U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
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- 1>
- 19> 1945
- 41> 1946
- 16> 1947
- 37> 1948
- 47> 1949
- 51> 1950
- 58> 1951
- 71> 1952
- 44> 1953
- 25> 1954
- 27> 1955
- 14> 1956
- 3> 1957
- 4> 1958
- 10> 1959
- 3> 1960
- 6> 1961
- 2> 1962
- 3> 1963
- 8> 1964
- 6> 1965
- 2> 1966
- 11> 1967
- 1> 1968
- 6> 1969
- 5> 1970
- 4> 1971
- 2> 1974
- 3> 1976
- 3> 1980
- 3> 1981
- 1> 1986
- 1> 1988
- 1> 1997
- 1> 2006
- 1> 2007
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- Germany x
- 1> 17-Nov
- 2> 240-inch camera
- 1> 280mm artillery
- 12> 303 Committee
- 1> 4000 Labor Service Company
- 1> 4 field offices
- 1> 7746 Army Unit
- 2> 7746th Communication Intercept Service
- 2> 7746th Communications Intelligence Service
- 1> 7746th Communications Intelligence Survey detachment
- 1> 7821st Composite Group
- 1> 7880 MID
- 1> 9539 TSU
- 1> Abakumov
- 1> Abortive rescue mission in Iran
- 2> Abwehr
- 1> Activities of RFE and RL
- 1> Administrative harassment operations
- 1> Adolf Eichmann
- 1> Adolf Heusinger
- 1> Advance notification
- 1> Advance warning
- 1> AECOB
- 1> AEDS
- 9> Aerial reconnaissance
- 1> AFOAT
- 1> Africa
- 1> AFSA gets raw intercepts via CIA
- 3> Agent infiltration
- 1> Agent infiltration schedule
- 3> Agent networks
- 1> Agent networks in Germany
- 8> Agent recruitment
- 1> Agent recruitment and training
- 1> Agents
- 2> Agents captured
- 3> Agent teams
- 2> Agent training
- 1> Agent training facilities
- 1> Agreement for CIA to take control of Gehlen Org
- 2> Agreements
- 1> Airborne electronic intelligence collection
- 1> Airborne reconnaissance
- 1> Airborne reconnaissance missions
- 2> Air corridors
- 1> Aircraft assets
- 6> Airfields
- 1> Air force towers
- 3> Airspace violations
- 4> Albania
- 1> Albania may slip from Soviet control
- 1> Albert Praun
- 1> Allegations of CIA backing appearing in the press
- 4> Allen Dulles
- 1> All EUCOM intelligence information from news reports
- 1> Alliance defense policy
- 1> Alternative means of financial support for RFE and RL
- 1> Ambassador Conant
- 1> Ambassador McCloy
- 1> Ambassador Murphy
- 1> American candidate
- 1> American Committee for Free Europe
- 1> American handling of ZIPPER
- 1> American Zone networks
- 1> Amt fuer Sicherheit der Bundeswehr
- 1> Angry at CIA interference
- 1> Anthony Eden
- 2> Anti-communist organization
- 1> Anti-communist resistance organization
- 1> Anti-communist underground groups
- 4> Anti-communist underground organization
- 1> Anti-nuclear protesters
- 1> Anti-western propaganda
- 1> Appraisal of effectiveness
- 1> Apprehensions about OPC’s operations in Germany by EUCOM
- 1> Approval by OPC Project Board
- 1> Armenia
- 2> Arms caches
- 5> Army Security Agency
- 1> Arrest and detention
- 13> Arrests
- 1> ASALA
- 1> ASBw
- 1> Assassination of former Prime Minister Erim
- 1> Atomic energy detection system
- 1> Attacked by SPD
- 1> Attacks on U.S. government facilities
- 26> Austria
- 1> Availability
- 1> B-17 aircraft
- 1> Baader-Meinhof Gang
- 1> Baader-Meinhof-Gang
- 1> Background checks on agents
- 1> Background of RFE and RL
- 1> Bad Aibling
- 3> Ballistic missiles
- 1> Baltic Sea
- 1> Basque terrorist groups
- 1> Baumholder communications facility
- 1> Bavaria
- 1> Bayreuth
- 1> BBC
- 36> BDJ
- 1> Become integral part of CIA in wartime
- 1> Belgians
- 1> Belgian Security Service
- 1> Belgium, Belgian intelligence services
- 3> Belgium
- 1> Ben Shute
- 1> Benson Buffham
- 60> Berlin
- 1> Berlin air corridors
- 1> Berlin and Vienna air corridors
- 1> Berlin corridors
- 3> Berlin crisis
- 8> Berlin Crisis
- 4> Berlin situation
- 1> Berlin Task Force
- 2> Berlin Tunnel
- 2> Berlin tunnel operation
- 2> Berlin Wall
- 1> Berlin Wall and Quadripartite Agreement
- 6> BfV
- 3> Biography
