U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
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- 3>
- 23> 1945
- 32> 1946
- 7> 1947
- 16> 1948
- 2> 1949
- 4> 1950
- 10> 1951
- 3> 1952
- 3> 1953
- 16> 1954
- 7> 1955
- 16> 1956
- 18> 1957
- 16> 1958
- 17> 1959
- 34> 1960
- 35> 1961
- 46> 1962
- 34> 1963
- 31> 1964
- 18> 1965
- 55> 1966
- 21> 1967
- 34> 1968
- 19> 1969
- 20> 1970
- 12> 1971
- 8> 1972
- 33> 1973
- 12> 1974
- 10> 1975
- 4> 1976
- 2> 1977
- 1> 1978
- 4> 1979
- 3> 1980
- 6> 1981
- 6> 1982
- 7> 1983
- 5> 1984
- 10> 1985
- 3> 1986
- 1> 1987
- 1> 1988
- 1> 1992
- 1> 2011
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Filter by subject
- France x
- 1> "No spying" agreement
- 1> "Z" Operation
- 1> 17-Nov
- 1> 1956 Suez conflict
- 1> 1968 domestic crises
- 2> 1968 nuclear weapons test series
- 1> 1973 nuclear test series
- 1> 1974 nuclear test series
- 1> 1983 military intervention in Chad
- 1> 24-hour strikes
- 1> 303 Committee
- 1> 40 Committee
- 1> 647 early warning satellites
- 1> Access to US computers
- 1> Activities of French mercenaries
- 1> Actual production falling dangerously behind targets
- 1> Acute tension
- 1> Adrar Tikertine
- 1> AEC
- 8> AEDS
- 1> Aegean dispute
- 24> Aerial reconnaissance
- 1> Afghanistan invasion and the Soviet threat
- 2> Africa
- 1> African demands
- 1> African development initiative
- 12> AFTAC
- 1> Aftermath of French military revolt
- 1> Aftermath of the military revolt
- 2> Agent networks
- 1> Agreement
- 1> Agreement between Reagan and Thatcher
- 1> Agricultural policy
- 1> Air access
- 18> Air attache
- 3> Air corridors
- 1> Aircraft
- 1> Aircraft carrier Clemenceau
- 1> Aircraft carriers
- 1> Aircraft replacement
- 2> Aircraft transit rights
- 1> Air defense
- 1> Air defense capabilities
- 3> Airdrops
- 1> Airfields
- 1> Air France
- 5> Air sampling
- 4> Air sampling mission
- 2> Air sampling missions
- 1> Air sampling operations
- 5> Airspace restrictions
- 1> Airspace restrictions lifted
- 1> Airspace violation
- 1> Air strikes
- 5> Air Weather Service
- 1> Alarmist picture
- 1> Alert
- 1> Alert status
- 116> Algeria
- 1> Algerian cease-fire
- 1> Algerian conflict
- 1> Algerian crisis
- 1> Algerian debate
- 2> Algerian independence
- 1> Algerian insurgency
- 1> Algerian nationalist leaders
- 1> Algerian nationalists
- 5> Algerian policy
- 10> Algerian problem
- 1> Algerian rebellion
- 17> Algerian rebels
- 1> Algerian refugees
- 1> Algerian war
- 2> Algeria policy
- 1> Algerie Francaise
- 9> Algiers
- 1> Algiers insurrections
- 1> Alleged diversion of computers to French nuclear weapons lab
- 1> Allied nuclear differences
- 1> Allied with Francois Mitterand
- 1> Al Ulmer
- 4> Ambassador Bonnet
- 1> Ambassador Dillon
- 1> Ambitious
- 1> Ambivalence towards Charles De Gaulle
- 1> American oil companies
- 2> American surface ships operating off Mururoa
- 1> American unpopularity rising
- 1> Analysis of reports
- 1> Analyzing data form nuclear explosions
- 1> Andre de Wavrin
- 1> Andreotti
- 1> Andreotti government
- 1> Anglo-French dispute
- 1> Anglo-French nuclear cooperation
- 1> Announcement of cease-fire
- 1> Anti-ballistic missiles
- 1> Anti-communist forces
- 2> Anti-communist resistance organization
- 1> Anti-communist underground organizations
- 1> Anti-nuclear activities
- 1> Antiquated educational systems
- 1> Arab immigrants resisting integration into French society
- 7> Argentina
- 1> Ariane rocket
- 1> Armed clashes
- 1> Armed clashes on Cyprus
- 1> Armed Forces Movement
- 1> Armenia
- 1> Armenian problem
- 1> Arms control negotiations with USSR
- 2> Arms policy
- 6> Arms sales
- 1> Arms sales to Nicaragua
- 1> Arms shortages
- 1> Around the world trip
- 1> Arrests
- 1> Arrival in Cuba
- 1> Arthur Scargill
- 2> ASALA
- 1> Assassination
- 1> Assassination attempts
- 1> Assassination of Carrerro Blanco
- 1> Assistance from other countries
- 2> Assistance to French missile program
- 1> Assistance to French nuclear weapons program
- 2> Atmospheric nuclear testing
- 2> Atmospheric nuclear tests
- 1> Atmospheric nuclear weapons testing
- 2> Atomic energy
- 7> Atomic Energy Commission
- 7> Atomic energy detection system
- 1> Atomic energy program
- 1> Atomic stockpile agreement
- 2> Atomic weapons
- 1> Attacks on U.S. government facilities
- 1> Attempted coup
- 1> Attempts to form new government
- 1> Attempt to seize power
- 1> Austerity measures
- 1> Australian prime minister Whitlam
- 6> Austria
- 1> Availability of nuclear weapons
- 1> Availability of uranium
- 1> Avoid all publicity
- 1> Avoid safety hazards
- 1> Azores
- 1> Baader-Meinhof-Gang
- 25> Ballistic missiles
- 1> Ballistic missile submarine
- 1> Ballistic missile submarines
- 1> Ban on all public gatherings in Paris
- 1> Ban on communist demonstrations
- 1> Barge traffic to West Berlin
- 1> Basque autonomy
- 1> Basque problem
- 1> Basque terrorist groups
- 1> Battlefield results
- 1> Bear heavy bombers
- 5> Belgium
- 1> Ben Bella
- 1> Berber tribal rebellion
- 10> Berlin
- 2> Berlin air corridors
- 3> Berlin Air Safety Center
- 1> Berlin Crisis
- 1> Berlin peace talks
- 1> Berlin situation
- 1> Bertrand Goldschmidt
- 1> Billotte
- 1> Bitter and angry
- 1> Black Africa
- 1> Blockade of Algiers
- 1> Board of National Estimates
- 1> Bomb El Al airliner
- 1> Bombers
- 1> Bordeaux-Merignac plant
- 1> Bordj in Eker
- 1> Bourges-Maunoury
- 1> Bourghiba
- 2> Bourguiba
- 1> Breeder reactors
- 1> Bringing French Communist Party into government
- 1> Britain
- 1> British entry into EEC
- 2> British government
- 2> British intelligence
- 6> British intelligence services
- 1> British miners union
- 1> Broken diplomatic relations
- 1> Buchalet
- 1> Budapest
- 1> Budgetary cutbacks on nuclear spending
- 1> Budget crisis
- 1> Budget cuts
- 1> Budget documents
- 1> Budget imbalances
- 2> Bulgaria
- 3> Burden to French economy
- 1> Cabinet changes
- 1> Caetano government
- 1> Campbell
- 1> Canary Islands
- 1> Cannot meet all requirements
- 1> Captured rebel leaders
- 1> Capture of rebel leaders
- 1> Casualty figures
- 1> Catalonia
- 1> Cause of unrest
- 1> Causes of discontent
- 3> CEA
- 1> Cease-fire
- 1> Ceasefire imminent
- 1> Ceasefire negotiations
- 1> Cease-fire talks
- 1> Centre d’Etudes de Vaujours
- 1> CGIL
- 2> CGT
- 2> Chaban-Delmas
- 1> Chad
- 1> Chancellor Schmidt
- 1> Change in government
- 1> Changes in defense spending
- 1> Changing relations between France and Africa
- 1> Changing social attitudes in France
- 11> Charles de Gaulle
- 63> Charles De Gaulle
- 1> Charles De Gaulle’s resignation
- 1> Charles Fiterman
- 5> China
- 1> Chinese expansion
- 1> Chinese military
- 1> Chou En-lai
- 1> Chretien
- 1> CIA
- 1> CIA chief of station in Paris
- 1> Circumvention of controls
- 1> Civil disturbancesr
- 2> Civil unrest
- 1> Clandestine activities
