U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
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- 1> "No spying" agreement
- 1> 1951 operations were disappointing
- 1> 1956 Hungarian Revolution
- 1> 1974 Cyprus crisis
- 1> Access to classified information
- 1> Adolph Berle
- 6> Agent infiltration
- 6> Agent networks
- 2> Agent recruitment
- 1> Agents arrested
- 1> Aggressive exploitation of available HUMINT resources
- 1> Air access
- 18> Air attache
- 2> Air corridors
- 1> Airdrops
- 1> Airfields
- 1> Alarming intelligence report
- 17> Albania
- 1> Albanian air force
- 1> Albanian army
- 1> Albanian emigre groups
- 1> Albanian government
- 1> Albanian security services
- 1> Albanian situation
- 22> Algeria
- 3> Alias Ackermann
- 1> Allen Dulles
- 1> Ambassador Conant
- 1> Analytic failings
- 1> Aneurin Bevin
- 1> Anthony Eden
- 1> Anti-communist resistance groups
- 1> Anti-communist resistence groups
- 1> Anti-Tito groups
- 1> Archbishop Makarios
- 1> Arms sales
- 1> Army Security Agency
- 1> Arrests
- 1> Assassinations
- 1> Assessment of US intelligence community performance
- 1> Attaches
- 1> Attacks on Albanian military and police
- 17> Austria
- 1> Azores Islands
- 1> Based on open source reporting
- 1> Bavarian Border Police
- 1> Belgium
- 1> Ben Bella
- 11> Berlin
- 2> Berlin Air Safety Center
- 1> Berlin corridor flights
- 2> Berlin crisis
- 1> Berlin Operations Base
- 1> Berlin Wall
- 1> Black market
- 1> Black market activities
- 4> BND
- 1> BOB
- 1> Bolster West Berlin morale
- 1> Bordeaux-Merignac plant
- 1> Botched operations
- 1> British government
- 4> British intelligence
- 9> British intelligence services
- 1> British Labor Party
- 1> British naval intelligence
- 1> Brussels
- 1> Bucharest Station
- 2> Bulgaria
- 6> Bundesnachrichtendienst
- 1> Captain P.A. Morch
- 1> Car reconnaissance
- 1> Casualties
- 1> Catholic Church
- 1> Cechoslovakia
- 1> Change of command required
- 2> Charles de Gaulle
- 2> Chetniks
- 3> CIA
- 1> CIA Clandestine Service
- 1> CIA-Gehlen agreement
- 1> CIA reducing staff in Germany
- 1> CIC
- 1> Clandestine HUMINT unit
- 1> Clandestine information not great in value
- 3> Clandestine intelligence
- 1> Clandestine intelligence gathering
- 1> Clandestine radio stations
- 1> Collection targets
- 1> Communications
- 1> Construction costs
- 1> Construction errors
- 1> Construction of hardened command post
- 1> Construction problems
- 1> Cooperation with US Army intelligence
- 1> Coordinating US intelligence activities in Germany
- 2> Coordination
- 7> Counterintelligence
- 1> Counterintelligence Corps
- 1> Coup de main operations
- 1> Cover stories
- 7> Covert action
- 1> Covert action programs
- 1> Covert aircraft
- 2> Covert arms assistance
- 1> Critchfield
- 3> Croatia
- 1> Cuts in personnel
- 3> Cyprus
- 1> Cyprus Crisis
- 1> Czech Communist Party
- 12> Czechoslovakia
- 1> Czechoslovakian intelligence
- 2> Daily intelligence summary
- 1> Dana Durand
- 5> Danish intelligence services
- 1> Date of next nuclear test
- 1> Date of next test
- 1> Declare independence
- 1> Defense problems
- 1> Delay
- 1> Demobilization
- 9> Denmark
- 1> Detachment 35
- 2> DGER
- 2> Diplomatic cover
- 1> Diplomatic flap
- 1> Disappearance of CIA personnel
- 1> Discussions with Marshal Kulikov
- 1> Discussion with Eisenhower
- 1> Dmitri A. Dimitrov
