Dutch Pamphlets Online
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- 4> 1573
- 1> 1575
- 1> 1576
- 2> 1577
- 1> 1579
- 1> 1580
- 1> 1582
- 1> 1583
- 2> 1584
- 3> 1585
- 4> 1587
- 1> 1589
- 3> 1590
- 1> 1600
- 2> 1609
- 5> 1611
- 2> 1612
- 1> 1613
- 1> 1614
- 2> 1615
- 1> 1616
- 2> 1617
- 3> 1618
- 7> 1619
- 1> 1620
- 6> 1622
- 2> 1624
- 1> 1628
- 1> 1629
- 1> 1631
- 2> 1632
- 3> 1636
- 1> 1638
- 3> 1639
- 1> 1640
- 1> 1641
- 1> 1643
- 4> 1644
- 1> 1645
- 3> 1646
- 15> 1647
- 3> 1648
- 1> 1649
- 3> 1650
- 3> 1651
- 9> 1652
- 2> 1653
- 2> 1656
- 2> 1659
- 9> 1660
- 1> 1661
- 4> 1662
- 3> 1663
- 3> 1665
- 1> 1667
- 2> 1669
- 11> 1672
- 6> 1673
- 3> 1674
- 1> 1679
- 1> 1681
- 2> 1684
- 7> 1685
- 2> 1688
- 6> 1690
- 2> 1691
- 2> 1692
- 1> 1693
- 5> 1695
- 2> 1697
- 2> 1698
- 1> 1700
- 2> 1701
- 2> 1702
- 1> 1703
- 5> 1704
- 1> 1706
- 2> 1712
- 2> 1721
- 2> 1732
- 1> 1737
- 1> 1738
- 1> 1747
- 1> 1748
- 1> 1750
- 2> 1751
- 1> 1752
- 1> 1753
- 1> 1756
- 2> 1757
- 2> 1758
- 1> 1760
- 1> 1763
- 2> 1766
- 1> 176u
- 1> 1772
- 2> 1775
- 1> 1778
- 1> 1779
- 1> 1780
- 10> 1781
- 9> 1782
- 8> 1783
- 2> 1784
- 8> 1785
- 5> 1786
- 1> 1789
- 2> 1792
- 5> 1793
- 4> 1794
- 4> 1795
- 3> 1797
- 1> 1798
- 1> 17uu
- 1> 1804
- 1> 1809
- 1> 1810
- 1> 1811
- 6> 1814
- 3> 1815
- 2> 1817
- 2> 1818
- 1> 1819
- 1> 1821
- 5> 1822
- 4> 1823
- 2> 1824
- 1> 1825
- 1> 1826
- 1> 1827
- 1> 1828
- 2> 1830
- 2> 1831
- 1> 1832
- 1> 1834
- 1> 1835
- 1> 1836
- 1> 1838
- 2> 1839
- 3> 1840
- 3> 1841
- 2> 1842
- 4> 1843
- 1> 1845
- 2> 1846
- 2> 1848
- 6> 1849
- 1> 1850
- 1> 1851
- 1> 1852
- 4> 1853
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- Dordrecht x
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- Dutch x
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- 1> Astronomy
- 2> Astronomy - History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Dialogues
- 1> Astronomy - Period documents - History (Netherlands)
- 1> Civil engineering
- 2> Dutch language and literature - Poetry
- 1> Economics
- 1> Economics - History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Dialogues
- 1> Geography - History (America)
- 1> History (America) - Period documents - Political science
- 2> History (Belgium) - Period documents
- 1> History (Europe) - History (Netherlands) - Poetry - Period documents
- 1> History (Europe) - Period documents - Poetry
- 1> History (Europe) - Political science - Period documents
- 1> History (France) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Economics
- 5> History (France) - Period documents
- 1> History (France) - Period documents - State publications
- 2> History (Germany, Central Europe) - History (Scandinavia) - Period documents
- 4> History (Germany, Central Europe) - Period documents
- 1> History (Germany, Central Europe) - State publications - Period documents
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Economics - Period documents - History (Netherlands)
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 2> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Sermons - Theology (practical)
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents - State publications
- 2> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Theology (practical) - Sermons
- 4> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - Poetry - History (Netherlands)
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - Theology (Christian doctrine)
- 1> History (Netherlands)
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (Belgium) - Period documents
- 3> History (Netherlands) - History (France) - Theology (church history) - Period documents
- 3> History (Netherlands) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Catalogues - Genre parodies - Period documents
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents
- 2> History (Netherlands) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - Dialogues
- 2> History (Netherlands) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - Poetry
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (Spain, Portugal) - History (America) - Period documents
- 2> History (Netherlands) - History (Spain, Portugal) - Period documents
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (Spain, Portugal) - Period documents - Poetry
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (Spain, Portugal) - Poetry
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Occasional writings
- 3> History (Netherlands) - Occasional writings - Poetry
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Occasional writings - Poetry - Genre parodies - Period documents
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Occasional writings - Poetry - Political science
- 42> History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 6> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Dialogues
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Economics
