into government
- 1> British infiltration operations
- 3> British intelligence services
- 1> British miners union
- 1> British objectives in Albania
- 1> Budget imbalances
- 1> Budget problems
- 1> Bulgaria
- 1> Bulgarian operations
- 1> Calvo Sotelo
- 2> Camera loan project
- 1> Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
- 1> Camp David process
- 1> Caretaker government
- 1> Carlo Resio
- 1> Catholic Christian Democratic Party
- 1> Catholic Church
- 1> Causes of discontent
- 1> Center coalition unlikely
- 3> Center-left coalition has not worked
- 1> Center-left coalition win parliamentary elections
- 1> Central Intelligence Agency
- 1> CGIL
- 1> CGT
- 1> Chamber of deputies
- 4> Chancellor Schmidt
- 1> Changes in Italian communism
- 1> Changes in PCI
- 1> Charles de Gaulle
- 3> China
- 3> Christian Democratic party
- 6> Christian Democratic Party
- 1> Christian Democratic-PCI deal
- 1> Christian Democrats
- 1> Church-state conflict
- 1> CIA
- 1> CIA covert financial support to Italian political parties and labor unions
- 1> CIA involvement in political action and labor activities in Italy
- 1> Civic guard
- 1> Clandestine intelligence
- 1> Clandestine smuggling
- 1> CND
- 2> Coalition government
- 3> Coalition will not survive
- 1> Cohesion of Italian government
- 1> Collapse
- 1> Collapse of Cossiga government
- 1> Communist-controlled labor unions
- 1> Communist-dominated labor unions
- 1> Communist insurrection
- 1> Communist parties
- 1> Communist Party electoral losses
- 1> Communist plot to wreck economy
- 1> Communist source within Committee for Free Albania
- 1> Communist strategy
- 1> Condemnation of Soviet move
- 1> Confederation of Labor
- 1> Confrontation with Socialist Party
- 1> Conservative Party foreign policy positions at odds with US foreign policy
- 1> Constitutional referendum
- 1> Consumer prices
- 1> Continuing political violence
- 1> Contract agents
- 1> Contractual agreement negotiations
- 1> Converting NATO allies
- 2> Coordination
- 1> Corfu
- 1> Corruption
- 1> Cossiga government
- 1> Counterintelligence
- 2> Counterterrorist activities
- 18> Covert action
- 1> Covert action programs in Italy terminated in 1968
- 3> Covert funding for Christian Democratic party
- 1> Covert funding of Christian Democratic Party
- 1> Covert funding of Italian political parties
- 3> Craxi
- 1> Creation of special counterterrorist units
- 1> Creation ogf SISMI and SISDE
- 2> Crew seeks asylum in Italy
- 1> Croatia
- 1> Cuts in social welfare benefits
- 6> Cyprus
- 1> Czech Communist Party
- 1> Czech crisis
- 4> Czechoslovakia
- 2> Daily intelligence summary
- 1> Damaged by recent scandals
- 1> Danger of military intervention
- 1> Dardanelles transit
- 1> DECA agreement
- 1> DECA negotiations
- 1> Declining morale among rank-and-file communist party members
- 1> Declining Soviet authority
- 1> Declining tension levels
- 2> Defection of destroyer Velos
- 1> Defectors
- 2> Demirel
- 1> Demise of detente
- 5> Denmark
- 1> Departure of last British military troops
- 1> DGB
- 1> Diminishing Basque terrorist activity
- 1> Direct Action
- 1> Direct investment by US companies
- 1> Disappointment on peace talks issue
- 1> Dismal conditions
- 1> Disorganization among French labor unions
- 1> Displaced persons camps
- 1> Dissent within Italian coalition government
- 1> Dissolution of government
- 1> Distressed economic situation
- 1> Divergence
- 1> Domestic opponents
- 1> Downward economic trends
- 1> DP camps
- 2> Drug trafficking
- 1> Early elections
- 1> East Germany
- 1> East-west trade
- 1> Ecevit government
- 1> Economic and political problems
- 1> Economic conditions
- 1> Economic intelligence
- 1> Economic outlook
- 1> Economic summit
- 1> EC tariffs
- 1> Effort to bring down the Ecevit government
- 1> El Al airlines
- 1> Election results
- 1> Electoral position of PCI
- 2> ELINT
- 1> ELINT satellite
- 1> Emigration to the U.S.
