Cold War Intelligence

Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Collection Id: cold-war-intelligence, Subject: Top Secret [Ruff Umbra], Subject: assessments, Date: 1981]' returned 8 results.

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CIA, Memorandum, Assistant National Intelligence Officer for USSR-EE to Director of Central Intelligence, Monthly Warning Assessment ::USSR-EE, June 18, 1981, Top Secret [Ruff Umbra].

Collection: Cold War Intelligence
Match: Partial (No exact match found)

CIA, Memorandum, Talking Points - Current Situation [Poland], April 1981, Top Secret [Ruff Umbra].

Collection: Cold War Intelligence
Match: Partial (No exact match found)

CIA, Poland ::Warning of Intervention, March 28, 1981, Top Secret [Ruff Umbra].

Collection: Cold War Intelligence
Match: Partial (No exact match found)

CIA, Talking Points for the DCI, December 16, 1981, Top Secret [Ruff Umbra].

Collection: Cold War Intelligence
Match: Partial (No exact match found)

CIA, National Foreign Assessment Center, Situation Report ::Poland, December 22, 1981, Top Secret [Ruff Umbra].

Collection: Cold War Intelligence
Match: Partial (No exact match found)

CIA, Poland ::Test of Government's Measures, December 14, 1981, Top Secret [Ruff Umbra].

Collection: Cold War Intelligence
Match: Partial (No exact match found)

CIA, National Foreign Assessment Center, Briefing Note ::Poland, December 14, 1981, Top Secret [Ruff Umbra].

Collection: Cold War Intelligence
Match: Partial (No exact match found)

CIA, National Foreign Assessment Center, Situation Report ::Poland, December 16, 1981, Top Secret [Ruff Umbra].

Collection: Cold War Intelligence
Match: Partial (No exact match found)