Human Rights Documents Online

Your search for '*:*, filtered on [Subject: economy, Collection Id: human-rights-documents-online, Date: 2014]' returned 29 results.

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22nd APEC Economic Leaders` Declaration. Beijing, 2014

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An Imbalanced Outcome at Bali WTO Meet

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Around Europe Quaker Council for European Affairs NO354

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Around Europe Quaker Council for European Affairs NO358

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Business and Human Rights: ICJ welcomes steps towards a new treaty and to strengthen implementation of existing standards

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Business skills training course for beneficiaries of microeconomic initiatives

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Counting Change: How youth manage their money

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Ebola-affected countries lose more in corporate tax dodging than they spend on health

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Economic Costs of Violence Against Young Children in Turkey

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EXPOSED: How the Explosion of Patent Litigation Threatens the U.S. Economy In the New Independent Institute Book

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Fragile reforms

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Governing Natural Resources for Africa’s Development - Canada and Africa’s Natural Resources: Key Features 2013

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Mindanao’s shadow economies

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Myanmar: Dawei Special Economic Zone should protect rights of area residents

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New MyGovCost iPhone and iPad App

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PATENTS AND PROSPERITY Invention + Investment = Growth + Jobs 2014

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Portugal must protect human rights in its austerity programmes and combat discrimination

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Profiting from Probation

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Refugee Economies: Rethinking Popular Assumptions

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Report on economic and environmental activities: 2012-2013

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States Reap Huge Savings When They Contract with Private Prisons, New Study Finds

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The global economy: Turbulence ahead?

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THIRD WORLD ECONOMICS - Investment accords come under growing scrutiny

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THIRD WORLD ECONOMICS - UN adopts resolutions on sovereign debt and vulture funds

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THIRD WORLD ECONOMICS - WTO deadlock over trade facilitation, food stocks continues

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THIRD WORLD ECONOMICS - WTO deadlock persists

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THIRD WORLD ECONOMICS - WTO members discuss what lies ahead for Doha Round

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THIRD WORLD ECONOMICS - WTO misses trade facilitation deadline

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