- 1> Clandestine air traffic
- 1> Clandestine intelligence
- 1> Clean tactical nuclear weapons
- 1> Client states
- 1> Closer alignment between Romania and Yugoslavia
- 1> Closer cooperation with French military
- 1> Close ties to France
- 1> Coal and gasoline stocks
- 4> Coalition government
- 1> Codebreaking
- 1> Collapse of coalition governments
- 1> Collapse of insurrection
- 2> Collapse of military insurrection
- 1> Colomb-Bechar
- 2> Colomb-Bechar missile test range
- 1> Colons
- 1> Combating terrorism
- 1> Combat readiness
- 1> Cominform sources
- 1> Commercial credits
- 1> Commercial reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel
- 1> Commisariat a l’Energie Atomique
- 1> Commitment to NATO
- 1> Common defense agreement
- 3> Common Market
- 1> Communist-controlled labor unions
- 1> Communist-dominated labor unions
- 1> Communist infiltration of French government
- 1> Communist-inspired disturbances
- 1> Communist labor unions
- 1> Communist ministers
- 1> Communist parties
- 1> Communist plot to wreck economy
- 1> Complete reorganization of French army
- 2> Computer restrictions
- 1> Computers for nuclear weapons design
- 2> Concorde supersonic transport
- 1> Condemnation of French test in the South Pacific
- 1> Confederation of Labor
- 1> Conflict between EUREKA and SDI
- 3> Conflict with U.S. foreign policy
- 1> Conservative regimes
- 1> Considerable French presence in Vietnam
- 1> Consolidating power
- 2> Construction activities
- 4> Construction activity
- 2> Construction costs
- 1> Construction delays
- 1> Construction errors
- 1> Construction of nuclear powerplants
- 1> Construction problems
- 1> Continuing political violence
- 1> Continuity of Gaullist policies
- 1> Contractual agreement negotiations
- 1> Contradictory French policies toward U.S.
- 1> Control and use arrangements
- 1> Control Data Corporation
- 1> Control of Basque terrorists
- 1> Conversion of artillery regiment
- 1> Coordination of effort
- 1> Coordination of nuclear planning
- 1> Coordination of targeting
- 1> Coordination with West Germany
- 1> Cost pf French nuclear weapons program
- 8> Costs
- 1> Costs of French nuclear program
- 1> Could not vouch for Mitterand
- 5> Counterintelligence
- 1> Counterterrorism cooperation
- 1> Count of Paris
- 1> Couve
- 1> Couve de Murville
- 6> Covert action
- 2> Covert arms assistance
- 2> Covert funding
- 2> Craxi
- 1> Creek Field imagery
- 2> Criminal indictments
- 1> Crisis list
- 1> Criticism of de Gaulle
- 1> Criticism of Francois Mitterand
- 1> Criticism of peace accord
- 1> Criticism of U.S. foreign policy
- 1> Crux of problem
- 3> Cryptanalysis
- 1> Cuba
- 1> Cultural and technical links
- 1> Currency speculation
- 1> Current involvement with NATO
- 1> Current status
- 1> Custodial units
- 1> Custody of nuclear weapons
- 1> Cutbacks in government spending
- 1> Cuts in social welfare benefits
- 4> Cyprus
- 1> Czech Communist Party
- 1> Czech concessions
- 1> Czechoslovak Airlines
- 3> Czechoslovakia
- 1> Czech-Soviet talks
- 12> Daily intelligence summary
- 1> Danger of military uprising
- 1> Dangers of French program
- 1> Danger zone
- 1> Data on latest French nuclear test
- 4> Date of next nuclear test
- 2> Date of next test
- 1> Death of Pompidou
- 1> Debate on Algeria
- 1> Debre
- 1> DECA agreement
- 1> DECA negotiations
- 1> Declared intelligence personnel
- 1> Declining morale among rank-and-file communist party members
- 1> Declining popularity
- 1> Declining Soviet authority
- 1> Decrypt
- 1> Defeat for Francois Mitterand
- 1> Defectors
- 1> Defense budget
- 4> Defense Nuclear Agency
- 1> Defense pact
- 1> Defense policy
- 1> Defiance of Kremlin
- 14> De Gaulle
- 1> De Gaulle trip to Algeria
- 1> De Gaulle’s objectives
- 1> De Gaulle’s personal staff
- 1> De Gaulle’s plans
- 1> De Gaulle’s political record
- 1> De Gaulle’s resignation
- 1> De Gaulle’s views on USSR and Eastern Europe
- 1> Delay
- 1> Delays in ICBM program
- 1> Delivery capability
- 2> Delivery systems
- 1> Demand for US withdrawal from South Vietnam
- 1> Demise of detente
- 1> Demobilization
- 1> Demonstrations
- 1> Demoralization of PCF members
- 1> Denial of transit visas
- 1> Department of Commerce export license
- 1> Dependence of francophone African nations on France
- 1> Dependence on France
- 1> Deployment to French army artillery regiments
- 1> Destruction of crops
- 1> Detente in Europe
- 1> Detention of American crew
- 4> Deteriorating security situation
- 1> Deterrent policy
- 1> Deterrent to French nuclear ambitions
- 3> Devaluation of French Franc
- 1> Devaluation of Pound Sterling
- 1> De Wavrin
- 3> Dewavrin
- 1> DGB
- 8> DGER
- 1> Die-hard rightists
- 1> Diem
- 2> Dien Bien Phu
- 1> Difficulties building
- 1> Difficulty supporting Mururoa test center
- 2> Diffusion of nuclear weapons is inevitable
- 1> Diffusion plant
- 1> Diminishing Basque terrorist activity
- 1> Dimona
- 1> Dimona nuclear reactor
- 3> Diplomatic clearance
- 8> Diplomatic codes
- 1> Diplomatic List
- 3> Diplomatic note
- 1> Diplomatic overtures to Austria
- 1> Diplomatic recognition
- 1> Diplomatic reporting
- 1> Diplomatic resolution
- 1> Direct Action
- 1> Direction du Surveillance du Territoire
- 2> Disarmament
- 1> Disarmament agreement
- 1> Discontent in French military
- 1> Discounted the reports
- 1> Discussions
- 1> Discussion with Eisenhower
- 1> Disgruntled European expatriates
- 1> Dismal conditions
- 1> Dismissal of government
- 1> Disorganization among French labor unions
- 1> Dispute between Gaulllist political parties
- 1> Dissatisfaction with NATO
- 1> Dissension within Gaullist parties
- 1> Distinction from diplomatic personnel
- 1> Disturbing messages
- 1> Divestiture of overseas holdings
- 1> Djibouti
- 1> Domestic opposition
- 1> Do nothing to provoke Soviet intervention
- 1> Downward economic trends
- 1> Drought
- 1> DSDOC
- 1> DST
- 1> Earmarks for French forces
- 1> Eastern Europe
- 1> Eastern European reactions
- 1> East German air force
- 7> East Germany
- 1> East-west security issues
- 2> East-west trade
- 1> East-West trade outlook
- 1> Economic austerity program
- 1> Economic boycotts
- 1> Economic conditions
- 1> Economic impact
- 1> Economic impact of French political crisis
- 1> Economic intelligence
- 1> Economic outlook
- 1> Economic planning
- 1> Economic-political controversy
- 1> Economic problems
- 1> Economic reform package
- 1> Economic reforms
- 1> Economic relations
- 1> Economic relationships
- 1> Economic summit
- 1> EC tariffs
- 2> Edgar Faure
- 1> EEC
- 1> Effectiveness of French strategic nuclear forces
- 1> Efforts to improve UK military position
- 2> Egypt
- 1> Eisenhower
- 1> El Adem air force base
- 2> Electoral losses
- 3> Electoral prospects
- 1> Electromagnetic pulses
- 1> ELINT
- 1> Emergency powers
- 1> Emigration to the U.S.