- 1> Dutch intelligence
- 2> Dutch intelligence services
- 2> Eastern Europe
- 1> East German case in Turkey
- 1> East German communist party
- 1> East German rail operations
- 1> East German railways
- 6> East Germany
- 1> Edward Gierek
- 1> Eliminate certain undesirable features
- 1> Emergency session of cabinet
- 1> Emigre groups
- 1> Espionage trials
- 1> Europe
- 1> European Defense Community
- 1> Evaluation of intelligence reporting
- 1> Evaluation problems
- 1> Exchange of views of Czech crisis
- 1> Expose CIA operations
- 1> External Security Organization
- 1> Fabricated data
- 1> Fabricators
- 1> False documentation
- 1> Father Leiber
- 1> FBI
- 1> Fighter aircraft
- 1> Fighter jets
- 6> Finland
- 1> Fleeing to Yugoslavia
- 1> Focus on Eastern Europe
- 53> France
- 2> Frank Wisner
- 1> French general staff
- 7> French intelligence services
- 2> French military assistance
- 1> French naval task force
- 12> French Polynesia
- 1> French scientist
- 1> French Zone of Austria
- 1> Future status
- 2> Gaseous diffusion plant
- 10> Gehlen Org
- 2> Gehlen Organization
- 1> General Lucian Truscott
- 13> German intelligence services
- 46> Germany
- 6> Great Britain
- 1> Greater emphasis on strategic targets
- 4> Greece
- 2> Greek Communist Party
- 1> Greek Cypriot government
- 1> Greek government
- 1> Greek military
- 1> Greek military invasion of Albania
- 1> GSFG
- 1> Guerrilla groups
- 1> Guerrillas
- 1> Guerrilla warfare
- 1> Hans Globke
- 1> Harass East German regime
- 1> Harassment
- 1> Headquarters forward deployed
- 1> Heinz Felfe
- 1> Hezbollah
- 1> HICOG
- 1> High-level intelligence
- 1> History of organization
- 1> HQ for staybehind agent operations in East Germany
- 8> Human intelligence
- 1> Human intelligence collection
- 4> Human sources
- 6> Hungary
- 1> Ignorant of intelligence operations
- 1> Increased rail activity
- 1> Independent French nuclear capacity
- 6> In Ekker
- 1> Infiltration of Azores
- 1> Infiltration operations
- 1> Intelligence advance warning
- 5> Intelligence collection
- 3> Intelligence deficiencies
- 1> Intelligence flap
- 1> Intelligence flaps
- 13> Intelligence liaison
- 1> Intelligence peddlers
- 1> Intelligence report
- 3> Intelligence reporting
- 1> Intelligence requirements
- 1> Intelligence requirements on nuclear tests
- 1> Intelligence scandals
- 1> Intelligence scene
- 1> Intelligence school
- 1> Intelligence sharing
- 1> Internal political and economic situation
- 1> Interrogations
- 1> Interrogations of travelers to Eastern Europe
- 3> Israel
- 1> Italian Foreign Office
- 1> Italian intelligence services
- 11> Italy
- 5> James Angleton
- 1> Japan
- 1> Jewish underground in Europe
- 1> John Grombach
- 2> Khrushchev
- 2> Konrad Adenauer
- 4> Kuklinski
- 1> Lack of coordination
- 1> Lack of linguists
- 1> Large-scale arrests
- 1> Legal traveler HUMINT missions
- 1> Libyan intelligence services
- 1> Limited distribution
- 1> Listening posts
- 1> Lord Beaverbrook
- 1> Loss of access to NATO air defense system
- 1> Loss of access to US and NATO intelligence information
- 1> Loss of access to US weaponry
- 1> Loss of logistics support
- 1> Low priority target
- 1> Madeira Islands
- 1> Malta
- 1> Marshal Kulikov
- 2> Marshal Tito
- 1> Meeting of defense ministers
- 1> MI5
- 5> MI6
- 1> Military attaches
- 1> Military exercises
