U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
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- 1975 x
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- 1> 1920 Spitzbergen Treaty
- 2> 1974 Cyprus crisis
- 2> 40 Committee
- 1> Abortive coup attempt
- 1> Access to cryptographic materials
- 1> Advance warning of Turkish invasion
- 2> Aegean crisis
- 1> Aegean Sea
- 1> Aegean Sea territorial dispute
- 1> Aegean territorial dispute
- 1> Aerial reconnaissance
- 1> African colonies
- 1> Aircraft carrier
- 1> Airlift of Turkish Cypriot refugees
- 2> Airspace restrictions
- 1> Analytical failures
- 1> Analytic bias
- 1> Analytic failings
- 1> Analyzing data form nuclear explosions
- 1> Anarchist group
- 1> Angola
- 1> Annual budget
- 1> Anticommunist forces in military
- 2> Archbishop Makarios
- 5> Armed Forces Movement
- 1> Arms cut-off
- 3> Arms embargo
- 1> Assessment of US intelligence community performance
- 1> Assessment of US Intelligence community performance
- 1> ASW helicopters
- 1> Attempted coup d’etat
- 1> Aviano
- 1> Azorean independence movement
- 1> Azores
- 3> Azores Islands
- 1> Baader-Meinhof Gang
- 1> Balkan states
- 1> Barents Sea
- 1> Base closures
- 1> Belbasi
- 1> Belbasi nuclear test detection station
- 1> Berlin
- 1> Bilateral negotiations
- 1> Breakdown of discipline in army
- 1> British defense policy
- 1> Bulgaria
- 1> Cannot be trusted
- 1> Catholic church
- 1> Ceausescu’s control over Romanian government
- 1> Chamber of deputies
- 1> Changes in PCI
- 1> Changes in security policy
- 1> Changing social attitudes in France
- 2> Chios
- 1> Chronic materiel problems
- 1> CIA
- 1> CIA director William Colby
- 1> Civil unrest
- 1> Close US facilities in Cyprus
- 1> Closure of all US intelligence bases in Turkey
- 1> Cod War
- 1> Collapse of coalition government
- 1> Congressional leadership
- 1> Contingency planning
- 1> Control of Turkish oopium production
- 1> Coordinated with Portuguese Communist Party
- 4> Covert action
- 1> Covert financial support
- 1> Criticism from Warsaw Pact countries
- 1> Cult of personality
- 1> Cutback of foreign work forces
- 10> Cyprus
- 1> Declare independence
- 1> Declining demand for foreign labor
- 1> Defense Nuclear Agency
- 1> Demonstration by Portuguese left-wing parties
- 1> Denktash
- 1> Denmark
- 1> Dennis Healey
- 1> Discipline and reliability issues
- 1> Discontent in French military
- 1> Discrimination
- 1> Dissent within Romanian Communist Party
- 1> Divided sympathies within military
- 1> Diyarbakir
- 1> Domestic operations
- 1> Domestic opponents
- 1> Dr. Herbert Scoville
- 1> Economic situation in northern Cyprus
- 1> End of military occupation of TV and radio stations
- 2> Enrico Berlinguer
- 1> Equipment removed
- 1> Erhac
- 1> Erosion of public order
- 2> Europe
- 3> Fangataufa
- 1> First underground nuclear weapons test at Mururoa
- 1> Fiscal austerity measures
- 1> Fishing industry
- 1> Force cutbacks
- 1> Formation of new cabinet
- 10> France
- 2> Francisco Franco
- 2> Francisco Franco’s deteriorating health
- 1> Francois Mitterand
- 1> Frank C. Carlucci
- 1> French and Italian trade balances
- 1> French government
- 1> French military
- 1> French nuclear weapons program
- 3> French nuclear weapons testing
- 1> French press reporting
- 1> Funding of media organizations
- 1> General Spinola
- 1> Government restrictions on broadcast content
- 4> Great Britain
- 9> Greece
- 1> Greek Cypriots angry
- 1> Greek forces on Cyprus
- 2> Greek government
- 4> Greek military
- 1> Greek military activities
- 1> Greek navy
- 2> Greek reinforcements sent to islands
- 1> Growing tension
- 1> Harrier VSTOL attack aircraft
- 8> Henry Kissinger
- 1> Higher readiness status
- 1> High tension levels
- 1> Human intelligence
- 1> Iceland
- 1> Impact of increased oil prices
- 1> Impact of military effectiveness
- 1> Importance of migrant labor
- 1> Increased oil costs
- 1> Independent foreign policy
- 1> Industrial output
- 1> Industrial slump
- 1> Infiltration in the military
- 1> Infiltration of Azores
