Human Rights Documents Online

Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Collection Id: human-rights-documents-online, Place: Colombia]' returned 1,150 results.

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Colombia Coca cultivation survey 2014 July 2015

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Colombia: Keep talking

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Colombia’s peace deal: Will it bring justice?

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In Brief: Human Rights at the United Nations, No.28, Halting Summary and Arbitrary Executions. Sept. 1990, 6 pp.

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Human Rights Quarterly, Vol.31, No.1, Reconstructing Masculinties: The Disarmament, Demobilizatin and Reintegration of Former Combatants in Colombia. Feb. 2009. p.1-34

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COLOMBIA: Dear Mr Defence Minister: these are not "lovers’ quarrels"; they are attacks against the right to defend human

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In Brief: Human Rights at the United Nations, No.6, Stopping 'Disappearances'. Oct. 1988, 6 pp.

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Colombia: No peace for human rights defenders - Preliminary findings of a fact-finding

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Historia y Conciencia Sindical. July 1992, 40 pp.

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Boletín América Latina, Nos.20-21. Camino de Medellin a Puebla; comunidades eclesiales de base. Agosto 1980, 63 pp.

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Servicio de Documentacion, No.27, Compromiso con el Medio Estudiantil y Diagnosticos Equivocados, Luis Guerrero Ortiz. Oct. 1986, 20 pp.

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Women Lead Latin America's Growing Anti-Militarization Movements

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IACHR Condemns Murders of Human Rights Defenders and Social Leaders in Colombia

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A Cautionary Tale: Plan Colombia’s Lessons for U.S. Policy Toward Mexico and Beyond

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Andean Newsletter, No.116, Sept. 27, 1996, 8 pp.

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Andean Newsletter, No.110, Mar. 18, 1996, 8 pp. (Spanish)

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Andean Newsletter, No.109, Feb. 19, 1996, 8 pp.

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Andean Newsletter, No.107, Dec. 11, 1995, 8 pp.

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Letters, Oct. 1, 1995, 12 pp.

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Andean Newsletter, No.106, Nov. 14, 1995, 8 pp.

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Andean Newsletter, No.102, May 29, 1995, 8 pp.

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Andean Newsletter, No.101, Apr. 24, 1995, 8 pp.

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Andean Newsletter, No.108, Jan. 29, 1996, 8 pp.

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Andean Newsletter, No.100, Mar. 27, 1995, 8 pp.

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Coca, Cocaina y Narcotrafico: Laberinto en los Andes. 1989, 398 pp.

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Update, No.85-86, June-Sept. 2009. 39 pp.

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Colombia: Journalist Rafael Emiro Moreno shot dead in Colombia

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Colombia, the United States, and Security Cooperation by Proxy

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Ending 50 Years of Conflict The Challenges Ahead and the U.S. Role in Colombia

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America Latina-Derechos Humanos, Apr. 1980, 41 pp.

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America Latina-Derechos Humanos, May 1980, 41 pp.

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America Latina-Derechos Humanos, Mar. 1980, 42 pp.

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Colombia: Forced Disappearance and Extrajudicial Executions

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The Comparative Fortunes of the Right to Health: Two Tales of Justiciability in Colombia and South Africa

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ICJ Newsletter, No.45, Apr.-June 1990, 44 pp.

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Interights Bulletin, Vol.15, No.3, 62 pp.

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Enlace, Vol.9, No.2, Junio 2000, 12 pp.

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Enlace, Vol.9, No.3, Sept. 2000, 12 pp.

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Enlace, Vol.9, No.1, Marza 2000, 12 pp.

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Enlace, newsletter, Vol.10, No.1, abril de 2001, 11 pp.

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Enlace, Vol.9, No.4 Dic. 2000, 12 pp.

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Cross Currents, newsletter, Vol. 3, No.1, April 2001, 10 pp.

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Cross Currents, newsletter, Vol.2, No.1, Mar. 2000, 12 pp.

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Cross Currents, newsletter, Vol.2, No.2, June 2000, 12 pp.

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Present Security Scenario in Latin America

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Pushing for Peace in Colombia: Indigenous and Afro-Descendant Peoples join forces to uphold their rights, address mining-related conflict

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The Green Monster - Perspectives and Recommendations from the Black Communities of Northern Cauca, Colombia regarding the Sugar Sector in Colombia

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A familiar story of contaminated supply chains and harmful corporate conduct in Colombia: land grabbing, deforestation and gross human rights abuse linked to Colombian retailer Éxito

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