U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
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Filter by date
- 27> 1945
- 29> 1946
- 6> 1947
- 11> 1948
- 5> 1949
- 24> 1950
- 10> 1951
- 9> 1952
- 17> 1953
- 9> 1954
- 8> 1955
- 2> 1956
- 3> 1957
- 1> 1958
- 1> 1959
- 7> 1960
- 1> 1961
- 4> 1962
- 1> 1963
- 13> 1964
- 7> 1965
- 7> 1966
- 7> 1967
- 2> 1968
- 6> 1969
- 16> 1970
- 13> 1971
- 3> 1972
- 15> 1973
- 1> 1974
- 4> 1975
- 3> 1976
- 1> 1977
- 2> 1979
- 2> 1980
- 3> 1981
- 5> 1982
- 6> 1983
- 6> 1985
- 4> 1986
- 1> 1987
- 1> 1993
- 1> 1994
- 1> 1995
- 1> 1997
- 1> 2003
Filter by place
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Filter by subject
- Great Britain x
- 1> ;abor legislation
- 1> "Noise investigation"
- 1> 10th Radio Squadron Mobile
- 1> 40 Committee
- 1> ABM
- 1> Access to special intelligence
- 5> Acoustic intelligence
- 1> Acoustic intelligence facilities in India
- 1> Admiralty Operational Intelligence Center
- 11> AEDS
- 1> Aerial incidents
- 27> Aerial reconnaissance
- 1> Africa
- 8> AFTAC
- 1> Agent infiltration
- 1> Agent recruitment
- 1> Agreement
- 1> Agreement between Reagan and Thatcher
- 1> Agreement signed
- 1> Aircraft carrier
- 1> Airdrops
- 1> Airfields
- 1> Air Ministry
- 13> Akrotiri
- 4> Akrotiri air base
- 5> Albania
- 1> Alliance with Italian Socialists
- 1> Aneurin Bevin
- 1> Anglo-French dispute
- 2> Anglo-French nuclear cooperation
- 3> Antenna arrays
- 1> Antenna sites
- 2> Anthony Eden
- 1> Anti-ballistic missiles
- 1> Anti-nuclear activities
- 1> Anti-nuclear protest groups
- 1> Anti-submarine warfare
- 1> Arabian Peninsula
- 3> Archbishop Makarios
- 1> Argentina
- 1> Arms control negotiations with USSR
- 1> Arms sales agreements to Middle Eastern countries
- 3> Army Security Agency
- 1> Arnold Kramish
- 1> Arthur Scargill
- 2> Ascension Island
- 1> Asension Island
- 3> Assistance to Communist China
- 1> ASW helicopters
- 2> Atomic energy
- 1> Atomic Energy Commission
- 12> Atomic energy detection system
- 1> Atomic stockpile agreement
- 1> Attacks by Labor Party
- 1> Attractive financing packages
- 5> Australia
- 2> Austria
- 1> Aviano
- 3> Aviation Week & Space Technology
- 2> Baader-Meinhof Gang
- 1> Balance-of-payments problems
- 1> Ballistic missiles
- 3> Balloon reconnaissance
- 1> Barford-Saint John
- 2> Base closures
- 3> Base rights
- 1> Basing rights
- 1> Basque terrorist organizations
- 1> Belgian intelligence
- 1> Belgians
- 3> Belgium
- 2> Berlin
- 1> Big Fan project
- 1> Black Friday
- 1> Blue Streak rocket
- 1> Bomb El Al airliner
- 1> Bomb groups
- 1> Brezhnev visit
- 2> Brisbane
- 1> Britain’s growing drug problem
- 1> British and French nuclear weapons programs
- 3> British are angry
- 1> British are shits
- 1> British Army
- 2> British army
- 1> British crown colony
- 1> British defense policy
- 1> British domestic policies
- 1> British economy
- 1> British fishing trawlers
- 4> British Foreign Office
- 7> British government
- 6> British government authorization
- 1> British government counternarcotics program
- 1> British Guiana
- 3> British intelligence
- 3> British intelligence agencies
- 1> British intelligence estimates
- 60> British intelligence services
- 1> British intelligence station
- 1> British Labor Party
- 2> British merchant ships
- 3> British military
- 1> British military bases
- 1> British military intelligence
- 1> British miners union
- 1> British nuclear doctrine
- 1> British nuclear weapons program
- 2> British security service
