U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
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- Netherlands x
- 1> .communist parties
- 1> A.Q. Khan Network
- 1> Abortion
- 1> Accept nuclear weapons deployment
- 1> Access to classified information
- 2> Accord permitting GLCM basing in the Netherlands
- 1> Adolph Berle
- 1> Albania
- 1> Antenna arrays
- 1> Anti-submarine warfare
- 1> Appellate process
- 1> Arlington Hall Station
- 1> Army attache report
- 1> Arrest of Surinamese official
- 1> Aruba
- 1> Atomic stockpile agreement
- 1> Attacks on other enclaves likely
- 3> Austria
- 1> Authorized covert operation
- 1> Bank of England
- 1> Belgians
- 9> Belgium
- 2> Bosnia
- 1> Bosnian Serb capture of Srebrenica
- 1> Bosnian Serb military successes
- 1> Britain
- 1> British agreement
- 1> British and French oil deals with Saudi Arabia
- 4> British intelligence services
- 1> Bypass NATO
- 1> Captured agents
- 1> Caribbean
- 1> Chemicals
- 1> Chinese telegraphic codes
- 1> CIA
- 2> CIA station
- 1> Clandestine operation
- 1> Clandestine radio stations
- 1> Coal
- 1> Codebreaking successes
- 1> Collaboration with foreign governments
- 1> Collapse of UNPROFOR mission
- 2> Colonel Einthoven
- 1> Colonel Van der Gracht
- 1> Combating political and economic evils aboard
- 1> Commisariat a l’Energie Atomique
- 1> Contingency plans
- 1> Contract agents
- 1> Contractual agreement negotiations
- 1> Conviction
- 1> Cooperation with US Army intelligence
- 1> Copper
- 2> Cornelius Fock
- 1> Counterinsurgency
- 1> Covert financial subsidies
- 1> Criminal indictment
- 3> Criminal prosecution
- 2> Cruise missiles
- 1> Cryptanalysis
- 1> Curacao
- 1> Czech embassy
- 1> Czechoslovakia
- 1> Damage assessment
- 1> Damage to national security
- 1> Defeat of TNF modernization plan
- 1> Defense commitments
- 1> Deliberate flooding of eastern Netherlands
- 1> Denmark
- 1> Desi Bouterese
- 1> Diamonds
- 2> Diplomatic codes
- 1> Disarmament conference
- 2> Domestic political autonomy
- 1> Drug trafficking
- 1> Dutch agent team
- 2> Dutch ambassador
- 1> Dutch antiwar groups
- 1> Dutch army
- 1> Dutch contrbution to NATO
- 2> Dutch foreign minister
- 1> Dutch Foreign Ministry
- 1> Dutch Foreign Office
- 4> Dutch general staff
- 7> Dutch government
- 1> Dutch government defense plan
- 1> Dutch intelligence
- 31> Dutch intelligence services
- 1> Dutch military forces
- 1> Dutch minister of defense
- 1> Dutch Ministry of Defense
- 1> Dutch parliament
- 3> Dutch press reports
- 1> Dutch security service
- 1> Dutch Station
- 1> Dutch stress on importance of SALT negotiations
- 1> Dutch use of U.S. intelligence information
- 1> Economic impact
- 2> Elsakkers
- 1> Embargo
- 1> ENEA
- 1> Energy shortages
- 1> Enver Hoxha
- 12> Espionage
- 1> Establish intelligence liaison
- 2> EUCOM
- 1> European energy market
- 1> Europe’s high dependence on energy imports
- 1> Exchange of intelligence
- 2> Financial subsidies
- 1> Foreign media reaction
- 1> Foreign mercenaries
- 6> France
- 1> Frank Wisner
- 1> French Communist Party
- 1> French intelligence services
- 1> Friction with new Indonesian government
- 1> General Kruls
- 1> Geneva
- 1> German rearmament
- 4> Germany
- 1> Gert van Maanen
- 1> GLCM
- 1> Good relations with Dutch
- 1> Government’s sagging popularity
- 5> Great Britain
- 3> Greece
- 1> Greek intelligence services
- 1> Green parties in parliament
- 1> Ground Launched Cruise Missiles
- 1> Growing gray market in nuclear materials
- 1> Hagelin cipher machines
- 1> Halden boiling water reactor
- 2> Hans van Mierlo
- 1> Heavy water
- 1> Heidelberg
- 1> HUMINT collection
- 2> Hungary
- 1> Ijssel River defense line
- 1> Illegal sales of nuclear technology to Pakistan
- 1> Impact of lower oil prices
- 1> Implementation problems
- 1> Implications for energy trade
- 1> Increased energy security
- 5> Indonesia
- 1> Intelligence early warning
- 2> Intelligence exchange
- 1> Intelligence facilities
- 4> Intelligence liaison
- 2> Intelligence liaison difficulties
- 1> Intelligence liaison discussions
- 1> Intelligence reporting
- 1> Inter-Church Peace Council
- 2> Invasion of Yugoslavia
- 1> Investigates Soviet activities
- 1> Ireland
- 1> ISC
- 3> Italy
- 1> Jan Somer
- 1> John Grombach
- 2> Joop den Uyl
- 12> Joseph S. Petersen
- 1> Justice Department
- 1> Kurt Waldheim
- 1> Lessen reliance on tactical nuclear weapons
- 1> Leveling of income through taxation
- 1> Limitations under which Dutch battalion operated
- 1> Long Range Theater Nuclear modernization
- 1> Loopholes in nuclear export regulations
- 1> Louis Einthoven
- 1> Lubbers government
- 1> Lucian Truscott
- 1> Luxembourg
- 2> Majority of Dutch oppose nuclear basing in Netherlands
- 1> Mario Soares
- 1> Max van der Stoel
- 1> MBFR
- 1> Metals
- 2> MI6
- 1> Middleburg Agreement