- 1> Employment problems
- 1> End of 1973 nuclear test series
- 2> End of French nuclear test series
- 1> End of French on-site assistance
- 1> Enforced exile
- 3> Enriched uranium
- 1> Enriched uranium for submarines
- 1> Environmental monitoring
- 1> Environmental testing by French scientists
- 1> Equipment purchases
- 1> Equipment shortages
- 1> Erosion of living standards
- 2> Espionage
- 1> Estimate of capabilities
- 3> ETA
- 1> Eurafrica Group
- 1> Eurocommunism in steep decline
- 1> Europe
- 1> European communist parties
- 2> European Community
- 1> European concern over high US interest rates
- 1> European Economic Community
- 1> European integration
- 1> European leaders pessimistic about Poland’s future
- 1> European opposition to Long Range Theater Nuclear modernization
- 1> European parliamentary elections
- 1> European policy
- 1> European refugees
- 2> European Research Coordination Agency
- 1> European security issues
- 5> European settlers
- 2> European support
- 1> Evaluation
- 1> Evian Accords
- 1> Evian negotiations
- 4> Exchange of information
- 1> Exchange of intelligence information
- 1> Exchange of nuclear weapons design information
- 1> Exchange of views with U.S.
- 1> Exclusion of ministers
- 1> Expanded French influence in Middle East
- 1> Expanded nuclear testing
- 1> Exploitation of the media
- 1> Export controls
- 1> Expulsion of foreign communists
- 1> Extensive security precautions
- 1> Extreme right of French politics
- 1> F-100 fighter bombers
- 1> Facilities in Polynesia
- 1> Failed flight tests
- 1> Failed putsch
- 1> Failure of FLN talks
- 1> Failure to carry out reforms
- 1> Failure to enact educational reform
- 1> Fallout
- 4> Fangataufa
- 1> Fangataufa Atoll
- 7> Fangatofa
- 1> Fast-breeder reactor program
- 1> Fast-breeder reactors
- 1> Faure government
- 1> Federation of the Left
- 1> Fighter aircraft
- 1> Fighter bombers
- 1> Fighter jets
- 1> Fighting
- 4> Fiji
- 1> Financial outlays
- 2> Finland
- 1> Finnish intelligence
- 1> First underground nuclear test
- 1> First underground nuclear weapons test at Mururoa
- 1> Fiscal austerity measures
- 1> Fissionable materials
- 3> Fission weapons
- 1> Flexible payment terms
- 1> Flexible response
- 2> Flight activity
- 2> Flight restructions
- 7> FLN
- 1> Flow of French intelligence information to U.S. increasing
- 1> Force cutbacks
- 4> Force de dissuasion
- 5> Force de frappe
- 5> Force de Frappe
- 1> Forced landing on Tahiti
- 2> Forces in West Germany
- 1> Foreign aid program
- 1> Foreign leaders attending funeral
- 2> Foreign Legion parachute regiment
- 1> Foreign minister Debre
- 1> Foreign Minister Schumann
- 1> Foreign policy of their own making
- 1> Foreign policy position towards NATO
- 1> Foreign relations
- 1> Formation of government
- 4> Former French colonies
- 1> Former French colonies in Africa
- 1> Fragile
- 1> France and the Western alliance
- 1> France and Third World
- 1> France is over-extended
- 1> France-NATO military relationships
- 1> France under pressure to act more aggressively on terrorism
- 1> France wants a nuclear weapon
- 1> France’s global role
- 1> Francisco Franco
- 1> Franco-American scientific cooperation
- 23> Francois Mitterand
- 1> Franco-Israeli nuclear relations
- 1> Francophone Africa
- 1> Francophone states
- 1> Frank Wisner
- 1> Frederic Joliot-Curie
- 1> French activities in South Vietnam
- 1> French air crews
- 1> French air force
- 1> French-Algerian rebel agreement
- 1> French appreciation for US not disclosing French nuclear tests
- 1> French arms sales to South Africa
- 23> French army
- 1> French army response
- 1> French army strength
- 1> French atomic energy agency
- 1> French Atomic Energy Agency
- 3> French Atomic Energy Commission
- 1> French ballistic missile program,
- 6> French ballistic missile program
- 1> French ballistic missiles
- 1> French ballistic missiles program
- 1> French Communist party
- 21> French Communist Party
- 3> French communist party
- 1> French control of nuclear weapons
- 1> French counterterrorism policy
- 1> French defense doctrone
- 1> French defense policies
- 2> French defense policy
- 1> French demands
- 1> French developing IRBMs
- 1> French developing nuclear weapon
- 1> French diplomatic activities
- 2> French diplomatic protest
- 1> French economic aid
- 1> French economic issues
- 1> French economic policies
- 1> French economy
- 1> French embassy in Havana
- 1> French fanned speculation
- 1> French film company
- 2> French forces in Germany
- 1> French Foreign Legion
- 5> French Foreign Ministry
- 2> French Foreign office
- 2> French Foreign Office
- 30> French foreign policy
- 1> French foreign relations
- 1> French gaseous diffusion plant
- 1> French general staff
- 1> French-German negotiations
- 1> French go their own way
- 41> French government
- 1> French government conditions
- 1> French government financial subsidies
- 1> French government marketing of the Mirage
- 2> French government policy
- 1> French Guiana
- 1> French hydrogen bomb
- 3> French independence
- 3> French independent nuclear force
- 1> French initiatives
- 1> French intelligence
- 38> French intelligence services
- 1> French intentions regarding NATO
- 3> French labor unions
- 20> French military
- 2> French military assistance
- 1> French military attache
- 1> French military strategy
- 1> French Minister of Defense
- 1> French monetary position
- 1> French national elections
- 1> French national referendum
- 1> French-NATO relations
- 1> French naval task force
- 3> French navy
- 1> French need U.S. economic assistance
- 1> French negotiating positions
- 2> French North Africa
- 1> French North African security situation
- 1> French nuclear capabilities
- 1> French nuclear delivery systems
- 1> French nuclear delivery vehicles
- 1> French nuclear forces
- 1> French nuclear-powered submarine
- 3> French nuclear program
- 2> French nuclear strategy
- 1> French nuclear testing history
- 1> French nuclear testing plans
- 1> French nuclear testing sites in Algeria
- 2> French nuclear test sites
- 3> French nuclear weapons
- 1> French nuclear weapons capabilities
- 1> French nuclear weapons policy
- 13> French nuclear weapons program
- 31> French nuclear weapons testing
- 1> French nuclear weapons tests
- 1> French objectives
- 1> French overseas interests
- 1> French Pacific nuclear test site
- 1> French participation in Moscow Olympics
- 1> French plans
- 1> French plutonium production
- 1> French police
- 1> French policy alternatives
- 1> French policy towards peace settlement
- 1> French political parties
- 2> French politics
- 64> French Polynesia
- 3> French press reporting
- 1> French property and interests
- 2> French public opinion
- 1> French radar tracking station
- 1> French reaction
- 1> French reappraising policies towards U.S.
