U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
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- Yugoslavia x
- 1> "Zionist plots"
- 1> 2rd photo mission
- 1> 3rd photo mission
- 1> Adriatic
- 3> Aerial incident
- 1> Aerial incidents
- 3> Aerial reconnaissance
- 3> Agent infiltration
- 1> Agent infiltration operations
- 1> Agent networks
- 1> Agent operations
- 1> Agreement in principle
- 1> Agreement on ELINT project
- 1> Air corridors
- 1> Aircraft carriers
- 1> Airline hijacking
- 2> Airplane hijacking
- 1> Airstrikes
- 20> Albania
- 1> Albanian Committee of Prizren
- 3> Albanian ethnic minority
- 1> Albanian nationalism
- 1> Albanians
- 3> Albanian situation
- 1> Albanian spies
- 1> Alija Izetbegovic
- 1> Andreotti government
- 1> Anticommunist emigre groups
- 1> Anti-communist underground organizations
- 1> Anti-government demonstrations
- 1> Anti-Hoxha government in exile
- 1> Anti-Tito groups
- 1> Arm Bosnian military
- 1> Armed uprising expected in Kosovo Province
- 1> Arms embargo
- 1> Arms smuggling into Bosnia from Croatia
- 1> Army Security Agency
- 1> Arrival of new Soviet troops in Eastern Europe
- 2> Assessments of situation
- 1> Australia
- 4> Austria
- 1> Austrian officials
- 1> Baader-Meinhof Group
- 1> Backed by Yugoslav military
- 1> Balkan crisis
- 1> Balli Kombetar
- 1> Based in Yugoslavia
- 1> Berlin
- 1> Berlin air corridors
- 1> Bihac
- 1> Bihac enclave
- 1> Bihac enclave joins Serb Republic
- 1> Bitter ethnic rivalry
- 1> Blunt Bosnian military offensives
- 1> Bornian Serb military
- 21> Bosnia
- 1> Bosnia falling apart
- 1> Bosnian army
- 1> Bosnian government
- 6> Bosnian military
- 1> Bosnian military capabilities deteriorating
- 1> Bosnian Muslims will lose territory
- 1> Bosnian offensives around Maglaj
- 1> Bosnian Serb army
- 7> Bosnian Serb military
- 1> Bosnian Serb order of battle
- 3> Bosnian Serbs
- 1> Bosnian Serbs cannot win war
- 1> Bosnian V Corps
- 1> Bosnia splitting along ethnic and religious lines
- 1> Bosnia trying to remain neutral
- 1> Bosnia’s survival as an independent state in jeopardy
- 1> Brcko
- 1> Brcko area
- 1> British Army
- 1> British Foreign Office
- 4> British intelligence
- 5> British intelligence services
- 13> Bulgaria
- 1> Bulgarian security alert
- 1> Cabinet changes
- 2> Camera loan project
- 1> Canada
- 1> Cannot defeat Serb forces
- 1> Capabilities of Bosnian army
- 1> Cardinal Mindszenty
- 1> Ceausescu
- 1> Central Committee plenum
- 1> Change in foreign policy orientation
- 1> Chetniks
- 1> CIA-MI6 collaboration
- 1> CIA station
- 1> Civic Forum
- 1> Civil war
- 1> Civil war in Bosnia imminent
- 1> Civil war likely
- 1> Clandestine communications
- 3> Clandestine radio station
- 2> Clandestine radio traffic
- 1> Clandestine radio transmitter
- 1> Collective leadership
- 1> Combat will last another year
- 1> Communications blackout
- 1> Communist guerrillas
- 1> Competition between East and West
- 1> Concern about Soviet invasion
- 1> Conflicting territorial goals of Serbs and Croats
- 1> Confrontation with Serbia
- 1> Considering air strikes in Bosnia
- 1> Consolidate gains into Greater Serbia
- 1> Constitutional crisis
- 1> Contact Group peace plan
- 1> Contingencies
- 1> Countering foreign intelligence services
- 2> Counterintelligence
- 1> Country in state of civil war
- 1> Couriers
- 1> Cover for clandestine activities
- 7> Covert action
- 13> Croatia
