U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
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- Soviet Union x
- 1> "Zionist plots"
- 1> Aerial incidents
- 2> Aerial reconnaissance
- 1> Agent networks
- 1> Airborne intercept radar
- 1> Airfield and rocket launching sites
- 1> Akrotiri
- 1> Albania
- 2> Alexander Dubcek
- 1> Anti-Soviet developments
- 1> Arms agreements
- 1> Attack on Mao Tse-tung
- 1> Attack on Yugoslavia
- 2> Austria
- 1> AWACs aircraft
- 1> Baltic Sea
- 1> Bank of England
- 2> Barents Sea
- 1> Berlin
- 1> Berlin air corridors
- 1> Bilateral security issues
- 2> Black Sea
- 1> Brezhnev
- 1> British intelligence
- 4> British intelligence services
- 1> Buildup of forces
- 1> Bulgarian
- 1> Bulgarian coup
- 1> Bulgarian Muslim emigration to Turkey
- 1> Cannot be confirmed
- 1> Captured documents
- 1> Ceausescu
- 1> Charles de Gaulle
- 1> Charles De Gaulle
- 1> Chill in bilateral relations with USSR
- 1> China
- 1> Choking off political reforms in Eastern Europe
- 1> Clandestine intelligence
- 1> Coalition strategy
- 1> Commander Dunderdale
- 1> Command structure
- 1> Copper
- 1> Costs and terms
- 1> Cover story
- 2> Covert action
- 1> Covert dissemination of banned books-magazines in Eastern Europe
- 1> Crackdown on dissidents imminent
- 4> Cyprus
- 1> Czech liberalization policies could spread to other Warsaw Pact countries
- 8> Czechoslovakia
- 3> Daily intelligence summary
- 1> Declining role of Czech Communist Party
- 1> Declining Soviet authority
- 1> Defense ministry talks
- 1> Democratization process
- 1> Denmark
- 1> Destroyer patrols
- 1> DGER
- 1> Diplomatic considerations
- 1> Diplomatic overtures to Austria
- 2> Diplomatic relations
- 1> Disarmament
- 1> Distribution of books and periodicals to Eastern Europe
- 1> Djilas affair
- 1> Domestic developments
- 12> Eastern Europe
- 2> Eastern European communist parties
- 1> Eastern European reactions
- 1> East German government
- 1> East German uncertainty
- 1> Economic impact of French political crisis
- 1> Economic pressures
- 1> Educational programs
- 1> Egyptian government
- 3> ELINT
- 1> ELINT satellite
- 1> Embargo
- 1> Erosion of Soviet power
- 1> Espionage
- 1> Espionage trials
- 1> European role in Middle East peace process
- 1> Events slipping out of control
- 1> Ferret aircraft
- 2> Ferret flights
- 2> Finland
- 1> Foreign and domestic political considerations
- 1> Foreign policy concerns
- 1> Forestall British and French nuclear modernization programs
- 9> France
- 1> Francois Mitterand
- 1> French Communist Party
- 2> French foreign policy
- 1> French initiatives
- 2> French intelligence services
- 1> FROG ballistic missiles
- 4> Germany
- 1> Getting proscribed literature behind the Iron Curtain
- 1> Ghost Rockets
- 1> Gomulka visit to France
- 1> Goodwill exchange
- 5> Great Britain
- 1> Greater stability within communist regimes
- 1> Greece
- 1> Greek Cypriot military
- 1> Growing tension
- 1> Human rights advocacy programs
- 1> Hungary
- 1> Hydroacoustic data
- 1> Iceland
- 1> Independent trade unions
- 1> INF talks
- 1> Integration of Spain into NATO
- 1> Intellectual dissidents
- 1> Intelligence collection
- 4> Intelligence estimate
- 1> Intelligence exchange
- 2> Intelligence liaison
- 1> Intelligence report
- 1> Intensified surveillance of Soviet troop movements
- 1> Intercepts
- 1> Intimidation
- 2> Italian Communist Party
- 4> Italy
- 1> Jewish underground
- 1> Kania
- 1> Kania regime
- 1> Kremlin
- 1> Kremlin control
- 1> Kuklinski