- 2> Black market
- 1> Black market activities
- 1> Black propaganda
- 25> BND
- 1> BND activities in West Berlin
- 2> Boldyreff
- 1> Bolero Project, captured Russian officers
- 1> Border crosser
- 1> Border crossing routes
- 1> Border security
- 1> Bornholm Island
- 1> Botched operations
- 1> Breakdown of negotiations
- 1> Bremerhaven
- 1> Bringing French Communist Party into government
- 3> British army
- 1> British do not support Gehlen
- 1> British government
- 3> British intelligence
- 31> British intelligence services
- 1> Broadcasting facilities
- 7> Budget
- 4> Budget cuts
- 1> Budget figures
- 1> Budget guidance
- 1> Budget requirements
- 1> Budget shortfalls
- 3> Bulgaria
- 6> Bund Deutcher Jugend
- 31> Bund Deutscher Jugend
- 27> Bundesnachrichtendienst
- 1> Bundesverfassungschutz
- 1> Burial of radio sets
- 1> Burials and caches
- 1> Buried arms caches
- 1> Buried radio equipment
- 2> C-130 reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> Camp David process
- 1> Camp Valka
- 1> Canada
- 1> Canadian intelligence
- 1> Cannot blanket West Germany
- 1> Capture
- 2> Captured documents
- 1> Captured records
- 1> Carmel Offie
- 1> Catholic church
- 1> CDU
- 1> CDU Ostbuero
- 1> Cechoslovakia
- 2> Censorship intercepts
- 2> Central Intelligence Group
- 1> Cessation of operations
- 1> CGG
- 1> Chancellor Helmut Schmidt
- 2> Chancellor Schmidt
- 2> Chancellor Willy Brandt
- 1> Change of command required
- 1> Changes in targeting
- 1> Changes since Berlin Wall
- 1> Chemical weapons
- 1> Chief of BND communications
- 1> Chief source on Soviet activities in East Germany
- 9> CIA
- 1> CIA custodian of German intelligence assets
- 1> CIA financial subsidies
- 1> CIA funding
- 1> CIA-Gehlen agreement
- 1> CIA more closely allied with Germans than with UK and French services
- 1> CIA proprietary
- 1> CIA radio station in England
- 1> CIA reducing staff in Germany
- 1> CIA renegotiating agreement with Gehlen
- 1> CIA stations and bases in Germany
- 1> CIA stay-behind operations
- 1> CIA subsidies
- 1> CIA taking control of Gehlen Org
- 1> CIA to absorb Gehlen Org
- 1> CIC
- 1> Clandestine activities in East Germany
- 1> Clandestine HUMINT unit
- 2> Clandestine intelligence
- 1> Clandestine migration to Palestine
- 1> Clandestine radio station
- 3> Clandestine radio transmissions
- 1> Clay-Sokolovsky Agreement
- 2> Codebreaking
- 1> Coded messages
- 1> Codename Seidel
- 1> Collection targets
- 1> Combined Group Germany
- 1> Combined Soviet Operations Base
- 1> Common Market
- 1> Communications facilities
- 1> Communications networks
- 1> Communist infiltration
- 1> Competition for influence within Ukrainian emigre groups
- 1> Concern about damage caused
- 1> Concern about Soviet invasion
- 1> Conference
- 2> Confusing intelligence situation in Berlin
- 2> Congressional reaction
- 1> Congressman Ellender
- 2> Construction
- 1> Continuation of funding for U.S.-based parent companies
- 2> Continuation or termination
- 4> Continued CIA relationship with RFE and RL
- 1> Contract agents
- 18> Contractual Agreement
- 4> Contractual agreement
- 1> Contractual agreement negotiations
- 1> Control of Gehlen Org
- 2> Control of Gehlen SIGINT activities
- 1> Control over COMINT activities in Germany
- 1> Controversial intelligence package
- 1> Coordinating US intelligence activities in Germany
- 2> Coordination of effort
- 1> Coordination of HUMINT collection efforts in Berlin
- 1> Coordination of intelligence activities
- 1> Cossiga government
- 1> Cost of relocation and modernization of RFE and RL facilities
- 1> Counter-blockade
- 8> Counterintelligence
- 1> Counterintelligence investigation
- 1> Cover designations
- 5> Cover of CIA funding for radio stations
- 1> Cover story
- 1> Cover story for visit
- 95> Covert action
- 1> Covert air operations
