U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
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- Poland x
- 1> Aegean dispute
- 1> Aerial reconnaissance
- 2> Agent airdrop
- 1> Agent exfiltration
- 1> Agent infiltration
- 1> Agent networks
- 1> Agent recruitment
- 1> Airborne forces
- 1> Air defenses
- 1> Airdrops
- 2> Airspace violations
- 1> AK
- 2> Albania
- 1> Alert memorandum not warranted
- 1> Algerian nationalist leaders
- 1> All Solidarity leaders arrested
- 1> Angry public mood
- 1> Anthony Eden
- 1> Anti-communist underground organizations
- 1> Anti-government demonstrations
- 2> Archbishop Glemp
- 1> Armed incident in Krakow
- 1> Arms control
- 1> Arms sales to Nicaragua
- 1> Arrests
- 1> Attaches
- 1> Attack on Mao Tse-tung
- 3> Austria
- 1> Ballistic missiles
- 1> Baltic Sea
- 1> Barge traffic to West Berlin
- 1> Belgian Security Service
- 1> Belgium
- 1> Berlin
- 1> Berlin Crisis
- 1> Biographic intelligence collection
- 1> Bornholm
- 2> Brezhnev
- 4> British intelligence services
- 1> British naval intelligence
- 3> Budapest
- 6> Bulgaria
- 1> Bulgarian
- 1> Bulgarian Muslim emigration to Turkey
- 1> Cabinet changes
- 3> Captured agents
- 2> Cardinal Glemp
- 2> Catholic Church
- 5> Catholic church
- 1> Cechoslovakia
- 1> Centralization
- 1> Change in leadership
- 1> Changes in Polish government leadership
- 1> Chetniks
- 1> Church mediation efforts
- 1> Church-state rivalry
- 1> CIA Clandestine Service
- 1> CIA concerned Polish government will resort to use of force
- 2> CIA station
- 1> Civic Forum
- 1> Civil unrest
- 1> Clandestine operation
- 1> Clandestine support of friendly foreign groups
- 1> Coal miner strikes continuing
- 1> Commando units
- 1> Concessions to striking workers
- 1> Constitutional revisions
- 1> Construction of hardened command post
- 1> Coordination with West Germany
- 1> Cover designations
- 1> Covert action
- 1> Crackdown on dissidents imminent
- 1> Cracking American codes & ciphers
- 1> Craxi
- 1> Curb on activist priests
- 1> Curfews remain in place
- 2> Cyprus
- 1> Czech Communist Party
- 11> Czechoslovakia
- 1> Czechoslovakian situation
- 1> Czech-Soviet talks
- 5> Daily intelligence summary
- 1> Damaged by recent scandals
- 1> Danish intelligence
- 1> Danish intelligence services
- 1> Death of 7 miners
- 1> Decline in strike activity
- 1> Deep cover agents
- 3> Defections
- 1> Defector inducement
- 1> Defense problems
- 1> Defiance of Kremlin
- 1> Demand for free elections
- 1> Demonstration
- 2> Demonstrations
- 1> Denial of transit visas
- 5> Denmark
- 1> Detente
- 1> Deteriorating government relations with church
- 1> Diplomatic cover
- 1> Diplomatic reporting
- 1> Discussions with Marshal Kulikov
- 1> Dismantling Stalinist controls
- 1> Dismissal of government
- 1> Disorganization among French labor unions
- 1> Dispute
- 1> Dispute between Gaulllist political parties
- 1> Dissent
- 1> Do nothing to provoke Soviet intervention
- 1> Double agents
- 1> Dramatic increase in labor unrest
- 1> Dutch intelligence services
- 5> Eastern Europe
- 1> Eastern European communist parties
- 13> East Germany
- 1> Economic conditions
- 1> Economic impact
- 1> Economic-political controversy
- 1> economic problems
- 1> Economic restructuring
- 1> Economic sanctions
- 1> Economic situation
- 1> Edward Gierek
- 1> ELINT
- 1> End of one-party rule
- 2> Espionage
- 1> European exports declining
- 1> European leaders pessimistic about Poland’s future
- 1> European reactions to Hungarian crisis
- 1> European reaction to change in US administrations
- 1> European sympathy for Solidarity strikers
- 1> European vulnerability to Middle East events
- 1> Europe wants economic aid to Poland
- 1> Events slipping out of control
- 1> Exchange of views of Czech crisis
- 1> Falling expectation of Soviet invasion
- 1> FBI
- 1> Fighting
- 1> Fighting continues
- 1> Fighting ended
- 3> Finland
- 1> Finnish Communist Party
- 1> Flemish-Walloon tensions
- 1> Flight activities
- 1> Flight activity