- 1> Croatian and Serb emigre groups
- 1> Croatian-Bosnian alliance
- 1> Croatian general staff
- 3> Croatian government
- 2> Croatian military
- 1> Croatian nationalism
- 1> Croatians
- 1> Croatians blocking Yugoslav military movements
- 1> Croatian separatists
- 2> Croatian terrorist groups
- 1> Current situation
- 1> Cyprus
- 1> Czech crisis
- 1> Czech military
- 8> Czechoslovakia
- 1> Czechoslovakian intelligence
- 1> Czech party congress
- 1> Czech reform movement
- 2> Daily intelligence summary
- 1> Danger of military intervention
- 1> Dangerous operation
- 1> Danger to Western forces in Bosnia growing
- 1> Dealing with ethnic nationalists
- 1> Decay irreversible
- 1> Decision to lift arms embargo against Bosnia
- 1> Declining popularity
- 1> Deep ethnic tensions
- 1> Defeat at Gorazde
- 1> Defectors
- 1> Demand for autonomy
- 1> Demand for free elections
- 1> Demands for military assistance
- 1> Demographic shifts
- 1> Demonstrations
- 1> Demonstrations by ethnic Albanians
- 1> Deployment of Serb police detachment to Kosovo
- 1> Destruction of whole Muslim villages
- 1> Diplomatic isolation of Serbia
- 3> Diplomatic protest
- 2> Diplomatic relations
- 4> Direction-finding
- 1> Disappearance of CIA personnel
- 1> Dismal conditions
- 1> Dismantling Stalinist controls
- 1> Dissatisfaction with regime
- 1> Djilas affair
- 1> Dmitri A. Dimitrov
- 1> Domestic developments
- 1> Domestic opponents
- 1> Domestic political strains
- 1> Drastic action
- 2> Drought in Yugoslavia
- 1> Dutch intelligence services
- 4> Eastern Europe
- 1> Eastern European armed forces
- 2> Eastern European communist parties
- 1> Eastern European military spending
- 1> East German fair
- 4> East Germany
- 1> Economic blockade
- 1> Economic deterioration
- 2> Economic sanctions
- 1> Economic weakness
- 1> Economy
- 1> Efforts to overthrow Tito being intensified
- 2> Electronic intercept equipment
- 1> Eliminate Tito regime
- 11> ELINT
- 1> Ellery Huntington
- 1> Emigration to the U.S.
- 2> Emigre groups
- 1> End fighting
- 1> End of one-party rule
- 2> Enver Hoxha
- 1> Equipment
- 1> Equipment upgrades
- 1> Espionage trial
- 1> Espionage trials
- 1> Estimates of situation
- 2> Ethnic Albanians
- 1> Ethnic and religious hatreds
- 1> Ethnic minority problems
- 2> Ethnic rivalries
- 1> Ethnic strains
- 1> Ethnic tensions
- 1> Ethnic tensions rising
- 1> Europeans want US troop contribution
- 1> Exchange of information
- 1> Exclusion zones
- 1> Exfiltration to Greece
- 1> Expose CIA operations
- 1> Extensive training
- 1> Extremely sensitive
- 1> Federal government collapsing
- 1> Federalism
- 1> Felipe Gonzalez
- 5> Ferret aircraft
- 1> First military casualty
- 1> Flight schedule
- 1> Food and energy shortages
- 1> Foreign leaders attending funeral
- 1> Foreign Office
- 1> Four Power talks
- 3> France
- 1> Francisco Franco’s deteriorating health
- 1> Franjo Tudjman
- 1> Franko Tudjman
- 3> Frank Wisner
- 1> French intelligence services
- 1> French participation in Moscow Olympics
- 1> Future trends
- 1> Gain control over access routes
- 1> Gehlen Org
- 3> General Pehacek
- 1> German Federal Police
- 1> German government
- 1> German intelligence services
- 1> German rearmament
- 7> Germany
- 1> Get economic sanctions lifted
- 2> Gorazde
- 1> Gorazde withdrawal agreement
- 2> Great Britain
- 1> Greater Serbia
- 13> Greece
- 1> Greek communist guerrillas
- 1> Greek communists
- 1> Greek Foreign Ministry
