U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
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- 6> 1945
- 3> 1946
- 2> 1947
- 7> 1948
- 3> 1949
- 6> 1950
- 10> 1951
- 10> 1952
- 22> 1953
- 50> 1954
- 7> 1955
- 6> 1956
- 2> 1957
- 1> 1958
- 1> 1959
- 7> 1960
- 5> 1961
- 3> 1962
- 7> 1964
- 18> 1965
- 19> 1966
- 23> 1967
- 3> 1968
- 4> 1969
- 7> 1970
- 14> 1971
- 2> 1972
- 10> 1973
- 18> 1974
- 13> 1975
- 3> 1976
- 3> 1977
- 3> 1978
- 13> 1979
- 9> 1980
- 5> 1981
- 3> 1982
- 2> 1983
- 7> 1984
- 3> 1985
- 2> 1986
- 1> 1987
- 1> 2000
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Filter by subject
- Turkey x
- 1> ;abor legislation
- 1> 1957 Turkish Electronics-Communications Agreement
- 4> 1962 agreement
- 4> 1962 Karamursel-Sinop agreement
- 1> 40 Committee
- 1> 440L
- 1> Abortive coup d’etat
- 1> Abortive rescue mission in Iran
- 1> Access agreements
- 1> Access to cryptographic materials
- 1> Access to raw materials
- 2> Access to SIGINT facilities
- 1> Access to Turkish airspace
- 1> Access to US listening posts in Turkey
- 1> ADM
- 1> Admiral Frost
- 2> Admiral Layton
- 1> Admiral Mountbatten
- 4> AEDS
- 1> Aegean Army
- 1> Aegean developments
- 3> Aegean dispute
- 2> Aegean Sea
- 4> Aegean Sea dispute
- 1> Aegean Sea oil exploration rights
- 1> Aegean Sea territorial dispute
- 1> Aegean territorial waters dispute
- 33> Aerial reconnaissance
- 1> Aerial reconnaissance missions
- 1> Afghanistan
- 3> AFTAC
- 1> Agent training
- 9> Agreement
- 5> Agreement reached
- 1> Agreement with Basques on autonomy
- 1> Airborne reconnaissance missions
- 2> Airfields
- 1> Akrotiri air base
- 1> Albania
- 1> Alert memorandum
- 1> Alert status of U.S. forces
- 2> Algeria
- 1> Allen Dulles
- 1> Alliance defense policy
- 1> American bases in Turkey
- 1> Amphibious warfare
- 2> Anadolu Kavak
- 1> Anadolu Kavigi
- 1> Andreotti
- 3> Ankara
- 9> Antenna arrays
- 1> Anti-Americanism
- 1> Anti-nuclear activities
- 1> Anti-terrorist legislation
- 1> Anti-US demonstration at Iraklion
- 1> Armed forces on alert
- 1> Armenian terrorism
- 1> Armenian terrorist groups
- 1> Arms cut-off
- 4> Arms embargo
- 1> Arms purchases
- 1> Arms sales to Nicaragua
- 1> Army Signal Corps
- 2> Arrests
- 1> ASALA
- 1> Assassination of former Prime Minister Erim
- 1> Assassinations of Turkish officials
- 1> Assessment
- 1> Atomic bombs
- 1> Atomic demolition munitions
- 4> Atomic energy detection system
- 1> Atomic strike plans
- 1> Attempted coup d’etat
- 1> Attempts to form new government
- 1> Austria
- 1> Averse turn in US-Turkish relations
- 1> Aviano
- 2> Bad weather
- 1> Baltic Sea
- 2> Bankhead III
- 1> Ban on opium production lifted
- 11> Ban on SIGINT flights over Black Sea
- 1> Base closure
- 2> Base closures
- 1> Base phase-out
- 3> Base requirement
- 1> Base rights
- 30> Base rights negotiations
- 1> Basque autonomy
- 1> Basque autonomy issue
- 3> Belbasi
- 1> Belbasi nuclear test detection station
- 1> Belgians
- 4> Belgium
- 1> Berlin
- 1> Best by political, economic and internal security problems
- 20> Big Fan project
- 8> Black Sea
- 2> Black Sea area
- 2> Black Sea Fleet
- 10> Black Sea operations
- 1> Bomb El Al airliner
- 1> Border violations
- 1> Breakdown of political order
- 1> Brezhnev visit
- 1> Bridge to the Middle East
- 3> Briefing team
- 1> British crown colony
- 1> British domestic policies
- 17> British intelligence services
- 1> British military