- 1> Covert communications facility
- 1> Covert intelligence
- 4> Critchfield
- 1> Crusade for Freedom
- 3> Cryptanalysis
- 1> CSOB
- 1> Cuban Missile Crisis
- 1> Currency valuations
- 1> Current assets
- 1> Custodial units
- 1> Cutbacks in government spending
- 1> Czech Military Mission
- 13> Czechoslovakia
- 1> Czechoslovakian intelligence
- 1> Dana Durand
- 2> Danish intelligence services
- 1> David Murphy
- 1> Death of John Foster Dulles
- 1> Debriefing
- 1> Decision to remain Chancellor
- 1> Defection
- 2> Defector
- 1> Defector disposal problem
- 1> Defector inducement
- 2> Defector program
- 2> Defector Reception Center
- 1> Defector resettlement
- 3> Defectors
- 2> Deficiencies
- 1> Degree of CIA control
- 1> Demirel
- 3> Demobilization
- 1> Denied area
- 6> Denmark
- 3> Department of the Army Detachment
- 1> Deployment and targets
- 1> Deportations
- 1> Deserters
- 1> Detachment 35
- 1> Detente in Europe
- 1> Devaluation of French Franc
- 1> Difficulties with German internal security service
- 3> Diplomatic codes
- 1> Diplomatic representatives
- 1> Direct Action
- 1> Disabled war veterans
- 1> Disappearance of CIA personnel
- 1> Discontinuance of CIA funding for RFE and RL
- 2> Discontinuance of Radio Liberty program
- 1> Discrediting Soviet government of East Germany
- 1> Dismal conditions
- 1> Dismissals
- 2> Displaced persons
- 1> Displaced persons groups
- 1> Disposition of defectors
- 1> Disruptive influences
- 1> Dissolution of Gehlen Org
- 1> Divided Germany
- 1> Divine ordinance
- 1> Dmitri A. Dimitrov
- 1> Dr. Friedenau
- 3> Dr. Hans Globke
- 1> DRC
- 1> Drop CIA funding altogether
- 1> Drop in collection
- 1> Drop zones
- 2> Duplication of effort
- 1> Durrwanger espionage case
- 1> Dustbin
- 3> Dutch intelligence services
- 1> Eastern Europe
- 3> East German air force
- 2> East German government
- 1> East German intelligence
- 1> East German military
- 1> East German press reporting
- 1> East German rail operations
- 1> East German resistance activities
- 7> East German security forces
- 3> East German security services
- 1> East German show trials
- 9> East Germany
- 2> East-West trade
- 1> Economic
- 2> Economic conditions
- 1> Economic-political controversy
- 2> Economic prosperity
- 1> Economic reforms
- 1> Economic sanctions against Iran
- 6> Effectiveness of radio broadcasting activities
- 1> Effect of increased Soviet atomic capabilities
- 1> Election results
- 1> Electronics
- 1> Eliminate certain undesirable features
- 16> ELINT
- 1> Emergency evacuation
- 1> Emergency evacuations
- 1> Emergency war plans
- 1> Emigration to the U.S.
- 2> Emigre groups
- 6> End of CIA funding
- 1> Equipment requirements
- 2> Ernst Tillich
- 6> Escape & evasion
- 1> Escape & evasion network
- 1> Escapee Program Center
- 2> Escapees
- 1> Escape to the West
- 3> Espionage
- 5> Espionage trials
- 1> Establishment of armed forces
- 1> Establishment of border crossing stations
- 1> ETA
- 1> ETA terrorism
- 22> EUCOM
- 1> EUCOM Signal Service used for cover
- 1> European Council statement of Middle East
- 1> European criticism of operation
- 1> European Recovery Program
- 1> Evacuation to Britain in wartime
- 1> Evaluation of Russian emigre groups for intelligence use
- 1> Exchange of information undesirable
- 1> Exchange of letters
- 1> Expansion to full intelligence service
- 1> Exploitation of captured German officers
- 2> Export market
- 1> Expose CIA operations
- 1> Expulsion of foreign communists
- 1> Expulsions
- 1> F-100 fighter bombers
- 1> F-104 fighters
- 1> Factionalization of CDU party
- 1> Failed resupply mission
- 1> False documentation
- 1> Father Leiber
- 2> FBI
- 1> Fears of German resurgence
- 4> Ferret aircraft
- 1> Ferret flights
- 1> Fighting communism
- 1> Fighting Group Against Inhumanity
- 1> Financial burden to U.S.