- 1> Greek guerrillas
- 1> Greek troops
- 1> Growing Albanian minority
- 1> Growing ethnic divisions
- 1> Growing ethnic tension
- 1> Growing number of demonstrations by Serbs
- 1> Growing power of Jacques Chirac
- 1> Growing religious and ethnic tensions in Yugoslavia
- 1> Guatemala
- 2> Guerrilla warfare
- 1> Heavy weapons
- 1> Heavy weapons exclusion zone around Sarajevo
- 1> Heavy weapons locations
- 1> Heightened alert status
- 2> Helmut Kohl
- 1> Henry Kissinger
- 1> High-level Soviet visit to Belgrade
- 1> High-level visits
- 1> High-level visits to Moscow
- 1> History of Warsaw Pact
- 1> How does Swedish estimate match with U.S. intelligence
- 1> Hoxha
- 1> Humanitarian relief missions
- 1> Hungarian Communist Party
- 11> Hungary
- 1> Hungary-Poland discussions
- 2> Iceland
- 1> Illness of Tito
- 1> Imminent launch of offensive
- 1> Impact of decentralization
- 1> Implications
- 1> Implications for Eastern Europe
- 1> Implications for the USSR
- 1> Impossible to save Yugoslav unity
- 1> Improving relations with Libya
- 1> Imre Nagy
- 1> Increased political role
- 1> Increased recruiting of informers
- 1> Increasing resistance activity
- 2> Indicted in New York City
- 1> Ineffectiveness of civilian collective leadership
- 1> Infiltration into Bulgaria
- 1> Influence of Catholic Church and Solidarity trade union
- 1> Integrity of Yugoslav state
- 2> Intelligence assessment
- 2> Intelligence conferences
- 3> Intelligence estimate
- 3> Intelligence estimates
- 1> Intelligence facilities
- 2> Intelligence liaison
- 1> Intelligence penetration operation
- 1> Intelligence report
- 1> Intelligence sources
- 1> Intensification of Soviet pressure
- 2> Intercept receivers
- 1> Internal stability
- 1> Interrogations
- 1> Intervention on behalf of hardline politicians
- 1> Investigation
- 1> Irreconcilable territorial goals
- 1> Istria
- 1> Italian intelligence services
- 1> Italian Socialist Party
- 13> Italy
- 1> Jailing of religious journalist
- 2> James Angleton
- 1> Jet fighter buildup
- 4> Joint Intelligence Committee
- 5> Kosovo
- 1> Kosovo province
- 5> Kosovo Province
- 2> Krajina
- 1> Kremlin
- 1> Labor strikes
- 1> Lacking heavy weapons
- 1> Lack of political representation
- 1> Lack of strategic warning
- 1> Large number of weapons shipments
- 1> Large-scale arrests
- 1> Legal travelers
- 1> Liaison agreement with CIA
- 1> Liaison problems
- 1> Lift arms embargo on Bosnia
- 1> Lifting of arms embargo
- 1> Limited central government
- 1> Link to Banja Luka
- 4> Listening posts
- 1> Logistical support
- 1> Lord Jellicoe
- 1> Macedonia
- 2> Malta
- 19> Marshal Tito
- 1> Martial law
- 1> Mazowiecki government
- 1> Media reporting
- 1> Mediterranean
- 4> MI6
- 1> Michael Heseltine
- 1> Military airfields
- 1> Military buildup
- 2> Military exercises
- 1> Military intervention at Bihac
- 1> Military movements
- 2> Military situation
- 1> Military situation around Sarajevo
- 4> Milosevic
- 1> Milosovic
- 1> Monitoring regime critics
- 1> Move to market economy
- 1> Muslim nationalism
- 1> Muslim spring offensive
- 1> National Committee for a Free Albania
- 1> National intelligence analytical memorandum
- 1> National Intelligence Council
- 11> National intelligence estimate
- 1> National Security Council
- 1> National Security Study Memorandum
- 1> NATO
- 1> NATO economic aid to Turkey
- 1> NATO military threat
- 1> NATO referendum
- 1> Naval attache