- 1> Influence within Italian government
- 1> Intelligence assessment
- 1> Intelligence collection
- 10> Intelligence facilities
- 1> Internal v. external defense missions
- 1> Iraklion
- 4> Italian Communist Party
- 1> Italian government
- 1> Italian Socialist Party
- 7> Italy
- 1> Jobs
- 1> Jonas Savimbi
- 1> Karamursel
- 1> Kargaburun
- 1> Kargaburun LORAN station
- 1> Kidnaping of Peter Lorenz
- 2> Kos
- 1> Labor unions
- 1> Lack of information in key areas
- 1> Left-wing troops
- 1> Legalized divorce
- 1> Legislative action
- 2> Lesbos
- 2> Limnos
- 1> Lisbon airport
- 3> Listening posts
- 1> Luigi Longo
- 1> Madeira
- 1> Madeira Islands
- 1> Marxists in control of army
- 1> Medevac flights
- 1> Membership in European Community
- 1> Migrant workers
- 1> Military alert
- 1> Military alert relaxed
- 2> Military bases
- 1> Military coup against Spinola
- 2> Military garrisons
- 1> Military may play decisive role
- 1> Military strength and capabilities
- 1> Mini-carrier
- 1> Modernization program
- 1> MPLA
- 1> Municipal elections
- 1> Murted
- 6> Mururoa
- 1> National boundaries
- 1> National elections
- 1> National intelligence analytical memorandum
- 1> National Security Agency
- 1> National Security Decision Memorandum
- 4> National Security Study Memorandum
- 2> NATO
- 1> Nea Makri
- 1> Negotiations with Great Britain
- 1> New political platform
- 1> New warships
- 1> Nicolae Ceausescu
- 1> Nikolaos
- 1> No evidence of Soviet financing
- 1> No formal commitment to NATO
- 2> Norway
- 1> Norwegian boundary claims
- 1> No sharing of Restricted Data
- 2> NOTAM
- 2> Notice to mariners
- 1> Nuclear intelligence
- 1> Nuclear safety cooperation
- 4> Nuclear weapons testing
- 1> Nuclear weapon storage sites
- 1> Operation DICE GAME
- 1> Operation HULA HOOP
- 1> Outcome of national elections
- 1> Overthrow of Makarios
- 1> Palmiro Togliatti
- 1> Payment squeeze
- 2> PCI
- 1> PCI Eurocentrism
- 1> PCI foreign policy
- 1> PCI role in Italian government
- 1> Peace talks with Turks
- 1> Performance of US intelligence community
- 1> Petroleum exploration
- 2> Photo intelligence
- 1> Pluton tactical nuclear missile system
- 1> Policy review for Spain
- 1> Political backlash
- 2> Political crisis
- 1> Political implications for Northern Europe
- 1> Political implications for Southern Europe
- 1> Political loyalties
- 1> Political orientation
- 1> Political parties
- 1> Politicization of Portuguese military
- 1> Poorly defined mission
- 1> Poor salaries
- 23> Portugal
- 1> Portugal’s future
- 2> Portuguese army
- 3> Portuguese Communist Party
- 1> Portuguese exile groups
- 7> Portuguese government
- 10> Portuguese military
- 1> Portuguese military dominated by lefists
- 1> Portuguese military not effective
- 1> Portuguese military response
- 1> Portuguese withdrawal
- 1> Possibility of riots
- 1> Possible coup d’etat
- 1> Potential for attempted coup d’etat
- 1> Potential for coup d’etat
- 1> Potential for rebellion
- 1> Potential for violence
- 1> Potential power struggle
- 1> Preemptive strike against Greece
- 1> Presence of nuclear weapons in Turkey
- 1> President Francisco da Costa Gomes
- 1> Prime Minister Admiral Azevedo
- 2> Prime Minister Azevedo
- 1> Prime Minister Demirel
- 1> Prime Minister Harold Wilson
- 1> Project Azorian
- 1> Prolonged recession
- 1> Pro-Stalinist communists in Yugoslav government
- 1> Provision of technology
- 1> Purge of left-wing officers
- 1> Questions about government’s viability
- 1> Questions about post-mortem report
- 3> Radar intelligence
- 1> RAF Feltwell
- 1> Raw material prices
- 1> Reaction to arms embargo
- 1> Recent trends
- 1> Regime change necessary for survival
- 1> Relationship with NATO
- 1> Relations with NATO
- 1> Release of terrorists
- 1> Removal of pro-communist government officials
- 1> Reported deemed farfetched
- 1> Resettlement
- 1> Restoration of discipline
- 2> Rhodes
- 1> Role in NATO will deteriorate
- 1> Role of the Soviets
- 1> Romania
- 1> Rothwesten
- 1> Royal Navy
- 2> Samos
- 2> Scientific measurements
- 1> Security of Ceausescu regime
