U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
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- 1946 x
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- 1> .communist parties
- 1> "Z" Operation
- 1> Adolf Lium
- 1> Adoph Lium
- 3> Aerial incident
- 1> Aerial incidents
- 1> Agent
- 6> Agent networks
- 1> AK
- 2> Albania
- 1> Alfred Roscher-Lund
- 1> Allen Dulles
- 2> Anti-communist resistance organization
- 2> Anti-communist underground organizations
- 1> Anti-Tito groups
- 1> Army Protective Service
- 1> Arthur Pier
- 27> Austria
- 1> Azores
- 1> B-17 aircraft
- 13> Ballistic missiles
- 1> Baltic Fleet Air Force
- 1> Baltic Sea Fleet Air Force
- 2> Belgian intelligence services
- 3> Belgium
- 7> Berlin
- 1> Black market activities
- 1> Bolero Project, captured Russian officers
- 2> Bornholm
- 1> Botched operations
- 1> Britain
- 3> British Army
- 2> British intelligence
- 1> British intelligence service
- 44> British intelligence services
- 1> British scientific mission
- 2> British security service
- 5> BRUSA Agreement
- 1> Bucharest Station
- 4> Bulgaria
- 1> Bulgarian military intelligence
- 1> Canadian intelligence services
- 2> Captured documents
- 1> Captured photographs
- 1> Carlo Resio
- 1> Catholic Church
- 2> Central Intelligence Group
- 1> Change of command required
- 2> Charles de Gaulle
- 2> Chetniks
- 1> Chief of station
- 1> China
- 1> CIC
- 1> Cipher machine
- 2> Ciphers
- 1> Civil disturbancesr
- 3> Clandestine communications
- 1> Clandestine intelligence
- 1> Coastal artillery
- 3> Codebreaking
- 2> Codes
- 1> Codes & ciphers
- 2> Colonel Einthoven
- 1> Colonel James Fulton
- 1> Colonel Van der Gracht
- 1> Commander Dunderdale
- 1> Communications
- 1> Communist infiltration of French government
- 1> Coordination
- 1> Coordination of effort
- 2> Cornelius Fock
- 4> Counterintelligence
- 1> Cover designations
- 1> Covert intelligence
- 4> Croatia
- 4> Cryptanalysis
- 9> Czechoslovakia
- 1> Danish intelligence
- 1> Danish intelligence service
- 16> Danish intelligence services
- 1> Danish Military Intelligence
- 1> Defectors
- 20> Denmark
- 1> De Wavrin
- 2> Dewavrin
- 2> DGER
- 5> Diplomatic codes
- 2> Diplomatic cover
- 3> Diplomatic protest
- 2> Dunderdale
- 1> Duplication of effort
- 9> Dutch intelligence services
- 1> Dutch security service
- 1> Dutch Station
- 2> Eastern Europe
- 1> Economic conditions
- 1> Egyptian government
- 3> ELINT
- 1> Erich Wender
- 1> EUCOM
- 1> Execution
- 1> Father Leiber
- 1> FBI
- 1> Federal Bureau of Investigation
- 1> Ferret aircraft
- 3> Financial support
- 1> Finland, Finnish intelligence service
- 20> Finland
- 1> Finnish anti-communist organization
- 1> Finnish intelligence
- 1> Finnish intelligence services
- 2> Finnish State Police
- 32> France
- 1> French codes and ciphers
- 1> French communist party
- 1> French Communist party
- 3> French Communist Party
- 1> French intelligence
- 19> French intelligence services
- 1> GCCS
- 5> GCHQ
- 1> GCR
- 1> Gehlen
- 9> Gehlen Org
- 1> Georges Bidault
- 1> George Young
- 1> German intelligence
- 2> German intelligence services
- 2> German Station
- 1> German unity proposals
- 41> Germany
- 17> Ghost Rockets
- 29> Great Britain
- 7> Greece
- 2> Greek intelligence services
- 1> Guy Liddell
- 2> Hagelin
- 3> Herman Baun
- 42> HUMINT
- 9> Hungary
- 1> Indochina
- 1> Indonesia
- 1> Information exchange
- 1> Intelligence activities in Germany
- 4> Intelligence collection
- 2> Intelligence documents
- 2> Intelligence equipment
- 4> Intelligence exchange
- 1> Intelligence exhange
- 32> Intelligence liaison
- 1> Intelligence mission
- 1> Intelligence penetration operation
- 1> Intelligence report
- 3> Intelligence reporting
- 1> Intelligence requirements
- 1> Intelligence sharing
- 1> Intelligence sharing agreement
- 3> Intelligence sources
- 1> Interrogation
- 1> Interrogation of refugees
- 2> Interrogations
- 2> Italian intelligence services
- 1> Italy, Italian intelligence services
- 14> Italy
- 5> James Angleton
- 1> Jan Somer
- 7> Jewish Agency
- 1> Jewish underground
- 1> Jewish underground movement
- 1> John Bruce-Lockhart
- 2> Kim Philby
- 1> Kurt Daimfelt
- 1> Latin America
- 2> Listening post
- 1> Listening posts
- 1> Loose talk
- 1> Luxembourg
- 1> Macedonia
- 1> Maurice Thorez
- 1> Merchant marine officer
- 4> MI5
- 28> MI6
- 2> Military buildup
- 1> Military situation
- 2> Naval codes
- 14> Netherlands
- 2> Neutrality
- 1> No formal relationship
- 11> Norway
- 1> Norwegian Communist Party
- 1> Norwegian intelligence service
- 7> Norwegian intelligence services
- 1> Observations
