Human Rights Documents Online

Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Collection Id: human-rights-documents-online, Date: 2022, Place: China]' returned 30 results.

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A must-read book for today’s generation of Tibetans

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Another Clash on the India-China Border Underscores Risks of Militarization

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BEIJING’S GLOBAL MEDIA INFLUENCE Authoritarian Expansion and the Power of Democratic Resilience

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CAP Report Reveals the Expanding International Reach of China’s Police

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China arrests five Tibetans, beats one to death, for praying long-life for Dalai Lama

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China bans Tibetans from talking about a rodent plague which has killed two

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China detains 170 Tibetan herders for opposing confiscation of their grassland

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China's role in supplying critical minerals for the global energy transition

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China wins human rights vote at UN, exposing flaws of Biden’s reform plan

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Chinese scientists are sounding the alarm on toxic mudflowing from Asia’s ‘water tower’

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