U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
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- NATO x
- 1> Abortive rescue mission in Iran
- 1> Access to US computers
- 1> Aftermath of French military revolt
- 1> Air defense
- 1> Air strikes
- 2> Algeria
- 1> Alliance defense policy
- 1> Allied superiority in nuclear conflict
- 1> Angola
- 1> Anti-Americanism
- 2> Anti-submarine warfare
- 1> Atomic stockpile agreement
- 1> Balance of forces
- 1> Balkan states
- 2> Ballistic missiles
- 3> Belgium
- 1> Berlin
- 1> Berlin conflict
- 1> Black Africa
- 1> Bombers
- 1> Bring Sweden into NATO
- 1> British want to control estimates for Europe
- 1> CDU
- 1> Ceasefire negotiations
- 1> Chancellor Helmut Schmidt
- 1> Changes in security policy
- 4> Charles De Gaulle
- 1> Cipher machine
- 1> Coalition strategy
- 1> Combined US-UK JIC conference
- 1> Common Market
- 1> Communication security
- 1> Complete reorganization of French army
- 1> Conduct of campaign
- 1> Conservative Party foreign policy positions at odds with US foreign policy
- 1> Control and use arrangements
- 1> Conventional forces
- 1> Converting NATO allies
- 1> Coordination of targeting
- 2> Cyprus
- 2> Cyprus crisis
- 1> Czechoslovakia
- 1> Danish political parties
- 1> Defense ministers’ meeting
- 1> Defense policy
- 1> De Gaulle
- 1> Delivery capability
- 1> Denmark
- 1> Destruction of weapons
- 1> Detente in Europe
- 1> Disloyal groups
- 1> Dissemination controls
- 1> Dissidents
- 1> Domestic issues
- 1> Domestic opposition
- 2> Eastern Europe
- 1> Ecevit government
- 1> Economic planning
- 1> Economic sanctions against Iran
- 1> Europe
- 1> European criticism of operation
- 1> European public opposition to INF deployments
- 1> Evacuation of foreign nationals
- 1> Expectation of increased violence
- 1> Famagusta
- 1> Fighter bombers
- 1> Fission weapons
- 1> Force de frappe
- 1> Foreign policy
- 1> Former French colonies
- 12> France
- 1> France and the Western alliance
- 1> French air force
- 1> French ballistic missiles
- 1> French ballistic missiles program
- 1> French control of nuclear weapons
- 1> French defense doctrone
- 2> French forces in Germany
- 2> French foreign policy
- 1> French independent nuclear force
- 1> French intentions regarding NATO
- 1> French military
- 1> French need U.S. economic assistance
- 1> French nuclear forces
- 1> French nuclear strategy
- 1> French nuclear weapons capabilities
- 2> French nuclear weapons program
- 1> French reappraising policies towards U.S.
- 1> French-UK nuclear cooperation
- 1> General Earle Partridge
- 1> Georges Pompidou
- 1> German political parties
- 1> German question
- 1> Germany
- 1> GLCM
- 4> Great Britain
- 3> Greece
- 1> Greek forces placed on alert
- 1> Ground Launched Cruise Missile
- 3> Henry Kissinger
- 1> Huge policy difference between Washington and Paris on political issues
- 1> ICBMs
- 1> Illusive consensus
- 1> Importance to U.S.
- 1> Improving intelligence flow
- 1> Improving timeliness of SIGINT to NATO
- 1> Increased combat readiness
- 1> Independent attitude
- 1> Independent French nuclear force
- 1> Independent nuclear force
- 1> In Ekker
- 1> Integration of Spain into NATO
- 1> Intelligence analysis
- 1> Intelligence briefing
- 2> Intelligence facilities
- 1> Intelligence report
- 1> Intelligence reports and memoranda
- 1> Intelligence sharing
- 1> IRBMs
- 1> Italian Communist Party
- 1> Italian Socialist Party
- 3> Italy
- 1> Joint Chiefs of Staff
- 1> Joint Intelligence Committee
- 1> Jupiter missiles
- 1> Leaves cancelled
- 1> Less cooperation with U.S.