- 1> Seize control of islands
- 1> Sensitive source
- 1> Shutdown of operations
- 1> Shutting down US installations
- 3> Sinop
- 1> Slowdown in growth
- 1> Social problems
- 1> Soviet diplomatic pressure
- 1> Soviet foreign policy objectives
- 1> Soviet policies in Southern Europe
- 2> Soviet Union
- 6> Spain
- 1> Spanish government
- 1> Spanish military
- 1> Spanish situation very volatile
- 1> Spitsbergen
- 1> State Department opposed to proposal
- 1> State Department opposes covert action program
- 1> State elections
- 1> Station mothballed
- 1> Substandard living conditions
- 2> Svalbard
- 1> Technical intelligence
- 1> Termination of 440L program
- 1> The Azores question
- 1> Threats to existence of Franco regime
- 1> Todor Zhivkov
- 1> Too many reports
- 1> Turkety
- 13> Turkey
- 1> Turkey’s dependence on US military equipment
- 1> Turkish air bases
- 1> Turkish air force overflights
- 1> Turkish armed forces
- 1> Turkish arms embargo
- 1> Turkish Cypriot government
- 1> Turkish Cypriot refugees
- 1> Turkish deadline for resumption of aid
- 1> Turkish general staff
- 2> Turkish government
- 3> Turkish military
- 2> Turkish military intervention
- 1> Turkish SIGINT organization
- 1> Turks restrict access to site
- 1> U.S.-made weapons
- 1> Unable to conduct covert action operations
- 1> Undeclared funds
- 1> Upcoming confrontation with communists
- 1> Uprising suppressed
- 1> US arms embargo
- 1> US assistance to French underground nuclear testing
- 1> US forces in Turkey to be reduced
- 1> US intelligence facilities in Turkey
- 2> US military bases
- 1> US military presence in Turkey
- 3> US monitoring of French nuclear testing
- 1> USNS Huntsville
- 2> USNS Wheeling
- 1> US telecommunications installations
- 1> Value of intelligence facilities
- 1> Vatican
- 1> Vatican neutral position towards Italian domestic politics
- 1> Verification of strategic arms agreements
- 1> Visit to West Germany
- 1> Warsaw Pact
- 1> Weak economic conditions
- 2> Western Europe
- 1> West Germany
- 1> William Colby
- 1> Worsening economic situation
- 2> Yerolakkos
- 2> Yugoslavia
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- U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 x
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White House, Memorandum of Conversation, no subject, January 23, 1975, Secret/NODIS, GRFL.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
White House
Partial (No exact match found)
White House, Memorandum of Conversation, no subject, March 27, 1975, Secret/NODIS, GRFL.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
White House
Partial (No exact match found)
Congress of the United States, Letter, Seiberling to Colleagues, July 31, 1975, Unclassified, GRFL.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Congress of the United States
Partial (No exact match found)
40 Committee, Memorandum, 40 Committee Proposal for Aid to Spinola, July 30, 1975, Secret/Eyes Only, FRUS.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
40 Committee
Partial (No exact match found)
Department of State, Cable, Ankara to Secretary of State, August 1, 1975, Confidential, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Department of State
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Strategic Research Monthly Review, August 1975, Top Secret/NOFORN [codeword not declassified], CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Prospects for Azorean Independence, August 11, 1975, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
White House, Memorandum of Conversation, Portugal, August 12, 1975, Secret/NODIS, FRUS.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
White House
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, Staff Notes ::Military Developments, August 20, 1975, Top Secret Ruff Zarf Umbra/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Intelligence Alert Memorandum ::Portugal: A Step Closer to Civil War, August 29, 1975, Secret/NOFORN - Background Use Only, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)