- 1> British West Indies
- 8> BRUSA Agreement
- 1> Budget imbalances
- 1> Bulgaria
- 2> Burgess
- 1> Burke Trend
- 2> Burtonwood
- 2> C-130 reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> Calvo Sotelo
- 2> Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
- 3> Canada
- 1> Can labor win
- 2> Captured documents
- 1> Captured photographs
- 1> Casualty figures
- 1> CGIL
- 1> CGT
- 2> Chancellor Schmidt
- 4> Charles De Gaulle
- 1> Chemical weapons
- 1> Chicksands
- 1> Chief of station
- 5> China
- 1> Chinese threat to Hong Kong
- 1> Christian Democratic Party
- 1> Christmas Island
- 8> CIA
- 1> CIA objections to UK intelligence sharing
- 1> CIA radio base
- 2> CIA station
- 1> Cipher machine
- 1> Civilianization
- 1> Civil unrest
- 7> Clandestine communications facility
- 1> Clive Loehnis
- 2> CND
- 1> Codebreaking
- 2> Codename EXCISE
- 1> Cod Wars
- 5> Coffey Project
- 1> Colonial policies
- 1> Combating drug trafficking
- 1> COMET reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> COMFY COBALT satellite intercept system
- 2> COMINT communications center
- 1> Commander Dunderdale
- 1> Commitments and costs
- 3> Common Market
- 1> Communication security
- 1> Communications links
- 1> Concorde supersonic transport
- 1> Condemnation
- 1> Conflict with U.S. foreign policy
- 2> Congressional testimony
- 1> Conservative Party
- 1> Conservative Party foreign policy positions at odds with US foreign policy
- 1> Constitutional issues
- 1> Contact lists
- 1> Contract agents
- 1> Converting NATO allies
- 5> Coordination of effort
- 1> Coordination of reconnaissance programs
- 1> Coordination with Royal Air Force
- 1> Cost
- 1> Costs
- 4> Counterintelligence
- 1> Coup attempt by milityary unlikely
- 2> Cover story
- 2> Covert action
- 1> Craxi
- 1> Criminal prosecution
- 1> Crisis not of concern to NATO
- 1> Croughton
- 2> Cryptanalysis
- 2> Cryptographic equipment
- 2> Cryptologic Quarterly
- 1> Current nuclear forces and policies
- 1> Cuts in social welfare benefits
- 1> Cypriot government hostility to flights
- 3> Cypriot press reporting
- 28> Cyprus
- 1> Czech arms shipments
- 1> Czech embassy
- 1> Czechoslovakia
- 1> Czech party congress
- 1> Daily Express
- 1> Daily Mail
- 1> Daily Telegraph
- 1> Damage to US-Latin American relations
- 1> Danish intelligence
- 2> Defector
- 3> Defectors
- 1> Defense debate
- 2> Denis Healey
- 2> Denmark
- 1> Dennis Healey
- 1> Deployments
- 1> Detaching Albania from USSR
- 1> Detachment
- 1> DGB
- 1> Differences with Washington
- 1> Diffusion plant
- 4> Dimona
- 1> Diplomatic codes
- 2> Diplomatic embarrassment
- 1> Director of Military Intelligence
- 1> Disguised as a RAF radio station
- 1> Disheartening statements on US policies
- 1> Disorganization among French labor unions
- 1> Dissemination restrictions
- 1> Division of effort
- 1> Diyarbakir
- 5> Donald MacLean
- 1> Downward economic trends
- 1> Drug abuse treatment
- 2> Duplication of effort
- 1> Dutch intelligence
- 2> Dutch intelligence services
- 1> East of Suez
- 1> East-west trade
- 1> East-West trade outlook
- 1> Ecevit government
- 2> Economic intelligence
- 1> Economic malaise
- 1> Economic outlook
- 1> Economic plans
- 1> Economic problems
- 1> Economic relationships
- 1> Economic summit
- 1> Edward Heath
- 1> Edzell
- 1> EEC
- 1> Effects on British economy
- 1> Egypt
- 1> Electromagnetic separation
- 1> Electronic intelligence reporting
- 15> ELINT
- 1> Enriched uranium
- 1> EOKA
- 1> Episkopi
- 1> Ernest Ramaur
