Human Rights Documents Online

Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Collection Id: human-rights-documents-online, Date: 2013, Place: China]' returned 49 results.

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China's role and interests in Central Asia

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Employment Working Paper No. 161 - Employment Policy implementation mechanisms - A sysnthesis based on country studies

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Short-term Labour market outlook and key challenges in G20 countries

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Domestic workers across the world: Global and regional Statistics and the extent of legal protection

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Global Employment Trends 2013 - Recovering from a second jobs dip

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Perspectives on Labour Economics for Development

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TWAS Newsletter vol25(3)

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TWAS World Annual Report

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Ending Impunity:Crimes Against Humanity in Tibet

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Universal Periodic Review and China's Human Rights Record in Tibet

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Gulags of Tibet

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Global Estimates 2012 - People displaced by disasters

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Submission by Human Rights Without Frontiers International to the UN Universal Periodic Review of China

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Pension Watch - Briefings on social protection in older age No. 11 Pension coverage in China and the expansion of the New Rural Social Pension

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CHINA: Tight state controls on religious education

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CHINA: Should religious freedom be a "core interest"?

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CHINA: When will five-fold state-backed religious monopoly end?

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Freedom on the Net 2013 - A global assessment on Internet and Digital Media

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China at the Tipping Point? Foreseeing the unforeseeable

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KISHORE’S WORLD - Review Essay

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Asia-Pacific Countries’ General Development Indicators and Role and Positions on the Post-2015 Development Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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Can trade improve food security?

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Time to step up: The EU and Freedom of expression

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Challenged in China - CPJ's Recommendations

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Challenged in China - Made in China: Models for media and censorship

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Challenged in China - Although not explicit, legal threats to journalists persist

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Challenged in China - Beyond censors' reach, free expression thrives, to a point

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Challenged in China - Preface

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A Tale of Two Cities – The Legal Profession in China

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"They Say We Should Be Grateful" - Mass Rehousing and Relocation Programs in Tibetan Areas of China

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BEHIND THE BRANDS Food justice and the „Big 10‟ food and beverage companies

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Centrepiece - Vol. 19 No 1

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"SWEPT AWAY" - Abuses Against Sex Workers in China

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"As Long as They Let Us Stay in Class" - Barriers to Education for Persons with Disabilities in China

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CHINESE CRACKDOWN ON TIBETAN BUDDHISM - A Report published for the People's Republic of China's second Universal Periodic Review

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China’s Workers are calling for change - What role should brands play?

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Fire on the City Gate: Why China Keeps North Korea Close

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China’s Central Asia Problem

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Dangerous Waters: China-Japan Relations on the Rocks

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One Party, Many "Vassals" - Revival of Regionalism in China and Governance Challenges of the Party State

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Crisis Watch June 2013

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Crisis Watch May 2013

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Crisis Watch September 2013

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Africa Renewal-January

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The Impact of Visa Facilitation in APEC Economies

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The Millennium Development Goals Report 2013

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FAO Statistical yearbook

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Human Development Report 2013: The Rise of the South

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