- 1> British military bases
- 5> Bulent Ecevit
- 1> Bulent Ecevit visit to Washington
- 2> Bulgaria
- 1> Bulgarian military intelligence
- 1> Bulgarian operations
- 1> Bulgarian threat
- 1> Buying weapons from other NATO nations
- 1> Cabinet changes
- 1> Cakmakli
- 1> Calvo Sotelo
- 1> Camp David process
- 1> Cancellation of NATO naval exercise off Limnos
- 1> Catalca Line
- 1> Causes of violence
- 3> Cessation of flights
- 1> Chancellor Helmut Schmidt
- 2> Chancellor Schmidt
- 1> Changes in Finnish-Soviet diplomatic relations
- 3> China
- 1> Christian Democratic Party
- 1> Christian Democrats
- 1> Cipher machines
- 1> Clements
- 1> Close US facilities in Cyprus
- 1> Closure of all US intelligence bases in Turkey
- 1> Codewords
- 1> Collapse of Cossiga government
- 1> Combat readiness
- 2> Combat readiness levels high
- 2> Command relationships
- 1> Commitment for U.S. to defend Turkey
- 1> Communications equipment
- 2> Communications security
- 1> Communist Party electoral losses
- 1> Concern by Turkish military
- 1> Concerns within Turkish military
- 1> Condemnation of Soviet move
- 1> Conflict scenarios
- 1> Confrontation with Socialist Party
- 1> Congressional leadership
- 1> Conservative Party foreign policy positions at odds with US foreign policy
- 1> Constitutional struggle
- 1> Contacts with Libya and Syria
- 1> Contingency plans
- 1> Continued deterioration of diplomatic relations
- 1> Continuing diplomatic negotiations
- 1> Continuing political violence
- 1> Continuing source of friction with Turkish government
- 1> Contract agents
- 1> Contractual agreement negotiations
- 1> Control of Turkish oopium production
- 3> Coordination of effort
- 1> Cossiga government
- 1> Coup conspiracy
- 4> Coup d’etat
- 1> Coup planning
- 1> Cover
- 1> Cover story
- 1> Cover - survey flight
- 3> Covert action
- 1> Covert deployment
- 1> Covert status
- 2> Craxi
- 1> Cryptographic support
- 1> Custodial detachments
- 25> Cyprus
- 1> Cyprus Crisis
- 4> Cyprus crisis
- 1> Cyprus dispute
- 2> Cyprus problem
- 2> Cyrus Vance
- 1> Danger of broader hostilities
- 1> Danish pilots
- 1> Dardanelles
- 10> Dardanelles transit
- 1> DECA negotiations
- 1> Decimation of domestic terrorist organizations
- 1> Declining tension levels
- 1> Deepening unhappiness with Suarez by Spanish military
- 1> De facto Greek Cypriot state
- 1> Deficiencies
- 1> De Gaulle
- 1> Delicate situation
- 1> Delimitation of continental shelf
- 1> Demand for autonomy
- 2> Demirel
- 1> Denktash
- 6> Denmark
- 1> Departure of last British military troops
- 1> Deployment to Turkey
- 1> Desire to become overt
- 1> Destroyer patrols
- 1> Destruction of weapons
- 1> Detachment 27
- 1> Detachments
- 1> Detente in Europe
- 1> Deteriorating political and economic situation
- 1> Deterrence against Greek provocative behavior
- 1> DGER
- 1> Diminishing Basque terrorist activity
- 1> Diplomatic codes
- 1> Diplomatic considerations
- 1> Disappointment on peace talks issue
- 2> Disclosure of SIGINT to Turks
- 1> Dispute over air and sea rights
- 1> Dispute over drilling rights
- 1> Dispute with Norway over fishing rights
- 1> Dissident officers
- 1> Dissolution of government
- 26> Diyarbakir
- 1> Domestic stability
- 1> Don Rumsfeld
- 1> Dr. Herbert Scoville
- 1> Eanes will win presidential election
- 1> Early elections
- 1> Eastern Europe
- 1> Ecevit government
- 1> Ecevit government failing