- 1> Naval exercise
- 1> Negative impact on Muslim population of Bosnia
- 3> Negotiations
- 1> Netherlands
- 1> Neutrality
- 1> New Bosnian-Croat alliance
- 1> Newly formed units
- 1> New political platform
- 1> No hardship yet felt by Serbs
- 1> No imminent attack on Yugoslavia
- 1> No movement on economic reform
- 1> Nonaligned conference
- 1> No plans for military aggression
- 1> Northern Corridor vulnerable to attack
- 1> Northern Ireland
- 2> Norway
- 1> Norwegian intelligence services
- 1> Norwegian Police
- 1> No settlement without broad peace agreement
- 1> No signs of anomalous activities
- 1> No Soviet invasion expected
- 1> Nuclear power plant
- 1> Nuclear targeting
- 1> Nuclear weapons
- 1> Office of National Estimates
- 4> Office of Policy Coordination
- 1> Oppose commitment of ground forces
- 1> Oppose punitive airstrikes
- 1> Order of battle
- 1> Outside military intervention required
- 1> Overflight privileges
- 2> Overflights
- 1> Pandolfi Plan
- 1> Paramilitary forces
- 1> Parochial regional or ethnic interests
- 1> Partition of Bosnia by Croats and Serbs
- 1> Partition of Germany accepted
- 3> PEARL intercepts
- 1> Photographic intelligence
- 2> Photo intelligence
- 4> Poland
- 1> Political attacks on Giscardd’Estaing
- 1> Political developments
- 1> Political paralysis
- 1> Political rifts
- 1> Political situation
- 3> Portugal
- 1> Portuguese government
- 1> Port visit
- 1> Possibilities of change
- 1> Post-Tito era
- 1> Post-Tito period
- 1> Potential for military intervention
- 1> Potential military intervention
- 1> Potential Soviet invasion
- 1> Potsdam Agreement
- 1> Preemptive nuclear strike
- 1> Presidential elections
- 1> Prime Minister Pella
- 1> Problems with Bosnian Serb leaders
- 3> Project SANTA CLAUS
- 1> Propaganda campaign
- 1> Prospects for negotiated settlement
- 1> Pro-Stalinist communists in Yugoslav government
- 1> Protecting Serb inhabitants
- 1> Psychological warfare
- 1> Public demonstrations
- 1> Purge of civilian leaders pursuing regional interests
- 2> Ravna Gora Project
- 1> RC-54
- 1> Reaction to assassination of Robert F. Kennedy
- 1> Readiness levels
- 1> Recall of ambassador
- 2> Reconnaissance flights
- 2> Reconnaissance overflight
- 1> Referendum on autonomy
- 1> Refugee camps
- 1> Refugee groups
- 3> Refugees
- 1> Refusal to extradite Baader-Meinhof Group terrorists to Germany
- 1> Refusal to extradite Baader-Meinhof terrorists to Germany
- 1> Regime change
- 1> Reignite war with Croatia
- 1> Reinhard Gehlen
- 1> Religious differences
- 1> Reluctant to use force
- 1> Removal of pro-communist government officials
- 1> Reported Soviet troop buildup on Yugoslav border
- 1> Repression of Turkish minority
- 1> Reserve call-up
- 1> Reserves called up
- 1> Resignation of President Jovic
- 1> Resistance activities
- 1> Resistance activity no threat
- 1> Resistance groups
- 1> Restrain Bosnian Serbs
- 1> Restrictions on contacts with foreigners
- 1> Reunification
- 1> Richardson incident
- 1> Right-wing Croatian groups
- 1> Rising ethnic tension in Kosovo
- 2> Rising ethnic tensions
- 1> Rising potential for armed conflict
- 3> Risk of communal violence
- 1> Rivalry between Serbs and Albanians
- 1> Rolling back Serb gains
- 10> Romania
- 1> Romanian walkout of Budapest meeting
- 1> Russia wants lifting of sanctions on Serbia
- 1> Sale of MiG-29 fighters
- 1> Sanctions busting activities
- 1> Sarajevo cease-fire
