Human Rights Documents Online

Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Collection Id: human-rights-documents-online, Date: 2019, Place: Egypt]' returned 7 results.

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The Gendered Impact of IMF Policies in MENA The case of Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia

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EOHR appeals to the President of the Republic not to ratify the ruling against the publisher of the novel "The Angel".

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In the defence of freedom of opinion and expression, EOHR condemns the decision to withhold "Al- Tahrir"

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In a meeting discussing the new civil society associations law Civil Society Organizations reaffirm that some article in the new law need to be reviewed

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Égypte : Esraa Abdelfattah et des milliers d’activistes arrêtés pour leurs idées et actions pacifiques

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Egypt: Death in front of the Nile

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