Dutch Pamphlets Online
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- 1> 1581
- 3> 1583
- 1> 1584
- 2> 1585
- 2> 1587
- 4> 1588
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- 1> 1591
- 4> 1594
- 2> 1595
- 3> 1597
- 1> 1598
- 3> 1600
- 2> 1601
- 3> 1602
- 7> 1603
- 3> 1604
- 3> 1605
- 1> 1606
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- 4> 1609
- 1> 1610
- 4> 1611
- 3> 1612
- 1> 1613
- 3> 1614
- 4> 1615
- 6> 1616
- 2> 1617
- 2> 1618
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- 1> 1625
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- 5> 1629
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- 4> 1631
- 2> 1632
- 1> 1633
- 2> 1641
- 5> 1643
- 3> 1644
- 3> 1645
- 5> 1646
- 9> 1647
- 9> 1650
- 1> 1651
- 16> 1652
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- 8> 1666
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- 1> 1671
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- 5> 1675
- 17> 1676
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- 3> 1679
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- 2> 1684
- 1> 1689
- 3> 1690
- 2> 1691
- 2> 1692
- 1> 1695
- 4> 1697
- 2> 1698
- 1> 1699
- 8> 1702
- 3> 1703
- 14> 1704
- 4> 1708
- 1> 1712
- 2> 1713
- 3> 1714
- 1> 1715
- 1> 1718
- 1> 1719
- 1> 1725
- 2> 1742
- 2> 1743
- 2> 1746
- 12> 1747
- 16> 1748
- 1> 1750
- 2> 1751
- 1> 1752
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- 1> 1763
- 1> 1767
- 1> 1771
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- 3> 1777
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- 6> 1781
- 1> 1782
- 2> 1783
- 1> 1784
- 1> 1785
- 2> 1786
- 16> 1787
- 5> 1788
- 1> 178u
- 2> 1794
- 4> 1796
- 1> 1801
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- Middelburg x
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- 1> Dialogues - Period documents - History (Netherlands) - History (Great Britain and Ireland)
- 3> Dutch language and literature - Poetry - Songbooks
- 1> Geography - History (America)
- 1> Geography - History (Asia) - History (Africa) - History (Netherlands)
- 1> Geology - Academic texts
- 1> History (America) - History (Netherlands) - Economics - Period documents
- 1> History (America) - History (Netherlands) - History (Spain, Portugal) - Period documents - Dutch East India Company
- 1> History (America) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 1> History (America) - Period documents
- 1> History (Asia) - Period documents - History (Netherlands) - Dutch East India Company
- 1> History (Belgium) - History (Netherlands) - History (France) - Poetry - Period documents
- 2> History (Belgium) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 1> History (Belgium) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Poetry
- 2> History (Belgium) - Period documents
- 1> History (Belgium) - Poetry - Period documents - History (Netherlands)
- 1> History (Eastern Europe) - Period documents
- 3> History (Europe) - Period documents
- 1> History (France) - History (Scandinavia) - Dialogues
- 5> History (France) - Period documents
- 1> History (general) - Education
- 1> History (Germany, Central Europe) - Period documents
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - History (Netherlands) - Dialogues
- 4> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - History (Netherlands) - State publications
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Law - Period documents
- 11> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - State publications
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - Theology (Christian doctrine)
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - State publications
- 2> History (Netherlands) - Astronomy - Period documents
- 4> History (Netherlands) - Dialogues - Period documents
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Economics - Period documents
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Geography
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (America) - Period documents
- 3> History (Netherlands) - History (Belgium) - Period documents
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (Belgium) - State publications
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (Europe) - Period documents - Poetry
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (France) - Period documents
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (France) - Period documents - Poetry
- 2> History (Netherlands) - History (Germany, Central Europe) - Period documents
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Dialogues - Period documents
- 4> History (Netherlands) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - History (America) - Period documents - Political science
- 7> History (Netherlands) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents
- 4> History (Netherlands) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - Dialogues
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - Economics
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - State publications
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (Spain, Portugal) - History (France) - Period documents
- 6> History (Netherlands) - History (Spain, Portugal) - Period documents
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (Spain, Portugal) - Period documents - Poetry
- 2> History (Netherlands) - History (Spain, Portugal) - State publications
- 2> History (Netherlands) - Law - Theology (practical) - Period documents
- 2> History (Netherlands) - Occasional writings - Poetry
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Occasional writings - Political science
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Occasional writings - Sermons - Theology (practical) - Theology (general)
- 83> History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 14> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Dialogues
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Dialogues - Dutch East India Company - West India Company
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Dialogues - Theology (practical)
- 2> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Economics
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - History (Germany, Central Europe)
- 2> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - History (Spain, Portugal)
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - History (Spain, Portugal) - History (Belgium)
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Law
- 21> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Poetry
- 5> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Poetry - Dialogues
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Poetry - Theology (Christian doctrine)
- 11> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Political science
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Political science - State publications