- 1> Ecevit government may fall
- 1> Economic assistance for Turkey
- 1> Economic outlook
- 1> Economic plans
- 1> Economic sanctions against Iran
- 1> EC reaction to coup in Turkey
- 1> EC tariffs
- 1> Effort to bring down the Ecevit government
- 1> Electronic intelligence
- 1> Electronic intercepts
- 10> Electronic warfare
- 1> Electronic warfare capabilities
- 1> Electronic warfare capability
- 90> ELINT
- 1> ELINT conference
- 1> ELINT training
- 1> Emergency destruction plan
- 2> Emergency funding
- 1> Endemic violence
- 2> End of arms embargo
- 1> End of inter-communal peace talks
- 1> Enosis
- 2> Equipment
- 1> Equipment in short supply
- 1> Equipment limitations
- 1> Equipment shortages
- 1> Erhac
- 2> Europe
- 1> European Council statement of Middle East
- 1> European countries with serious foreign debt problems
- 1> European criticism of operation
- 1> European opposition to Long Range Theater Nuclear modernization
- 1> European parliamentary elections
- 1> European sympathy for Solidarity strikers
- 1> European views on SALT II negotiations
- 1> European vulnerability to Middle East events
- 1> Evacuation
- 1> Evacuation plans
- 1> Evolution of Aegean issue
- 1> Evren backed by Turkish military
- 1> Excessive political ambition
- 1> Expand Turkish SIGINT service
- 1> Expectation of increased violence
- 1> Explanation needed to justify surveys
- 1> Exploring buying arms from USSR
- 1> Extensive damage
- 1> Extraordinary security precautions
- 1> Extreme right-wing groups
- 2> Extreme sensitivity
- 2> Extreme sensitivity of negotiations
- 1> Extremist groups
- 1> Factionalism within Turkish insurgent groups
- 1> Failure of Turkish government reforms
- 2> Feasibility of the project
- 2> Ferret aircraft
- 2> Ferret flights
- 1> Fiscal austerity
- 2> Flight activity
- 1> Foreign economic assistance
- 1> Foreign mercenaries
- 4> Foreign Minister Gunes
- 1> Foreign policy
- 11> Formal agreement
- 1> Fortifications
- 1> Fort Monmouth
- 4> FPS-17
- 4> FPS-95
- 10> France
- 2> Frank Wisner
- 1> French austerity measures
- 1> French Indochina
- 2> French intelligence services
- 1> Fuel shortages
- 1> Funding problems
- 1> Future status
- 1> G-5 membership
- 2> GCHQ
- 1> General Dozier
- 2> General Evren
- 1> Generals implicated in plot
- 1> General staff
- 3> General Sunay
- 1> General Tural
- 1> General Yamut
- 1> German training facilities
- 7> Germany
- 1> GES
- 2> Giscard d’Estaing
- 1> Give Turkey additional SIGINT capability
- 1> Government security crackdown
- 12> Great Britain
- 1> Greater political stability
- 40> Greece
- 1> Greek-Cypriot military
- 1> Greek forces on alert
- 2> Greek intelligence services
- 4> Greek military
- 1> Greek military activities
- 1> Greek plan for use of military force
- 1> Greek politics chaotic
- 1> Greek territorial waters
- 1> Growing anti-American sentiment
- 1> Growing economic crisis
- 1> Growing political violence
- 1> Hans Dietrich Genscher
- 1> Headquarters forward deployed
- 1> Heavy layoffs in French steel industry
- 3> Henry Kissinger
- 1> High alert status
- 1> Higher readiness status
- 1> High tension levels
- 1> Huge Italian oil debt
- 1> HUMINT collection
- 1> Hungary
- 1> Hydrographic vessel
- 1> Iceland
- 1> Ideological polarization
- 1> Impact of Iranian Revolution on European oil prices
- 1> Impasse
- 1> Impasse in peace negotiations
- 1> Implementing agreement
- 1> Implications for U.S.
