Human Rights Documents Online

Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Collection Id: human-rights-documents-online, Date: 2012, Place: Uganda]' returned 35 results.

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CURTAILING CRITICISM - Intimidation and Obstruction of Civil Society in Uganda

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CommonwealthNet May 2012

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The neglected generation: the impact of displacement on older people

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a guide for civil society

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Ethnicity and Human Rights in Uganda: A Desk Study of Human Rights issues faced by Ethnic Minorities and Indigenous Groups

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Ethnicity & Human Rights Training Workshop Report on Emerging Issues and Recommendations

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The Public Eye-Volume XXVII, No. 1

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Colonizing African Values: How the U.S. Christian Right is Transforming Sexual Politics in Africa

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Gender, Transitional Justice, and Displacement - Challenges in Africa’s Great Lakes Region

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Confronting the Past: Truth Telling and Reconciliation in Uganda

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Reparations for Northern Uganda - Addressing the Needs of Victims and Affected Communities

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About the death penalty project

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Operational Plan 2011-2015 - DFID UGANDA

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Equality and diversity information report

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Big Data, Democratized Analytics and Deep Context will Change How We Think and Do Development

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Aid and Taxation: Is Sub-Saharan Africa Different?

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Supporting Trade and Gender Equality: Operationalizing the Women's Economic Empowerment Agenda Though Trade Facilitation, Infrastructure and Logistics Initiatives

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Gender Dimensions of Trade Facilitation and Logistics

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Uganda 2011 Annual Overview

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Post-war economic opportunities in northern Uganda Implications for women’s empowerment and political participation

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Internal displacement in Africa: A development challenge Exploring development initiatives to alleviate internal displacement caused by conflict, violence and natural disasters

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Living conditions: the influence on young children’s health

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Annual Report 2012

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BRIEF FOR PARLIAMENTARIANS ON HIV AND AIDS - Towards an HIV-free generation: Ending the vertical transmission of HIV

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Counterterrorism and Human Rights Abuses in Kenya and Uganda

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The Trial of Thomas Lubanga Dyilo at the ICC

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Journalists in exile 2012: Crisis in East Africa - A special report by the Committee to Protect Journalists

Match: Partial (No exact match found)

Uganda: Communications Regulatory Authority Bill, 2012

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Not as Simple as ABC: Christian fundamentalisms and HIV and AIDS responses in Africa

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Women’s rights in Uganda: gaps between policy and practice Article

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VG Update Volume 20 July 2012

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