- 1> Financial support
- 1> Finished COMINT product
- 2> Finland
- 1> Finnish agents
- 6> Flight activity
- 1> Focus on Eastern Europe
- 1> Foreign guard companies
- 1> Foreign intelligence services
- 1> Foreign mercenaries
- 1> Former Nazis
- 1> Fort Hunt
- 1> Four Power conference
- 16> France
- 5> Frank Wisner
- 1> Free Europe Committee
- 18> Free Jurists
- 1> Free Jurists Committee
- 1> French intelligence service
- 5> French intelligence services
- 1> French military
- 1> French nuclear weapons program
- 1> French troop withdrawal from Germany
- 2> Funding problems
- 1> Future of RFE-RL
- 1> Future status
- 1> Garrisoned peoples police
- 2> Gaseous diffusion plant
- 1> GCHQ
- 1> Gehlen
- 1> Gehlen and NATO
- 1> Gehlen family
- 112> Gehlen Org
- 2> Gehlen Organization
- 1> Gehlen’s successor
- 3> General Clay
- 1> General Clay did not want CIA running Gehlen Org
- 2> General Conrad Kuehlein
- 2> General Gerhard Wessel
- 2> General Horst von Mellenthin
- 1> General Hoyt Vandenberg
- 1> General Leo Hepp
- 1> General Lucian E. Truscott
- 14> General Lucian Truscott
- 1> General Maxwell Taylor
- 1> General Mellenthin
- 1> General strike
- 1> General Walter von Seydlitz
- 1> George F. Kennan
- 1> George Glazebrook
- 1> George Kennan
- 1> German army
- 1> German chancellor
- 2> German Communist Party
- 2> German contractual relationship
- 1> German coolness towards French
- 1> German counterintelligence service
- 4> German criminal investigation
- 1> German Federal Police
- 1> German foreign policy
- 12> German government
- 1> German intelligence
- 1> German intelligence organizations
- 107> German intelligence services
- 2> German military intelligence
- 1> German post office
- 2> German POWs
- 1> German rearmament
- 3> German scientists
- 1> German scientists in Soviet Union
- 1> Germans helping US intelligence
- 1> German signal corps
- 1> German Station
- 1> German training facilities
- 1> German unity proposals
- 1> Glaring security violations
- 1> Gordon Stewart
- 10> Great Britain
- 1> Greater emphasis on strategic targets
- 6> Greece
- 1> Greek Communist Party
- 1> Greek intelligence services
- 1> Green Berets
- 1> Greenland
- 1> Gross Gerau
- 1> Growth of NATO
- 2> GSFG
- 2> Guerrilla and sabotage activities
- 8> Guerrilla warfare
- 2> Gustave Hildreth
- 2> Gustav Hilger
- 9> Hans Globke
- 1> Hans Speidel
- 1> Harangue
- 1> Harassment
- 1> Hardening Soviet line
- 1> Health status
- 1> Heavily penetrated by foreign intelligence services
- 1> Heinrich Rauch
- 1> Heinz Felfe
- 1> Henry Hecksher
- 3> Henry Kissinger
- 3> Herman Baun
- 1> Hermann Foertsch
- 2> Herzogenaurach
- 1> Hesse
- 1> HFDF
- 8> HICOG
- 1> High alert status
- 1> Highly biased
- 1> History
- 1> History of organization
- 1> History of project
- 1> Hitler Jugend
- 1> HQ for staybehind agent operations in East Germany
- 3> Human intelligence
- 46> HUMINT
- 2> HUMINT collection
- 3> HUMINT coverage of East Germany
- 6> Hungary
- 1> IAC Watch Committee
- 1> Iceland
- 1> Illegal East-West trade
- 1> Illegal sales of cigarettes and drugs
- 1> Illicit East-West trade
- 2> Imminence of hostilities
- 1> Imminence of hostilities intelligence reporting
- 1> Imminent crisis
- 1> Impressive record of achievements
- 1> Improved coordination of intelligence effort
- 1> Increased logistical support
- 1> Increased Soviet military activity
- 1> Independent foreign policy
- 1> Independent nuclear forces
- 1> Indications of hostile intentions
- 1> Infiltration operations
- 1> Inflationary spiral
- 1> INLA
- 1> Integration with Europe
- 1> Intelligence Advisory Committee
- 1> Intelligence budget cuts
- 2> Intelligence collection
- 1> Intelligence collection must be intensified
- 2> Intelligence Coordinating Committee Germany
- 3> Intelligence coordination
- 2> Intelligence deficiencies