- 1> Importance of intelligence bases
- 1> Importance of project
- 1> Importance of Turkey to U.S.
- 1> Importance to U.S.
- 1> Imposition of martial law
- 1> Improved balance-of-payments situation
- 1> Improved internal security
- 1> Improvements in internal security
- 2> Improvements in treaty verification capabilities
- 1> Inability to pay debts
- 1> Inadvertent disclosure
- 4> Incirlik
- 1> Increased economic aid
- 1> Increased monitoring
- 1> Increased oil costs
- 1> Increase size of Greek forces
- 1> Increasing domestic arms production
- 1> Independence
- 1> Independent attitude
- 1> Industrial slump
- 1> Inflation and unemployment remain high
- 1> Information exchange with Turkish military
- 3> Information sharing
- 1> Inonu
- 1> Intelligence analysis
- 2> Intelligence assessment
- 1> Intelligence-channels only
- 3> Intelligence deficiencies
- 2> Intelligence estimate
- 132> Intelligence facilities
- 1> Intelligence facilities in Turkey
- 1> Intelligence liaison
- 1> Intelligence report
- 1> Intelligence staff
- 2> Intercepts
- 1> Inter-communal talks
- 1> Interested in joining NATO
- 3> Iran
- 1> Iran-Iraq war
- 1> Ireland
- 1> Italian Communist Party
- 1> Italian communists in government would make them respectable
- 1> Italian government
- 20> Italy
- 1> Jacques Chirac
- 1> Jan Mayen Island
- 2> JCS
- 1> Joint Anglo-American effort
- 2> Joint Chiefs of Staff
- 1> Joint manning
- 8> Karamursel
- 1> Kargaburun
- 1> Kargaburun LORAN station
- 1> Kurdish dissidents
- 1> Kurdish extremists
- 1> Kurdish problem worsening
- 2> Kurdish separatism
- 1> Lackluster performance
- 3> Lack of consultations at governmental level
- 1> Lack of coordination
- 1> Lack of economic assistance
- 1> Lack of money
- 2> Land acquisitions
- 1> Landing on north shore of Cyprus
- 1> Land purchases
- 1> Land request
- 1> Land requirements
- 1> Laredo
- 1> Legal dimensions
- 1> Legislative action
- 1> Less cooperation with U.S.
- 1> Lessening of tension on Cyprus
- 1> Let Turkey down on Cyprus
- 2> Libya
- 1> Li Mi
- 1> Limitations on operations
- 6> Limited disclosure
- 2> Listening post
- 64> Listening posts
- 1> Logistics
- 9> Long-range radar
- 1> Loss of Iran
- 1> Low-yield device
- 1> Lucian Truscott
- 2> Malta
- 1> Manpower
- 2> Manzarali Station
- 1> Mapping activities
- 3> Martial law
- 1> Martial law continues
- 1> Martial law extended
- 1> Mass unrest
- 1> Medevac flights
- 1> Menderes ousted
- 1> Middle East
- 1> Miliary facilities
- 1> Militarization of Greek Aegean islands
- 1> Military alert
- 2> Military assistance
- 6> Military bases
- 1> Military confrontation
- 1> Military construction projects
- 1> Military discontent
- 1> Military forces
- 1> Military junta
- 1> Military modernization programs
- 1> Military participation in demonstrations
- 1> Military regime
- 2> Military takeover of Turkish government
- 1> Mishandling of Turkish domestic situation
- 1> Missile intelligence
- 2> Mission aborted
- 1> Mission tracks
- 1> MIT
- 1> Mitterand
- 2> Montreaux Convention
- 2> Montreux Convention
- 1> Morale
- 1> Mota Pinto government mistakes
- 1> Mota Pinto not likely to survive
- 1> Motherland Party
- 1> Mounting political violence
- 1> Murted
- 2> National elections
- 1> National intelligence analytical memorandum
- 10> National Security Agency
- 1> National Security Decision Memorandum
- 2> National Security Study Memorandum
- 1> National Unity Committee
- 1> Nationwide political campaign
- 5> NATO
- 1> NATO declaration
- 1> Naval ELINT unit
- 3> Naval exercise
- 1> Naval exercises