- 1> Employment problems
- 1> End of inter-communal peace talks
- 4> Enrico Berlinguer
- 1> Entry into European Monetary System
- 1> Erosion of living standards
- 2> ESD #33
- 1> ETA
- 1> ETA terrorism
- 1> Eurocommunism in steep decline
- 2> Europe
- 4> European Community
- 1> European concern over high US interest rates
- 1> European Council statement of Middle East
- 1> European Defense Community
- 1> European exports declining
- 1> European leaders pessimistic about Poland’s future
- 1> European nuclear diffusion
- 1> European opposition to Long Range Theater Nuclear modernization
- 1> European parliamentary elections
- 1> European public opposition to INF deployments
- 1> European reaction to change in US administrations
- 1> European role in Middle East peace process
- 1> European views on SALT II negotiations
- 1> Europe wants economic aid to Poland
- 1> Execution
- 1> Expectation of increased violence
- 1> Extraordinary legal measures
- 1> Factionalism
- 1> Fake passports
- 1> Falkland Islands
- 1> Falklands crisis
- 1> Falling expectation of Soviet invasion
- 4> Fanfani
- 1> Farm prices
- 1> Father Leiber
- 1> Feud between Socialists and Christian Democrats
- 1> Financial subsidies ending
- 1> Finland
- 1> Fiscal austerity measures
- 2> Fiumiccino
- 1> Foreign lending to Italy
- 1> Foreign mercenaries
- 1> Forlani government
- 24> France
- 1> Francisco Franco
- 1> Francisco Franco’s deteriorating health
- 1> Francois Mitterand
- 4> Frank Wisner
- 1> French and Italian trade balances
- 1> French Communist Party
- 2> French cooperation with Spain
- 2> French expulsion of ETA militants
- 1> French Indochina
- 2> French intelligence services
- 1> French nuclear weapons program
- 1> Funding for anti-communist Italian political parties and labor organizations
- 1> Future of terrorism in Italy
- 1> G-5 membership
- 1> Gehlen
- 1> General Dozier
- 1> General Giovanni De Lorenzo
- 1> General strike
- 12> Germany
- 2> Giscard d’Estaing
- 3> GLCM
- 1> Global economic situation
- 1> Government collapses
- 13> Great Britain
- 1> Greater communist involvement in Italian government
- 18> Greece
- 1> Greek intelligence services
- 1> Greek military invasion of Albania
- 2> Greek naval mutiny
- 1> Greek troops
- 1> Green Berets
- 1> Gross national product
- 1> Ground Launched Cruise Missile
- 2> Ground Launched Cruise Missiles
- 1> Growing economic crisis
- 1> Growing gray market in nuclear materials
- 1> Growing power of Jacques Chirac
- 1> Hans Dietrich Genscher
- 1> Harsh criticism of Moscow
- 1> Heavy layoffs in French steel industry
- 1> Heavy membership losses
- 1> Helmut Kohl
- 2> Henry Kissinger
- 1> High unemployment
- 1> How powerful is the PCI
- 11> HUMINT
- 1> HUMINT collection
- 1> Illegal activities
- 1> Illegal sales of nuclear technology to Pakistan
- 1> Impact of increased oil prices
- 1> Impact of Iranian Revolution on European oil prices
- 1> Impact on European security interests
- 1> Improved counterterrorist tactics
- 1> Increasing protectionism
- 1> Industrial output
- 1> Infiltration of agent teams
- 1> Influence within Italian government
- 1> INLA
- 1> Instability of Italian government
- 1> Intelligence
- 1> Intelligence analysis
- 3> Intelligence estimate
- 9> Intelligence facilities
- 1> Intelligence intelligence services
- 2> Intelligence liaison
- 1> Intelligence penetration operation
- 1> Internal weaknesses of terrorism
- 1> Invasion of Afghanistan
- 2> Iran
- 1> Irish Republican Army
- 2> Israel
- 1> Israeli airline passengers
- 2> Italian air force
- 1> Italian antiwar movement
- 1> Italian Armed Forces Intelligence Service
- 1> Italian Combined Intelligence Services
- 2> Italian communist party
- 26> Italian Communist Party
- 1> Italian counterterrorism successes
- 1> Italian domestic political situation