- 1> Intelligence dfacilities
- 1> Intelligence equipment
- 7> Intelligence estimate
- 1> Intelligence exchange
- 5> Intelligence facilities
- 3> Intelligence failure
- 25> Intelligence flap
- 1> Intelligence flaps
- 2> Intelligence gaps
- 2> Intelligence indicators
- 17> Intelligence liaison
- 1> Intelligence mission
- 1> Intelligence production figures
- 1> Intelligence report
- 5> Intelligence reporting
- 4> Intelligence requirements
- 1> Intelligence scandals
- 1> Intelligence school
- 1> Intelligence sharing
- 2> Intelligence situation in Germany
- 1> Intelligence sources
- 1> Intelligence summary
- 1> Intelligence swindling
- 1> Interagency Defector Committee
- 11> Intercepts
- 1> Interference with Berlin barge traffic
- 1> Internal review
- 1> International standing
- 4> Interrogation
- 1> Interrogation centers
- 1> Interrogation reports
- 5> Interrogations
- 1> Invasion not likely
- 1> Investigation Committee of Free Jurists
- 2> Investigation of Gehlen Org
- 1> Investigative report
- 2> IRBMs
- 1> IRO
- 1> Italian Communist Party
- 2> Italian intelligence services
- 1> Italian naval intelligence
- 12> Italy
- 2> James Angleton
- 1> James B. Conant
- 1> JCS
- 1> Jewish refugees
- 1> Jim Critchfield
- 1> Joint efforts
- 1> Joint Intelligence Committee
- 1> Kampfgruppe
- 1> Kampfgruppe gegen Unmenschlichkeit
- 4> Kampfgruppe gegen Unmenschlichket
- 6> Karlsruhe
- 1> Katzenbach Committee
- 1> Keep hands out of local politics
- 1> Kekkonen’s health worsening
- 5> KgU
- 2> Khrushchev
- 1> KIBITZ 15
- 1> KIBITZ 15 should not be used
- 1> Kidnaping
- 1> Kidnaping attempt
- 1> Knowledge of German government
- 1> Kogon Affair
- 21> Konrad Adenauer
- 2> Korean War
- 2> KPD
- 1> Kremlin alarmed by Western response
- 1> Kremlin pursuing other plans
- 1> Kremlin reaction to
- 1> Labor disputes
- 1> Labor Service Units
- 2> Labor shortages
- 1> Lack of cooperation
- 1> Lack of coordination
- 1> Lack of direction
- 1> Lack of guidance
- 1> Lack of production
- 2> Lampertheim
- 1> Landsberg
- 1> Large number of arrests
- 1> Laughlin Campbell
- 1> Laxity
- 1> Leadership
- 1> Leaflets
- 6> League of Free Jurists
- 1> League of Political Refugees from East Germany
- 1> Liaison machinery
- 1> Liaison with foreign intelligence services
- 1> Likelihood and impact of Soviet troop withdrawals
- 1> Limit its activities to foreign intelligence
- 1> Limits of functions
- 3> Listening post
- 13> Listening posts
- 2> Location of teams
- 5> Logistical activity
- 1> London Six Power Agreement on Germany
- 1> Lucian Truscott
- 1> Luftwaffe
- 2> Lump sum termination payment
- 1> MAD
- 1> Mailing opening
- 1> Mail of German Communist Party members
- 12> Mail opening
- 2> Major policy problems with CIA
- 1> Manpower pools
- 1> Maritime intelligence
- 1> Mark 9 nuclear weapons
- 2> Marshal Tito
- 2> McCloy
- 1> McGraw Kaserne
- 1> Metrans
- 1> MGB
- 1> MI5
- 9> MI6
- 1> Microfilming of intelligence records
- 1> Militarization
- 1> Military
- 2> Military exercises
- 1> Military Security Service
- 1> Misinterpretation of indications
- 1> Missile launchers
- 1> Missile specialists
- 1> Mission routes
- 1> Mission to Moscow
- 1> Mitterand
- 1> Mobilization
- 5> Modernization of radio technical activities
- 1> Morse intercept
- 1> Moscow’s impatience
- 2> Motivation
- 1> Move partly away from CIA funding
- 1> MRCA
- 1> Multi-Role Combat Aircraft
- 2> Munich
- 1> Munich Agent Training Complex
- 1> MVD
- 1> National Intelligence Authority
- 3> National Security Agency
- 1> National Security Study Memorandum
- 1> NATO
- 1> NATO communications channels
- 1> NATO membership
- 1> Naval exercise
- 1> Nazi tendencies
- 5> Nazi war crimes
- 1> Near East
- 13> Negotiations
- 1> Negotiations with European intelligence agencies
- 1> Neo-fascist organization
- 1> Nervous strains