- 2> Naval intelligence
- 2> Naval movements
- 7> Naval reconnaissance
- 1> Nea Makri communications station
- 1> Negotiating instructions
- 23> Negotiations
- 3> Netherlands
- 1> Neutron bomb
- 1> New economic policies
- 1> New Greek defense doctrine
- 1> New intelligence director
- 1> New Martens coalition government
- 1> New national elections
- 1> New Turkish government
- 1> Nikolaos
- 1> No confidence vote
- 1> No decision yet on Turkish invasion of Cyprus
- 6> No disclosure to British
- 1> No disclosure to Turks
- 1> No external support from Barzani clan in Iraq
- 1> No idea how to use SIGINT equipment
- 1> No joint operations with British
- 1> No large-scale troop deployments
- 1> No progress in inter-communal negotiations
- 1> No progress on problem at Pentagon
- 1> No progress to report
- 4> Norway
- 1> No success ending terrorism
- 1> No Turkish military coup d’etat
- 1> Nuclear cooperation with US
- 1> Nuclear targeting
- 1> Nuclear terrorism
- 4> Nuclear test detection
- 1> Nuclear test detection site
- 9> Nuclear weapons
- 2> Nuclear weapons security
- 1> Nuclear weapons storage sites
- 1> Nuclear weapons storage sites in Turkey
- 1> Nuclear weapons test
- 1> Nuclear weapon storage sites
- 2> Obsolete equipment
- 1> Obsolete or inoperable equipment
- 1> October national elections
- 2> Office of National Estimates
- 2> Office of Policy Coordination
- 1> Office of Strategic Services
- 1> Officer corps dissatisfaction
- 1> OPEC price increases
- 1> Open dialogue with Italian Communist Party
- 1> Operational restrictions
- 1> Operation SILVER FOX
- 4> Opposition political parties
- 1> Order of battle
- 1> Ordu
- 13> Orfordness
- 1> Organizational structure
- 1> Organization and functions
- 1> Organized rightist reactions
- 1> Otto Skorzeny
- 1> Outright acts of aggression
- 1> Overflight privileges
- 8> Overflight rights
- 8> Overflights
- 2> Overflights of Turkish airspace
- 13> Over the horizon radar
- 21> Over-the-horizon radar
- 3> Papandreou
- 1> Parachute drop on Nicosia
- 1> Paramilitary operations
- 1> Passive detection site
- 1> Personnel ceilings
- 1> Phaseout of base
- 4> Photo intelligence
- 1> Photo-mapping cover plan
- 1> Pirinclik
- 2> Plane missing
- 3> Poland
- 1> Policy statement
- 1> Political conflicts
- 1> Political extremists
- 1> Political extremists remain active
- 1> Political instrument
- 1> Political outlook
- 1> Political paralysis
- 1> Political revolution
- 1> Political stability
- 1> Political violence
- 1> Poorest member of NATO
- 1> Poorly constructed
- 7> Portugal
- 3> Port visits
- 1> Port visit to Yugoslavia
- 1> Possible war situation
- 1> Potential embargo on sale of military equipment to Turkey
- 1> Potential for open insurrection or civil war
- 1> Preemptive strike against Greece
- 1> Preparations for Cyprus invasion
- 1> Preparations for embarking invasion force completed
- 1> Presence of nuclear weapons in Turkey
- 1> President Evren
- 1> Presidential election
- 2> President Sunay
- 1> Pressure from Turkish General Staff
- 1> Prime minister
- 2> Prime Minister Adnan Menderes
- 1> Prime Minister Balsemao
- 1> Prime Minister Calvo-Sotelo
- 1> Prime Minister Craxi
- 3> Prime Minister Demirel
- 4> Prime Minister Ecevit
- 1> Prime Minister Irmak
- 1> Prime Minister Menderes
- 2> Prime Minister Ozal
- 1> Prime Minister Papandreou
- 2> Prime Minister Suarez
- 2> Prime Minister Thatcher
- 1> Progress on Cyprus
- 3> Project 78
- 1> Project approved
- 1> Project Azorian
- 1> Project Blackjack
- 1> Prospects for resolution
- 1> Prospects for Thatcher government
