Human Rights Documents Online

Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Collection Id: human-rights-documents-online, Date: 2018, Subject: media]' returned 45 results.

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Saudi control of Arab media, lamented by Khashoggi, shapes coverage of his death

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CPJ joins call for Kyrgyzstan to end restrictive media practices

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CPJ joins call for Russia to revoke order banning Telegram

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Belarus moves to prosecute 'fake news,' control the Internet

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Cameroon community radio destroyed in alleged arson attack

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DRC authorities close two opposition radio stations

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Death threat drives Colombian cartoonist Matador offline

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West Virginia Strike Highlights Corporate Media's Atrophied Labor Coverage

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Dreamers weren`t worth a shutdown

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Korean voices missing from major papers`opinions on singapore summit

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Philippines: Attempts to shut down media outlet a blatant attack on free press

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Media power in Mexico and the Telebancada

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Who owns the Media in Tanzania

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Sri Lanka: Media capture in real time

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Pakistan orders closure of US-funded Radio Mashaal office in Islamabad

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Pakistani authorities disrupt distribution of Dawn newspaper

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Week after raid, office of Ukraine's Vesti remains blocked

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Vietnam suspends local news website on accusation of false news

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Yemeni authorities force local Al Jazeera station to close

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YouTube labels on public broadcasters draw ire in US, Russia

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World Health Organization blocks Taiwanese outlets from attending annual assembly

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Activist faces 14 years in jail for media interview

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Somaliland bans operations of privately owned newspaper

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Thai authorities shut down foreign press club event on Myanmar

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Tanzania forces forums, blogs, and streaming websites to comply with draconian regulations

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The U-turn: Moreno steers Ecuador away from Correa's media repression

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Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of August 27, 2018

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Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of August 6, 2018

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Turkey Crackdown Chronicle: Week of August 13, 2018

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Media worker killed, telecom connections destroyed in Afghanistan

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Mozambican government imposes crippling fees on independent media

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Egypt's top prosecutor orders authorities to monitor media for 'fake news'

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In Nicaragua, Ortega's control over the media slips even as a government crackdown intensifies

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Indian court forbids screening of investigative documentary

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Israel bans Hamas-affiliated Palestinian station Al-Quds TV

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Joint report on press freedom in US details worsening media environment

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Kenya cuts TV transmissions over live coverage of opposition's Odinga

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Fiji charges newspaper, journalists with sedition

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Egyptian public must be able to access all news sites

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Nigerian Broadcasting Commission closes Ekiti state radio and TV

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RFA spies released on bail

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China releases Tibetan man detained apparently for online writing

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