Human Rights Documents Online

Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Collection Id: human-rights-documents-online, Subject: millennium development goals, Date: 2014]' returned 9 results.

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THIRD WORLD ECONOMICS - SDGs adopted, MDGs see limited gains

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The Elephant in the Room How to Finance our Future

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Making It Happen Oxfam’s proposals for the post-2015 framework

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The MDG Report 2014: Assessing Progress in Africa Toward the Millennium Development Goals

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Working Paper No.3 - Western and Central Africa: Evidence from MAF

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Working Paper No.9 - Tanzania: Challenges and Opportunities for MDG Achievement

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Working Paper No.5 - MDG-F Multi-country experience

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Working Paper No.7 - Europe and Central Asia: Reflections on MGDs and Post 2015 Agenda

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An Advocacy Brief: Post 2015 Development Agenda ASIA-PACIFIC REGIONAL BRIEF

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