- 1> Italian economy
- 3> Italian election program
- 1> Italian Foreign Office
- 1> Italian foreign policy
- 23> Italian government
- 1> Italian government embarrassed
- 9> Italian intelligence services
- 1> Italian national elections
- 2> Italian naval intelligence
- 1> Italian political activity
- 1> Italian political stability
- 3> Italian president
- 3> Italian prime minister
- 1> Italian Socialist Party
- 1> Italian terrorist groups
- 1> Italy more important than size of its army
- 1> Italy’s economic problems
- 1> Italy’s trade deficit
- 2> Jacques Chirac
- 1> Jacques Delors
- 7> James Angleton
- 1> Jewish Agency
- 1> Jewish refugees
- 1> Kekkonen’s health worsening
- 1> Kidnaping for ransom
- 1> Kidnaping of General Dozier
- 1> Kidnapping of General Dozier
- 1> Labor costs
- 1> Labor reaction against Communist Party
- 2> Labor unions
- 1> Lack of coordination
- 1> Lack of public support
- 1> Larger role for PCI in Italian government
- 1> Largest communist party in Western Europe
- 1> Leftist military officers
- 1> Lengthy detention without trial
- 1> Li Mi
- 2> Limited economic sanctions against Libya and Syria
- 8> Listening posts
- 1> Loopholes in nuclear export regulations
- 1> Loose talk
- 1> Loss of Italy to communist control
- 1> Loss of morale
- 1> Lucian Truscott
- 2> Luigi Longo
- 1> Luxembourg
- 1> Major effort against Italian Communist Party
- 1> Maldistribution of wealth in Italy
- 1> Malta
- 2> Margaret Thatcher
- 1> Marshal Tito
- 1> Martial law in Poland
- 1> Masonic scandal
- 3> MI6
- 2> Middle Eastern terrorist groups
- 2> Military bases
- 1> Military movements
- 1> Military sales
- 1> Military situation
- 1> Mission to Moscow
- 2> Mitterand
- 1> Monarchists
- 1> Monitoring Test Ban Treaty
- 1> Montreux Convention
- 1> More police powers
- 3> Moro
- 1> Mota Pinto government mistakes
- 1> Mota Pinto not likely to survive
- 1> Mounting political violence
- 1> Movement toward reform under Craxi
- 1> MRCA
- 1> Multiparty structure
- 1> Multi-Role Combat Aircraft
- 10> National elections
- 1> National intelligence analytical memorandum
- 1> National Security Agency
- 2> National Security Study Memorandum
- 1> National unity government
- 1> Nationwide political campaign
- 3> NATO
- 1> NATO declaration
- 1> NATO economic aid to Turkey
- 3> Netherlands
- 1> New covert action program to strengthen center and rightist parties
- 1> New Forlani government
- 1> New national elections
- 1> New political platform
- 1> New Prime Minister Balsemao
- 1> Nikolaos
- 1> No confidence vote
- 1> No evidence of Soviet financing
- 1> No improvement in stability of Italian government
- 1> No leads
- 1> Non-Christian Democratic prime minister
- 1> No progress in inter-communal negotiations
- 1> Northern Ireland
- 2> Norway
- 1> Norwegian defense policy under attack
- 1> Nuclear proliferation
- 1> Nuclear terrorism
- 4> Nuclear weapons
- 1> Nuclear weapons storage
- 1> Nuclear weapons test detection
- 1> Obstacles for PCI
- 4> Office of Policy Coordination
- 1> OPEC price increases
- 1> Open dialogue with Italian Communist Party
- 1> Opening to the left
- 1> Operation KEYSTONE
- 1> Operation VALUABLE
- 1> Opposition to Theater Nuclear Forces modernization
- 1> Opposition tot INF deployment
- 2> Organized crime
- 1> OSS agent team
- 1> Other NATO allies
- 1> Overestimated electoral appeal of communist parties
- 1> Overhaul of Italian intelligence and security services
- 1> Over-the-horizon radar
- 1> Palestine
- 2> Palmiro Togliatti
- 1> Pandolfi Plan
- 1> Papandreou
- 1> Paramilitary capabilities
- 2> Paramilitary operations
- 1> Parliamentary coalition
- 1> Parliamentary procedures
- 1> Partition of Albania
- 1> Past support for Italian political parties
- 1> Payment squeeze
- 3> PCI
- 1> PCI defeated
