U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
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- Soviet military x
- 1> 2 Soviet divisions in Prague
- 1> 7821st Composite Group
- 10> Access to Berlin
- 1> Aerial reconnaissance
- 1> Aircraft movements
- 5> Airfields
- 1> Alert status
- 1> Alexander Dubcek
- 1> Annual Warsaw Pact military commanders’ conference
- 1> Arrival of Soviet units in East Germany
- 1> Attack warning information
- 2> Austria
- 1> Baltic Sea
- 15> Berlin
- 1> Berlin air corridors
- 1> Berlin blockade
- 3> Berlin crisis
- 10> Blockade
- 1> Bornholm
- 2> British intelligence
- 1> Budapest
- 1> Buildup of forces
- 2> Buildup of Soviet troops in Prague
- 1> Bulgaria
- 1> Bulgarian military intelligence
- 3> Car reconnaissance of Prague
- 1> Casualty evacuations
- 1> CIA
- 1> Combat activity
- 1> Combat alerts
- 1> Combat and reinforcement capabilities
- 1> Combat divisions
- 3> Combat readiness
- 1> Combat readiness levels
- 1> Competition amongst services
- 1> Conflicting information
- 1> Construction of hardened command post
- 1> Continuation of Soviet military threat
- 1> Counterintelligence
- 2> Covert action
- 1> Covert intelligence
- 1> Cuban Missile Crisis
- 1> Current operational environment
- 3> Czech border
- 1> Czech Communist Party congress
- 1> Czechoslovak border
- 13> Czechoslovakia
- 1> Czech-Soviet relations deteriorating
- 1> Czech-Soviet talks
- 9> Daily intelligence summary
- 1> Danish intelligence
- 1> Defensive capabilities of Danish military
- 1> Delays
- 1> Demonstration
- 2> Denmark
- 1> Destruction of Soviet communications system
- 1> Discussions with Marshal Kulikov
- 1> Dustbin
- 4> Eastern Europe
- 2> East German army
- 1> East German military
- 1> East German travel ban
- 18> East Germany
- 1> Economic conditions
- 1> Edward Gierek
- 1> ELINT
- 5> EUCOM
- 1> Europe
- 1> Exploitation of captured German officers
- 1> Fighting ended
- 2> Finland
- 1> Finnish military
- 6> Flight activity
- 1> Forces in West Germany
- 1> Fort Hunt
- 3> France
- 1> French foreign policy
- 1> Frequent unit inspections
- 1> Gehlen Org
- 1> General amnesty offer
- 1> German intelligence services
- 15> Germany
- 1> Gomulka
- 1> Great Britain
- 12> GSFG
- 2> Guerrilla warfare
- 10> Harassment
- 1> Heavy fighting
- 1> High alert status
- 1> Hungarian army
- 1> Hungarian police
- 10> Hungary
- 1> Ideological orientation
- 2> Imminence of hostilities
- 2> Imre Nagy
- 2> Increased Soviet military activity
- 1> Increase in fighter strength
- 1> Independent trade unions
- 1> Indications of hostile intentions
- 1> Insurgents
- 1> Intelligence activities
- 1> Intelligence deficiencies
- 1> Intelligence estimate
- 1> Intelligence estimates
- 1> Intelligence exchange
- 1> Intelligence exchanges
- 2> Intelligence indicators
- 1> Intelligence reporting
- 1> Intelligence review
- 1> Intensified surveillance of Soviet troop movements
- 1> Intercepts
- 1> Internal stability
- 1> Invasion plans
- 1> Invasion scenario
- 2> Janos Kadar
- 2> Joint Intelligence Committee
- 1> Kania
- 1> Karlshorst
- 1> KGB
- 1> Khruschev
- 2> Khrushchev
- 2> Kuklinski
- 1> Leak investigation
- 5> Logistical activity
- 1> Logistics
- 1> Logistic support
- 1> Low Blow radar
- 1> Marshal Kulikov
- 1> Marshal Yakubovsky
- 3> Military attaches
- 8> Military exercises
- 1> Military situation
- 1> Minister of Defense Jaruzelski
- 1> Mobilization
- 1> National intelligence estimate
- 1> Naval visits to USSR cancelled
- 1> Need improved intelligence warning
- 1> Negotiations
- 1> New military equipment
- 1> New military exercises
- 1> New reports of possible imminent Soviet military intervention
- 1> New temporary restricted areas along Czech border
- 1> No evidence of indications of Soviet hostile intent
- 1> Normal peacetime activity
- 1> Normal state of readiness
- 1> Normal training activities
- 1> November 22 invasion date
- 1> Nuclear war plans
- 1> Office of National Estimates
- 1> Order of battle
- 1> Overflights
- 2> Photographic intelligence
- 1> Pierre Mendes-France
- 1> Poland.East Germany
- 11> Poland
- 1> Polish Communist Party
- 1> Polish government
- 5> Political activities
- 1> Political and economic problems
- 1> Political parties
- 1> Political pressure
- 1> Preparations for hostilities
- 1> Pressure tactics
- 1> Pullach
- 1> Railway traffic