- 1> Military exercises along Yugoalav border
- 1> Military installations in Prague
- 1> Minister of Defense Jaruzelski
- 3> Mirage fighters
- 3> Mirage IV
- 1> Mirage IV bomber
- 1> Munich
- 10> Mururoa
- 1> Naval intelligence
- 1> Naval surveillance
- 5> Netherlands
- 1> New nuclear test site
- 2> New test site
- 7> Next nuclear weapons tests
- 1> No evidence
- 1> No French-German collaboration
- 5> Norway
- 1> Norwegian intelligence service
- 1> Norwegian intelligence services
- 1> Not considered reliable
- 1> No troop movements
- 1> No unusual activities
- 1> Nuclear delivery systems
- 1> Nuclear test
- 9> Nuclear testing
- 5> Nuclear testing plans
- 40> Nuclear weapons
- 1> Nuclear weapons stockpile
- 18> Nuclear weapons testing
- 6> Nuclear weapons tests
- 3> Office of Policy Coordination
- 1> Operational losses
- 1> Operational record
- 1> Opposition of Romania to resolutions
- 1> Organizational structure
- 1> Organizational Structure
- 1> Organization and functions
- 1> Oslo Station
- 4> OSS
- 1> Outside assets
- 1> Overflights of Peru
- 1> Overhead imagery
- 1> Personnel
- 1> Personnel recruitment problems
- 1> Personnel shortages
- 1> Philips Companies
- 2> Photo intelligence
- 1> Pierrelatte
- 12> Poland
- 1> Polish Crisis of 1980-1981
- 1> Polish government
- 2> Polish intelligence service
- 1> Political activities in Czech and Polish armies
- 1> Poor leadership
- 1> Portugal
- 1> Portuguese exile groups
- 1> POW interrogations
- 1> Prague
- 2> Press reporting
- 1> Project HERMES
- 1> Project JUPITER
- 1> Project PASTIME
- 1> Propaganda
- 1> Prototype tactical nuclear weapons
- 1> Psychological warfare
- 1> Pullach
- 1> Pullach Operations Base
- 1> Radio communications
- 1> Radio intercept
- 1> Radio operators
- 1> Recruiting
- 2> Refugees
- 4> Reggane
- 9> Reinhard Gehlen
- 1> Relations with West German government
- 1> Relations with Yugoslavia
- 2> Reliable source
- 14> Reliable sources
- 1> Religious leaders
- 1> Reported deemed farfetched
- 1> Reserves called up
- 1> Restrictions on cargo shipments
- 1> Restrictions on intelligence gathering
- 1> Restrictions on USMLM travel in East Germany
- 1> Retaliation
- 1> Revolt
- 1> Richardson incident
- 1> Ridgway
- 1> Rigid controls
- 4> Romania
- 1> Roscher-Lund
- 2> Russian Zone
- 1> Ryszard Kuklinski
- 3> Scandinavia
- 1> Schedule of French nuclear tests
- 1> Schedule of upcoming nuclear tests
- 1> Scientific attache
- 2> SDECE
- 10> Secret source
- 24> Secret sources
- 1> Security risks
- 1> SED
- 1> Seize control of islands
- 1> Sensitive source
- 1> Serbia
- 1> Severe reprisals on civilians
- 1> Ship visits
- 1> Shkoder
- 1> Sir Percy Sillitoe
- 1> Size and composition of Turkish invasion force
- 1> Slovenia
- 1> Source control
- 1> Soviet activities
- 1> Soviet airfields
- 1> Soviet air force
- 1> Soviet army
- 2> Soviet contingency planning
- 1> Soviet efforts to penetrate Jewish refugee pipeline
- 1> Soviet intelligence services
- 7> Soviet military
- 2> Soviet military threat to Finland
- 5> Soviet Union
- 1> Spain
- 1> Special Detachment EUCOM
- 1> Special sources
- 1> Spitsbergen
- 1> Spying behind the Iron Curtain
- 1> Spy satellites
- 1> St. Louis Institute
- 1> State Department
- 1> Stay-behind
- 1> Stay-behind networks
- 1> Stay-behind operations
- 1> Stefan Bandera
- 1> Stringent restrictive measures
- 3> Studies in Intelligence