- 1> Erosion of living standards
- 11> Espionage
- 1> ESRO
- 1> ETA
- 1> European behavior disgraceful
- 1> European Command
- 3> European Community
- 2> European Economic Community
- 1> European integration
- 1> European leaders pessimistic about Poland’s future
- 1> European legal system
- 1> European opposition to Long Range Theater Nuclear modernization
- 1> European political unity
- 1> European public opposition to INF deployments
- 1> European Space Research Organization
- 1> Exchange of raw intercepts
- 1> Exercise Unity
- 1> Expanded exchange of information
- 1> Expansion of nuclear test detection system
- 2> Expansion of project in UK
- 1> Expectation of increased violence
- 1> Extremely tight security controls
- 1> Failure to pay contractors
- 2> Falkland Islands
- 1> Falklands crisis
- 1> Far East
- 1> Far East Command
- 1> Farm prices
- 2> FBI
- 1> Felipe Gonzalez
- 6> Ferret aircraft
- 1> Field Marshal Slim
- 2> Fiji
- 1> Filtron
- 2> Finland
- 1> Fishing dispute
- 1> Fission weapons
- 1> Force de Frappe
- 3> Foreign and Commonwealth Office
- 1> Foreign economic assistance
- 1> Foreign mercenaries
- 2> Foreign Office
- 1> Foreign policy issues
- 1> Formulation of economic policies
- 1> Forthcoming decision of whether to terminate program
- 24> France
- 1> Francois Mitterand
- 2> Frank Wisner
- 1> French ballistic missile program
- 1> French foreign policy
- 1> French independence
- 2> French intelligence
- 3> French intelligence services
- 1> French Minister of Defense
- 1> French nuclear capability
- 1> French nuclear weapons program
- 1> French opposition
- 1> French Polynesia
- 1> Fuel shortages
- 1> Fulfill commitments on INF
- 1> Fundraising for the IRA
- 1> Future problems and options
- 1> Future status
- 1> Gaseous diffusion
- 2> Gaseous diffusion plant
- 2> GCCS
- 26> GCHQ
- 1> General Lincoln Faurer
- 1> Geoffrey Prime
- 1> German Control Commission
- 1> German role in NATO nuclear matters
- 10> Germany
- 1> Gibraltar
- 1> Giscard d’Estaing
- 2> GLCM
- 1> Global economic situation
- 1> Government security crackdown
- 4> Greece
- 1> Greek Communist Party
- 1> Ground Launched Cruise Missile
- 1> Ground Launched Cruise Missiles
- 1> Growing political opposition
- 1> GUARDRAIL reconnaissance
- 1> Guyana
- 3> Guy Burgess
- 1> Guy Liddell
- 1> Harassment of British fishing trawlers
- 1> Hard-driving lady
- 1> Harrier VSTOL attack aircraft
- 2> Harry S. Truman
- 1> Heavy membership losses
- 2> Helmut Kohl
- 1> High costs
- 1> High-level cryptanalytic problems
- 1> High level government support
- 1> History of British nuclear weapons program
- 1> Hong Kong
- 2> Hong Kong-registered ships
- 2> Hopton
- 1> Hydroacoustic intelligence
- 5> Hydrophones
- 2> Iceland
- 1> Icelandic coast guard
- 1> Illegal fishing
- 1> Illegal money laundering
- 1> Illegal narcotics
- 1> Illegal sales
- 2> Illicit trade
- 1> Impact on European security interests
- 1> Impasse
- 1> Imposition of exchange controls
- 1> Increased majority in Parliament
- 1> Increasing costs
- 1> Increasing protectionism
- 1> Independence
- 1> India
- 1> Infiltration in the military
- 1> Inflation
- 1> Information exchange
- 1> Information sharing
- 4> Inspection report
- 1> Intelligence activities in Germany
- 1> Intelligence analysis
- 3> Intelligence assessment
- 1> Intelligence estimate
- 9> Intelligence exchange
- 40> Intelligence facilities
- 1> Intelligence flap
- 41> Intelligence liaison
- 1> Intelligence report
- 1> Intelligence reporting