- 1> PCI Eurocentrism
- 1> PCI foreign policy
- 1> PCI internal problems
- 1> PCI participation in Italian government
- 1> PCI relations with Prime Minister Craxi
- 1> PCI role in Italian government
- 1> PCI support of the USSR in previous crises
- 1> PCI trying to regain power
- 1> Peace movement
- 1> Pension and agrarian reform
- 1> Pershing II missile
- 1> Pershing II missiles
- 1> Persian Gulf War
- 2> Photo intelligence
- 1> PIRA
- 1> Planning hurdles
- 1> Plotting coup d’etat
- 1> Points of disagreement
- 3> Poland
- 1> Political
- 1> Political attacks on Giscardd’Estaing
- 2> Political crisis
- 1> Political defections
- 1> Political developments
- 1> Political disintegration
- 1> Political instability
- 1> Politically motivated violence
- 1> Political outlook
- 1> Political situation
- 1> Political situation in Italy
- 1> Political turmoil
- 1> Pope
- 1> Pope John Paul II
- 8> Portugal
- 1> Portuguese government
- 1> Potential nuclear countries
- 1> Present trends and implications
- 1> President Cossiga
- 1> President Fanfani
- 1> Presidential approval
- 1> President Kekkonen
- 1> President Mitterand’s Socialist Party
- 1> Press reporting
- 1> Previous economic plans
- 1> Prima Linea
- 2> Prime Minister Cossiga
- 1> Prime Minister Craxi
- 2> Prime Minister Fanfani
- 1> Prime Minister Goria
- 1> Prime Minister Pella
- 1> Prime Minister Scelba
- 3> Prime Minister Spadolini
- 1> Prime Minister Thatcher
- 1> Problems with French labor situation
- 1> Problems with US economic embargoes against USSR
- 1> Propaganda
- 1> Pro-Stalinist communists in Yugoslav government
- 1> Provisional Irish Republican Army
- 2> Psychological warfare
- 1> Questions about locations of US nuclear weapons storage sites
- 2> Radar intelligence
- 2> Radio intercept stations
- 1> RAF Feltwell
- 1> Railways
- 1> Reaction to US trade sanctions
- 1> Reconnaissance satellites
- 3> Red Army Faction
- 5> Red Brigades
- 1> Reelection campaign
- 1> Refugee camps
- 1> Refugees
- 1> Refusal to extradite Baader-Meinhof Group terrorists to Germany
- 1> Regional elections
- 1> Rehabilitation law
- 1> Rejection of terrorist groups by Italian Communist Party
- 1> Relationship between Moscow and Italian Communist Party
- 1> Relations with Moscow at all-time low
- 1> Relations with Yugoslavia
- 1> Removal of pro-communist government officials
- 1> Repercussions
- 2> Rescue of General Dozier
- 1> Resignations
- 1> Restricting credits and subsidies
- 1> Richardson incident
- 1> Ridgway
- 1> Rising amount of political violence
- 1> Role in Italian government
- 1> Role of Communist Party in Italian government
- 2> Romania
- 1> Ronald Reagan
- 1> Roots of Italian political problems
- 1> Rothwesten
- 1> Russian emigre groups
- 1> Sa Carneiro government
- 1> San Vito
- 1> Scandal
- 1> Scandinavia
- 1> Schuman government
- 1> SDECE
- 1> Second largest party in Italy
- 1> Security situation
- 1> Serious economic problems
- 1> Servizio Informazioni delle Forze Armate
- 1> Short wave radios
- 2> SIFAR
- 1> SIM
- 1> Sinop
- 5> Site surveys
- 1> Slowdown in US-Italian trade and investment
- 1> Socialist congress
- 3> Socialist Party
- 1> Socialist reunification
- 1> Social problems
- 1> South Africans
- 1> South Georgia Island
- 1> Soviet anti-nuclear propaganda measures
- 1> Soviet foreign policy objectives
- 1> Soviet influence
- 1> Soviet intrusions into Greek territorial waters
- 1> Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia
- 1> Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan
- 1> Soviet policies in Southern Europe
- 1> Soviet propaganda
- 3> Soviet subsidies to PCI
- 1> Soviets upgrading communications at air defense sites
- 4> Soviet Union
- 14> Spain
- 1> Spanish government wants to join NATO
- 1> SPD party congress
- 1> Special anti-sabotage unit