- 1> Successful test
- 1> Supply flights
- 1> Surveillance
- 9> Sweden
- 6> Swedish intelligence services
- 1> Swiss intelligence services
- 2> Switzerland
- 1> Target is US facility in Germany
- 1> Target priorities
- 1> Targets
- 1> Technical intelligence
- 1> Temporary restricted area
- 1> Temporary restricted area on Czech border
- 1> Terrorist attacks
- 1> Terrorist groups
- 2> Test delays
- 2> Tests back on schedule
- 2> Thermonuclear weapons
- 1> Tight controls on Yugoslavs and Kosovars
- 1> Tighten up security
- 1> Trade union activities
- 1> Translation of secret Polish military document
- 1> Transport of bombs
- 1> Travel restrictions
- 7> Trieste
- 1> Trieste problem
- 1> Trip report
- 1> Troop dispositions
- 3> Troop movements
- 1> Troop reinforcements sent to Cyprus
- 1> Troop trains
- 1> Tuamotu Archipelago
- 3> Turkey
- 1> Turkish General Staff
- 1> Turkish intelligence services
- 1> Turkish military
- 1> Turkish military about to resume offensive on Cyprus
- 1> Turkish military intervention
- 1> Turkish National Security Service
- 1> Turkish troop movements
- 1> U.S. ambassador
- 1> U.S. Army
- 1> UK Foreign Office
- 2> Ukraine
- 1> Ukrainian refugee groups
- 17> Underground
- 1> Unreliable information
- 6> Upcoming nuclear test
- 2> Uranium enrichment
- 1> US Army Counterintelligence Corps
- 1> US military attache
- 2> US Military Liaison Mission
- 3> USMLM
- 1> USSR reported moving submarines and aircraft to Albania
- 3> Vatican
- 1> Visit to Langley
- 1> Walter Smith
- 3> Warning intelligence collection
- 2> War preparations
- 4> Warsaw Pact
- 1> Wartime intelligence requirements
- 1> War warning
- 1> Weapons components being shipped by air via Panama
- 5> West Germany
- 1> Wilhelm Evang
- 1> Withdrawal from NATO
- 1> Witold Szemaniak
- 1> Yugoslav bases
- 9> Yugoslavia
- 1> Yugoslavian army
- 1> Yugoslavia preparing to defend its borders
- 2> Yugoslav intelligence service
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CIA, Article, Project SYMPHONY ::US Intelligence and the Jewish Brichah in Post-war Austria, 2007, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Draft Working Paper, Long Experience in the Anti-Soviet Game, 2007, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Article, The Vilification and Vindication of Colonel Kuklinski, Summer 2000, Unclassified, CIA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Article, American Intelligence and the Gehlen Organization, 1945-49 ::A Controversial Liaison Relationship, 1997, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Cable, C/E/OPS to deleted, June 8, 1983, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Cable, deleted to C/E/OPS, June 13, 1983, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Cable, deleted to Director, June 14, 1983, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, Paris to Secretary of State, October 15, 1965, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
SSU, Memorandum, Essential Elements of Information in Europe, November 27, 1945, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Strategic Services Unit (SSU)
Partial (No exact match found)
SSU, Cable, Paris France to War Department - Strategic Services Unit, November 13, 1945, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Strategic Services Unit (SSU)
Partial (No exact match found)