- 1> Lack of strategic warning
- 1> Latin America
- 1> Leftist military officers
- 1> Loss of control by Polish Communist Party
- 1> Loss of Czechoslovakia
- 1> Malta
- 1> Manhattan Project
- 1> Marshal Rokossovsky
- 4> Marshal Tito
- 1> Martial law plans
- 1> Maurice Schumann
- 1> Mikhail Gorbachev
- 1> Mikhail Suslov
- 1> Military alliance
- 1> Military assistance
- 1> Military conscription
- 1> Military equipment
- 2> Military exercises
- 1> Missile limitations
- 1> Mission tracks
- 1> Modernization of Turkish military
- 1> Moscow has lost confidence in Polish government
- 1> National boundaries
- 1> National intelligence analytical memorandum
- 1> Nationalist sentiments
- 1> National Security Council
- 1> National security decision directive
- 2> NATO
- 1> Naval exercises
- 1> Naval reconnaissance
- 1> Negligible organized resistance
- 2> Negotiations
- 1> Netherlands
- 2> Neutrality
- 1> Neutralization and disarmament of Germany
- 1> New military equipment
- 1> New York Times report
- 1> No evidence of military intervention
- 1> Nonaligned conference
- 1> No plans for military aggression
- 5> Norway
- 1> Norwegian defense policy under attack
- 1> Norwegian security policy
- 1> Nuclear artillery
- 1> Nuclear capabilities
- 1> Nuclear delivery systems
- 1> Nuclear disarmament proposals
- 5> Nuclear weapons
- 1> Nuclear weapons storage sites
- 1> Obstructionist tactics
- 1> Operational restrictions
- 1> Outlook
- 1> Overflights
- 1> PCF strained relationship with Mitterand
- 1> Pershing II missile
- 1> Petroleum exploration
- 1> Photographic intelligence
- 1> Photo intelligence
- 1> Points of disagreement
- 7> Poland
- 1> Polish Communist Party
- 1> Polish government
- 1> Polish military
- 1> Polish problems
- 1> Political situation
- 3> Portugal
- 1> Port visits
- 1> Positive response to Gorbachev disarmament proposals
- 1> Pravda
- 1> Preemptive nuclear strike
- 1> Premier Kosygin
- 1> Present trends and implications
- 1> Pressure on US SDI program
- 1> Pressure to crack down on Solidarity
- 1> Prime Minister Willoch
- 1> Propaganda campaign
- 1> Psychological warfare
- 1> Publication of books and magazines banned in Russia and Eastern Europe
- 1> Purge
- 1> Radar jamming
- 1> Radio Free Europe
- 1> Radio Liberty
- 1> Ratlines
- 2> Reconnaissance overflights
- 1> Reconnaissance satellites
- 1> Reduced defense spending
- 1> Refugees
- 1> Rehabilitation law
- 1> Relations with Eastern Europe
- 1> Resolution of Aegean dispute
- 1> Results of visit
- 1> Rising tensions
- 1> Romania
- 1> Romanian walkout of Budapest meeting
- 1> Royal Air Force
- 1> Royal Navy
- 1> Sa Carneiro government
- 2> Scandinavia
- 1> Scud ballistic missiles
- 1> Secret sources
- 1> Semi-annual troop rotation
- 1> Ships spotted in Odessa loading weapons for Albania
- 1> Shootdowns
- 1> Smuggling
- 2> Solidarity trade union
- 1> SOSUS
- 1> Soviet attitude hardening
- 1> Soviet complaints about Norway’s role in NATO
- 1> Soviet concerns
- 1> Soviet criticism of French nuclear policy
- 1> Soviet diplomatic pressure
- 4> Soviet foreign policy
- 1> Soviet foreign policy objectives
- 1> Soviet industrial espionage in Sweden
- 4> Soviet military
- 1> Soviet military aid
- 1> Soviet navy
- 1> Soviet nuclear threat
- 1> Soviet peace campaign
- 1> Soviet policies in Southern Europe
- 1> Soviet propaganda charges
- 1> Soviets deeply troubled by Polish events
- 1> Soviet SIGINT trawler
- 1> Soviet submarine incursions into Swedish waters
- 1> Soviet submarines
- 1> Soviet troop movements