- 1> Food and energy shortages
- 1> Forces in West Germany
- 1> Force to be reckoned with
- 1> Forlani government
- 10> France
- 1> Freedom and Independence
- 1> French Foreign Office
- 1> French foreign policy
- 2> French intelligence services
- 1> French-Soviet naval exchanges
- 1> GCHQ
- 1> Gdansk shipyards
- 5> General Jaruzelski
- 1> General strike
- 1> German training facilities
- 5> Germany
- 8> Gomulka
- 1> Gomulka visit to France
- 1> Government reorganization
- 1> Government selection of clerics
- 4> Great Britain
- 3> Greece
- 1> Greek bid to join NATO
- 1> Greek Communist Party
- 1> Growing ethnic tension
- 3> GSFG
- 1> Guerrilla warfare
- 1> Harvest support
- 2> Heavy fighting
- 1> High-level intelligence
- 1> Hinder Church access to foreign media
- 1> Human intelligence
- 12> HUMINT
- 4> Hungarian army
- 1> Hungarian Communist Party
- 17> Hungary
- 1> Illegal sales
- 1> Illicit trade
- 1> Impact of dissent in Eastern Europe
- 1> Imposition of martial law
- 1> Improving relations with Libya
- 4> Imre Nagy
- 1> Incidents of violence
- 1> Increased personnel on Polish railways
- 2> Increased Soviet military activity
- 1> Increasing economic problems
- 1> Independent trade unions
- 1> Influence of Catholic Church and Solidarity trade union
- 1> Insurgents
- 1> Intelligence community judgement is flawed
- 2> Intelligence flap
- 1> Intelligence information
- 1> Intelligence reporting
- 1> Intensified surveillance of Soviet troop movements
- 1> Intercepts
- 2> Invasion requires complete tactical surprise
- 1> Iran-Iraq war
- 1> Isolating Soldarity
- 1> Italian intelligence services
- 3> Italy
- 1> Janos Kadar
- 1> Jaruzelski’s personal power
- 1> Jaruzelski’s successes
- 1> Jewish emigration to Israel
- 1> John Bruce Lockhart
- 1> John Sinclair
- 1> Kania
- 3> Kania regime
- 1> KOS
- 1> Kremlin influence in Polish politics
- 3> Kuklinski
- 1> Labor strikes
- 1> Labor strikes more infrequent
- 3> Lech Walesa
- 1> Liberation committees
- 1> Libyan activity in the Mediterranean
- 1> Libyan financial support for socialist parties in Spain, Greece and Italy
- 1> Lifting of martial law
- 1> Limit Church’s influence in Polish society
- 1> Loss of control by Polish Communist Party
- 1> Loss of popular support
- 1> Low Blow radar
- 1> Lublin
- 1> Malta
- 1> Maritime intelligence collection
- 2> Marshal Kulikov
- 2> Marshal Rokossovsky
- 5> Martial law
- 2> Martial law declared
- 1> Martial law plans
- 1> Martial law regime
- 1> Mazowiecki government
- 1> Measure to avert general strike
- 1> Meeting of defense ministers
- 1> MI6
- 1> Mikhail Suslov
- 1> Military Council of National Salvation
- 1> Military developments
- 2> Military exercises
- 1> Military forces
- 1> Military highlights
- 3> Military situation
- 1> Military still running Poland
- 1> Military takeover of Turkish government
- 1> Military under parliamentary control
- 1> Minister of Defense Jaruzelski
- 1> Ministry of Public Security
- 1> Mohamed ben Bella
- 1> Moscow has lost confidence in Polish government
- 1> Moscow wants situation brought under control
- 1> Moscow’s staunchest ally
- 1> Move to market economy
- 1> Murder trial
- 1> Mururoa
- 1> National elections
- 1> NATO declaration
- 1> Naval exercises
- 2> Naval intelligence
- 1> New Carter administration directive
- 1> New economic policies
- 1> New Forlani government
- 1> New government
- 1> New Prime Minister Balsemao
- 1> New wave of dissidence
- 1> New York Times report
- 1> No alert
- 1> No contact with embassy
- 1> No evidence of Soviet mobilization
- 1> No martial law
- 1> Nonconformist individuals
- 1> No newspapers
- 2> Northern Group of Forces
- 2> Norway
- 1> No Soviet military activity
- 1> Not convinced Soviet invasion is imminent
- 1> No troop movements
- 1> No unusual military activities
- 1> Nuclear weapons testing
- 1> Office of National Estimates
- 1> Office of Policy Coordination
- 1> Office of Strategic Services
- 2> One day of advance warning of Soviet invasion
