Hebrew and Judeo-Arabic Printing in Baghdad Online
Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Subject: Jewish mourning customs - Prayers and devotions., Collection Id: hebrew-and-judeoarabic-printing-in-baghdad]' returned 1 result.
Modify SearchSeder ʻIlui ha-neshamot:kolel petiḥat Eliyahu ha-navi zikhrono le-ʻolam, ṿe-alfa beta sheva-Tehilim u-pirḳe mishnayot ʻal semakh alef bet, u-ma'amare ha-Zohar ha-niḳraʼim be-shem ʻilui, ṿe-3 masakhot she-simanam a., m., t., hayinu Avot, Midot, Tamid, asher nohagim poh Bagdad ṿe-agapeha le-omram le-ʻilui ṿeli-menuḥat ha-neshamot ...
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