Dutch Pamphlets Online
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- 2> 1582
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- 3> History (Belgium) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 1> History (Belgium) - Period documents
- 2> History (Europe) - Period documents
- 1> History (France) - Period documents
- 1> History (Germany, Central Europe) - Occasional writings - Poetry - Public and social administration
- 1> History (Germany, Central Europe) - Period documents
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Poetry
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - Books of plates
- 3> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - State publications
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - State publications
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (America) - Period documents
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (Belgium) - Period documents
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (Europe) - Period documents - Poetry
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Law - Period documents
- 20> History (Netherlands) - Period documents
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- 2> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Dialogues - History (Great Britain and Ireland)
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Economics
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - History (Eastern Europe) - Economics
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - History (Great Britain and Ireland)
- 4> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Poetry
- 2> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Poetry - Dialogues - Political science
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Poetry - Songbooks
- 5> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Political science
- 3> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Public and social administration
- 4> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - State publications
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - State publications - Economics - History (France)
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - State publications - Law - Agriculture
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - State publications - Political science
- 2> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Theology (practical)
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Poetry - Period documents
- 4> History (Netherlands) - State publications - Period documents
- 1> History (Scandinavia) - History (Germany, Central Europe) - Period documents
- 4> Law - Period documents
- 1> Medicine
- 1> Period documents - Theology (Christian doctrine)
- 1> Political science - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 21> Public and social administration - State publications
- 1> Public and social administration - State publications - History (Netherlands)
- 1> State publications - Period documents - History (Netherlands) - History (Germany, Central Europe) - Political science
- 2> State publications - Public and social administration
- 1> Theology (Christian doctrine)
- 2> Theology (Christian doctrine) - History (Germany, Central Europe) - Period documents
- 2> Theology (Christian doctrine) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 1> Theology (Christian doctrine) - Period documents
- 1> Theology (Christian doctrine) - Period documents - History (Netherlands)
- 1> Theology (practical) - Catechisms
- 1> Theology (practical) - Sermons - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
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- Dutch Pamphlets Online x
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Memorie over de toepassing van Art. 194 der Grondwet (onderwijs)
Dutch Pamphlets Online
Jacob Willem Elink Sterk (1806-1856)
Partial (No exact match found)
De volksopvoeding en armverzorging, beschouwd als het zekere redmiddel in den financielen toestand des vaderlands
Dutch Pamphlets Online
Carel Louis van Woelderen
Partial (No exact match found)
Notice sur les colonies agricoles de la Société néerlandaise de bienfaisance
Dutch Pamphlets Online
Winand Carel Hugo Staring (1808-1877)
Partial (No exact match found)
Bede bij de inhuldiging ... Willem III
Dutch Pamphlets Online
Roelof Hendriks Graadt Jonckers (1805-1866)
Partial (No exact match found)