- 4> Netherlands
- 1> Neutrality policy
- 1> New Martens coalition government
- 1> No alcohol
- 1> No clear successor
- 1> No confidence vote
- 1> No current activities
- 1> No evidence of indications of Soviet hostile intent
- 1> No French-German collaboration
- 1> No longer possible to maintain plausible deniability
- 1> Non-Christian Democratic prime minister
- 1> No networks in British or French zones
- 1> Non-official cover
- 1> Normal peacetime activity
- 1> Northern Ireland
- 4> Norway
- 1> No signs of anomalous activities
- 1> No vacations
- 5> NTS
- 1> Nuclear proliferation
- 1> Nuclear test detection
- 7> Nuclear weapons
- 1> Nuclear weapons storage sites
- 1> Nuclear weapons support of French air force
- 3> ODEUM
- 1> Office for the Protection of the Constitution
- 1> Office of National Estimates
- 1> Office of Naval Intelligence
- 39> Office of Policy Coordination
- 1> Office of Program Coordination
- 1> Office of Special Operations
- 1> Ongoing negotiations
- 1> OPC
- 1> OPC already exploiting NTS
- 1> OPC not in favor with EUCOM
- 1> Open dialogue with Italian Communist Party
- 1> Operational planning
- 1> Operational supplies
- 1> Operation KEYSTONE
- 1> Operation RUSTY
- 2> Operation terminated
- 1> Opposition to Theater Nuclear Forces modernization
- 2> Order of battle
- 1> Organization
- 1> Organizational structure
- 1> Organizational Structure
- 1> Origin of requirement for radio stations
- 1> OSS
- 1> Other CIA-sponsored anti-communist organizations
- 1> Outlook for the future
- 4> Overflights
- 2> Overlapping jurisdictions
- 1> Papandreou
- 8> Paramilitary apparat
- 29> Paramilitary network
- 3> Paramilitary operations
- 1> Paramilitary organization
- 1> Paramilitary organizations
- 14> Paramilitary resistance organization
- 1> Peace march
- 1> Peenemunde
- 1> Penetration of KPD activities in Germany
- 1> Persecution of Catholic leaders in Eastern Europe
- 1> Personality
- 3> Personnel
- 1> Personnel requirements
- 2> Personnel shortages
- 1> Personnel strength
- 1> Phone tapping
- 1> Photo intelligence
- 1> Pierrelatte
- 1> Pilsen
- 1> Planning
- 1> Plans for CIA takeover of Gehlen Org
- 1> Planted newspaper stories
- 5> Poland
- 1> Policy guidance
- 1> Policy sources and approvals
- 1> Polish armed forces
- 1> Polish refugees
- 5> Political activities
- 1> Political developments
- 1> Political effects
- 1> Political positions
- 2> Political stability
- 1> Political succession
- 1> Political violence
- 1> Poor analysis
- 1> Poor economic situation
- 1> Poor intelligence reporting
- 1> Poor leadership
- 1> Possible retirement
- 4> Possible use for conducting partisan and sabotage missions
- 1> Post-mortem
- 2> POW interrogations
- 1> Prague
- 1> Presidential approval
- 1> Presidential election
- 1> President Kekkonen
- 2> Prime Minister Spadolini
- 1> Principal agent
- 1> Problems
- 1> Problems with US Army
- 1> Professor Mende
- 1> Professor Oberlaender
- 1> Professor von Mende
- 1> Profile of Gehlen
- 1> Program review
- 1> Progress report
- 1> Project HERMES
- 1> Project JUPITER
- 1> Project PASTIME
- 1> Project SATURN
- 1> Project UMPIRE
- 7> Propaganda
- 1> Propaganda activities
- 2> Propaganda balloons
- 1> Propaganda instruments
- 1> Propaganda leaflet operations
- 1> Protest strikes
- 1> Provisional Irish Republican Army
- 1> Psychological assessments
- 23> Psychological warfare
- 1> Psychological warfare activities
- 2> Public announcement
- 4> Pullach
- 1> Pullach Operations Base
- 1> Radar jamming
- 1> Radar systems
- 1> Radio broadcasting
- 1> Radio broadcasts
- 20> Radio Free Europe
- 4> Radio intercept
- 21> Radio Liberty
- 9> Radio operators
- 1> Radio operators in East Germany
- 1> Radio stations to be closed before 1972 Munich Olympics
- 1> Radio Study Group
- 1> Radio training
- 1> Railways
- 1> RB-50G