- 1> Intelligence reports
- 4> Intelligence sharing
- 3> Intelligence sharing agreement
- 1> Intelligence sources
- 1> Intensification of Code War
- 1> Intercept stations
- 1> International terrorism
- 2> Interrogation
- 1> Intraparty policy differences
- 1> IRA
- 1> IRA weapons seized in the Netherlands
- 2> Irish Republican Army
- 4> Israel
- 1> Israeli government
- 1> Istanbul
- 1> Italian Red Brigades
- 13> Italy
- 1> Jacques Chirac
- 1> Jacques Delors
- 1> Jimmy Carter
- 1> John Bruce Lockhart
- 1> John Sinclair
- 1> Joint Electronic Intelligence Committee
- 1> Joint GCHQ-NSA research areas
- 1> Joint intelligence operations
- 1> Joint nuclear targeting
- 1> Jupiter missiles
- 1> Jurisdictional disputes
- 1> Kenya
- 3> Kim Philby
- 1> Kinross
- 2> Kirknewton
- 3> Klaus Fuchs
- 1> Labor in state of disarray
- 5> Labor Party
- 1> Labor unions
- 1> Labour Party
- 1> Lame-duck government
- 1> Language training
- 1> Large database of Soviet military intelligence
- 1> Latin America
- 1> Launch operations
- 1> Launch vehicle technology
- 1> Lead in the polls
- 2> Leak investigation
- 1> Legal loopholes
- 1> Legitimacy
- 1> Len Murray
- 1> Liaison officiers
- 2> Libya
- 1> Limited distribution
- 12> Listening posts
- 1> London
- 1> Long focal-length camera
- 1> Lord Beaverbrook
- 4> Lord Hood
- 1> Loss of morale
- 1> Louis Einthoven
- 2> MacLean
- 1> Malaysian conflict
- 3> Manhattan Project
- 2> Manpower shortages
- 6> Margaret Thatcher
- 1> Marxists in control of army
- 2> Masirah
- 1> Mauritius
- 1> McCone
- 1> MDAP
- 1> Melbourne SIGINT Center
- 1> Membership in European Community
- 1> Menwith Hill Station
- 4> MI5
- 27> MI6
- 1> Michael Foot
- 1> Michael Heseltine
- 1> Middle East crisis
- 1> Middle East situation
- 1> Military attaches
- 2> Military bases
- 1> Military conscription
- 1> Military coup against Spinola
- 2> Military exercises
- 1> Military strength
- 1> Mini-carrier
- 1> MIRV
- 1> Monitor high-altitude nuclear detonations
- 5> Monitoring Test Ban Treaty
- 1> More sales in Third World countries in future
- 1> More support for France
- 1> Move towards independence
- 1> MRBM
- 2> National elections
- 2> Nationalist China
- 1> National policies and preoccupations
- 7> National Security Agency
- 1> Nationwide political campaign
- 4> NATO
- 1> NATO referendum
- 1> Naval intelligence
- 1> Need more engineering troops
- 2> Negative press reporting
- 2> Negotiating team
- 13> Negotiations
- 1> Negotiations on trade issues
- 1> Negotiations over sovereignty issue
- 5> Netherlands
- 1> Neutron bomb
- 1> New coalition government
- 1> New Forlani government
- 3> Newspaper article
- 2> New York Times
- 1> Nikolaos
- 1> NIMROD reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> No formal agreement
- 1> No intelligence sharing with Israel
- 1> Normal peacetime activity
- 3> Northern Ireland
- 2> North Vietnam
- 7> Norway
- 1> Norwegian intelligence
- 1> Nuclear delivery systems
- 1> Nuclear delivery vehicles
- 1> Nuclear disarmament
- 3> Nuclear intelligence
- 1> Nuclear power plant
- 1> Nuclear power plants
- 1> Nuclear proliferation
- 5> Nuclear reactors
- 1> Nuclear release authority and British military commanders
- 1> Nuclear sales
- 1> Nuclear targeting
- 1> Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
- 2> Nuclear test detection
- 1> Nuclear testing
- 29> Nuclear weapons
- 1> Nuclear weapons custodial arrangements
- 1> Nuclear weapons deployment to Britain
- 1> Nuclear weapons storage sites