- 4> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Public and social administration - Economics
- 4> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Sermons - Theology (practical)
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Songbooks
- 9> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - State publications
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - State publications - Dialogues
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Theology (Christian doctrine)
- 7> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Theology (practical)
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Theology (practical) - Poetry
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - West India Company
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Poetry - Occasional writings
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Poetry - Period documents
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Political science - Law - Period documents
- 2> History (Netherlands) - State publications
- 1> History (Netherlands) - State publications - History (Belgium)
- 8> History (Netherlands) - State publications - Period documents
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Theology (Christian doctrine) - Period documents
- 2> History (Netherlands) - Theology (practical) - Period documents
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Theology (practical) - State publications - Period documents
- 1> History (Netherlands) - West India Company
- 1> History (Scandinavia) - Period documents
- 1> History (Spain, Portugal) - History (France) - Period documents
- 1> History (Spain, Portugal) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents
- 2> History (Spain, Portugal) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 2> History (Spain, Portugal) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Dialogues
- 1> History (Spain, Portugal) - Period documents
- 2> Law - Period documents
- 1> Period documents - History (America)
- 1> Period documents - History (Great Britain and Ireland)
- 1> Period documents - History (Netherlands)
- 1> Period documents - State publications - History (Netherlands) - History (France) - History (Great Britain and Ireland)
- 1> Public and social administration - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - History (Netherlands) - State publications
- 50> Public and social administration - State publications
- 2> Public and social administration - State publications - West India Company
- 2> Science (general) - Almanacs
- 1> State publications - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - History (Germany, Central Europe)
- 1> State publications - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Theology (practical)
- 1> State publications - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 1> State publications - History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Economics
- 1> State publications - Period documents - History (Netherlands)
- 1> State publications - Public and social administration
- 7> Theology (Christian doctrine)
- 1> Theology (Christian doctrine) - Academic texts
- 1> Theology (Christian doctrine) - Dialogues
- 1> Theology (Christian doctrine) - Dialogues - Period documents - History (Netherlands)
- 1> Theology (Christian doctrine) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 14> Theology (Christian doctrine) - Period documents
- 1> Theology (Christian doctrine) - Period documents - History (Netherlands)
- 1> Theology (Christian doctrine) - Philosophy
- 1> Theology (Christian doctrine) - Poetry - Period documents
- 1> Theology (Christian doctrine) - Prayer books
- 1> Theology (church history)
- 1> Theology (church history) - Dialogues
- 1> Theology (general) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents
- 3> Theology (practical)
- 3> Theology (practical) - Dialogues
- 1> Theology (practical) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 1> Theology (practical) - Period documents
- 1> Theology (practical) - Period documents - History (Netherlands)
- 1> Theology (practical) - Political science
- 1> Theology (practical) - Sermons - Recreation
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- Dutch Pamphlets Online x
Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Collection Id: dutch-pamphlets-online, Place: Middelburg]' returned
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Aandoeningen en gedachten bij het zien van onzen souvereinen vorst te Middelburg en te Arnemuiden, den 11den en 12den van herfstmaand 1814 ...
Dutch Pamphlets Online
Abraham Andisé (1774-1825)
Partial (No exact match found)
Aanspraak door den raadpensionaris mr. L.P. van de Spiegel, gedaan ter vergaderinge van de [...] Staaten van Holland en Westfriesland, den 6. december 1787
Dutch Pamphlets Online
Laurens Pieter van de Spiegel (1736-1800)
Partial (No exact match found)
Aanspraak door den raadpensionaris mr. W.A. van Citters, gedaan ter vergadering van de [...] Staaten van Zeeland, den 25. april 1788
Dutch Pamphlets Online
Wilhelmus Arnoldus van Citters (1741-1811)
Partial (No exact match found)
Aan Zijne Koninklijke Hoogheid Prins Hendrik, bij Hoogstdeszelfs vertrek naar de Middellandsche zee, met het oorlogs-fregat De Rijn
Dutch Pamphlets Online
Alexander François Sifflé (1801-1872)
Partial (No exact match found)
Academissche reden van d'heer Melchior Leydecker [...] wegens de onlanghse watervloet. Over het opschrift van seker geslagen penninck.
Dutch Pamphlets Online
Melchior Leydekker (1642-1721)
Partial (No exact match found)
Ad celsissimum dominum Guilielmum Henricum D. G. Arausionensium principipem, comitem Nassaviae, nobilitatis Zelandicae prinum, etc. post ... D. Isaaci Snyers nomine Consistorii Metelloburgensis nervosam orationem xxiiij. Septemb ... M.D.C. LXVIII
Dutch Pamphlets Online
Izaak Snyers (1668) | Galenus Trezel (1695 fl.)
Partial (No exact match found)
Ad potentissimos ac serenissimos reges, principes, reliquosq́ue amplissimos christiani orbis ordines
Dutch Pamphlets Online
Philips van Marnix heer van Sint Aldegonde (1540-1598)
Partial (No exact match found)
Ad potentissimos ac serenissimos reges [...]. Seria de reip. christianæ statu eiusq́ue salute atque incolumitate conseruanda [...] commonefactio.
Dutch Pamphlets Online
Philips van Marnix heer van Sint Aldegonde (1540-1598)
Partial (No exact match found)
Dutch Pamphlets Online
Dirk Adrianus Detmar (1774-1844)
Partial (No exact match found)
Afscheidsrede, gehouden te Middelburg, 26 October 1851
Dutch Pamphlets Online
Hasebroek, J.P.
Partial (No exact match found)
Amos, ofte De Siender Israëls, ontdeckende de ghelegenheyt van het gereformeert drouvich Christen-wesen al de weerelt door, ende insonderheyt onses Lants, ende der kercke hier te Lande, met aen-wysinghe van hetgene tot beyder vrede dient,
Dutch Pamphlets Online
Ireneus Philaletius pseud. van Ewout Teellinck
Partial (No exact match found)