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Economics - History (Great Britain and Ireland)
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - History (France) - Economics
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - History (Great Britain and Ireland)
- 2> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Sermons - Theology (practical)
- 10> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Poetry
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Poetry - Books of plates
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Poetry - Dialogues
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Poetry - Documentary information - Law
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Poetry - History (Europe)
- 2> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Poetry - Theology (Christian doctrine)
- 11> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Political science
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Political science - Sermons - Theology (practical)
- 3> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Public and social administration
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Sermons - Theology (practical)
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Sermons - Theology (practical) - Geology
- 6> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - State publications
- 2> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - State publications - History (Belgium)
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - State publications - History (Spain, Portugal)
- 3> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Theology (Christian doctrine)
- 3> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Theology (practical)
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Theology (practical) - Poetry
- 2> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Theology (practical) - Sermons
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Poetry
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Poetry - Period documents
- 6> History (Netherlands) - State publications - Period documents
- 1> History (Netherlands) - State publications - Period documents - History (Belgium) - History (Spain, Portugal)
- 2> History (Netherlands) - State publications - Period documents - Political science
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Theology (practical) - Period documents
- 3> History (Spain, Portugal) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 1> History (Spain, Portugal) - Period documents
- 1> History (Spain, Portugal) - Period documents - State publications
- 1> Law
- 4> Law - Period documents
- 2> Medicine
- 1> Period documents - History (Netherlands)
- 1> Period documents - History (Netherlands) - Dialogues
- 1> Period documents - History (Netherlands) - Law
- 1> Period documents - History (Netherlands) - Sermons - Theology (practical)
- 1> Philosophy
- 2> Poetry
- 1> Poetry - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 1> Poetry - Period documents - History (Netherlands)
- 2> Political science
- 21> Public and social administration - State publications
- 1> Public and social administration - State publications - History (Spain, Portugal) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Genre parodies
- 1> Recreation - Economics
- 1> Recreation - Economics - Business administration
- 1> Sermons - Theology (practical) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 2> State publications - Public and social administration
- 7> Theology (Christian doctrine)
- 2> Theology (Christian doctrine) - Dialogues
- 1> Theology (Christian doctrine) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 5> Theology (Christian doctrine) - Period documents
- 4> Theology (Christian doctrine) - Period documents - History (Netherlands)
- 2> Theology (Christian doctrine) - Period documents - Poetry
- 1> Theology (church history)
- 1> Theology (general) - Period documents - Occasional writings
- 3> Theology (practical)
- 1> Theology (practical) - History (Netherlands) - Sermons - Period documents
- 3> Theology (practical) - Sermons
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- Dutch Pamphlets Online x
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Aanmerkingen op de grondwet voor de Vereenigde Nederlanden
Dutch Pamphlets Online
Hendrik Willem Tydeman (1778-1863)
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Aan mijne R. Katholijke broeders
Dutch Pamphlets Online
Een Protestant (fl. 1853)
Partial (No exact match found)
Aan mijne waarde landgenooten
Dutch Pamphlets Online
J.J.E.F. Schröter (1799-1851)
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Aantooning, wegens de faculteit-geeving in de Hollandse loterye van drie millioenen guldens, tot conversie van de dertig jaarige prysrenten in lyfrenten.
Dutch Pamphlets Online
Johannes van der Burch (1672-1758)
Partial (No exact match found)