U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
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- Algeria x
- 1> Adrar Tikertine
- 2> AEDS
- 1> Aerial reconnaissance
- 2> AFTAC
- 1> Aftermath of French military revolt
- 1> Aftermath of the military revolt
- 1> Agreement
- 16> Air attache
- 3> Air corridors
- 1> Air defense
- 1> Airfields
- 2> Airspace restrictions
- 1> Algerian cease-fire
- 1> Algerian debate
- 1> Algerian independence
- 1> Algerian nationalists
- 2> Algerian policy
- 6> Algerian problem
- 1> Algerian rebellion
- 14> Algerian rebels
- 1> Algerian refugees
- 1> Algerie Francaise
- 9> Algiers
- 1> Algiers insurrections
- 1> American oil companies
- 1> Announcement of cease-fire
- 1> Arms shortages
- 1> Atmospheric nuclear tests
- 2> Atomic Energy Commission
- 2> Atomic energy detection system
- 1> Attempted coup
- 1> Attempt to seize power
- 2> Ballistic missiles
- 1> Battlefield results
- 1> Belgium
- 1> Ben Bella
- 1> Berber tribal rebellion
- 4> Berlin
- 3> Berlin Air Safety Center
- 1> Bertrand Goldschmidt
- 1> Bitter and angry
- 1> Blockade of Algiers
- 1> Bordj in Eker
- 2> Bourguiba
- 1> Budapest
- 1> Canary Islands
- 1> Captured rebel leaders
- 1> Capture of rebel leaders
- 1> Catalonia
- 1> Ceasefire imminent
- 1> Ceasefire negotiations
- 1> Cease-fire talks
- 1> Charles de Gaulle
- 16> Charles De Gaulle
- 1> Collapse of insurrection
- 2> Collapse of military insurrection
- 1> Colomb-Bechar
- 2> Colomb-Bechar missile test range
- 1> Colons
- 1> Complete reorganization of French army
- 1> Conference
- 1> Couve
- 1> Criticism of de Gaulle
- 1> Cyprus
- 4> Date of next nuclear test
- 2> Date of next test
- 1> Defense pact
- 6> De Gaulle
- 1> De Gaulle trip to Algeria
- 1> Delay
- 2> Demonstrations
- 4> Deteriorating security situation
- 1> Diplomatic resolution
- 1> East German air force
- 1> East Germany
- 1> Economic austerity program
- 1> Emergency powers
- 1> Enforced exile
- 5> European settlers
- 1> Evian Accords
- 1> Evian negotiations
- 1> Extensive security precautions
- 1> Fighter aircraft
- 1> Fighting
- 1> First underground nuclear test
- 6> FLN
- 2> Foreign Legion parachute regiment
- 116> France
- 16> French army
- 1> French army response
- 1> French army strength
- 1> French Communist Party
- 1> French economic aid
- 2> French foreign policy
- 1> French foreign relations
- 2> French government
- 1> French intelligence services
- 2> French military
- 1> French national referendum
- 2> French North Africa
- 1> French nuclear testing sites in Algeria
- 1> French nuclear test sites
- 1> French nuclear weapons testing
- 2> French Polynesia
- 2> French press reporting
- 1> French property and interests
- 1> French public opinion
- 1> French rightists
- 1> French scientist
- 1> French settlers
- 1> French troop withdrawals
- 1> Full mobilization
- 4> Future nuclear weapons tests
- 1> Gendarmerie
- 3> General Buchalet
- 1> General Massu
- 2> General Salan
- 1> General strike
- 1> Growing rebel strength
- 1> Habib Bourghiba
- 2> Hammaguir
- 1> High casualties
- 1> High level of tension
- 22> HUMINT
- 1> Hungary
- 1> Incomplete remediation of radioactive contamination
- 1> Independence movements
- 1> Independent French nuclear force
- 1> Indonesia
- 1> In Eker
- 11> In Ekker
- 1> Inonu
- 1> Inopportune timing
- 2> Insurgency
- 2> Insurrection
- 2> Intelligence estimate
- 1> Intercommunal violence
- 1> Iran
- 1> Iraq
- 1> Jordan
- 2> Landes missile test center
- 2> Le Monde
- 2> Libya
- 1> Lobbying
- 2> Low-yield atomic explosion
- 1> Low-yield device
- 1> Loyalty of French army
- 1> Mali
- 2> Marcoule
- 1> Martial law
- 1> Melun talks
- 1> Messmer
- 5> Military revolt
- 1> Ministry of the Interior
- 2> Mirage IV
- 1> Mirage IV bomber
- 2> Missile test center
- 1> Missile tests
- 1> More attacks likely
- 4> Morocco
- 1> Mounting tension
- 1> Multilateral nuclear force
- 1> National Liberation Army
- 2> National referendum
- 2> NATO
- 1> Negotiated settlement
- 9> Negotiations
- 3> New test site
- 7> Next nuclear weapons tests
- 4> Next test date
- 1> Niger
- 1> Ni improvement in security situation
- 1> No press reporting
- 1> No progress
- 2> NOTAM
- 1> Nuclear test
- 2> Nuclear test detection
- 35> Nuclear testing
- 1> Nuclear test site
- 63> Nuclear weapons
- 2> Nuclear weapons test