- 1> Prospects for Turkish military coup d’etat
- 1> Protect Greek claims to offshore waters
- 1> Protest strikes
- 1> Public affairs guidance
- 1> Public opposition
- 1> Questions about locations of US nuclear weapons storage sites
- 1> Quid pro quo on Cyprus
- 11> Radar calibration
- 1> Radar emissions
- 52> Radar intelligence
- 1> Radar signals
- 1> Radar systems
- 5> Radar tracking
- 52> RADINT
- 2> Radio intercept
- 1> RAF Feltwell
- 1> RAF mobile intercept unit
- 1> RAF mobile unit
- 1> Raw material prices
- 1> Raw materials
- 1> Reaction to arms embargo
- 2> Readiness levels
- 1> Readiness to intervene in Cyprus
- 1> Ready for invasion of Cyprus
- 1> Receiving tests
- 3> Reconnaissance aircraft
- 3> Reconnaissance flights
- 2> Reconnaissance missions
- 2> Reconnaissance satellites
- 1> Recurrence of terrorist attacks
- 1> Red Brigades
- 1> Reduce dependence on US military equipment
- 1> Reduction in violence
- 1> Referendum on Basque autonomy
- 1> Reggane
- 1> Reintegration into NATO
- 1> Relationship with NATO
- 1> Reluctant to inform Turkish Foreign Office
- 1> Removal of Greek forces from Cyprus
- 1> Replace tracking antenna
- 1> Republican Peoples Party
- 1> Requisitioning commercial vessels
- 1> Reshuffle of commanders
- 1> Resignation
- 1> Resignations
- 1> Resist Soviet expansion
- 1> Resolution of crisis
- 1> Restricting credits and subsidies
- 1> Restrictions on opposition political parties
- 1> Restrictions on travel lifted
- 1> Restrictions on USAF flight activities
- 2> Resumption of discussions
- 1> Resumption of US intelligence operations
- 3> Retention of facilities
- 1> Rising amount of political violence
- 2> Rising political tensions
- 1> Role in NATO will deteriorate
- 1> Role of Communist Party in Italian government
- 1> Role of military in Turkish politics
- 1> Role of Turkish military
- 2> Romania
- 1> Rothwesten
- 1> Royal Air Force
- 1> Rural insurgency
- 1> Sale of military equipment to Libya
- 2> SALT II treaty
- 3> Samsun
- 2> Sanitized intelligence information
- 1> SAS
- 1> Scandinavian Airlines
- 1> Schism
- 1> Schism within Western European communist parties
- 1> Schmidt-Honecker meeting
- 15> Scientific flights
- 1> SDECE
- 1> Secrecy
- 1> Secrecy of operations
- 1> Secretary General Luns
- 1> Secret deals with Western European countries
- 1> Secret sources
- 1> Security compromise
- 1> Security enhancements
- 1> Security precautions
- 3> Seismic intelligence
- 1> Sentinel Fan
- 1> Sentinel Shoe
- 1> Serious controversy
- 1> Serious economic problems
- 1> SESP
- 1> Settle Cyprus crisis
- 1> Settlement
- 1> Settlement of Rhodesia problem
- 1> Shutdown of operations
- 105> SIGINT
- 1> SIGINT Committee
- 1> Signal Laboratories
- 9> Sinop
- 4> Site 23
- 3> Site 9
- 1> Site survey
- 6> Site surveys
- 1> Size and composition of Turkish invasion force
- 1> Slowdown in growth
- 1> Socialist Party
- 1> South Africans
- 1> Soviet agreement to US reconnaissance overflights
- 1> Soviet aircraft carrier Kiev
- 1> Soviet air defense system
- 1> Soviet ballistic missiles
- 1> Soviet ballistic missile tests
- 1> Soviet Black Sea Fleet
- 1> Soviet espionage ring
- 1> Soviet foreign policy objectives
- 1> Soviet-French diplomatic relations
- 1> Soviet-Iranian border
- 1> Soviet military
- 1> Soviet military forces
- 1> Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan
- 3> Soviet missile test
- 1> Soviet missile test monitoring
- 2> Soviet missile tests
- 1> Soviet Molniya satellite launch
- 1> Soviet naval exercise
- 3> Soviet navy
- 1> Soviet overtures towards Turkey
