Human Rights Documents Online

Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Collection Id: human-rights-documents-online, Date: 2018, Place: Tajikistan]' returned 12 results.

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Tajikistan must immediately release journalist and stand-up comedian Khairullo Mirsaidov

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Working with families to prevent violence against women and girls in Tajikistan

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OSCE media freedom representative concerned about sentencing of journalist in Tajikistan, reiterates call for his release

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Need for strong co-operation and respect for human rights in countering terrorism highlighted at highlevel international conference in Tajikistan

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OSCE supports Tajikistan in identifying corruption risks in legal acts

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OSCE Programme Office launches nationwide campaign 16 days of Activism against Gender-based Violence in Tajikistan

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OSCE-supported training on inclusive public transport for persons with disabilities in Tajikistan

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Tajikistan: Allow 10-Year-old to reunite with mother

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Release of independent journalist a rare victory for freedom of expression

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