- 1> Sarajevo cease-fire agreement
- 3> Satellite imagery
- 1> Satellite reconnaissance
- 1> Security
- 1> Security situation
- 1> Serb-Croat rivalry
- 1> Serb economy
- 5> Serbia
- 6> Serbian government
- 1> Serbian-inspired fighting in Bosnia
- 1> Serbian military tactics
- 1> Serbia’s declining economy
- 1> Serb military action against UNPROFOR
- 1> Serb nationalists
- 1> Serbo-Croat fight over distribution of power
- 1> Serbs
- 2> Serbs charge discrimination by Albanians
- 1> Serious and deepening problems
- 1> Severe political and economic problems
- 1> Shared animosity for Tito
- 1> Shelling of Tuzla
- 3> Shootdown
- 1> Shootdowns
- 1> Shortage of heavy weapons
- 25> SIGINT
- 1> Situation tense
- 4> Slobodan Milosevic
- 1> Slovenes
- 2> Slovenia
- 1> Slovenia and Croatia declare independence
- 1> Slovenian secession
- 1> Small-scale offensives
- 1> Soviet air force
- 2> Soviet attack on Yugoslavia
- 1> Soviet Bloc intelligence activities in Yugoslavia
- 1> Soviet control mechanisms
- 1> Soviet economic aid
- 1> Soviet foreign policy objectives
- 1> Soviet hostility
- 1> Soviet intelligence
- 1> Soviet intentions
- 1> Soviet interests in Albania
- 1> Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia
- 1> Soviet military
- 1> Soviet military capabilities
- 1> Soviet military intervention appears improbable
- 1> Soviet military invasion
- 1> Soviet military threat
- 2> Soviet navy
- 1> Soviet policies in Southern Europe
- 1> Soviet propaganda
- 1> Soviet threat
- 1> Soviet troops
- 1> Soviet troops in Czechoslovakia
- 1> Soviet troops returning from Czechoslovakia
- 8> Soviet Union
- 1> Soviet-Yugoslav relations
- 3> Spain
- 1> Special intelligence
- 1> Special position of Serbs
- 1> Split
- 1> Stalemate likely outcome
- 1> Stalemate on political and economic reforms
- 1> Stalin
- 1> Stalinism
- 1> Star Wars
- 1> State of civil war
- 1> Staybehind networks
- 1> Strategic Defense Initiative
- 1> Street demonstrations
- 1> Student unrest
- 1> Subversion
- 1> Supply corridor in northern Bosnia
- 2> Surprise attack
- 1> Surveillance
- 1> Suspend compliance with arms embargo
- 3> Sweden
- 3> Swedish intelligence services
- 1> Systematic ethnic cleansing by Bosnian Serbs since 1991
- 1> Tactical intelligence assets
- 1> Territorial claims
- 3> Territorial violation
- 2> Terrorism
- 1> Terrorist acts
- 1> Terrorist attacks
- 2> Terrorist groups
- 1> Thede Palm
- 1> The Yugoslav military
- 1> Thomas Lanphier
- 1> Threat of civil war
- 1> Threat of coup d’etat
- 1> Threat of use of force
- 1> Threat to Soviet authority
- 1> Ties to OPEC
- 1> Ties with West
- 1> Tito
- 1> Tito’s funeral
- 1> Tito’s legacy
- 1> Trade with Albania
- 4> Training
- 1> Training and leadership weaknesses
- 2> Trans World Airlines
- 26> Trieste
- 1> Trieste agreement
- 4> Troop buildup
- 1> Troop buildup in East Germany
- 2> Troop concentrations
- 1> Troop deployments
- 2> Troop dispositions
- 14> Troop movements
- 1> Troop movements towards Yugoslav border
- 3> Tudjman
- 1> Turkey
- 1> Turkey under martial law
- 2> TWA
- 1> Two years of fighting
- 1> U.N. Security Council
- 1> U.S. Army intelligence
- 2> UDB
- 1> UDBA
- 1> UK and France want to withdraw their troops from Bosnia
- 4> UK Foreign Office
- 1> Ukraine
- 1> Ulbricht
- 1> Unhappiness with ineffectiveness of civilian leaders
- 3> UN peacekeeping force
- 1> Unprecedented political reforms
- 1> UN protected areas
- 1> UN safe haven
