Human Rights Documents Online

Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Collection Id: human-rights-documents-online, Date: 2009, Subject: conflict]' returned 682 results.

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Human Rights Quarterly, Vol.31, No.1, Reconstructing Masculinties: The Disarmament, Demobilizatin and Reintegration of Former Combatants in Colombia. Feb. 2009. p.1-34

Match: Partial (No exact match found)

Human Rights Quarterly, Vol.31, No.1, No.1, Within Reach of the State: Prosecuting Atrocities in Africa. Feb. 2009. p.59-69

Match: Partial (No exact match found)

Human Rights Quarterly, Vol.31, No.1, No.1, Imagining the International Community: The Constitutive Dimension of Universal Jurisdiction. Feb. 2009. p.129-162

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UN Watch Briefing, Issue 195, Targeting Human Rights Abuse in Iran: A Post-Election Strategy. July 15, 2009. 3 pp.

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UN Watch Briefing, Issue 212, U.S. Passes Up Opportunity to Signal Disapproval of Human Rights Council’s Actions. Dec. 22, 2009. 9 pp.

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Irrawaddy (Articles), Vol.17, No.8, Nov. 2009. 8 pp.

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International Policy Brief - Time to Abandon Our Failed Cuba Policy. Apr. 2009. 3 pp.

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Pakistan: The State of the Union. Apr. 2009. 78 pp.

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Dialogue Magazine, Vol.22, No.6, Apr./May 2009. 24 pp.

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Dialogue Magazine, Vol.23, No.1, June/July 2009. 24 pp.

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Water and sanitation crisis in Gaza: Humanitarian organisations call for immediate opening of crossings. 2009. 1 pp.

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Human Rights Update, Vol.2, Issue 5, Jan. 2009. 7 pp.

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Human Rights Update, Vol.2, Issue 3, Nov. 2009. 7 pp.

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Towards Tolerance, Law, and Dignity: Addressing Violence against Foreign Nationals in South Africa, Report. Feb. 2009. 62 pp.

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Northern Ireland Has Much More to Accomplish in Human Rights, speech. Oct. 21, 2009. 9 pp.

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ACC Newsletter, Apr. 2009, 9 pp.

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ACC Newsletter, Feb. 2009, 11 pp.

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Harvard Human Rights Law Journal, Vol.22, The Responsibility to Refine: The Need for a Security Council Committee on the Responsibility to Protect. 2009. 38 pp.

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Goma, DRC: ActionAid is calling on Hillary Clinton to help end violence against women and girls in DRC on her visit to the country this week. 2009. 1 pp.

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Darfur: Abductions, sexual slavery and forced labour. 2009. 22 pp.

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CICC Bulletin, No.11, May/June 2009. 2 pp.

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The Monitor, Issue 38, 2009. 20 pp.

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The Monitor, Issue 39, Nov. 2009-Apr. 2010. 20 pp.

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Al-Mahkama: Middle East & North Africa Update, Issue 1, June 2009. 8 pp.

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Europe Update, Issue 2, Oct. 2009. 8 pp.

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Collection of Articles - North Korea, 2009. 41 pp.

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Collection of Articles - China, 2009. 169 pp.

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ACLU Monitoring Unconstitutional Guantánamo Military Commissions this Week. Jan. 19, 2009. 2 pp.

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Al-Haq v. UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs et al. Feb.24, 2009. 2 pp.

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The Goldstone Report at the UN General Assembly: States Must Ensure Victim's Rights and Not Compromise the Rule of Law. Nov. 4, 2009. 2 pp.

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Press Release by Palestinian Human Rights organizations on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day 2009. Dec. 9, 2009. 2 pp.

Match: Partial (No exact match found)

A Joint Open Letter to the Member States of the UN General Assembly from Palestinian Human Rights Organizations. Oct. 1, 2009. 2 pp.

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Letter to Swedish Government Regarding Gaza Fact Finding Mission. Sept. 30, 2009. 1 pp.

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Palestinian Council of Human Rights Organizations... "Letter to Foreign Minster of Sweden." July 23, 2009. 2 pp.

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Judgement handed down in the case of Al-Haq v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. July 29, 2009. 2 pp.

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Permission Refused for Leave to Appeal to the House of Lords in the Case of Saleh Hasan v UK Secretary for Trade and Industry. June 27, 2009. 1 pp.

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Five Years after the ICJ Advisory Opinion: Al-Haq calls for High Contracting Parties to reconvene. July 9, 2009. 2 pp.

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Call to End Systematic Evictions in East Jerusalem and Desist the Ongoing Settlement Policy in the Occupied West Bank. Aug. 15, 2009. 2 pp.

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Impunity for settlers, prosecution for Palestinians:the two roles secret evidence plays in the Israeli justice system. Aug. 4, 2009. 2 pp.

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In Focus Transatlantic New Digest, No.23, Oct. 26, 2009. 5 pp.

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In Focus Transatlantic New Digest, No.24, Dec. 3, 2009. 5 pp.

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In Focus Transatlantic New Digest, No.21, Aug. 18, 2009. 4 pp.

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In Focus Transatlantic New Digest, No.19, June 22, 2009. 4 pp.

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