- 1> French rejection of SDI
- 1> French rightists
- 1> French satellites
- 1> French scientist
- 2> French security forces
- 3> French settlers
- 3> French Socialist Party
- 1> French Socialist position on Africa
- 1> French-Soviet naval exchanges
- 1> French space program
- 1> French space research activities
- 1> French strike force
- 1> French tactics
- 1> French technicians
- 1> French thermonuclear weapons program
- 1> French tolerance for activities of political exiles in France
- 2> French too inexperienced
- 1> French trade with Rhodesia
- 1> French troops stationed in West Germany
- 1> French troop withdrawal from Germany
- 1> French troop withdrawals
- 1> French-UK nuclear cooperation
- 1> French views of Strategic Defense Initiatives
- 1> French withdrawal from NATO
- 1> Frigate Otago monitoring French nuclear tests
- 1> Frustrated African leaders
- 1> Full mobilization
- 4> Future nuclear weapons tests
- 2> Future of French arms policy
- 1> Future weapons developments
- 1> G-5 membership
- 1> Gabon
- 1> Gamal Abdul Nasser
- 1> Gaseous diffusion
- 9> Gaseous diffusion plant
- 1> Gauefroy
- 1> Gaullism without De Gaulle
- 1> Gaullist power
- 3> Gaullists
- 1> GCR
- 1> Gehlen
- 1> Gendarmerie
- 1> General Ailleret
- 4> General Buchalet
- 1> General De Lattre
- 1> General Lemnitzer
- 1> General Massu
- 3> General Norstad
- 1> General Pierre Gallois
- 2> General Salan
- 2> General strike
- 1> Geographic distribution
- 1> George Bidault
- 1> George F. Kennan
- 3> Georges Bidault
- 16> Georges Pompidou
- 1> German foreign policy
- 1> German question
- 16> Germany
- 3> Giscard D’Estaing
- 4> Giscard d’Estaing
- 1> Giscard d’Estaing reelection bid
- 1> Giscard’s style
- 1> GLCM
- 1> Global economic situation
- 1> Gomulka
- 1> Government economic intervention
- 1> Grant air
- 1> Graphite pile
- 24> Great Britain
- 1> Greater political stability
- 9> Greece
- 1> Greek intelligence services
- 1> Greek troop withdrawals
- 1> Growing economic strength
- 1> Growing hostility toward Arab immigrants
- 1> Growing power of Jacques Chirac
- 1> Growing rebel strength
- 1> GSFG
- 1> Guerrilla activities in Greece
- 1> Guerrilla warfare
- 1> Guy la Chambre
- 1> Habib Bourghiba
- 1> Hadera
- 2> Hammaguir
- 1> Hardening warheads
- 1> Heavy layoffs in French steel industry
- 1> Heavy membership losses
- 2> Heavy water
- 1> Helmut Kohl
- 1> Henri d’Orleans
- 13> Henry Kissinger
- 1> Hickam Air Force Base
- 1> High casualties
- 1> High costs
- 1> High level of tension
- 2> High technology
- 1> History of French underground nuclear testing at Mururoa
- 1> Ho Chi Minh
- 1> Honest John missile
- 1> Huge policy difference between Washington and Paris on political issues
- 53> HUMINT
- 1> HUMINT collection
- 1> Hungary
- 1> ICBM
- 1> Immense waste of time
- 1> Immigration
- 1> Impact of Iranian Revolution on European oil prices
- 1> Impact on defense and foreign policies
- 1> Impact on European security interests
- 1> Implications for U.S.
- 1> Implications of Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
- 1> Improved nuclear warheads
- 1> Improving operational reliability of French missiles
- 1> Incidents
- 1> Incomplete remediation of radioactive contamination
- 1> Increased cooperation from French military and intelligence services
- 1> Increased military cooperation with NATO
- 1> Increased Soviet activity in Germany
- 1> Increased spending on nuclear forces
- 1> Increasing gravity of North African problem
- 1> Increasing hostility toward Israel
- 1> Increasing protectionism
- 1> Independence movements
- 1> Independent foreign policy
- 1> Independent French foreign policy
- 1> Independent French nuclear capacity
- 3> Independent French nuclear force
- 2> Independent nuclear deterrent force
- 7> Independent nuclear force
- 1> Independent nuclear forces
- 1> Independent nuclear posture
- 4> Indochina
- 1> Indochina policy
- 1> Indonesia
- 2> In Eker
- 11> In Ekker
- 2> Inflation
- 1> Influence French military thinking
- 1> Information from inside Russia is meager
- 1> Information sharing
- 1> Inform French that US will monitor French nuclear tests
- 1> INF talks
- 1> INLA
- 1> Inonu
- 1> Inopportune timing
- 1> Inspected by French authorities
- 1> Installation of new Sultan
- 2> Insurgency
- 2> Insurrection
- 1> Integration of French Force de Frappe into NATO
- 1> Intelligence advance warning
- 3> Intelligence assessment
- 1> Intelligence collection
- 1> Intelligence collection requirements on new tests
- 2> Intelligence collection ships
- 12> Intelligence estimate
- 1> Intelligence estimates
- 3> Intelligence exchange
- 1> Intelligence flaps
- 1> Intelligence indicators
- 2> Intelligence information
- 10> Intelligence liaison
- 1> Intelligence personnel
- 4> Intelligence report
- 2> Intelligence reporting
- 5> Intelligence reports
- 1> Intelligence reports and memoranda
- 1> Intelligence requirements on nuclear tests
- 1> Intelligence sensors
- 3> Intelligence sharing
- 1> Intercepts
- 1> Intercommunal violence
- 1> Interdiction of American yacht
- 1> Interested in joining NATO
- 1> Internal political situation
- 1> Internal stability
- 1> International trade
- 2> Iran
- 1> Iraq
- 6> IRBM
- 1> IRBM launch complex
- 1> IRBM program
- 4> IRBMs
- 1> Isenberg
- 9> Israel
- 1> Israeli nuclear weapons capability
- 3> Italian Communist Party
- 24> Italy
- 5> Jacques Chirac
- 1> Jacques Delors
- 1> Jacques Foccart
- 2> James Allen Mintkenbaugh
- 1> James Angleton
- 1> Japan
- 1> Japanese nuclear industry
- 1> Japanese peace treaty
- 1> Jean Lecanuet
- 2> Jean-Marie Le Pen
- 1> Jewish emigration to Israel
- 1> John Bruce Lockhart
- 1> John Bruce-Lockhart
- 1> John F. Kennedy
- 2> Joint Reconnaissance Center
- 2> July 21, 1973 test
- 2> Jupiter missiles
- 1> KC-135R reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> Keep Algeria out of communist hands
- 1> Keep Algeria part of France
- 1> Key personalities
- 1> King Juan Carlos
- 2> Konrad Adenauer
- 1> Kothen airfield
- 1> Labor confederations
- 1> Labor crisis
- 1> Labor Party
- 1> Labor reaction against Communist Party
- 1> Labor strike
- 4> Labor strikes
- 3> Labor unions
- 1> Labor unity
- 1> Lacking stability
- 1> Lack of U.S. assistance
- 1> Landes Missile Test Center
- 4> Landes missile test center
- 1> Land purchases
- 1> Laniel
- 1> Large rocket motors
- 1> Law and order
- 1> Leak from Far East Command source
- 1> Leaking negative information about British Pound
- 1> Legacy of Charles De Gaulle
- 1> Legalized divorce
- 4> Le Monde
- 1> Liberal intellectuals
- 6> Libya
- 1> Libyan activity in the Mediterranean
- 1> Libyan financial support for socialist parties in Spain, Greece and Italy
- 1> Libyan intervention in Chad
- 1> Libyan threat
- 1> Limited financial resources
- 1> Limited French resources
- 1> Limits on France’s ability control events in Africa
- 1> Listening posts
- 1> Little chance of political accommodation
- 1> Lobbying
- 1> Loss of access to NATO air defense system
- 1> Loss of access to US and NATO intelligence information