- 11> Nuclear weapons test detection
- 1> Nuclear weapons testing
- 4> Ocean surveillance flights
- 1> Office of Naval Intelligence
- 1> Oil and gas surveys
- 2> Oman
- 4> Operation Reason
- 1> Opposition tot INF deployment
- 15> Orfordness
- 1> Organization of NATO
- 1> Organized rightist reactions
- 1> Orkney Islands
- 1> OSS
- 1> Ostpolitik
- 1> Other NATO allies
- 1> Outlook
- 1> Overflight rights
- 1> Overflights
- 17> Over the horizon radar
- 2> Over-the-horizon radar
- 1> Over-the-horizon radars
- 1> Oxford
- 1> Papandreou
- 1> Paramilitary operations
- 1> Patrick Dean
- 1> Peace movement
- 1> Penetration aids
- 1> Pershing II missile
- 1> Pershing II missiles
- 1> Persian Gulf security
- 1> Personnel complement
- 1> Personnel integration
- 1> Personnel transfers
- 1> Perth
- 1> Peter Marychurch
- 1> Petroleum exploration efforts
- 2> Petrov
- 1> Philip Taubman
- 10> Photographic intelligence
- 2> Photo intelligence
- 1> Photo interpretation
- 1> Pierrelatte
- 1> PIRA
- 1> Pitcairn Island
- 1> Planning conference
- 2> Plutonium
- 4> Poland
- 1> Polaris missile
- 1> Policy review for Spain
- 1> Polish intelligence services
- 1> Political outlook
- 1> Political problems
- 1> Political relationship with th US
- 1> Political stability
- 1> Portugal
- 1> Portuguese military dominated by lefists
- 1> Poseidon missiles
- 1> Possible termination of program
- 1> Potential power struggle
- 2> Pound Sterling
- 1> Prerequisites
- 3> Press leak
- 5> Press leaks
- 1> Press reporting
- 1> Pressure from Capitol Hill
- 1> Prime Minister Calvo-Sotelo
- 1> Prime Minister Demirel
- 2> Prime Minister Fanfani
- 3> Prime Minister Harold Wilson
- 1> Prime Minister Suarez
- 2> Prime Minister Thatcher
- 1> Problems with British government
- 1> Problems with French labor situation
- 1> Problems with US economic embargoes against USSR
- 1> Production slippages
- 1> Project 440L
- 1> Project 673A
- 4> Project BACKSCRATCH
- 4> Project cancelled
- 3> Project Clear Sky
- 3> Project CLEAR SKY
- 1> Project DICK TRACY
- 2> Project GRAYBACK
- 1> Project MOBY DICK
- 1> Project RESUMPTION
- 1> Project Robin
- 1> Project ROBIN
- 1> Prospects for Thatcher government
- 1> Provisional Irish Republican Army
- 1> PSB
- 1> Psychological Strategy Board
- 1> Pulling
- 1> RAAF Pearce
- 1> Radar calibration
- 21> Radar intelligence
- 21> RADINT
- 1> Radio base
- 2> Radio equipment
- 5> RAF Brawdy
- 1> RAF cover
- 1> RAF Edzell
- 1> RAF Feltwell
- 1> RB-47
- 2> RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> Recognition of communist China
- 4> Reconnaissance flights
- 1> Reconsider British policy
- 2> Red Army Faction
- 1> Reelection campaign
- 1> Reentry vehicles and nuclear warheads
- 1> Rehashed industrial policies
- 1> Release procedures
- 1> Renewed life to British defense industries
- 1> Reopen negotiations for British entry into EEC
- 1> Research and development
- 1> Research and developments
- 1> Reviving aging industries
- 1> Rising amount of political violence
- 1> Rising cost of defense programs
- 1> Rising interest rates
- 1> Romania
- 1> Rothwesten
- 25> Royal Air Force
- 1> Royal navy
- 8> Royal Navy
- 1> Safeguards against proliferation
- 1> Sale of MiG-29 fighters
- 1> SALT
- 1> Scanty intelligence
- 1> Scarce resources
- 1> Scientific intelligence
- 1> Scientists
- 1> Scotland
- 1> SDECE
- 2> Secrecy of operations
- 3> Security breach
- 2> Security compromise
- 1> Security indoctrination
- 1> Security measures
- 1> Security relationships