- 2> RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> Rearmament
- 1> Reasons for past and present difficulties
- 1> Recent Berlin events
- 2> Reception teams
- 1> Recognition by German government
- 1> Recommended discontinuance of projects
- 1> Recruitment
- 2> Recruitment of agents
- 1> Recruitment of ex-Nazis
- 1> Red Army Faction
- 1> Red Brigades
- 1> Referral to NSC
- 1> Refugee camps
- 3> Refugees
- 1> Refusal to accept guidance
- 1> REG
- 1> Reinforcing European ties
- 1> Reinhard gehlen
- 91> Reinhard Gehlen
- 1> Reintegration into NATO
- 1> Relationship between France and Germany
- 2> Relations with German government
- 1> Relations with West German government
- 1> Religious leaders
- 1> Remilitarization
- 1> Removal to USSR
- 1> Renunciation of force treaty
- 1> Replacement for Gehlen
- 1> Request for estimate
- 1> Research laboratories
- 1> Resistance groups
- 28> Resistance organization
- 1> Restrictions in intelligence liaison with British
- 1> Restrictions on intelligence gathering
- 1> Retaliation
- 4> Retardation operations
- 1> Returnee Exploitation Group
- 1> Richard Helms
- 2> Richard Nixon
- 1> Rights of U.S. and Allied intelligence services
- 5> Romania
- 1> Roster of key personnel
- 1> Royal Air Force
- 1> Ruegen Island
- 1> Running out of money
- 1> Russian defectors
- 1> Russian emigre group
- 2> Russian emigre groups
- 3> Russian emigre organization
- 2> Russian Zone
- 1> Saar issue
- 9> Sabotage
- 1> Safe houses
- 1> Satellite relations
- 3> Scandinavia
- 1> Schism within Western European communist parties
- 1> Schliersee
- 1> Schmidt-Honecker meeting
- 4> Scientific intelligence
- 1> Scientists
- 1> Secret memoranda of agreement
- 2> Secret source
- 1> Security compromise
- 1> Security incident
- 1> Security is poor
- 1> Security matters
- 2> Security measures
- 1> Security problems
- 1> Security restrictions
- 1> Security risks
- 1> Seismic surveys
- 1> Senior CIA man to be appointed to run operations in Germany
- 1> Senior CIA representative
- 1> Serious economic problems
- 1> SHAPE
- 1> Sharing of intelligence
- 1> Short of supervisory personnel
- 1> Shotgun methods
- 1> Should not be used
- 48> SIGINT
- 1> SIGINTSchloss Kranzberg
- 2> Site surveys
- 1> Situation in France
- 1> Sleepers
- 1> Slow growth
- 1> Slow progress
- 1> Smuggling
- 1> Socialist Party
- 1> SOFA
- 1> Sources in Berlin
- 1> South Africans
- 1> Southwestern Europe
- 1> Soviet air defense system
- 7> Soviet air force
- 1> Soviet air order of battle
- 3> Soviet army
- 2> Soviet contingency planning
- 4> Soviet foreign policy
- 1> Soviet-German relations
- 1> Soviet ground forces
- 1> Soviet infiltration
- 4> Soviet intelligence
- 15> Soviet military
- 1> Soviet military action
- 1> Soviet military and scientific targets
- 1> Soviet military forces
- 1> Soviet navy
- 1> Soviet propaganda
- 1> Soviet radar and early warning networks
- 2> Soviet radars
- 1> Soviet reaction to German integration
- 1> Soviet recognition of East German government
- 1> Soviet seizure of strategic industries
- 1> Soviet targets in Egypt
- 2> Soviet technology
- 4> Soviet Union
- 4> Soviet Zone
- 8> Spain
- 1> Spanish desire to join NATO
- 1> Spanish government wants to join NATO
- 1> Special Detachment EUCOM
- 1> Special forces units
- 1> Spying on German communist party
- 2> SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> SSO system
- 2> SSU
- 1> St. Louis Institute
- 1> STASI
- 3> State Department
- 1> State elections
- 1> Status of contractual relations
- 1> Status of forces agreement
- 2> Status of Forces Agreement
- 1> Status quo in Eastern Europe
- 19> Stay-behind
- 3> Staybehind
- 1> Staybehind agent networks
- 3> Stay-behind network
- 1> staybehind networks
- 6> Stay-behind networks
- 34> Stay-behind operations
- 1> Stay-behind program