- 1> Opposition of Romania to resolutions
- 1> Opposition to martial law by Catholic church
- 1> Orphan for Pugh
- 1> Overflights
- 1> Papandreou
- 1> Partisan warfare
- 1> Peace talks
- 1> Photo intelligence
- 1> Polish ambassador to Romania
- 1> Polish ambassador to US in trouble
- 2> Polish army
- 7> Polish Communist Party
- 1> Polish crisis impact on East-West relations
- 1> Polish Crisis of 1980-1981
- 1> Polish defectors
- 1> Polish economy
- 12> Polish government
- 1> Polish intelligence
- 1> Polish intelligence service
- 4> Polish intelligence services
- 5> Polish military
- 1> Polish Military Mission in Berlin
- 1> Polish national interests
- 1> Polish navy
- 1> Polish party congress
- 1> Polish pope
- 1> Polish radio broadcasts
- 1> Polish resistance organization
- 1> Polish security forces
- 1> Polish-Soviet relations
- 3> Polish troop movements
- 1> Polish underground organizations
- 1> Polish-US relations
- 1> Politburo visit to Japan
- 1> Political activities in Czech and Polish armies
- 1> Political crisis
- 2> Political developments
- 1> Political infighting
- 1> Political opposition
- 1> Political parties
- 1> Political prognosis
- 1> Political situation
- 2> Political situation in Poland
- 1> Political warfare
- 1> Pope
- 1> Pope visit to Poland
- 1> Popular discontent
- 1> Popular support for Solidarity trade union
- 3> Portugal
- 1> Porugal
- 1> Possibilities of change
- 2> Possible Soviet military intervention
- 1> Possible Soviet military invasion
- 1> Potential for Soviet intervention
- 2> Poznan
- 1> Presidential Directive 59
- 1> Presidential elections
- 3> Press reporting
- 1> Pressure to crack down on Solidarity
- 1> Prime Minister Balsemao
- 1> Prime Minister Martens
- 1> Prime Minister Suarez
- 1> Problems with coal miners
- 1> Problems with French labor situation
- 1> Project AEROFOIL
- 1> Psychological warfare
- 1> Public demonstrations
- 1> Public indifference
- 1> Purge
- 1> Radar systems
- 1> Radio intercept
- 1> Radio operators
- 1> Reaction of Soviet Union unknown
- 1> Reactivation of Fagataufa nuclear test site
- 1> Recent troop movements
- 1> Recruit call-up
- 1> Red Cross
- 1> Relations with Eastern Europe
- 1> Relaxed atmosphere in Washington
- 1> Repression of Turkish minority
- 1> Resistence to martial law declining
- 1> Restoring order to Polish factories
- 1> Restricting credits and subsidies
- 1> Results of military rule
- 1> Return to normalcy
- 1> Reunification
- 1> Review of current situation
- 1> Revival of Catholicism in Eastern Europe
- 1> Revolt at an end
- 3> Riots
- 1> Role of Polish Catholic church
- 7> Romania
- 1> Ronald Reagan
- 1> Roots of dissidence
- 1> Ryszard Kuklinski
- 1> SA-3 SAM missile deployment
- 3> Satellite imagery
- 3> Satellite reconnaissance
- 1> Satellite relations
- 1> Scandinavia
- 1> Scarcity of consumer goods
- 1> Schools to reopen
- 2> Secret Army
- 5> Secret sources
- 1> Sejm
- 1> Semi-annual troop rotation
- 1> Ship visits
- 1> Shortages of priests and churches
- 1> Sino-Soviet dispute
- 1> Sir Kenneth Strong
- 1> Sir Percy Sillitoe
- 1> Sir Richard Travis
- 1> Sit-in strikes
- 1> Situation stable
- 1> Situation volatile
- 1> Slansky trials
- 1> Smuggling
- 1> Socialist Party
- 2> Solidarity
- 10> Solidarity trade union
- 1> Soviet air defense forces
- 2> Soviet air force
- 2> Soviet army
- 1> Soviet campaign to discredit Polish government
- 1> Soviet control mechanisms
- 1> Soviet covert warfare in Western Europe
- 1> Soviet disarmament campaign
- 2> Soviet General Staff communications activity
- 2> Soviet leaders losing confidence in Polish regime
- 11> Soviet military
- 1> Soviet military activities
- 3> Soviet military activity
- 2> Soviet military force
- 1> Soviet military forces
- 2> Soviet military readiness levels
- 1> Soviet naval exercise
- 1> Soviet political reactions
- 1> Soviets deeply troubled by Polish events
- 1> Soviets preparing to intervene in Poland
- 1> Soviets satisfied with Polish security measures
- 1> Soviet submarines in Yugoslavia