- 1> UN Security Council
- 1> Upcoming confrontation with communists
- 1> Upsurge in ethnic nationalism
- 1> USAFE
- 1> US Air Force
- 1> Use of airpower to enforce exclusion zones
- 1> Use of US military force would shatter international coalition
- 1> US military presence in Spain
- 2> USSR
- 1> Ustacha
- 4> Ustasha
- 1> US trade mission to Czechoslovakia
- 2> Usually reliable source
- 1> US unilateral military action
- 2> Vance-Owen Plan
- 1> Vardar Valley
- 1> Velvet Revolution
- 1> Violations of cease-fire agreement
- 1> Visit to Japan
- 1> Wage increases
- 1> Waning central government control
- 1> Warime capabilities
- 1> War in Bosnia
- 1> War in Croatia
- 1> War on hostile emigre groups
- 2> Warsaw Pact
- 1> Warsaw Pact as Soviet instrument
- 3> War scare
- 1> War will be protracted
- 1> Weaken Yugoslavia’s cohesion
- 1> Weaknesses of Albanian regime
- 1> Weapons requirements
- 2> Western Europe
- 1> Western European governments
- 4> West Germany
- 1> Westland affair
- 1> Withdrawal of occupation forces
- 1> Worsen humanitarian situation in Sarajevo
- 1> Would not help the Bosnian military significantly
- 1> Youth problems
- 5> Yugoslav army
- 1> Yugoslav Communist Party
- 1> Yugoslav foreign minister visit to Prague
- 4> Yugoslav government
- 1> Yugoslav government about to collapse
- 3> Yugoslavian army
- 1> Yugoslavian economy rapidly declining
- 1> Yugoslavian government
- 2> Yugoslavian intelligence services
- 2> Yugoslavian military
- 1> Yugoslavia on verge of dissolving
- 1> Yugoslavia’s failing economy
- 4> Yugoslav intelligence services
- 1> Yugoslav leadership
- 1> Yugoslav markings
- 9> Yugoslav military
- 1> Yugoslav military placed on alert
- 1> Yugoslav military superior to opponents
- 2> Yugoslav military troop movements
- 1> Yugoslav observers
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- U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 x
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CIA, Report, The Political Role of the Yugoslav Military, May 4, 1984, Top Secret/NOFORN [codeword not declassified], CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Prospects for Political Takeover by the Yugoslav Military, February 22, 1984, Top Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Yugoslavia ::Trends in Leadership, May 27, 1983, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Yugoslavia ::Trends in Ethnic Nationalism, September 1983, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, Belgrade to Secretary of State, October 15, 1954, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Memorandum, Electronic [Intercept] Equipment for Norway, Sweden and Yugoslavia, October 7, 1954, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
U.S. Air Force, Memorandum, Provision of Electronic Intercept Equipment to Foreign Countries, August 12, 1954, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
U.S. Air Force
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, Department of State to Amembassy Belgrade, April 8, 1954, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
U.S. Army, Cable, AFHQ to War Department, August 22, 1945, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
U.S. Army
Partial (No exact match found)
U.S. Army, Memorandum, Briefing for the Secretary of the Army, February 16, 1951, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
U.S. Army
Partial (No exact match found)