- 1> Loss of access to US weaponry
- 1> Loss of logistics support
- 1> Loss of morale
- 1> Loss of parliamentary majority
- 1> Low Blow radar
- 2> Low morale
- 1> Low-yield atmospheric tests
- 2> Low-yield atomic explosion
- 1> Low-yield device
- 1> Low-yield nuclear tests
- 1> Low-yield weapons
- 1> Loyalty of French army
- 1> Loyalty of French military
- 1> Lucian Truscott
- 1> Lunch on French aircraft carrier FOCH
- 1> Luxembourg
- 1> Lyndon B. Johnson
- 1> Major political issue
- 1> Major troop transfers from Germany
- 1> Mali
- 1> Malta
- 3> Marcoule
- 1> Margaret Thatcher
- 1> Masonic scandal
- 1> Materials production
- 1> Maurice Schumann
- 1> Maurice Thorez
- 1> Maximize French influence
- 1> Megatonnage
- 1> Melun talks
- 1> Membership declining
- 2> Mendes-France
- 2> Mendoza airfield
- 2> Messmer
- 1> Metropolitan France
- 5> MI6
- 2> Michel Debre
- 1> Michel Joubert
- 1> Middle East
- 1> Middle East and arms sales
- 1> Military and space programs
- 1> Military aspects
- 1> Military budget
- 1> Military conscription
- 1> Military cost sharing
- 1> Military effectiveness
- 2> Military instructors
- 1> Military intervention in Third World
- 1> Military links
- 1> Military nuclear matters
- 1> Military nuclear program
- 1> Military procurement in France
- 6> Military revolt
- 1> Minister Galley
- 1> Minister of transport
- 2> Minister Robert Galley
- 1> Ministry of the Interior
- 6> Mirage fighters
- 4> Mirage IV
- 4> Mirage IV bomber
- 4> Mirage IV bombers
- 2> MIRV warheads
- 1> Missile limitations
- 1> Missiles
- 1> Missile silos
- 1> Missile technology
- 1> Missile test
- 3> Missile test center
- 1> Missile testing
- 2> Missile tests
- 1> Mission to Moscow
- 2> Mitterand
- 1> Mitterand’s ambivalent attitude toward U.S.
- 1> Mitterand’s personal background
- 1> Modernization
- 1> Mohamed ben Bella
- 1> Monitoring for R&D purposes
- 1> Monnet Plan
- 1> More attacks likely
- 1> More nuclear tests
- 1> Moroccan extremists
- 9> Morocco
- 1> Mota Pinto not likely to survive
- 1> Mounting political violence
- 1> Mounting tension
- 1> Mozambique
- 1> MRBM
- 2> MRBMs
- 1> MRV
- 1> Multilateral nuclear force
- 1> Multinational negotiations
- 1> Multiple independent reentry vehicles
- 1> Municipal elections
- 102> Mururoa
- 2> Mururoa Atoll
- 1> Nagging problems
- 1> National assembly
- 1> National Assembly
- 1> National election
- 13> National elections
- 2> National Front
- 1> National Front about to enter parliament
- 1> National intelligence estimate
- 1> Nationalization of banks and key industries
- 1> Nationalized some industries
- 1> National Liberation Army
- 1> National policies and preoccupations
- 2> National referendum
- 2> National Security Action Memorandum
- 1> National Security Agency
- 1> National Security Council
- 3> National Security Decision Memorandum
- 7> National Security Study Memorandum
- 1> Nationwide labor strikes
- 1> Nationwide television address
- 1> Nationwide television broadcast
- 12> NATO
- 1> NATO commitment
- 1> NATO declaration
- 1> NATO economic aid to Turkey
- 1> NATO INF plans
- 1> NATO military budget
- 1> NATO ministers’ meeting
- 1> NATO negotiating positions
- 1> NATO nuclearplanning group
- 1> NATO reaction
- 1> Naval visits to USSR cancelled
- 3> NC-135A reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> Need for U.S. technological assistance
- 1> Needlessly embarrass the U.S.
- 1> Negative reaction from rightists
- 1> Negotiated settlement
- 14> Negotiations
- 6> Netherlands
- 1> Nevada Test Site
- 1> New authorization required
- 1> New Carter administration directive
- 1> New East German travel restrictions
- 1> New Forlani government
- 1> New nuclear test site
- 1> New political coalitions
- 1> New round of French nuclear tests
- 1> Newsreels
- 1> New taxes
- 1> New temporary travel restrictions
- 4> New test site
- 2> New Zealand
- 2> Next generation of nuclear weapons
- 7> Next nuclear weapons tests
- 4> Next test date
- 1> Niger
- 1> Ni improvement in security situation
- 1> No announcement policy
- 1> No checks on presidential powers
- 1> No comment from French government
- 1> No decision made to build a bomb
- 1> No economic warfare against USSR
- 1> No evidence
- 1> No French-German collaboration
- 1> Non-Christian Democratic prime minister
- 1> Non-inclusion in START or INF negotiations
- 1> No nuclear tests this year
- 1> No press reporting
- 1> No progress
- 1> No reliable evidence
- 1> Norstad opposition
- 1> North Africa
- 1> North African immigrant community
- 1> North Africa problems
- 1> Northern Ireland
- 3> Norway
- 1> No security implications
- 1> No sharing of Restricted Data
- 9> NOTAM
- 2> NOTAM notice
- 1> NOTAM notice issued
- 2> Notice to mariners
- 1> No U.S. assistance
- 1> Noumea
- 1> No validity to information
- 1> NSAM 294
- 1> NSC
- 3> Nuclear air sampling
- 1> Nuclear assistance to South Africa
- 1> Nuclear cooperation
- 1> Nuclear cooperation issues
- 1> Nuclear cooperation with France
- 7> Nuclear delivery systems
- 1> Nuclear delivery vehicles
- 1> Nuclear deterrent
- 1> Nuclear detonation and measurement data
- 1> Nuclear detonations
- 2> Nuclear energy
- 1> Nuclear energy main source of electrical power
- 1> Nuclear facilities
- 1> Nuclear fallout detection network
- 1> Nuclear fuel
- 1> Nuclear intelligence
- 2> Nuclear materials
- 1> Nuclear planning
- 2> Nuclear Planning Group
- 2> Nuclear power
- 2> Nuclear-powered submarines
- 1> Nuclear power plants
- 1> Nuclear production and research centers
- 7> Nuclear proliferation
- 1> Nuclear propulsion
- 1> Nuclear reactor construction
- 4> Nuclear reactors
- 1> Nuclear relations with UK
- 1> Nuclear release authority and British military commanders
- 1> Nuclear safety cooperation
- 1> Nuclear security
- 1> Nuclear sharing
- 3> Nuclear storage sites
- 1> Nuclear strategic deterrent
- 1> Nuclear strategy
- 1> Nuclear strike force
- 1> Nuclear submarine
- 1> Nuclear submarine program
- 2> Nuclear submarines
- 2> Nuclear test
- 5> Nuclear test detection
- 40> Nuclear testing
- 14> Nuclear testing plans
- 1> Nuclear testing policy
- 1> Nuclear test site
- 1> Nuclear warhead
- 2> Nuclear warheads
- 1> Nuclear warheads for French delivery systems
- 1> Nuclear weapon ready
- 241> Nuclear weapons
- 1> Nuclear weapons cooperation
- 1> Nuclear weapons development
- 2> Nuclear weapons doctrine
- 1> Nuclear weapons fabrication and storage
- 1> Nuclear weapons information sharing
- 1> Nuclear weapons policy
- 2> Nuclear weapons production
- 1> Nuclear weapons programs
- 1> Nuclear weapons research
- 1> Nuclear weapons safety
- 2> Nuclear weapons safety talks
- 1> Nuclear weapons security
- 1> Nuclear weapons stockpile
- 6> Nuclear weapons storage sites
- 1> Nuclear weapons support of French air force
- 2> Nuclear weapons test
- 6> Nuclear weapons test detection
- 105> Nuclear weapons testing
- 17> Nuclear weapons tests
- 1> Nuclear weapons test sites
- 1> Nuclear weapon storage sites
- 1> Nuclear weapons training
- 2> Nuclear yield
- 1> Numerous changes in government over past year