- 1> Senate Foreign Relations Committee
- 1> Senator Symington
- 1> Sensitive nuclear arranges
- 2> Sentinel Fan
- 1> Sentinel Fan OTH radar
- 2> Sentinel Shoe
- 2> Sentinel Shoe OTH radar
- 1> Separate from 440L OTH radar
- 1> Serious controversy
- 1> Settlement of Rhodesia problem
- 1> Severe access restrictions
- 2> Sharing intelligence information
- 1> Shetland Islands
- 1> Shift to the left within party
- 1> Shootdown
- 63> SIGINT
- 1> Sinop
- 1> SIOP
- 1> Sir Burke Trend
- 2> Sir Edward Travis
- 1> Sir Eric Jones
- 1> Sir Kenneth Strong
- 1> Sir Percy Sillitoe
- 1> Sir Richard Travis
- 1> Sir Roger Makins
- 1> Sir Stuart Menzies
- 1> Sir William Cook
- 1> Sir William Penny
- 1> Sites surveys
- 5> Site surveys
- 1> Skybolt
- 1> Slow Soviet advance
- 1> Socialist Party
- 1> Sophisticated British weapons sales program
- 5> SOSUS
- 5> Sound Surveillance System
- 1> Sources of information
- 1> South Africans
- 1> South Georgia Island
- 5> Sovereign Base Areas
- 1> Soviet agent
- 1> Soviet anti-nuclear propaganda measures
- 1> Soviet codes and ciphers
- 6> Soviet cruiser
- 4> Soviet espionage
- 1> Soviet inspired
- 2> Soviet intelligence
- 1> Soviet military
- 7> Soviet navy
- 1> Soviet position on Northern Ireland dispute
- 5> Soviet Union
- 1> Soviet-Yugoslav relations
- 1> Space programs
- 1> Space research
- 8> Spain
- 1> Spanish situation very volatile
- 1> SPD party congress
- 1> Special Electronics Testing Facility
- 1> Special Electronic Testing Facility
- 1> Special relationship
- 1> Special sources
- 1> Spending on nuclear or conventional forces
- 1> Spitsbergen
- 3> SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> Stability of Spadolini era ending
- 2> Star Wars
- 1> State-sponsored terrorism
- 1> Staybehind agent networks
- 1> Stay-behind operations
- 1> Stepped-up covert action operations
- 1> Storage of nuclear weapons for Netherlands
- 1> Strained relationship
- 3> Strategic Air Command
- 1> Strategic arms limitation talks
- 1> Strategic Defense Initiative
- 1> Strategic nuclear weapons
- 1> Stronger protectionist sentiment in UK
- 5> Submarine surveillance
- 1> Suez Canal
- 1> Surveillance of Soviet naval activities
- 4> SUSLO
- 1> Svalbards
- 2> Sweden
- 1> Switzerland
- 1> Syria
- 1> Tactical reconnaissance
- 1> Tactical Y operations
- 1> Tain
- 1> Taiwan
- 1> Tankers
- 1> Targets
- 2> Technical agreement signed
- 1> Technical intelligence
- 1> Technical problems
- 3> Technical talks
- 2> Templer-Burns Agreement
- 1> Tendency to hector
- 1> Termination of 440L program
- 1> Territorial dispute
- 1> Terrorist activities
- 2> Terrorist attacks
- 1> Terrorist attacks expected
- 1> Terrorist groups
- 1> Test flights
- 1> Thatcher
- 1> Thatcher government
- 1> Thatcher’s economic programs
- 1> Theater Nuclear Force
- 1> The dogmatic lady
- 1> The Netherlands
- 1> Thermonuclear weapons
- 1> The Turkish threat
- 1> Third parties
- 1> Thomas Betts
- 1> Thor missiles
- 1> Threat to cut off British access to intelligence
- 1> Tony Benn
- 1> Tornado fighter bombers
- 2> Tracing source of article
- 1> Trade sanctions against Argentina
- 1> Trade Union Congress
- 1> Trade Union Council
- 3> Trade with China
- 2> Training flights
- 1> Transfer to British
- 1> Trident
- 1> Troop deployments
- 2> Troop dispositions
- 1> Troop numbers
- 1> Troubles with NSA-GCHQ relationship
- 1> Truce declaration
- 2> TUC
- 12> Turkey
- 1> Turkish extremist terrorist groups
- 1> Turkish General Staff
- 1> Turkish opium production
