Human Rights Documents Online

Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Collection Id: human-rights-documents-online, Subject: justice]' returned 1,622 results.

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1979 Annual Report of the Committee on Scientific Freedom and Responsibility. 77 pp.

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1984 Carnage in Delhi: A Report on the Aftermath. Nov. 1992, 20 pp.

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2008. 32 pp.

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2008, Standing up for human rights. 64 pp.

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2009. 28 pp.

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Match: Partial (No exact match found)

2010 ANNI Report on the Performance and Establishment of NHRIs in Asia. July 31, 2010.

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2010. The State of the World's Human Rights. 2010.

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2011 Annual Report

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2012 Annual Report

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20 years after the Rwandan genocide : opening of the first trial in France against an accused of complicity in genocide

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Match: Partial (No exact match found)

23rd Annual Report. June 1980. 52 pp.

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278: Resolution on the extension of the deadline for the Study on Transitional Justice in Africa

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29th Annual Report. June 1986, 57 pp.

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Match: Partial (No exact match found)

30th Annual Report. June 1987, 59 pp.

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35th Annual Report. June 1992, 72 pp.

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36th Annual Report. 1993, 71 pp.

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AACC Newsletter, Vol.6, No.9, Sept. 1980, 17 pp.

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A Besieged Culture: Czechoslovakia Ten Years After Helsinki, by the Charta 77 Foundation & IHF. 1985, 301 pp.

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Aboriginal Law Bulletin, Vol.3, No.68, June 1994, 31 pp.

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About the Coalition for the International Criminal Court. May 2010.

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Academic Papers and Reports, Brief report of interaction program on Need of accession to the Rome Statute of ICC by Nepal. oct. 2010.

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Academic Papers and Reports, CICC Background Paper: In Preparation For The Resumed Eighth Session Of The Icc Assembly Of States Parties, 22 – 25 March 2010. Work‐In ‐Progress, 18 March , 2010.

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Academic Papers and Reports, CICC Calls for High-Level Participation by Governments at the ICC Review Conference and for Increased Efforts to Ratify and Implement the Rome Statute and APIC. Mar. 2010.

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Academic Papers and Reports, FIDH and its member organisations welcome the ICC Prosecutor's request to issue a judicial finding of non-cooperation of the Government of Sudan. Apr. 29, 2010.

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Academic Papers and Reports, Statement By Ambassador Marcel Biato On Behalf Of The Brazilian Delegation To The Review Conference. May 2010.

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Access to Justice and Legal Aid in East Africa

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Access to Justice - Human Rights Abuses Involving Corporations – People’s Republic of China. 2010.

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Access to Justice - Human Rights Abuses Involving Corporations – Poland. 2010.

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Access to Justice - Human Rights Abuses Involving Corporations – South Africa. 2010.

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access to justice in europe: an overview of challenges and opportunities

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ACC Newsletter, Apr.-Aug. 2008, 63 pp.

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Accountability for Serious International Crimes: Towards the Creation of the International Criminal Court-Summary of the Meeting of Experts. Mar. 3-4, 1998, 22 pp.

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Achieving Justice for Gross Human Rights Violations in Swaziland

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A Chronicle of Human Rights in the USSR, No.39, July-Sept. 1980, 75 pp.

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A Chronicle of Human Rights in the USSR, No.40, Oct.-Dec. 1980, 66 pp.

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ACLU Campaign for Smart Justice and NYCLU to Host ‘FORWARD Justice’ Event, Examining America’s Failed Criminal Justice System

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A consensual roadmap for the truth, justice and reconciliation process in Mali

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A Crisis of Legitimacy: The Impeachment of Chief Justice Bandaranayake and the Erosion of the Rule of Law in Sri Lanka

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Action Alerts, Crackdown on the Democratic Movement in Taiwan. Apr. 26, 1980, 5 pp.

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Action for Justice

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Action Updates: Mahmoud Khelili-Algeria. Oct. 1994, 2 pp.

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