- 1> Soviet policies in Southern Europe
- 1> Soviet seizure of Afghanistan
- 1> Soviet shipping
- 4> Soviet Union
- 1> Space launch detection
- 1> Space requirements
- 15> Spain
- 1> Spanish desire to join NATO
- 1> Spanish government wants to join NATO
- 5> Special Electronic Search Project
- 4> Special Electronic Search Projects
- 1> Special weapons
- 2> Spiraling political violence
- 1> START arms control negotiations to continue
- 1> State Department approval needed
- 1> State Department objection to plan
- 1> State-sponsored terrorism
- 1> Status of Force Agreement
- 1> Staybehind agent networks
- 2> Stay-behind operations
- 1> Strategic importance of Malta to NATO
- 1> Strike aircraft
- 1> Strip cipher
- 1> Student demonstration
- 2> Student demonstrations
- 1> Student radicals
- 1> Suarez
- 1> Suarez government
- 2> Submarine reconnaissance
- 1> Sugartree
- 3> Suleyman Demirel
- 1> Surveys
- 1> Suspension of US reconnaissance flights from Turkey
- 1> Suspicion and mutual distrust
- 2> Sweden
- 1> Sweeping social, economic and demographic changes in Turkey
- 1> Tactical intelligence assistance
- 1> Targeting of political figures
- 1> Target material
- 1> Telemetry intercept
- 1> Tension levels
- 1> Tentative agreement
- 1> Termination of 440L program
- 5> Terrorism
- 1> Terrorist activity has declined
- 1> Terrorist attacks
- 1> Terrorist attacks expected
- 1> Terrorist attacks on Turkish facilities
- 1> Test flights
- 2> Theater Nuclear Forces modernization
- 1> Thermonuclear weapons
- 1> The Turkish threat
- 1> Threatening to stage coup d’etat against civilian government
- 1> Threat of arms embargo
- 1> Threat of coup d’etat
- 1> TNF arms control talks
- 1> TNSS
- 1> Torpedo boats
- 4> Trabzon
- 1> Trade with communist countries
- 4> Training
- 1> Training of Libyan military personnel
- 1> Transfer to Turkish military
- 1> Transition to democracy
- 1> Transit of Dardanelles
- 1> Transit of Turkish straits
- 1> Transit rights
- 1> Trip to Moscow
- 4> Troop dispositions
- 4> Troop movements
- 1> Troops strength
- 1> Trying to split Socialists from Italian communist party
- 1> Turkey identified as key threat to Greece
- 1> Turkey threatening to invade
- 1> Turkey’s dependence on US military equipment
- 1> Turkey’s economic afflictions
- 1> Turkish air bases
- 12> Turkish airfields
- 2> Turkish air force
- 1> Turkish air force flight activities
- 1> Turkish air force overflights
- 1> Turkish-American strategic relationship
- 5> Turkish armed forces
- 1> Turkish Army
- 4> Turkish army
- 1> Turkish Chief Signal Officer
- 1> Turkish concern about Kurdish issue
- 1> Turkish coup d’etat
- 1> Turkish deadline for resumption of aid
- 1> Turkish domestic political scene
- 1> Turkish domestic politics
- 1> Turkish extremist terrorist groups
- 11> Turkish foreign minister
- 1> Turkish Foreign Ministry
- 1> Turkish generals
- 1> Turkish general staff
- 61> Turkish General Staff
- 1> Turkish Genera Staff
- 20> Turkish government
- 3> Turkish government authorization
- 5> Turkish intelligence services
- 1> Turkish intentions
- 1> Turkish internal security forces
- 1> Turkish legation Bulgaria
- 31> Turkish military
- 1> Turkish military superiority
- 1> Turkish military unhappy with prospect of Demirel government
- 1> Turkish military victory on Cyprus
- 1> Turkish Ministry of Defense
- 1> Turkish National Intelligence Organization
- 3> Turkish National Security Service
- 2> Turkish navy
- 1> Turkish research ship
- 1> Turkish seismic exploration
- 1> Turkish SIGINT organization
- 1> Turkish SIGINT service