- 1> Turkish Resistance Organization
- 1> U.S. Air Force
- 1> U.S. Army
- 1> U.S. Intelligence Board
- 1> U.S. Navy
- 1> U.S. nuclear alert
- 1> U-2 and SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft
- 14> U-2 reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> UK balance of payments
- 1> UK cut-off from access to intelligence
- 1> UK Foreign Office
- 1> UK intended to evacuate Far East in wartime
- 1> UK Joint Intelligence Committee
- 1> UK must receive photo intelligence
- 1> UK refusal to share information
- 1> UK trading problems
- 1> UKUSA Treaty
- 1> UK will stay in nuclear weapons business
- 1> ULTRA
- 1> Undersea communications cables
- 1> United Nations
- 1> Unrestricted aerial reconnaissance
- 1> Upcoming national election
- 1> Upgrading theater nuclear forces
- 1> Uranium
- 2> Uranium enrichment
- 3> USAF cover
- 2> USAFE
- 1> US Air Force
- 1> US financial assistance to buy Trident missiles
- 1> US government unhappiness with UK
- 1> USIB
- 4> US military flights
- 1> US military presence in Spain
- 1> US sanctions against Argentina
- 7> USSR
- 1> US-UK arms cooperation
- 1> US-UK relations
- 1> Views of Gibraltar’s inhabitants
- 1> Violence in Basque country
- 1> Viti Levu airfield
- 1> Voice of Tripoli radio
- 1> War Office Liaison Group
- 1> War plans
- 2> Wartime relocation
- 1> Weakness of the Pound
- 1> Weapons-grade uranium
- 5> Western Europe
- 1> Western European Union
- 1> West German intelligence
- 13> West Germany
- 1> Westland affair
- 1> White House meeting with Prime Minister Callahan
- 1> Wick
- 1> Wideawake airfield
- 1> William Hayter
- 2> William Odom
- 1> Williamsburg Summit
- 1> Winston Scott
- 1> Wire-cutting incidents
- 1> Withdrawal from NATO
- 1> Withdrawal of U-2s
- 1> World economic upturn
- 1> Worsening economic situation
- 2> Yugoslavia
- 1> ZIRCON satellite system
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- U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 x
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National Security Agency (NSA), Memorandum, Discontinuing Protection of NSA Presence at Menwith Hill Station - INFORMATION MEMORANDUM, February 14, 1997, Confidential, NSA FOIA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
National Security Agency (NSA)
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Memorandum, Apparent Lack of British Awareness of Major Role Their Flag Plays in Free World Shipping to North Vietnam, February 23, 1966, Secret/NOFORN, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Memorandum, Approach to British on Hong Kong Ships in North Vietnam Trade, January 25, 1966, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Western Europe ::Radical Tactics Against INF Deployment, September 1983, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Britain and Its Dependencies in the Western Hemisphere, October 29, 1965, Secret/NOFORN, LBJL.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, London to Secretary of State, June 14, 1973, Limited Official Use, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, Secretary of State to London, June 15, 1973, Confidential, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, London to Secretary of State, June 19, 1973, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, London to Secretary of State, June 18, 1973, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, London to Secretary of State, June 29, 1973, Confidential, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)