- 1> Soviet troops in Czechoslovakia
- 2> Spain
- 1> Split within Christian Democratic Party
- 1> Spy ships
- 2> Stalin
- 1> Stalinist purges
- 1> Star Wars
- 1> State-controlled media conducting anticommunist campaign
- 1> State Department approval needed
- 1> Status quo in Eastern Europe
- 1> Strategic materials
- 1> Strengthen internal position
- 1> Student dissidents
- 1> Suarez losing popularity
- 1> Submarine construction
- 1> Suez Canal
- 1> Surface-to-air missiles
- 1> Surveillance efforts
- 1> Surveillance of US Sixth Fleet
- 2> Svalbard
- 7> Sweden
- 2> Swedish air force
- 1> Swedish commitment to neutrality policies
- 2> Swedish intelligence services
- 1> Tactical nuclear missiles
- 1> Tactical nuclear weapons
- 1> Targeting of missiles
- 1> Targets
- 1> Technical and scientific exchange programs
- 1> Technicians in Hungary
- 1> Territorial dispute with USSR
- 1> Theater nuclear forces
- 1> The Romanian problem
- 1> Threat of martial law
- 1> Threat of military intervention
- 1> Threats of Soviet military intervention
- 1> Threat to Soviet influence in Czechoslovakia
- 1> Ties with West
- 1> Tightened security measures
- 1> Trands in European communism
- 1> Troop reinforcements
- 4> Turkey
- 1> U.S. Navy
- 1> U.S.-Soviet diplomatic relations
- 1> U-2
- 1> U-2 reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> US global interests
- 1> US military forces in Europe
- 1> US national security policy
- 1> View of Eastern Europe
- 1> Virtue of neutralism
- 1> Visit to Moscow
- 1> Warning indicators
- 2> Warsaw Pact
- 1> Warsaw Pact nuclear doctrine
- 1> Weakening of Soviet controls
- 2> Weapons shipments
- 3> West Berlin
- 3> Western Europe
- 1> West German government
- 1> West Germany
- 1> Widespread dissidence
- 1> Williamsburg meeting
- 8> Yugoslavia
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- U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 x
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CIA, Report, Current Intelligence Weekly Summary, July 28, 1955, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Nine Covert Action Programs Directed Against the USSR and Eastern Europe, January 17, 1979, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, SE Division’s Covert Action Program, November 14, 1977, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
SSU, Report, Symphony Project ::Original Project Report, April 17, 1946, Secret Control, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Strategic Services Unit (SSU)
Partial (No exact match found)
U.S. Army, Memorandum, Exchange of Intelligence with British, April 23, 1946, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
U.S. Army
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Estimate, NIE 11-6-66 ::Anti-Communist Resistance Potential in the USSR and Eastern Europe, January 27, 1966, Secret, CIA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, USSR Monthly Review, May 1984, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, National Intelligence Daily, June 3, 1983, Top Secret/NOFORN [codewords not declassified], CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Tactical Nuclear Capabilities of Warsaw Pact Ground Forces in the Reduction Area, October 1972, Top Secret [multiple codewords not declassified], CIA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
U.S. Air Force, Cable, CINCUSAFE to CSAF, July 28, 1954, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
U.S. Air Force
Partial (No exact match found)