- 1> Rebel radio broadcasts cease
- 1> Reinhard Gehlen
- 1> Reserve call-ups
- 1> Restoration of order
- 1> Restrictions on access
- 1> Retardation of Soviet military advances
- 1> Revolution at an end
- 1> Riots
- 3> Romania
- 1> Romanian news agency
- 1> Routine training activity
- 1> Ryzyne air base
- 2> Satellite imagery
- 2> Satellite reconnaissance
- 1> Search for insurgents
- 2> Secret source
- 2> Secret sources
- 1> Semi-annual troop rotation
- 1> SIGINTSchloss Kranzberg
- 1> Situation tense
- 2> Soviet airborne troops
- 1> Soviet airfields
- 5> Soviet air force
- 1> Soviet AWACS aircraft
- 2> Soviet contingency planning
- 2> Soviet General Staff communications activity
- 1> Soviet ground forces
- 3> Soviet invasion
- 2> Soviet military readiness levels
- 1> Soviet mobilization
- 1> Soviet propaganda
- 1> Soviets deeply troubled by Polish events
- 1> Soviets ready to invade Czechoslovakia
- 1> Soviets threaten military intervention
- 1> Soviet threat
- 1> Soviet troop buildup
- 2> Soviet troop concentrations
- 1> Soviet troop convoys
- 3> Soviet troop movements
- 1> Soviet troops entering Czechoslovakia
- 1> Soviet troops in Czechoslovakia
- 1> Soviet troop strength in Czechoslovakia
- 4> Soviet Union
- 10> Special Berlin Committee
- 1> Sporadic attacks
- 1> Strategic demolitions
- 1> Strength
- 1> Strict security controls
- 1> Supplies stockpiling
- 1> Supply depots
- 1> Supply stockpiles
- 1> Surveillance of Soviet military activities
- 7> Sweden
- 7> Swedish intelligence services
- 1> Szolnok
- 1> Temporary restricted area
- 2> Temporary restricted areas
- 3> Threat of military intervention
- 1> Tightened security measures
- 1> Training exercises
- 5> Transportation
- 22> Troop dispositions
- 39> Troop movements
- 1> Troop reductions
- 1> Troops on Czech border
- 1> Troop trains
- 2> Troop withdrawals
- 1> Turkey
- 1> U-2
- 1> UK Joint Intelligence Committee
- 1> Unconfirmed press reports
- 1> Unconfirmed reports
- 1> Unconventional warfare planning
- 1> USIB
- 1> Usually reliable source
- 1> Valuable documents
- 1> Violent showdown
- 3> Warning indicators
- 2> War preparations
- 2> Warsaw Pact
- 1> Warsaw Pact air operations against Denmark
- 1> Warsaw Pact amphibious exercises
- 1> Warsaw Pact maneuvers
- 1> War warning indicators
- 1> Weekly intelligence summary
- 2> Western Europe
- 1> Yugoslavia
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- U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 x
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OSS, Report, Monthly Report of the Steering Division, October 4, 1945, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
Partial (No exact match found)
U.S. Army, Cable, USARMA Stockholm Sweden to DEPTAR, February 8, 1951, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
U.S. Army
Partial (No exact match found)
JCS, Report, Significance of Soviet Military Augmentation of the Eastern European Satellites (JCS 1924/50), February 26, 1951, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
Partial (No exact match found)
SSU, Memorandum, Houck to Magruder, January 8, 1946, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Strategic Services Unit (SSU)
Partial (No exact match found)
U.S. Army, Cable, CINCUSAREUR to DEPTAR WASH DC, November 18, 1957, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
U.S. Army
Partial (No exact match found)
SSU, Memorandum, Germany ::Political and Order of Battle, September 12, 1946, Secret Control, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Strategic Services Unit (SSU)
Partial (No exact match found)
Operations Coordinating Board (OCB), Memorandum, Austrian Treaty - Activities of Mendes-France, December 1, 1954, Top Secret, DDEL FOIA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Operations Coordinating Board (OCB)
Partial (No exact match found)
U.S. Army, Cable, ACC Budapest Hungary to War Department, March 16, 1946, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
U.S. Army
Partial (No exact match found)
U.S. Army, Cable, Military Attache Copenhagen to War Department, March 13, 1946, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
U.S. Army
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Possible Indications of Preparation for War, March 24, 1951, Secret Control - U.S. Officials Only, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)