- 1> Little chance of political accommodation
- 1> Manpower shortages
- 1> MBFR
- 1> Meeting of NATO intelligence chiefs
- 2> Middle East
- 1> Miliary facilities
- 1> Military and space programs
- 1> Military exercises
- 1> Military response
- 2> Military situation
- 1> MLF
- 1> Modernization of Turkish military
- 1> Morphou
- 1> Mozambique
- 1> MRBMs
- 1> Multilateral Force
- 1> Multilateral nuclear force
- 1> National intelligence analytical memorandum
- 1> National security decision directive
- 3> National Security Study Memorandum
- 1> Nationwide political campaign
- 1> Negotiations with France
- 2> Netherlands
- 1> New Martens coalition government
- 1> Nicosia
- 1> Nicosia airport
- 1> No US involvement in German internal affairs
- 1> Nuclear delivery systems
- 1> Nuclear deterrence
- 2> Nuclear Planning Group
- 1> Nuclear security
- 2> Nuclear sharing
- 1> Nuclear storage sites
- 1> Nuclear strikes
- 1> Nuclear testing
- 1> Nuclear warheads
- 12> Nuclear weapons
- 1> Nuclear weapons doctrine
- 1> Nuclear weapons storage sites
- 1> Nuclear weapons tests
- 1> Ocean surveillance
- 1> Operational atomic weapons capability
- 1> Outlook
- 1> Overflights of Sweden in event of war with USSR
- 1> Parliamentary elections
- 1> Pershing II missile
- 1> Polaris submarines
- 1> Policy issues
- 1> Political commentary
- 1> Political instability in Greece
- 1> Political revolution
- 1> Political situation
- 3> Portugal
- 1> Portuguese armed forces
- 1> Portuguese colonies in Africa
- 1> Poseidon submarines
- 1> Presidential election
- 1> President John F. Kennedy
- 1> Raw traffic
- 1> Reentry vehicles
- 1> Release procedures
- 1> Relocation of NATO headquarters
- 1> Reserve mobilization
- 1> Resolution of Aegean dispute
- 1> Rising amount of political violence
- 1> Safety rules
- 1> Salazar
- 1> Scandinavia
- 1> Schism within Western European communist parties
- 1> Secretary General Luns
- 1> Security
- 1> Security safeguards
- 1> Social Democrats
- 1> Soviet anti-nuclear propaganda measures
- 1> Soviet foreign policy objectives
- 1> Soviet military buildup on Czech border
- 1> Soviet military forces
- 1> Soviet nuclear threat
- 1> Soviet policies in Southern Europe
- 1> Soviet reaction
- 2> Soviet Union
- 1> Spain
- 1> SPD
- 1> Status of Warsaw Pact forces
- 1> Strategic bombers
- 1> Sweden
- 1> Swedish neutrality
- 2> Tactical nuclear weapons
- 1> Tactical SIGINT support to NATO allies
- 1> Task force
- 1> Terrorist attacks expected
- 1> The Netherlands
- 1> Thermonuclear weapons
- 1> Threat of seizure of weapons
- 1> Trade with communist countries
- 5> Turkey
- 1> Turkish armed forces
- 1> Turkish extremist terrorist groups
- 1> U.S. Intelligence Board
- 1> U.S. interests and objectives
- 1> U.S. military bases
- 1> U.S. Navy
- 1> U.S. nuclear arsenal
- 1> U.S. nuclear commitment to NATO
- 1> U.S. nuclear stockpile
- 1> U.S. policy
- 1> United Nations
- 1> Upgrading theater nuclear forces
- 1> US assistance to French nuclear weapons program
- 1> Use of French military bases
- 1> US global interests
- 1> USIB
- 1> US military forces in Europe
- 1> US national security policy
- 1> US nuclear weapons support
- 1> Warsaw Pact
- 5> Western Europe
- 3> West Germany
- 1> Withdrawal from NATO
- 1> Y Activities
- 1> Yugoslavia
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- U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 x
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Department of State, Report, National Policy Paper ::Portugal, 1966, Secret/NOFORN, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
JCS, Report, NATFRACT Study Report, Vol. II, 1966, Secret/NOFORN, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Atlantic Nuclear Defense, November 8, 1965, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, USMISSION NATO to Secretary of State, February 23, 1973, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, INF Deployment ::The Role of Intelligence Analysts in a Policy Success, March 1993, Secret/NOFORN, CIA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, USMISSION NATO to Secretary of State, July 21, 1974, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Memorandum, Proposed Storage of Nuclear ASW Weapons in the U.S. for Dutch Forces, March 23, 1965, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
National Security Agency (NSA), Letter, Faurer to Casey, March 26, 1982, Secret/Handle Via COMINT Channels Only, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
National Security Agency (NSA)
Partial (No exact match found)
National Security Council (NSC), Memorandum, Basic National Security Strategy, September 2, 1986, Top Secret, RRL.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
National Security Council (NSC)
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Memorandum, Navy Plans to Terminate Assignment of POLARIS Submarines to SACEUR, April 8, 1971, Top Secret/NODIS, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)