- 1> Special forces units
- 1> Split within Christian Democratic Party
- 1> Stability of Spadolini era ending
- 1> Stalinist purges
- 1> Star Wars
- 1> State Department
- 1> Staybehind agent networks
- 3> Stay-behind operations
- 1> Steady decline of security situation
- 1> Still prison sentences
- 1> Strategic importance
- 1> Stronger protectionist sentiment in UK
- 1> Student activism
- 1> Student discontent
- 2> Suarez
- 1> Suarez losing popularity
- 2> Subversion
- 1> Surveys
- 1> Suspicion of democratic credentials of communists
- 3> Sweden
- 1> Swiss companies
- 1> Swiss intelligence services
- 2> Switzerland
- 1> Tambroni
- 1> Targeting of political figures
- 1> Targets
- 1> Termination of 440L program
- 6> Terrorism
- 4> Terrorist attacks
- 1> Terrorist attacks against US targets in Germany
- 1> Terrorist attacks expected
- 2> Terrorist groups
- 1> Terrorist incidents
- 1> Thatcher
- 1> Thatcher’s economic programs
- 1> The Netherlands
- 1> Thomas Karamessines
- 1> Ties to OPEC
- 1> Ties with the Soviet bloc
- 1> Tom Karamessines
- 1> Trade sanctions against Argentina
- 1> Trade Union Congress
- 1> Trands in European communism
- 2> Trevi Group
- 9> Trieste
- 1> Trieste agreement
- 1> Trieste problem
- 1> Trip to Moscow
- 1> Trying to split Socialists from Italian communist party
- 1> TUC
- 20> Turkey
- 1> TurkeySIGINT
- 1> Turkey under martial law
- 1> Turkey’s economic afflictions
- 1> Turkish extremist terrorist groups
- 1> Turkish generals
- 1> Turkish Straits
- 1> U.S. Forces Austria
- 1> UK Foreign Office
- 1> UK trading problems
- 1> Undeclared funds
- 1> Unemployment
- 1> Unhappiness with US government
- 2> Unstable coalition government
- 1> Upcoming confrontation with communists
- 1> Upgrading theater nuclear forces
- 1> US interference in Italian domestic affairs
- 1> US military bases
- 1> Ustacha
- 1> Vardar Valley
- 5> Vatican
- 1> Vienna and Rome airports
- 1> Violent by extremist groups growing
- 1> Violent demonstrations
- 1> Visit to Basque region
- 1> Wages
- 1> War in Vietnam
- 1> War plans
- 1> Warsaw Pact
- 1> Weak executive
- 1> Weakness of Italian political system
- 8> Western Europe
- 1> Western European brokers exploiting situation
- 1> Western European terrorism
- 1> West German companies
- 12> West Germany
- 1> Williamsburg Summit
- 1> Willy Brandt
- 1> World economic upturn
- 13> Yugoslavia
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- U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 x
Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Subject: Italy, Collection Id: us-intelligence-on-europe]' returned
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CIA, Report, Italian Counterterrorism ::Policies and Capabilities, May 1984, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Italy ::The Quest for More Effective Government, June 1984, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, The Italian Communist Party, April 1984, Secret/NOFORN, CIA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Italian Leftist Terrorism ::Defeated But Not Destroyed, October 1983, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Western Europe ::Radical Tactics Against INF Deployment, September 1983, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, The Italian Political Situation, October 22, 1965, Secret/NOFORN, LBJL.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, Rome to Secretary of State, May 26, 1973, Unclassified, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, Rome to Secretary of State, May 29, 1973, Confidential, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Project OBDURATE (Approval), August 20, 1954, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Memorandum, Howe to Luce, July 8, 1954, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)