Human Rights Documents Online

Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Collection Id: human-rights-documents-online, Place: Myanmar, Date: 1996]' returned 11 results.

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In and Around the UN, June 1996, 8 pp.

Match: Partial (No exact match found)

QUNO Briefing Paper, No.3/96, In Burma/Myanmar grave human rights abuses continue while trade is opened up. Aug. 1996, 4 pp.

Match: Partial (No exact match found)

Praxis, No.2, Apr.-June 1996, 22 pp.

Match: Partial (No exact match found)

No.316, 6 Févr. 1996, 7 pp.

Match: Partial (No exact match found)

No.314, 3 Janv. 1996, 8 pp.

Match: Partial (No exact match found)

Fatal Silence? Freedom of Expression and the Right to Health in Burma. July 1996, 140 pp.

Match: Partial (No exact match found)

Censorship Reports, Burma: Beyond the Law. Aug. 1996, 80 pp.

Match: Partial (No exact match found)

Rapport, No.224, Birmanie. Oct. 1996, 48 pp.

Match: Partial (No exact match found)

Decisions of the Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians. Sept. 1996, 72 pp.

Match: Partial (No exact match found)

Report of the Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians, continued, Part II. Sept. 1996, 103 pp.

Match: Partial (No exact match found)