- 18> OAS
- 1> OAU
- 1> Obscure figure
- 1> Observe nuclear weapons test
- 1> Obstacles
- 1> Office of Policy Coordination
- 1> Oil production
- 1> One-man rule
- 1> Ongoing negotiations
- 2> Open-source intelligence
- 1> Operational atomic weapons capability
- 1> Operational shortcomings
- 1> Operation BURNING LIGHT
- 1> Operation DICE GAME
- 1> Operation FISH HAWK
- 1> Operation HULA HOOP
- 1> Operation KEYSTONE
- 2> Operation NICE DOG
- 1> Opinion polls
- 3> Opposed to nuclear sharing with France
- 1> Opposition to Algerian independence
- 1> Opposition to Algerian policy
- 1> Opposition to Theater Nuclear Forces modernization
- 1> Organization of African Unity
- 3> Orly airport
- 1> Ostpolitik
- 1> Other NATO allies
- 1> Outbreak of insurrection in Algeria
- 3> Outlook
- 1> Overestimated electoral appeal of communist parties
- 1> Overflight of Mururoa
- 5> Overflights
- 1> Overflights of Peru
- 1> Overt intelligence activities
- 1> Overwhelming support for De Gaulle
- 1> Pacific nuclear test center
- 1> Pago Pago
- 1> Pakistan
- 1> Pakistani purchase of French nuclear reprocessing plant
- 1> Palestine
- 1> Panama
- 1> Pandolfi Plan
- 1> Panic
- 2> Papandreou
- 1> Papeete
- 1> Paris
- 4> Paris Station
- 1> Parliamentary hearings
- 1> Patterns of nuclear spending
- 1> Paul Nitze
- 1> PCF assets and liabilities
- 1> PCF strained relationship with Mitterand
- 1> PCF weakness sign of decline of French left-wing parties
- 1> Peace march
- 1> Peace offer
- 1> Peace talks
- 2> Penetration aids
- 1> Permit French nuclear testing in Nevada
- 1> Pershing missiles
- 1> Personnel
- 1> Personnel recruitment problems
- 1> Peru
- 1> Petroleum and nuclear energy
- 1> Petroleum supply
- 5> Photographic intelligence
- 4> Photo intelligence
- 1> Pierre Koenig
- 6> Pierrelatte
- 1> Pierrelatte gaseous diffusion plant
- 4> Pierrelatte incident
- 1> Pierre Mendes-France
- 3> Pierre Messmer
- 1> Pierre Pelen
- 1> Pineau
- 4> Pitcairn Island
- 1> Plagued by difficulties
- 1> Plots
- 5> Plutonium
- 1> Plutonium dispersion experiments
- 2> Plutonium production
- 1> Plutonium residue
- 3> Plutonium stockpile
- 2> Plutonium weapon
- 1> Pluton tactical nuclear missiles
- 2> Pluton tactical nuclear missile system
- 1> Points of disagreement
- 10> Poland
- 1> Police apparatus
- 1> Policies independent of the U.S.
- 2> Policy issues
- 1> Policymaking process
- 2> Policy options
- 1> Policy planning
- 1> Policy toward Arab states
- 1> Policy towards Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
- 1> Policy towards U.S.
- 1> Polish Communist Party
- 1> Polish government
- 2> Polish intelligence service
- 1> Polish intelligence services
- 1> Political attacks on Giscardd’Estaing
- 1> Political considerations
- 1> Political costs involved in operation
- 2> Political crisis
- 1> Political infighting
- 1> Political instability
- 1> Political isolation
- 1> Political issues
- 1> Political opposition growing
- 1> Political outlook
- 2> Political parties
- 1> Political pressure
- 1> Political relationship with th US
- 1> Political stability
- 1> Poor economic situation
- 1> Poorly defined mission
- 1> Poor salaries
- 2> Popular discontent
- 1> Popular support for Solidarity trade union
- 8> Portugal
- 1> Portuguese colonial policies in Africa
- 1> Portuguese military
- 1> Porugal
- 1> Positive control
- 1> Possible bilateral agreement
- 1> Possible reciprocal accord with Algerian rebels
- 1> Post-crisis assessment
- 1> Postponements
- 1> Postwar economic recovery efforts
- 1> Potential IRBM sites
- 1> Power and influence declining
- 1> Prague
- 1> Pravda
- 1> Preliminary accord
- 3> Preliminary agreement
- 1> Premier Mendes-France
- 1> Premier Pierre Mendes-France
- 1> Prerequisites
- 1> Presence of USNS Richfield
- 1> Present trends and implications
- 1> Presidential Directive 59
- 1> President John F. Kennedy
- 1> President Mitterand’s Socialist Party
- 1> President Svoboda
- 13> Press reporting
- 1> Press reports
- 1> Pressure from Latin American countries
- 1> Prestige
- 1> Prestige considerations
- 1> Prevention of unauthorized disclosure of information
- 2> Prime minister
- 1> Prime Minister Adolfo Suarez
- 1> Prime Minister Balsemao
- 2> Prime Minister Fanfani
- 1> Prime Minister Faure
- 2> Prime Minister Mollet
- 1> Prime Minister Papandreou
- 1> Prime Minister Spadolini
- 1> Prime Minister Thatcher
- 1> Probably planted information
- 1> Problems at Pierrelatte
- 1> Problems with French labor situation
- 1> Problems with US economic embargoes against USSR
- 1> Production of nuclear weapons
- 1> Production slippages
- 1> Progress report
- 1> Progress toward Cyprus settlement
- 1> Project 78
- 3> Project Airstream
- 2> Project Cold Skin
- 1> Project NICE DOG
- 1> Project QUICK DIP
- 2> Project SKIN DIVER
- 1> Promoting French national interests
- 1> Propaganda broadcasts
- 1> Propaganda films
- 1> Prospects for political settlement dim
- 1> Protection of Paris
- 1> Protests from Australia and New Zealand
- 1> Prototype tactical nuclear weapons
- 1> Provide IRBMs
- 1> Provisional Irish Republican Army
- 1> Provision of technology
- 5> Psychological warfare
- 2> Public disorders
- 1> Public opinion polls
- 1> Purge of cabinet
- 1> Radar experiments
- 3> Radar intelligence
- 1> Radiation danger zones
- 1> Radioactive contamination
- 3> Radioactive fallout
- 1> Radio broadcasts
- 1> Radiodiffusion Francaise
- 1> Raise industrial output
- 1> Rambouillet meeting
- 2> RB-57 reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> Reaction in Western European governments
- 1> Reactions to French position
- 1> Reactivation of Fagataufa nuclear test site
- 4> Reactors
- 1> Reappraisal of Indochina policy
- 1> Rearmament
- 1> Rebel attacks
- 1> Rebel delegation
- 1> Rebel forces
- 1> Rebel leaders
- 1> Rebellion
- 1> Rebels
- 1> Rebel strength
- 1> Recognition of Communist China
- 5> Reconnaissance aircraft
- 2> Reconnaissance flights
- 1> Red Army Faction
- 1> Red Brigades
- 1> Redeployment of forces to Paris
- 1> Reduced defense spending
- 1> Reduced spending on conventional forces
- 1> Reelection campaign
- 1> Referendum vote
- 1> Reforms in Angola
- 1> Refugee camps
- 3> Refugees
- 2> Refusal to allow US nuclear weapons in France
- 1> Refusal to extradite Baader-Meinhof Group terrorists to Germany
- 40> Reggane
- 1> Regional cooperation
- 1> Regional elections
- 1> Rehabilitation law
- 1> Relationship with West Germany
- 1> Relations with government
- 1> Relations with NATO and US
- 1> Relations with USSR
- 1> Reliability of French military
- 2> Reliable source
- 14> Reliable sources
- 1> Relocation of US military bases
- 1> Removal of U.S. Air Force units
- 1> Renewed operations
- 2> Reorganization of French military
- 1> Reports are false
- 1> Request for U.S. assistance
- 1> Requests to Great Britain
- 1> Rescind French access to nuclear weapons data
- 15> Research and development
- 1> Research and development program
- 2> Research and development spending
- 1> Research facilities
- 1> Resentment of U.S.
