Human Rights Documents Online

Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Collection Id: human-rights-documents-online, Subject: womens and childrens rights]' returned 154 results.

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The best path to gender equality is through family law reform

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IACHR warns of new wave of repression in Nicaragua

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UN Singles Out Israel as World's Only Violator of Women's Rights; Iran, Saudi Arabia & Yemen Among the Voters

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Tackling human trafficking in the Greater Mekong Sub-region

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World Vision’s Theory of Change

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Constitutional Equality is Non-Negotiable

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Equality Now’s statement on the announcement of the Taliban to ban women from attending universities in Afghanistan

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A Critique of CEDAW General Recommendations NO.38 on trafficking in Women & Girls In the Context Of Global Migration

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Cross country analysis of the institutionalization of health impact assessment

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Women's and Children's Health:Evidence of Impact of Human Rights

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The H4 plus partnership Joint country support to improve women's and childrens health

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Essential Nutrition Action

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The miracle of being a girl in India

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CRC Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Violence against Girls

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Systematization of promising practices on prevention and care of sexual violence against girls, adolescents and young women in Latin America and the Caribbean

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Knowing Cases of Sexual Violence and Women and Girls: Braiding ties to Strengthen Justice

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Experiences, Difficulties, and Challenges: Portraits of Legal Abortion Services in Brazil during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Gender discriminatory social norms and their impact on rights and freedoms of women: A particpatory research carried out in the northern province

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UN Human Rights Council 41st Session – 27 June 2019 Oral Statement on Annual Full-Day Discussion on the Human Rights of Women

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Why Sudanese teenager Noura Hussein's case matters

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Child marriage prohibited by law in the Philippines

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Oral Statement on Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences

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Refused at the hospital, displaced between maternities…The difficult care of exiled pregnant women

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Sudan: Quashing of Noura Hussein death sentence must now lead to legal reform

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Project on Prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls with disabilities in Bangladesh

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Reality check: year one impact of trump's global gag rule

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Girls empowered

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UNFPA implementation of the essential services package for women and girls subject to violence: A consultation report

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EMPOWERING ADOLESCENT GIRLS Through non-formal education

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2022 Progress report on the every woman every child global strategy for women's children's and adolescents' health (2016-2030)

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Submission to the High-level Working Group on Health & Human Rights of Women, Children & Adolescents

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Nouvelles sahraouies N.185 July 2022

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Plan Info #65

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‘A prison in your living room’: How detention affects women and families

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2022 Global Fund for Women ANNUAL REPORT

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weaving knowledge for the defense of our rights

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The Exploitation of girls even more violent and more invisible

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Afghan Women and Girls Under Immediate Threat: The Responsibility to Protect and Assist Is Just Beginning

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Moving Onwards in the Fight to Protect the Rights of Women and Girls

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NEWSLETTER – Janvier 2019

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NEWSLETTER – Juillet 2019

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NEWSLETTER – Mars 2019

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NEWSLETTER – Septembre 2019

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NEWSLETTER ACPE – Novembre 2019

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NEWSLETTER ACPE – Octobre 2019

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