U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
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- 1980 x
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- 1> ;abor legislation
- 1> 1974 oil embargo
- 1> Abandon historic compromise strategy
- 1> Abortion
- 1> Abortive rescue mission in Iran
- 1> Adolfo Suarez
- 1> Afghanistan
- 1> Alliance defense policy
- 1> Anti-government demonstrations
- 1> Anti-terrorist legislation
- 1> Approved by National Security Council
- 1> Approved by Presidential Findings
- 1> Arms control
- 1> Assassination of former Prime Minister Erim
- 1> Australia
- 1> Avoid Soviet pressure
- 1> Balance of payments deficit
- 1> Basing of Ground Launched Cruise Missiles in Belgium
- 1> Belgian government
- 3> Belgium
- 1> Best by political, economic and internal security problems
- 1> Bitter ethnic rivalry
- 1> British domestic policies
- 1> Build new nuclear reactors
- 1> Cabinet changes
- 1> Camp David process
- 1> Canada
- 1> Chancellor Helmut Schmidt
- 1> Chancellor Schmidt
- 1> Christian Democratic Party
- 1> CIA concerned Polish government will resort to use of force
- 1> Collapse of Cossiga government
- 1> Collision course with Socialists and Communists
- 1> Concessions to striking workers
- 1> Condemnation of Soviet move
- 1> Confrontation with Socialist Party
- 1> Coordination with West Germany
- 1> Cossiga government
- 1> Covert action programs
- 1> Croatian and Serb emigre groups
- 1> Croatian separatists
- 1> Damaged by recent scandals
- 1> Danish government
- 1> Deepening unhappiness with Suarez by Spanish military
- 1> Defeat of TNF modernization plan
- 1> Defense commitments
- 1> Defense problems
- 1> Demirel
- 1> Denmark
- 1> Detente
- 1> Detente in Europe
- 1> Discussions with Marshal Kulikov
- 1> Disorganization among French labor unions
- 1> Domestic political issue
- 1> Dom Mintoff
- 1> Do nothing to provoke Soviet intervention
- 1> Dramatic increase in labor unrest
- 1> Dutch Foreign Ministry
- 1> Dutch government
- 1> Eanes will win presidential election
- 1> Eastern Europe
- 1> Economic impact
- 2> Economic problems
- 1> Economic prosperity
- 1> Economic sanctions against Iran
- 1> EC reaction to coup in Turkey
- 1> Edward Gierek
- 1> Energy policy
- 1> Energy shortages
- 1> Enrico Berlinguer
- 1> Europe
- 1> European Council statement of Middle East
- 1> European criticism of operation
- 1> European exports declining
- 1> European leaders pessimistic about Poland’s future
- 1> European reaction to change in US administrations
- 1> European role in Middle East peace process
- 1> European security guarantees
- 1> European sympathy for Solidarity strikers
- 1> European vulnerability to Middle East events
- 1> Europe wants economic aid to Poland
- 1> Falling expectation of Soviet invasion
- 1> Foreign economic assistance
- 1> Foreign leaders attending funeral
- 1> Forlani government
- 3> France
- 1> French foreign policy
- 1> French participation in Moscow Olympics
- 1> Fuel shortages
- 1> Funded by Congress within intelligence budget
- 1> General Evren
- 3> Germany
- 1> GLCM
- 1> Government security crackdown
- 1> Government’s sagging popularity
- 2> Great Britain
- 1> Greater communist involvement in Italian government
- 2> Greece
- 1> Greece unhappy with US proposals
- 1> Greek government
- 1> Greek-Turkish rivalries harming negotiations
- 1> Ground Launched Cruise Missiles
- 1> Growing economic problems
- 1> Growing political pressure
- 1> Growing popular disillusionment with Spanish democracy
- 1> Illness of Tito
- 1> Improved internal security
- 1> Independent trade unions
- 1> Invasion of Afghanistan
- 2> Invasion requires complete tactical surprise
- 1> Iran-Iraq war
- 2> Italian Communist Party
- 1> Italian domestic political situation
- 2> Italian government
- 8> Italy
- 1> Kania
- 2> Kania regime
- 2> Kuklinski
- 1> Labor discontent
- 1> Leftist military officers
- 1> Libyan activity in the Mediterranean
- 1> Libyan financial support for socialist parties in Spain, Greece and Italy
- 1> Little progress on Greek reintegration into NATO
- 1> Longstanding linguistic dispute
- 1> Low ebb of political career
- 1> Lublin
- 1> Malta
- 1> Maltese government
- 1> Mass unrest
- 1> Meeting of defense ministers
- 2> Military takeover of Turkish government
- 1> Moscow wants situation brought under control
- 1> NATO
- 1> Negotiations
- 2> Netherlands
- 1> New Carter administration directive
- 1> New constitution
- 1> New economic policies
- 1> New Forlani government
- 1> New Martens coalition government
- 1> New Prime Minister Balsemao
- 1> No clear defense policy
- 1> No confidence vote
- 1> No credence to report that Pakistan negotiating deal with Soviets
- 1> No desire to return to Francoist authoritarianism
- 1> No improvement in stability of Italian government
- 1> Norway
- 1> Norwegian defense policy under attack
- 1> Norwegian government
- 1> Not convinced Soviet invasion is imminent
- 1> Olympic Games
- 2> One day of advance warning of Soviet invasion