- 1> Resignation
- 1> Resistance organizations
- 1> Resolution of Algerian problem
- 1> Resolving the conflict
- 1> Resource shortages
- 1> Restoration of normal diplomatic relations
- 2> Restricted areas
- 1> Restricted Data
- 1> Restricting credits and subsidies
- 1> Restricting immigration
- 1> Restrictions on cargo shipments
- 3> Restrictions on photographic reconnaissance flights
- 1> Restrictions on U.S. assistance to France
- 2> Results of nuclear tests
- 1> Results of visit
- 2> Return to power
- 1> Revision of accords with former colonies
- 1> Revitalization of economy
- 1> Revitalize French military
- 1> Revolt
- 1> Revolutionary regimes
- 1> Richard Nixon
- 1> Rightist activities
- 1> Right-wing opposition
- 1> Right-wing sentiment in West German armed forces
- 1> Right-wing settlers
- 1> Right-wing terrorists
- 3> Riots
- 1> Rising costs
- 1> Rising popular dissatisfaction with mainstream parties
- 2> Robert Lee Johnson
- 1> Role in Africa vital to French prestige
- 1> Role of French nuclear forces
- 1> Romania
- 1> Royal Air Force
- 1> Rumors about Pompidou’s health
- 1> Rumors of coup d’etat
- 1> Russian emigre groups
- 1> Russian traffic
- 1> Saar agreement
- 1> Sabotage
- 1> Saclay
- 1> Safeguards against proliferation
- 1> Safety arrangements
- 6> Safety of American ships around Mururoa
- 1> Safety precautions
- 1> Sahara
- 2> Salazar
- 2> Sampling operations
- 7> Satellite imagery
- 7> Satellite reconnaissance
- 1> Satellite relations
- 1> Satellites
- 1> Satellite warning
- 1> Scandinavia
- 1> Schedule of French nuclear tests
- 1> Schedule of nuclear tests
- 1> Schedule of upcoming nuclear tests
- 2> Schuman government
- 1> Scientific attache
- 4> Scientific intelligence report
- 3> Scientific measurements
- 1> Scientific vessels
- 1> Scope of French aid
- 1> Scope of French presence
- 10> SDECE
- 1> Sea-launched ballistic missiles
- 1> Second and final warning
- 18> Secret Army Organization
- 2> Secret collaboration
- 9> Secret source
- 14> Secret sources
- 1> Secret talks
- 1> Secret US-French discussions
- 1> Security of classified information
- 1> Security relationships
- 1> Security service
- 3> Security situation tense
- 1> Security testing
- 1> Security zone
- 1> Seismic stations
- 1> Seizure of power
- 1> Seizure of ship
- 4> Self-determination
- 1> Selwyn Lloyd
- 1> Shift in terrorist attacks
- 1> Shift of operations to French Polynesia
- 1> Shimon Peres
- 22> SIGINT
- 1> Site construction
- 1> Six Power Agreement on Germany
- 1> SLBM
- 2> Sleep networks
- 1> Small yield
- 1> Socialist Party
- 1> Source of plutonium
- 1> Sources of Mitterand’s political thinking about the U.S.
- 1> Southeast Asia
- 1> South Vietnam
- 1> Soviet ABM program
- 1> Soviet air activity
- 4> Soviet air force
- 1> Soviet air force flight activity
- 1> Soviet army
- 1> Soviet AWACS aircraft
- 2> Soviet codes
- 1> Soviet criticism of French nuclear policy
- 1> Soviet demands
- 1> Soviet diplomacy
- 2> Soviet intelligence services
- 1> Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia
- 3> Soviet military
- 2> Soviet naval activities
- 1> Soviet-picked government
- 1> Soviet propaganda
- 1> Soviet SA-3 missile deployment in East Germany
- 1> Soviet satellite launches
- 1> Soviet technicians
- 1> Soviet troop movements
- 9> Soviet Union
- 1> Space center
- 1> Space cooperation
- 1> Space launches
- 10> Spain
- 1> Special relationship with West Germany
- 2> Spectacular attacks
- 2> Split in Chinese communist party
- 1> Splits within old parties
- 1> Spy satellites
- 2> Spy ship
- 3> Spy ships
- 2> St. Christol
- 1> St. Louis Institute
- 1> Stalemated political situation
- 1> Stalin
- 2> Star Wars
- 1> State-controlled media conducting anticommunist campaign
- 1> State Department opposition
- 1> State-sponsored terrorism
- 1> Stay-behind operations
- 1> Stockpiling of nuclear weapons in France
- 1> Storage of nuclear weapons
- 1> Strained relations
- 1> Strategic bombers
- 1> Strategic demolition plan
- 1> Strategic nuclear systems
- 1> Strategic nuclear weapons
- 1> Strengthened political relations with Soviet Union
- 1> Strength of Israeli air force
- 1> Strike activity
- 2> Strikes
- 1> Stronger protectionist sentiment in UK
- 1> Strong presidential system
- 1> Student activism
- 5> Student demonstrations
- 1> Student discontent
- 2> Student riots
- 1> Studies in Intelligence
- 1> Suarez
- 1> Submarine-launched missiles
- 1> Substandard living conditions
- 1> Subversion
- 1> Successful domestic policies
- 1> Successful explosion
- 3> Successful nuclear test
- 2> Successful test
- 1> Successor to Georges Pompidou
- 1> Suffered setbacks
- 1> Sufficient degree of economic recovery
- 1> Supply flights
- 1> Supply of enriched uranium
- 1> Support flights over Panama
- 1> Support for Algerian rebels
- 1> Support for De Gaulle government from French armed forces
- 1> Support for JCS position
- 1> Support of Israel
- 1> Support within the French army
- 1> Surete National
- 1> Surete Nationale
- 1> Surveillance flights
- 1> Surveillance helicopters
- 2> Surveillance of French nuclear testing activities
- 2> Surveillance of French nuclear weapons tests
- 1> Surveillance of US Sixth Fleet
- 1> Survivability
- 1> Suspicion of democratic credentials of communists
- 4> Sweden
- 1> Swedish intelligence
- 2> Switzerland
- 1> Tactical nuclear bomb
- 3> Tactical nuclear weapons
- 1> Tahiti
- 1> Technical assistance
- 1> Technical difficulties
- 2> Technical problems
- 1> Technology leaks to the USSR
- 2> Technology transfer
- 1> Temporary restricted area
- 1> Temporary restricted areas
- 1> Termination of testing
- 4> Terrorism
- 2> Terrorist activities
- 9> Terrorist attacks
- 1> Terrorist groups
- 1> Terrorist incidents
- 3> Test delays
- 1> Test flights
- 3> Test report
- 2> Tests back on schedule
- 1> Tests cancelled
- 7> Test schedule
- 1> Test schedules
- 1> Test shots
- 1> Test site
- 1> Thatcher
- 1> Thatcher’s economic programs