- 1> Soviet troop concentrations along Czech border
- 2> Soviet troop dispositions
- 4> Soviet troop movements
- 7> Soviet Union
- 1> Soviet warships
- 3> Spain
- 1> Spasowski defection
- 1> Sporadic fighting
- 1> State Department
- 1> Status of Soviet forces in Poland
- 1> Status of strikes
- 1> Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski
- 1> Strained relations with Spanish military
- 1> Strategic commodities
- 1> Strict control of the press
- 2> Strike activity
- 1> Strikers killed
- 1> Strike situation
- 1> Stronger protectionist sentiment in UK
- 2> Student demonstrations
- 1> Studies in Intelligence
- 1> Suarez
- 1> Subversion of Polish regime
- 3> Sweden
- 1> Swedish intelligence services
- 1> Switzerland
- 1> Tankers
- 1> Targets
- 1> Thatcher’s economic programs
- 1> Threat of martial law
- 1> Threat of Soviet military intervention
- 1> Threats of Soviet military intervention
- 1> Tough anticommunist message by Church
- 3> Training activities
- 1> Translation of secret Polish military document
- 2> Troop dispositions
- 9> Troop movements
- 1> Troop reductions
- 1> TU-16 surveillance operations in the Mediterranean
- 3> Turkey
- 1> Turkish coup d’etat
- 1> U-2
- 1> UK trading problems
- 1> Underground activities in USSR and Eastern Europe
- 1> Underground resistance
- 1> Uneasy coexistence between governments and Church
- 1> Union Carbide
- 1> United Nations
- 1> Unprecedented political reforms
- 1> US embassy cutoff
- 1> US nuclear deterrent
- 1> USSR
- 2> Vatican
- 1> Velvet Revolution
- 1> Violent demonstrations
- 1> Violent showdown
- 1> Visit to Basque region
- 1> Visit to Czechoslovakia
- 1> Vulnerability of Polish rail system
- 1> Walesa and Polish underground
- 1> Walter Ulbricht
- 1> War in Vietnam
- 4> Warning indicators
- 1> Warnings about anti-socialist behavior
- 1> Warsaw calm
- 3> Warsaw Pact
- 1> Warsaw Pact military activity
- 2> Western Europe
- 1> Western European responses
- 1> What do they want
- 1> White propaganda
- 1> Who are the dissidents
- 1> Widespread arrests
- 1> Widespread coal miner strikes
- 1> WiN
- 1> Witold Szemaniak
- 3> Wladyslaw Gomulka
- 1> Youths and Catholicism
- 4> Yugoslavia
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- U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 x
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CIA, Report, Poland ::A Balance Sheet for Jaruzelski, June 1984, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Article, The Vilification and Vindication of Colonel Kuklinski, Summer 2000, Unclassified, CIA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Memorandum, Proposed Appearance of Polish Defector Before House Committee on Un-American Activities, January 19, 1966, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
OSS, Memorandum, Conference at State Department on August 22, 1945, August 23, 1945, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
Partial (No exact match found)
SSU, Memorandum, Progress Report - Central Europe and Balkans Area, January 23, 1946, Secret Control, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Strategic Services Unit (SSU)
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Poland ::Jaruzelski’s Use of the Military as a Political Instrument, March 1983, Top Secret/NOFORN [codeword not declassified], CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Poland ::Prospects for Solidarity, March 1983, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, NIO Monthly Warning Assessments ::October, November 2, 1982, Secret [codeword not declassified], CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
SSU, Memorandum, Polish Contacts, October 1, 1946, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Strategic Services Unit (SSU)
Partial (No exact match found)
SSU, Memorandum, CIG Representatives for Budapest, Lodz, and Sofia, September 4, 1946, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Strategic Services Unit (SSU)
Partial (No exact match found)