Dutch Pamphlets Online
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- 1688 x
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- 1> Almanacs - History (Netherlands) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - Science (general)
- 1> Astronomy
- 1> Dialogues - History (France) - Period documents - Theology (Christian doctrine)
- 1> Education - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 1> History (Asia) - History (France) - Period documents
- 1> History (Europe) - Dialogues - Period documents
- 1> History (Europe) - History (France) - Period documents
- 1> History (Europe) - History (France) - Period documents - Dialogues
- 18> History (Europe) - Period documents
- 4> History (Europe) - Period documents - Dialogues
- 6> History (Europe) - Period documents - Poetry
- 1> History (Europe) - State publications - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents
- 1> History (Europe) - State publications - Period documents - History (Great Britain and Ireland)
- 1> History (Europe) - Theology (Christian doctrine) - Period documents - Dialogues
- 1> History (France)
- 3> History (France) - History (Germany, Central Europe) - Period documents
- 1> History (France) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents
- 1> History (France) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - State publications - Period documents
- 1> History (France) - History (Italy) - Period documents
- 3> History (France) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 1> History (France) - History (Spain, Portugal) - Period documents
- 8> History (France) - Period documents
- 2> History (France) - Period documents - State publications
- 1> History (France) - Period documents - Theology (practical) - State publications - Public and social administration
- 1> History (France) - State publications - Period documents
- 2> History (France) - Theology (Christian doctrine) - Period documents
- 3> History (Germany, Central Europe) - History (France) - Period documents
- 6> History (Germany, Central Europe) - Period documents
- 1> History (Germany, Central Europe) - Period documents - State publications
- 2> History (Great Britain and Ireland)
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - History (France) - Period documents
- 2> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Genre parodies - State publications
- 2> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Poetry
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Theology (practical)
- 84> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - Biographies
- 4> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - Dialogues
- 2> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - Genre parodies - History (Netherlands) - State publications
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - History (Netherlands)
- 3> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - Law
- 3> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - Poetry
- 5> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - State publications
- 3> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - Theology (Christian doctrine)
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - State publications - Period documents
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - State publications - Period documents - History (Netherlands)
- 6> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Theology (Christian doctrine) - Period documents
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Theology (Christian doctrine) - Theology (Christian doctrine)
- 3> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Theology (church history) - Period documents
- 1> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Theology (church history) - Period documents - Dialogues
- 2> History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Theology (practical) - Period documents
- 1> History (Italy) - Period documents
- 2> History (Netherlands) - History (France) - Period documents
- 40> History (Netherlands) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - Law
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - Poetry
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - State publications
- 2> History (Netherlands) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - State publications
- 2> History (Netherlands) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - State publications - Period documents
- 1> History (Netherlands) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Theology (Christian doctrine) - Period documents
- 9> History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 2> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Dialogues
- 3> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Economics
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - Genre parodies
- 2> History (Netherlands) - Period documents - State publications
- 1> History (Netherlands) - Public and social administration - State publications - West India Company
- 1> History (Netherlands) - State publications - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents
- 1> Law - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 2> Period documents - History (America)
- 2> Period documents - History (Great Britain and Ireland)
- 1> Period documents - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - History (Netherlands) - Public and social administration - State publications - Genre parodies
- 1> Period documents - State publications - History (Germany, Central Europe) - History (France)
- 1> Period documents - Theology (Christian doctrine)
- 1> Poetry
- 1> Political science
- 29> Public and social administration - State publications
- 2> Science (general) - Almanacs
- 2> Science (general) - Almanacs - Genre parodies
- 1> State publications - History (France) - Period documents
- 5> State publications - Public and social administration
- 3> Theology (Bible and Bible interpretation)
- 3> Theology (Christian doctrine)
- 1> Theology (Christian doctrine) - Dialogues - History (Belgium) - Period documents
- 1> Theology (Christian doctrine) - History (France) - Dialogues - Period documents
- 1> Theology (Christian doctrine) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - History (Netherlands)
- 3> Theology (Christian doctrine) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents
- 1> Theology (Christian doctrine) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 4> Theology (Christian doctrine) - Period documents
- 1> Theology (Christian doctrine) - Political science
- 2> Theology (Judaism) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents
- 1> Theology (practical)
- 1> Theology (practical) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents
- 1> Theology (practical) - History (Great Britain and Ireland) - Period documents - Dialogues
- 1> Theology (practical) - History (Netherlands) - Period documents
- 1> Theology (practical) - Period documents - History (France)
- 1> Theology (practical) - Sermons
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Abdruck der Königlichen Englischen Declaration, die Freyheit aller Religionen in Engelland betreffend.
Dutch Pamphlets Online
Herbert Croft bisschop van Hereford
Partial (No exact match found)
Accurater und genauer Beweisz des Königes von Engelland, wegen der rechtmässigen Geburt des Printzen von Wallis: bestehend in vieler abgelegten Bezeugnüssen, einiger Lords, Edelen und Hausz-Bedienten.
Dutch Pamphlets Online
James II koning van Groot Brittannië (1633-1701)
Partial (No exact match found)