- 1> Open dialogue with Italian Communist Party
- 1> Opposition of Romania to resolutions
- 1> Organized rightist reactions
- 1> Pacifist parliament
- 14> Poland
- 1> Polish Communist Party
- 1> Polish crisis impact on East-West relations
- 5> Polish government
- 2> Political situation in Poland
- 1> Political tranquility
- 1> Political violence
- 1> Popular support for Solidarity trade union
- 4> Portugal
- 1> Portuguese government
- 2> Possible Soviet military intervention
- 1> Possible Soviet military invasion
- 1> Post-Tito era
- 1> Potential for open insurrection or civil war
- 1> Potential for Soviet intervention
- 1> Presidential Directive 59
- 1> Presidential election
- 2> Prime Minister Cossiga
- 2> Prime Minister Demirel
- 1> Prime Minister Jorgensen
- 1> Prime Minister Karamanlis
- 1> Prime Minister Martens
- 1> Prime Minister Nordli
- 1> Prime Minister Sa Carneiro
- 2> Prime Minister Suarez
- 1> Prime Minister Thatcher
- 1> Prime Minister van Agt
- 1> Problems with French labor situation
- 1> Protest strikes
- 1> Publication and clandestine distribution of proscribed books and magazines
- 1> Public opinion polling
- 1> Reaction of Soviet Union unknown
- 1> Recent troop movements
- 1> Referendum of nuclear power
- 1> Reintegration into NATO
- 1> Relationship between Moscow and Italian Communist Party
- 1> Renewed emphasis on domestic problems
- 1> Report from Islamabad
- 1> Right-wing wants confrontation with Nordli
- 1> Ronald Reagan
- 1> Sa Carneiro government
- 1> Scandinavia
- 1> Schism within Western European communist parties
- 1> Schmidt-Honecker meeting
- 2> Secret sources
- 1> Serb nationalists
- 1> Settlement of Rhodesia problem
- 1> Shared animosity for Tito
- 1> Situation volatile
- 1> Sluggish economy
- 1> Soaring inflation
- 2> Solidarity trade union
- 2> Soviet leaders losing confidence in Polish regime
- 1> Soviet meddling
- 2> Soviet military
- 1> Soviet military activity
- 1> Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan
- 1> Soviets deeply troubled by Polish events
- 1> Soviets preparing to intervene in Poland
- 1> Soviet troop dispositions
- 2> Soviet Union
- 9> Spain
- 1> Spanish desire to join NATO
- 2> Spanish government
- 1> Spanish government wants to join NATO
- 1> Spiraling political violence
- 1> Split within Christian Democratic Party
- 1> START arms control negotiations to continue
- 1> Stronger protectionist sentiment in UK
- 1> Suarez
- 1> Suarez government
- 1> Suarez losing popularity
- 1> Support for Suarez government has eroded
- 1> Support for theater nuclear force modernization
- 1> Supporting dissident movements
- 1> Sweden
- 1> Swedish government
- 1> Targeting of political figures
- 2> Terrorism
- 1> Terrorist activity has declined
- 1> Terrorist attacks
- 1> Terrorist groups
- 1> Thatcher’s economic programs
- 2> Theater Nuclear Forces modernization
- 1> Tito’s funeral
- 1> TNF arms control talks
- 1> Trade union intransigence
- 1> Trip to Moscow
- 1> Troop movements
- 9> Turkey
- 1> Turkish coup d’etat
- 1> Turkish generals
- 1> Turkish General Staff
- 1> Turkish government
- 1> Turkish military
- 1> UK trading problems
- 1> US nuclear deterrent
- 1> USSR
- 1> Ustasha
- 1> Violence in Basque country
- 1> Violent by extremist groups growing
- 1> Visit to Basque region
- 2> Warning indicators
- 2> Warsaw Pact
- 3> Western Europe
- 2> West Germany
- 1> Yugoslav government
- 3> Yugoslavia
- 1> Yugoslav leadership
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- U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 x
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CIA, Memorandum, Greek Reintegration Into NATO ::Status and Prospects, March 17, 1980, Secret/NOFORN, FRUS.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Short-Term Prospects for Turkey, March 9, 1980, Secret/Sensitive, FRUS.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Request for Approval of CAS Programs Targeted at USSR and Eastern European Countries, March 24, 1980, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Report, USSR-Poland ::A New Sense of Urgency and the Potential Impact on Soviet Plans, November 18, 1980, Top Secret/NOFORN [codewords not declassified], CIA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Monthly Warning Assessment ::Western Europe, November 25, 1980, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Monthly Warning Assessment ::Western Europe, December 30, 1980, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Alert Memorandum ::Poland, November 25, 1980, Top Secret, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Allied Response to a Soviet Invasion of Poland, December 10, 1980, Secret/NOFORN, JCL.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Likely Consequences in Eastern Europe of the Polish Events, September 5, 1980, Top Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Monthly Warning Assessment ::Western Europe, August 26, 1980, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)