- 14> Nuclear weapons testing
- 10> Nuclear weapons tests
- 1> Nuclear weapons test sites
- 2> Nuclear yield
- 15> OAS
- 1> Oil production
- 1> Open-source intelligence
- 1> Opposition political parties
- 1> Opposition to Algerian independence
- 1> Overflights
- 1> Pakistan
- 1> Panic
- 1> Plots
- 1> Plutonium
- 1> Plutonium dispersion experiments
- 1> Plutonium residue
- 3> Plutonium stockpile
- 1> Police apparatus
- 1> Policy statement
- 1> Popular discontent
- 2> Portugal
- 1> Possible reciprocal accord with Algerian rebels
- 3> Preliminary agreement
- 1> President John F. Kennedy
- 4> Press reporting
- 1> Prestige considerations
- 1> Prime minister
- 1> Prime Minister Mollet
- 1> Prospects for political settlement dim
- 1> Psychological warfare
- 1> Public reaction to Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia
- 1> Radioactive contamination
- 1> Radio broadcasts
- 1> Reaction from countries buying Soviet weapons
- 2> Reactors
- 1> Rebel attacks
- 1> Rebel delegation
- 1> Rebel forces
- 1> Rebel leaders
- 1> Rebellion
- 1> Rebels
- 1> Rebel strength
- 1> Reforms in Angola
- 39> Reggane
- 1> Reliability of French military
- 2> Reliable source
- 7> Reliable sources
- 2> Reorganization of French military
- 3> Research and development
- 1> Resistance organizations
- 1> Resolution of Algerian problem
- 1> Resolving the conflict
- 1> Revolt
- 1> Rightist activities
- 1> Right-wing opposition
- 1> Right-wing settlers
- 1> Right-wing terrorists
- 1> Rumors of coup d’etat
- 1> Sahara
- 1> Salazar
- 3> Satellite imagery
- 3> Satellite reconnaissance
- 1> Scientific attache
- 15> Secret Army Organization
- 2> Secret collaboration
- 6> Secret source
- 6> Secret sources
- 1> Secret talks
- 3> Security situation tense
- 1> Seismic stations
- 4> Self-determination
- 1> Shift of operations to French Polynesia
- 1> Small yield
- 1> Soviet army
- 2> Spain
- 2> Spectacular attacks
- 1> Strained relations
- 1> Student demonstration
- 1> Student demonstrations
- 1> Successful explosion
- 3> Successful nuclear test
- 1> Successful test
- 1> Support within the French army
- 1> Surete National
- 1> Tactical nuclear weapons
- 1> Termination of testing
- 3> Terrorism
- 6> Terrorist attacks
- 1> Test site
- 1> Thermonuclear weapons
- 1> Threat of invasion of France
- 1> Tower shot
- 1> Troop airlift
- 1> Troop dispositions
- 1> Troop strength in Algeria
- 1> Troop withdrawals
- 1> Troop withdrawals from Algeria
- 5> Tunisia
- 1> Tunisia as interlocutor
- 1> Tunisian border
- 2> Turkey
- 1> UN debate
- 1> UN debate on Algeria
- 24> Underground
- 1> Underground nuclear tests
- 1> Underground test facilities
- 1> Underground testing
- 1> UN General Assembly
- 1> United Nations General Assembly
- 6> Upcoming nuclear test
- 1> Violence
- 1> Violent demonstrations
- 1> Violent protests
- 1> Widespread searches for military fugitives
- 1> Withdrawal
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- U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 x
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CIA, NSC Briefing, Status of Algerian Rebellion, April 16, 1957, Top Secret, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, NSC Briefing, Algerian Crisis, January 31, 1957, Secret, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Cable, NPIC to DIRNSA et al., July 27, 1965, Top Secret [codeword not declassified], CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, NSC Briefing, French North Africa, June 7, 1955, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, NSC Briefing, North Africa, January 16, 1955, Secret, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Report, Country Presentation ::Algeria, October 2011, Unclassified, IAEA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, Paris to Secretary of State, March 18, 1964, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Central Intelligence Bulletin, April 24, 1961, Top Secret [codeword not declassified], CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Central Intelligence Bulletin, April 22, 1961, Top Secret [codeword not declassified], CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Central Intelligence Bulletin, March 29, 1961, Top Secret [codeword not declassified], CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)