- 1> Staybehind requirements
- 5> Stay-behind resistance group
- 2> Staybehind teams
- 1> Stealing CIC sources
- 1> Stefan Bandera
- 1> Stephan Affair
- 11> STIB Berlin
- 1> Storage capacity
- 1> Storage rights
- 1> Strategic missions should not be cut
- 1> Strategic operations
- 1> Strengthen internal position
- 1> Strikes
- 1> Stringent blockade
- 1> Studies in Intelligence
- 1> Stuttgart area only
- 2> Surveillance
- 1> Surveillance of subversives
- 1> Survey
- 1> Surveys
- 8> Sweden
- 3> Swedish intelligence services
- 5> Switzerland
- 1> Tapping of telephones
- 1> Tarantel Magazine
- 1> Targeting of political figures
- 1> Target priorities
- 6> Targets
- 1> Tasks
- 1> Technical intelligence
- 13> Telephone tapping
- 1> Teletype intercepts
- 2> Termination of operation
- 1> Terrorism
- 1> Terrorist attacks against US targets in Germany
- 1> Terrorist groups
- 1> Terrorist incidents
- 1> Test flights
- 1> Theater Nuclear Forces modernization
- 1> Thede Palm
- 1> Theobald Mosheim
- 1> Thomas Cassidy
- 1> Thomas Polgar
- 1> Threat by German government to close RFE-RL
- 1> Tighten up security
- 4> Timing
- 1> TNF arms control talks
- 1> Todendorf
- 1> T operators
- 1> Trade union activities
- 1> Trained informants
- 1> Trained radio operators
- 1> Training activities
- 1> Transfer of control to CIG
- 1> Transfer to CIA
- 1> Transfer to CIA approved
- 5> Transfer to German government
- 1> Transfer to Germans
- 6> Translations
- 5> Transportation
- 1> Trip to Moscow
- 10> Troop movements
- 1> Troop reductions
- 1> Troop trains
- 1> Troubled by proposal
- 1> Tunneling
- 7> Turkey
- 1> U.N. resolution
- 1> U.S. Army
- 1> U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps
- 2> U.S. Army intelligence
- 1> U.S. diplomatic codes
- 2> U.S. European Command
- 2> U.S. intelligence activities
- 1> U.S. intelligence benefits
- 1> U.S. intelligence organizations
- 2> U.S. intelligence requirements
- 1> U.S. Navy
- 1> U.S. nuclear superiority
- 2> U-2 reconnaissance aircraft
- 16> UFJ
- 1> UJDROWSY case
- 1> UK Joint Intelligence Committee
- 1> Ukraine
- 1> Ukrainian refugee groups
- 1> Umberto Broccoli
- 2> Unconventional warfare
- 2> Underground communications cables
- 1> Underground railroad for fugitives
- 1> Unfavorable publicity
- 1> United Nations
- 1> Unit identifications
- 2> Unsatisfactory intelligence reporting
- 2> Uranium enrichment
- 3> USAFE
- 1> USCIB
- 1> US Military Liaison Mission
- 1> USMLM
- 1> US Naval Security Group
- 1> US policy considerations
- 4> USSR
- 1> V-2 rockets
- 1> Vacillating support
- 1> Valuable intelligence information
- 1> Van Roijen
- 3> Vatican
- 3> Vienna
- 1> Violent by extremist groups growing
- 1> Visit to U.S.
- 1> Visual reconnaissance missions
- 1> Vladimir jail
- 1> Voice of America
- 1> W
- 3> Wachenberg Castle
- 2> Walter Kopp
- 1> Walter Linse
- 1> Walter Schellenberg
- 1> Walter Smith
- 1> War crimes
- 1> War criminals
- 1> Warning of hostilities
- 1> Warning of invasion
- 1> War plans
- 2> War preparations
- 1> War scare
- 1> War threat
- 2> Wartime relocation
- 1> Wartime use
- 1> War warning
- 1> Washington policy guidance
- 1> Watch Committee
- 1> Weapons caches
- 1> Welt am Sonntag
- 1> Werbebuero Kramer
- 1> Were RFE and RL worth preserving
- 1> Werner Boie
- 19> West Berlin
- 1> Western Europe
- 1> Western European terrorism
- 1> West German police
- 1> When will the wall fall?
- 1> Whiskey and cigarettes
- 1> Wilhelm Koppe
- 1> Willard Liebel
- 1> William Harvey
- 1> Willi Brandt
- 2> Willy Brandt
- 1> With CIA personnel
- 1> Workaholic
- 1> World dangers
- 1> Worsening global situation
- 5> Youth organization
- 7> Yugoslavia
- 1> Yugoslav military
- 1> ZIPPER F-Net
- 1> Zirndorf
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- U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 x