- 1> Misperceptions concerning Dutch actions at Srebrenica
- 1> More aid to developing world
- 6> National Security Agency
- 2> NATO
- 1> Natural gas
- 1> Navy cover
- 2> Netherlands Antilles
- 1> Netherlands liaison officer
- 1> Netherlands Student Council
- 1> New Dutch foreign and colonial policies
- 1> New lawyer
- 1> New political party
- 1> News reports
- 1> No credence to report that Pakistan negotiating deal with Soviets
- 1> No more funding from US sources
- 1> North Korean political traffic
- 5> Norway
- 1> Norway-Nethrlands nuclear agreement
- 1> Norwegian nuclear energy program
- 1> Nuclear delivery systems
- 1> Nuclear deterrence
- 6> Nuclear weapons
- 1> Nuclear weapons storage sites
- 1> Oil
- 1> Oil embargo
- 1> Oil transshipment through Rotterdam
- 1> OPEC
- 1> Opposition to Allende’s overthrow
- 1> Opposition to Greek regime
- 1> Opposition to Portuguese colonies
- 1> Orfordness
- 1> OSS
- 1> Over the horizon radar
- 1> Paramilitary operations
- 1> Parliamentary election
- 1> Philips Companies
- 1> Pieter de Geus
- 1> Political ane economic consequences
- 2> Portugal
- 1> Postwar economic recovery efforts
- 1> Potential suppliers
- 2> Preelection outlook
- 1> Presidential election
- 1> Presidential elections
- 1> Prime Minister van Agt
- 1> Prince Bernhardt
- 1> Prison sentence
- 1> Private counterintelligence organization
- 1> Problems for Dutch government
- 1> Progressive Democratic Party
- 1> Proprietary organizations
- 1> Public disclosure
- 1> Radar intelligence
- 1> Reactors
- 1> Referendum on Dutch foreign and economic policies
- 1> Rejected requested formal intelligence liaison
- 1> Relationship changing
- 1> Release procedures
- 1> Renewed emphasis on domestic problems
- 1> Report from Islamabad
- 1> Research and development
- 1> Resistence to Soviet attack is futile
- 1> Risk of disruptions
- 1> Risk to refugees and to Dutch soldiers if force used
- 3> Romania
- 1> Rubber
- 2> Ruud Lubbers
- 1> San Jacinto Fund
- 1> Scandinavia
- 2> Second Chamber of Parliament
- 2> Security compromise
- 1> Security obstacles
- 1> Security risks
- 1> Skyrocketing oil prices
- 1> Sluggish economy
- 2> Smuggling
- 1> South Africans
- 1> Sovereignty issues
- 2> Soviet troop movements
- 1> Soviet Union
- 2> Spain
- 1> Srebrenica report
- 1> Statement of interest
- 2> Statute of the Realm
- 1> Staybehind agent networks
- 1> Stay-behind operations
- 2> Stikker
- 2> Strategic materials
- 2> Struggle for independence
- 1> Student and Youth Fund
- 1> Subversion
- 2> Surinam
- 4> Sweden
- 1> Swiss companies
- 1> Switzerland
- 1> Tactical nuclear weapons
- 1> Terrorism
- 1> Test Ban Treaty
- 1> Theater nuclear weapons
- 1> Theft of nuclear device
- 1> Thomas Betts
- 1> Trade union intransigence
- 3> Turkey
- 1> U.S. COMINT effort
- 1> Underground organizations
- 1> UN Safe Area
- 1> UN Security Council
- 1> Uranium
- 1> USSR
- 1> Van Roijen
- 1> War plans
- 1> Wartime relationship
- 1> Western Europe
- 1> Western European brokers exploiting situation
- 1> West German companies
- 2> West Germany
- 1> Willing to proceed discretely with INF site selection
- 1> Wing Commander MacDonald
- 1> Yugoslavia
- 1> Zepa likely to fall
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- U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 x
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Department of State, Cable, The Hague to Secretary of State, October 13, 1995, Confidential, WJCL.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
National Security Council (NSC), Report, Summary of Conclusions for Meeting of the NSC Deputies Committee, July 11-12, 1995, Secret, WJCL.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
National Security Council (NSC)
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Western Europe ::Implications of Energy Import Dependence, June 1983, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Memorandum, Memorandum for the Secretary, October 14, 1954, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, The Hague to Secretary of State, October 22, 1954, Unclassified, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, The Hague to Secretary of State, October 21, 1954, Unclassified, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, The Hague to Secretary of State, October 20, 1954, Unclassified, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, USMISSION NATO to Secretary of State, February 23, 1973, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
U.S. Army, Memorandum, Reported Soviet Troop Movements Toward Rumania-Yugoslavia, February 24, 1951, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
U.S. Army
Partial (No exact match found)
U.S. Army, Memorandum, Untitled, February 21, 1951, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
U.S. Army
Partial (No exact match found)