- 1> Theater nuclear forces
- 1> The French presence in Africa
- 1> Theoretical weapons research
- 1> Thermonuclear materials
- 1> Thermonuclear warheads
- 14> Thermonuclear weapons
- 1> Thermonuclear weapons development
- 1> Third Air Force
- 1> Third World
- 1> Third World policies
- 1> Thor missiles
- 1> Threat of assassination
- 1> Threat of invasion of France
- 1> Threat to resign
- 1> Threat to unity of NATO
- 1> Threat to withdraw from NATO
- 1> Ties to OPEC
- 1> Tito’s funeral
- 1> Todor Zhivkov
- 1> Tolerance for terrorist activities
- 1> Too soft on Moscow
- 1> Tower shot
- 1> Trade relations with USSR
- 1> Trade Union Congress
- 1> Trade union federation
- 1> Training
- 1> Trands in European communism
- 1> Transfer of nuclear weapons
- 1> Transformation of the French political system
- 1> Transportation problems
- 1> Transport of bombs
- 1> Travel restrictions
- 1> Trigger nuclear war
- 1> Troop airlift
- 1> Troop dispositions
- 1> Troop movements
- 1> Troops confined to quarters
- 1> Troop strength in Algeria
- 2> Troop withdrawals
- 1> Troop withdrawals from Algeria
- 1> Tuamoto
- 1> Tuamotu Archipelago
- 1> TUC
- 9> Tunisia
- 1> Tunisia as interlocutor
- 1> Tunisian aid to Algerian rebels
- 1> Tunisian border
- 10> Turkey
- 1> Turkey under martial law
- 1> Turkey’s economic afflictions
- 1> Turkish government
- 1> U.S. airbases endangered
- 2> U.S. Air Force
- 5> U.S. assistance
- 1> U.S. Communications Intelligence Board
- 1> U.S. embassy Paris
- 3> U.S. government policy
- 1> U.S. military assistance
- 1> U.S. military intervention
- 1> U.S. military support
- 2> U.S. nuclear assistance
- 2> U.S. nuclear policy
- 1> U.S. nuclear stockpile
- 3> U.S. policy
- 1> U.S. refusal to sell advanced computers
- 1> U.S.-Soviet diplomatic relations
- 2> U.S. submarine detected off Mururoa by French
- 1> U.S. surveillance of French nuclear tests
- 1> U-2 reconnaissance aircraft
- 6> UK Foreign Office
- 1> UK trading problems
- 1> UK-US special relationship
- 1> Unbalanced and unstable
- 1> UNCTAD proposal
- 1> UN debate
- 1> UN debate on Algeria
- 24> Underground
- 4> Underground nuclear testing
- 1> Underground nuclear test program
- 1> Underground nuclear tests
- 1> Underground test facilities
- 3> Underground testing
- 1> Understanding with French
- 1> Understrength divisions
- 1> UN General Assembly
- 1> Unhappiness within Turkish military
- 1> Unilateral ceasefire declaration
- 1> Union of Socialist and Communist parties
- 2> United Nations
- 1> United Nations General Assembly
- 1> Unpopularity
- 1> Unsatisfactory communications security
- 1> Unskilled workers
- 1> Unstable political-economic situation
- 1> Unwillingness to abandon Algeria
- 6> Upcoming nuclear test
- 1> Uprising in Lisbon
- 5> Uranium
- 8> Uranium enrichment
- 1> Uranium isotopes
- 2> Uranium supplies
- 1> Uranium supply to Israel
- 1> USAEC
- 1> US and NATO strategy
- 1> US asked France not to sell
- 2> US assistance
- 2> US assistance to French ballistic missile program
- 3> US assistance to French nuclear program
- 1> US assistance to French nuclear weapons program
- 1> US assistance to French underground nuclear testing
- 1> US assistance to missile program
- 1> Use by French forces
- 1> US embassy Paris
- 1> Use of French military bases
- 2> Use of Nandi airfield
- 1> Use of surveillance helicopters
- 1> US-European relations
- 1> US-French negotiations
- 1> US intends to monitor French nuclear tests
- 1> USIS
- 1> US military bases
- 1> USMLM
- 4> US monitoring of French nuclear testing
- 1> US Navy
- 1> USNS Huntsville
- 1> USNS Richfield
- 3> USNS Wheeling
- 1> US nuclear deterrent
- 1> US nuclear relationships with France
- 1> US nuclear weapons support
- 2> US Pacific Command
- 2> US reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> USSR willing to scrap SS-20 missiles
- 1> US surveillance of French nuclear testing
- 3> US surveillance of French nuclear testing activities
- 4> US surveillance operations
- 1> UTA transport flights carrying weapons components
- 1> Valerie Giscard D’Estaing
- 1> Vatican
- 1> Vatican neutral position towards Italian domestic politics
- 1> Very expensive technology
- 1> Very sensitive study
- 1> Veto of British membership in EEC
- 1> Victory no longer possible
- 1> Viet Cong
- 1> Viet Minh
- 3> Vietnam
- 1> View of Eastern Europe
- 1> Violence
- 2> Violent demonstrations
- 1> Violent protests
- 1> Visa and passport requirements
- 1> Visit of Charles De Gaulle
- 1> Visits
- 1> Visit to Ethiopia
- 3> Visit to Moscow
- 1> Visit to West Germany
- 1> Voice of Tripoli radio
- 2> War in Indochina
- 1> War in Vietnam
- 1> Warnings to ships and aircraft
- 3> War warning
- 1> Watch Committee
- 4> WC-135 reconnaissance aircraft
- 1> Weak coalition government
- 1> Weapons
- 1> Weapons components being shipped by air via Panama
- 1> Weapons effects data
- 1> Weapons exports
- 2> Weapons hardening
- 1> Weapons research and development
- 1> Weapons sales to Third World
- 4> Weapons shipments
- 1> Weather data
- 1> We do not trust them
- 2> West Berlin
- 1> Western alliance and NATO
- 9> Western Europe
- 1> Western European terrorism
- 1> Western European Union
- 1> West German government
- 1> West German position
- 14> West Germany
- 1> West Germany’s Ostpolitik
- 1> What is De Gaulle after?
- 1> Wheelus air force base
- 1> Wide political support
- 1> Widespread labor discontent
- 1> Widespread searches for military fugitives
- 1> Williamsburg meeting
- 1> Williamsburg Summit
- 1> Will not ask for U.S. assistance
- 3> Willy Brandt
- 1> Withdrawal
- 9> Withdrawal from NATO
- 1> Withdrawal of forces from Germany
- 1> Withdrawal of French technicians
- 1> Withdrawal of US nuclear warheads from French missiles
- 1> Withdrawal of USS BELMONT
- 1> World economic upturn
- 1> World opposition
- 3> Yield estimate
- 3> Yugoslavia
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- U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 x