- 2> Turkish Straits
- 1> Turkish threats of retaliation
- 1> Turkish troop movements
- 1> Turkish troop rotation
- 4> U.S. Air Force
- 1> U.S. intelligence facilities
- 1> U.S. intelligence requirements in Turkey
- 1> U.S. military bases
- 1> U.S. military presence
- 16> U.S. Navy
- 1> U.S. relations with Turkey
- 1> U.S. terminates interest in building site in Turkey
- 1> U.S.-Turkish relations deteriorating
- 1> Uncertain outcome of Iran-Iraq war
- 1> Unfulfilled expectations
- 1> Unhappiness with US government
- 1> Unilateral requirements
- 1> Unintentional outbreak of conflict
- 1> Union with Greece
- 4> Unrestricted aerial reconnaissance
- 1> Unsatisfactory military capabilities
- 1> UN Security Council
- 1> Upgrading electronic warfare capabilities
- 1> Upgrading theater nuclear forces
- 1> Urban terrorism
- 1> USAF worried
- 1> US aid cutoff
- 2> US arms embargo
- 1> US assistance
- 1> USCIB
- 1> US economic assistance
- 1> Use of Turkish troops
- 2> US intelligence facilities in Turkey
- 1> US military assistance
- 3> US military bases
- 1> US military presence in Turkey
- 1> US personnel barred from Turkish General Staff headquarters
- 3> US proposal
- 1> US reneging on commitment
- 1> USSR
- 1> US-Turkish Defense Cooperation Agreement
- 1> UTAH
- 1> Value of intelligence facilities
- 1> Verification of strategic arms agreements
- 1> Vicious domestic policy
- 1> Violence in Basque country
- 1> Violent by extremist groups growing
- 1> Voice of Tripoli radio
- 1> War plans
- 1> Warsaw Pact
- 1> Wartime preparations
- 1> War unlikely
- 1> Weapons being confiscated
- 3> Western Europe
- 4> West Germany
- 1> William Odom
- 1> Worsening economic problems
- 1> Yerolakkos
- 1> Yugoslavia
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- U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 x
Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Collection Id: us-intelligence-on-europe, Subject: Turkey]' returned
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Army-Navy Electronic Evaluation Group, Report, Summary Report No. 3 ::15 July 1953 - 15 October 1953, November 15, 1953, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Army-Navy Electronic Evaluation Group
Partial (No exact match found)
British Army, Memorandum, Ground Noise Listening Operation - Turkey, May 12, 1952, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
British Army
Partial (No exact match found)
British Army, Report, Turkey - Short Order of Battle, March 24, 1947, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
British Army
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Briefing, Turkey, January 1967, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Estimate, NIAM 11/20-1-75 ::Soviet Policy Toward Selected Countries of Southern Europe, February 4, 1975, Secret, CIA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Estimate, NIE-9 ::Turkey’s Position in the East-West Struggle, February 20, 1951, Secret, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Estimate, SNIE 29.3-64 ::Cyprus, June 19, 1964, Secret, CIA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Deteriorating Greek-Turkish Relations - An Update, March 8, 1985, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Greek and Turkish Military Capabilities With Respect to the Cyprus Crisis, November 5, 1965, Top Secret, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIA, Memorandum, Greek-Turkish Relations ::The Deadlocked Allies, May 1982, Secret/NOFORN, CREST.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)