- 1> Obstructive attitude of U.S. ambassador
- 2> Office of Naval Intelligence
- 1> Operation KEYSTONE
- 1> Oslo Station
- 1> OSS
- 1> OSS agent team
- 3> Palestine
- 3> Paris Station
- 1> Peenemunde
- 10> Poland
- 3> Polish intelligence service
- 3> Polish intelligence services
- 1> Polish underground organizations
- 1> Poor analysis
- 1> Poor leadership
- 1> Pope
- 1> Porkala
- 1> Portugal
- 1> Prague
- 2> Project SYMPHONY
- 4> Project Symphony
- 1> Purchase of intelligence documents
- 1> Radar systems
- 1> Radio intercept
- 1> Radio intercepts
- 2> Radio intercept stations
- 2> Ratlines
- 1> Red Cross
- 3> Refugees
- 1> Reinhard gehlen
- 8> Reinhard Gehlen
- 1> Religious leaders
- 1> Removal to USSR
- 1> Resistance organizations
- 1> Restrictions in intelligence liaison with British
- 1> Restrictions on information sharing
- 1> Ribiere
- 1> Richardson incident
- 9> Romania
- 1> Roscher-Lund
- 2> Royal Air Force
- 1> Royal Navy
- 1> Russian emigre groups
- 1> Russian intelligence in France
- 1> Russian traffic
- 2> Russian Zone
- 3> Scandinavia
- 9> SDECE
- 1> Secret Army
- 1> Secret intelligence files
- 1> Secret mission
- 1> Secret organization
- 1> Security classification
- 1> Seizure of power
- 1> Serbia
- 3> Shootdown
- 1> Shootdowns
- 27> SIGINT
- 1> Simon Gallienne
- 2> Sir Stuart Menzies
- 2> Sleep networks
- 1> Slovenia
- 1> Source of intelligence information
- 3> Sources
- 1> Sources of information
- 1> Soviet air buildup
- 2> Soviet air force
- 3> Soviet army
- 2> Soviet codes
- 2> Soviet intelligence
- 4> Soviet military
- 1> Soviet military activities
- 1> Soviet military buildup
- 12> Soviet navy
- 1> Soviet seizure of strategic industries
- 2> Soviet troops
- 7> Soviet Union
- 3> Spain
- 1> Spitsbergen
- 1> SS Hunter Victory
- 1> SSU
- 3> State Department
- 2> State Police
- 3> Staybehind networks
- 1> Submarine construction
- 2> Surprise attack
- 35> Sweden
- 1> Swedish Army
- 6> Swedish intelligence
- 1> Swedish intelligence service
- 14> Swedish intelligence services
- 1> Swedish Security Police
- 1> Swiss Federal Police
- 3> Swiss intelligence services
- 10> Switzerland
- 1> Symphony Project
- 2> Targets
- 3> Territorial violation
- 1> Trade union activities
- 14> Trieste
- 4> Troop buildup
- 9> Troop movements
- 1> Trygve Lie
- 3> Turkey
- 1> Turkish intelligence
- 1> Turkish intelligence services
- 1> U.S. Army
- 1> U.S. codes
- 1> U.S. diplomatic codes
- 1> U.S. military intervention
- 1> U.S. Navy
- 1> Underground groups
- 1> Underground organization
- 1> Underground organizations
- 3> USSR
- 1> Ustacha
- 1> V-2 rockets
- 4> Vatican
- 1> Vatican intelligence service
- 1> Vienna Station
- 1> War Office Liaison Group
- 5> War scare
- 1> Weapons smuggling
- 1> Wilhelm Evang
- 1> William F. Friedman
- 1> WiN
- 1> Wing Commander MacDonald
- 1> Winston Scott
- 1> Witold Szemaniak
- 3> Yugoslav army
- 23> Yugoslavia
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- U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995 x
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British Army, Letter, Chapman to Chamberlin, June 24, 1946, Top Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
British Army
Partial (No exact match found)
British Army, Memorandum, Italian SIGINT Service, April 23, 1946, Secret, NAUK.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
British Army
Partial (No exact match found)
British Army, Memorandum, Italian SIGINT Service, May 15, 1946, Top Secret, NAUK.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
British Army
Partial (No exact match found)
British Royal Air Force, Cable, Stockholm to Foreign Office, July 27, 1946, Top Secret Guard, NAUK.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
British Royal Air Force
Partial (No exact match found)
Canada Department of External Relations, Letter, Glazebrook to Hastings, July 10, 1946, Top Secret Cream, Canadian National Archives.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Canada Department of External Relations
Partial (No exact match found)
Central Intelligence Group (CIG), Report, Leahy to President, August 23, 1946, Top Secret, Harry S. Truman Library (HSTL).
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIG, Cable, CIG to ACC Bucharest Romania, December 12, 1946, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIG, Memorandum, Eddy to Joyce, November 6, 1946, Top Secret.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)
CIG, Memorandum, Embassy Space for the CIG Mission in Oslo, December 13, 1946, Secret, NARA.
U.S. Intelligence on Europe, 1945-1995
Partial (No exact match found)